Alacrity Fitzhugh's page

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Old thread I guess, but I'm just about ready to run this module, and I'm tripping over the levels. As I'm sure everyone knows, Endless Night ends with PCs at level 11, and A Memory of Darkness is for level 12-14 PCs. There's no downtime between books for an extra level. How have y'all handled this discrepancy?

Hey, y'all. Quick question - next session is the Flight from Darkness, and I see something that looks like a contradiction. The portal to Alicavniss's Refuge in the Vonnarc Collection (B13) room shouldn't work - that room has a permanent dimensional lock spell cast on it, which completely blocks interdimensional travel (and the portal is definitely that). How do I fix this in the context of RAW?

Heya! Any chance the NPC conversions above are stored somewhere else? None of the links work any more. Thanks!

A bit late to the party, here, but I've got a couple of question about this book.

1. Where are all the demons coming from? I'd have assumed Nolveniss, but as an Illusionist, he cannot summon or bind demons.

2. The Observatory - in the flavor text for Q1 it states the central tower is a "large domed structure", but the text for Q11 states it is a "large open-air rooftop". Which is true - enclosed dome or open-air platform?