Order #914265

Customer Service

I need to change the address on these preorders, and I can't find a way to do that. I don't have any subscriptions, so can't change the subscription address. Can I e-mail you with the change?

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

Pneumonica wrote:
I need to change the address on these preorders, and I can't find a way to do that. I don't have any subscriptions, so can't change the subscription address. Can I e-mail you with the change?

Of course!

I have found your email and changed your shipping address. I have also sent you a new confirmation email which should reflect the change.


Okay, here's one for entertainment value. The address has been changed, but I haven't received a confirmation e-mail. It's not that the confirmation e-mail is a vital part of this procedure, but I just thought you might want it brought to your attention. lol

Pneumonica wrote:
Okay, here's one for entertainment value. The address has been changed, but I haven't received a confirmation e-mail. It's not that the confirmation e-mail is a vital part of this procedure, but I just thought you might want it brought to your attention. lol

I just sent you another. Let me know if you get it.

Got it, thanks. It means there's no little hidden glitches in the e-mail distribution. Sorry for being a bother.

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