Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper |

To me, the Companion Bond choice does not seem like a typical effect that a ranger would have. Rangers tend to be lone hunters. An effect that allows them to affect others does not really seem in line with the design concept of the class. Please consider replacing this with some other Bond effect, or simply with a bonus feat?

FenrysStar |

Hunter's Bond is a very useful option. It represents the end result of a ranger being able to direct those without his special ability to take down powerful monsters in a much quicker fashion. Think of hunter's bond as the benefit many big game hunters might have when they go on safari. For the target they're after one of them is well steeped in the lore of the beast and/or has fought the brute before and is sharing what he has learned with his fellow party members. Or imagine if a group of explorers included a big game hunter as part of the team and they run across a monster that the hunter has encounter or heard about. The hunter directs his fellows on how to best the beast and they take it down with few casualties. Your Ranger character in taking Hunter's Bond gets to be that big blowhard know-it-all in the party. Yeah, the advice is only good for certain kinds of monsters but in some fights that little bit of extra ability can mean the difference between party survival and TPK.

Cleric |
Typically, rangers are inclined to solitude, particularly from commoners
A companion is a staple of the ranger class. But I have to somewhat agree with you. The PRPGa3 ranger is much more of a hunter than a ranger. Most people would like to have a option to play a D&D-ish ranger. I'm certain your DM would allow you to take a feat instead of it and not worry about a overpowered player.
Looks like the evolution of the D&D based ranger mimics life. It has become a pure warrior with wilderness expertise suited for raids, ambushes and strike-attacks. Just remove the companion and use the non-caster variant.