ANebulousMistress |

My compliments to Jason Bulmahn for his handling of the NPC characterizations in the Armageddon Echo. I've put more than a small amount of work into making this AP run smoothly for my group (yeah, all of one player but meh) and these NPCs needed no embellishment.
Eloquan in particular made me cry as I was prepping for game tonight. I read the description provided
All of the globes in the hall of memory are functional, and master librarian Eloquan (CG male elf expert 14), who refused to leave his precious library in the face of the coming apocalypse, still tends to them. Eloquan believes that the end is coming, but being extremely set in his ways, he feels no need to abandon the library—if it is to be destroyed, so must he. Eloquan knows that the elven seers have predicted that Earthfall will occur soon.
and I could hear Eloquan's voice in my head. Wise, old, sad, stubborn:
This library holds the collected knowledge of hundreds of generations of elves. We librarians have given our lives and our deaths to preserve the collective knowledge of our race and our world; there is nothing more important. If it is to be destroyed then so must I. I will not live in a world where this knowledge has been lost.
Now to see if I can actually recreate that voice for tonight's game. Hot damn I hope so.

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I don't know if this tread is still active, but I hope so.
At the end of Children of the Void, the PC found a map of Celwynvian. This map is printed on page 50 of the The Armageddon Echo.
But when the PC found it, it is written: "The map of Celwynvian could be of particular import to the Shin'Rakorath, as it include information on several key drow encampment and patrol routes (see Pathfinder #15)"
So my question is where are those information? They are not in The Armageddon Echo, at least i did not find them..

Joana |

I believe it was something that ended up getting cut between development of book 2 and book 3. The official word on it, iirc, was either don't mention the supposed markings when the PCs find the map in Children of the Void or else just invent where they are for the purposes of being useful to the Shin'Rakorath.

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Did anyone can pinpoint what is the level progression in Armageddon Echo? So far, i did not find any reference...
My feeling will be:
Up to the end of the Library: Level 7
The Alchemical raid up to the Battle at the academy - Level 8
In armageddoon's Shadow up to the end = Level 9
But as the next chapter is for Level 9, i am not sureif they should be only 2 level in that tome.

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I need advice to help me play correctly ILVERAE PARASTRIC.
Do you played him as a bard or as an alchemist?
Is level 9 bard is not a little hard for a level 7 party. Thanks again to Joey Virtue for his great work.
Laboratory Pg 23-25
I tried to make Ilverae Parastric as an alcemist but I just couldnt get the same challenge that the bard build could
Male Drow Bard 9
CE Medium Humanoid (Elf)
Init +5; Senses Darkvision (120 feet), Low-Light Vision; Perception +10DEFENSE
AC 26, touch 18, flat-footed 21. . (+5 armor, +5 Dex, +3 Nat, +3 Def)
hp 85 (9d8+29)
Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +5
Immune sleep; SR 15
Weakness Light BlindnessOFFENSE
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Thrown Fire +13 1d6
Ranged +1 Crossbow, Hand +12/+7 (1d4+9)
*Arcane Strike and Deadly Aim and bardic Performance figured in
Spell-Like Abilities Dancing Lights, Dark Adept, Darkness, Faerie Fire
Bard Spells Known (CL 9, +6 melee touch, +9 ranged touch):
3 (DC 18, 4/day)Confusion, Dispel Magic, Displacement, Slow
2 (DC 17, 5/day)Cure Moderate Wounds, Hold Person, Invisibility, Mirror Image
1 (DC 16, 7/day)Cure Light Wounds, Expeditious Retreat, Grease, Hideous Laughter, Unseen Servant
0 (DC 15)Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Message, Prestidigitation, Read MagicSTATISTICS
Str 10, Dex 16/20, Con 12/16, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 20
Base Atk +6/+1; CMB +6; CMD 27
Feats Arcane Strike, Bard Weapon Proficiencies, Brew Potion, Dark Adept, Deadly Aim +4/-2, Rapid Reload: Crossbow, Hand
Skills Acrobatics +17, Bluff +17, Climb +4, Craft: Alchemy +13, Diplomacy +10, Disguise +10, Escape Artist +10, Fly +17, Intimidate +10, Knowledge: Arcana +12, Knowledge: History +12, Perception +10, Perform: Dance +17, Perform: Sing +17, Ride +9, Sense Motive +17, Sleight of Hand +10, Spellcraft +12, Stealth +10, Use Magic Device +15
Languages Common, Elven, Undercommon
SQ Bardic Knowledge +4 (Ex), Bardic Performance (move action) (25 rounds/day), Bardic Performance: Countersong (Su), Bardic Performance: Dirge of Doom (Su), Bardic...

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As your stat block shows, this Level 9 character is a CR8 encounter, which is potentially a little tough for a 7th level party.
I was also tempted to rebuild this character in a more appropriate class, but ended up sticking with the original, just for simplicity.

flyingwerewolf |
In a couple of weeks my group of players should finish up this chapter of Second Darkness. So with that being the case I have a question regarding the Battle Point awards.
** spoiler omitted **Now my question is this, does the magic item need to be one item of whatever value they have achieved or can it be a number of magic items that total that amount?
hi, i 'am not certain of the translation in french of the part about the battle points :
is the amount of gold / magic items gain by the battle points global or for each character ?if it is global : the items will not be wonderfull and if it's personnal the item will be wahoooo
you advices ?

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Coincidentally, an answer for this showed up on RPG Stack Exchange recently...

Ernest Mueller |

Coincidentally, an answer for this showed up on RPG Stack Exchange recently...
Not really a coincidence since I posted the answer there. Was hoping for a more specific ruling on "1 inch equals something" though.

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Yeah I had to make alot of the battle tougher then originally presented
I used a Alchemist for the encounter and he gave my players a real challenge with the "stinking bomb" It was a fun part of the game. I almost killed 2 players they were both left with only 1 hit points.
The party wizard uses a black tentacles in the middle of the laboratory. Luckily for me, he miss the first combat maneuver so the combat get outside of the labo, but they got a heavy mess to clean after that.

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silverhair2008 wrote:In a couple of weeks my group of players should finish up this chapter of Second Darkness. So with that being the case I have a question regarding the Battle Point awards.
** spoiler omitted **Now my question is this, does the magic item need to be one item of whatever value they have achieved or can it be a number of magic items that total that amount?
hi, i 'am not certain of the translation in french of the part about the battle points :
is the amount of gold / magic items gain by the battle points global or for each character ?
if it is global : the items will not be wonderfull and if it's personnal the item will be wahooooyou advices ?
The reward is for each player, so if the get 11 to 15 BP, they will all received a 8000 gp object as a rewards. The rewards can be 1 item or a group of item for the total value.
Eviana thanks the PCs for all they have done, and depending on their success and the total number of Battle Points they’ve gained during the adventure, she awards them with their choice of magical items, gems, or jewelry in an amount as detailed on the table on page 19.

flyingwerewolf |
flyingwerewolf wrote:silverhair2008 wrote:In a couple of weeks my group of players should finish up this chapter of Second Darkness. So with that being the case I have a question regarding the Battle Point awards.
** spoiler omitted **Now my question is this, does the magic item need to be one item of whatever value they have achieved or can it be a number of magic items that total that amount?
hi, i 'am not certain of the translation in french of the part about the battle points :
is the amount of gold / magic items gain by the battle points global or for each character ?
if it is global : the items will not be wonderfull and if it's personnal the item will be wahooooyou advices ?
The reward is for each player, so if the get 11 to 15 BP, they will all received a 8000 gp object as a rewards. The rewards can be 1 item or a group of item for the total value.
Ref: Page 47: wrote:Eviana thanks the PCs for all they have done, and depending on their success and the total number of Battle Points they’ve gained during the adventure, she awards them with their choice of magical items, gems, or jewelry in an amount as detailed on the table on page 19.
thank's dear lizard

Lord Fyre RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 |

What happens if the PCs (who have a thriving business in Riddleport) tell Kwava "No"? (This is a reference his plea on page 8-9.)
Given the likely "neutral" alignments of characters from Riddleport (remember the campaign traits), the adventure has neither "pull" (inducement to go) nor "push" (compulsion to go) to get them to leave for Crying Leaf.

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What happens if the PCs (who have a thriving business in Riddleport) tell Kwava "No"? (This is a reference his plea on page 8-9.)
Given the likely "neutral" alignments of characters from Riddleport (remember the campaign traits), the adventure has neither "pull" (inducement to go) nor "push" (compulsion to go) to get them to leave for Crying Leaf.
You either end the campaign there and start something new, or you keep going and build an entirely different adventure for the PCs. Hopefully, by the time you get tot he end of the 2nd adventure, you know your players well enough to know how they'll take that answer and be ready for it.
Or even better, you adjust and sculpt and manage expectations during those 1st 2 adventures so that the PCs end up WANTING to help in book 3.
It's certainly an awkward transition, and one that if I had a time machine I'd go back and fix... but I don't so I can't so that falls to the individual GM to tackle.

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I think an easy way to motivate neutral players or those disinterested in helped the elves is to imply that Riddleport (and their precious business) might become a target of the drow along with the elves, or immediately after. A meteor striking Riddleport would be devastating for such PCs. Or, in a similar vein, what happens if the drow call down a large meteor on Celwynvian and Crying Leaf? Riddleport could easily be destroyed alongside it by the impact.

Joana |

I made sure that the PCs realized what happened last time a meteorite was called down to hit the planet: the destruction of all surface civilizations, even those not directly hit by Earthfall due to the sudden climate change. I also made it clear that the drow's plan was to bring about a "second darkness" so that they can take over the surface world and live in the open under the dark clouds caused by the impact. Even neutral or evil PCs ought to be motivated to save the world they live on.
In my game, a few of the drow escaped the battle in the sea caves at the end of Children of the Void and fled by ship. I had them take prisoners, including Samaritha and Akron, so the PCs were eager to chase them down.

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This may belong on the rules forum, but I'll start here.
Presuming identical gear and no extended observation, using darkvision in the dark, is it possible to distinguish drow from elves?
Or are their shapes and features substantially the same, other than color?
I ask because we are doing the siege and counterattacks in a campaign mode style of play, and we have over 600 elves in the surrounding woods, not including the drow that venture forth.
Granted we will normally have dim light outdoors when folks get into nighttime visual ranges, but without knowing exactly where everyone else would be, surprise attacks in darkness could be a bad choice for hasty attackers.
My PCs all have darkvision, and may be as likely to attack in the dark as the drow - although I will encourage defending parts of the elven encampment at night when the PC's allies don't have advantages to attack range and vision.

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Mechanically, identifying a creature is a Knowledge check - Knowledge(Local) for humanoids. Having limited sensory input might impose a DC penalty of some sort. Alternatively, given that all Drow in Golarion are irredeemably evil, you might also allow a Sense Motive check to determine the difference in stance or expressions.

Alacrity Fitzhugh |
A bit late to the party, here, but I've got a couple of question about this book.
1. Where are all the demons coming from? I'd have assumed Nolveniss, but as an Illusionist, he cannot summon or bind demons.
2. The Observatory - in the flavor text for Q1 it states the central tower is a "large domed structure", but the text for Q11 states it is a "large open-air rooftop". Which is true - enclosed dome or open-air platform?

Ken Blaney |
1. Where are all the demons coming from? I'd have assumed Nolveniss, but as an Illusionist, he cannot summon or bind demons.
Nolveniss is a member of a particularly powerful Drow family and so likely had other resources to summon and bind demons. Maybe they were summoned in the Darklands and then commanded to travel to the surface? Maybe he brought some summoners with him? Maybe he just has a deal with a demonlord who provided them?
2. The Observatory - in the flavor text for Q1 it states the central tower is a "large domed structure", but the text for Q11 states it is a "large open-air rooftop". Which is true - enclosed dome or open-air platform?
An open air room isn't necessarily clear up to the sky. It could imply that it simply has nothing to block the air/wind. In this case I'm picturing something like a compound dome to make room for the orrery.