Zeech's banquet as series of skill challenges?

Age of Worms Adventure Path

I'm not looking for a fight here, as I love D&D in all it's incarnations; I'm just looking for a little help. I'm DMing a group through the Age of Worms (in 3.5) and we are starting The Prince of Redhand finally. All of the group agrees, after much discussion, that when we finish the AOW adventure path, we are converting to 4th edition.
I would like to try to run Zeech's Banquet as a series of skill challenges, in preparation to converting editions. What I'm looking for is some advice on how to accomplish this. Ideally, I would describe each stage of the banquet as written in the module and then run some sort of skill challenge, incorporating the Authority Points schema for successes.
Has anyone else done this, and if so could you give me some pointers? If you haven't done this, but have run skill challenges, I would appreciate pointers on doing that as well. I plan on using the errata for skill challenges that came out earlier this month, or the Obsidian skill challenge system--I'm not sure what would be best. I only ran a little bit of 4th edition (1st half of Keep on Shadowfell) so I would like to use this opportunity to get my ducks in a row before converting full time.
Sorry for being so long winded.
Looking foward to receiving any help
Hope this isn't double posted---seems my first one got ate!


You really are starting in the deep end. I love Skill Challenges but I'm pretty much working my way up with them starting with smaller less complicated ones at lower levels and layering in complexity and such as I get more comfortable.

Did you check the skill challenge sample at the wizards site?

With a little change, it could be exactly what you need.

I am converting AOW to 4E but I havent reached that part yet, but I do plan on making it a skill challenge.

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