SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
David Fryer |
Are you using d20 Modern and d20 Future? They're extremely adaptable and modular, so you should be able to find what you're looking for.
They're just a little 3.25-ish, but it's an easy application if you and your players are used to 3.5 or even 3.0.
EDIT: What are the Iron Lords of Jupiter?
I've been weighing my options between D&D and D20 Modern. Both have good and bad points. Neither of them exactly fit what I want to do. Iron Lords of Jupiter (ILOJ) is a mini-game that Paizo published in Polyhedron 160-161.
Digitalelf |
If d20 modern/d20 future don't fit, what about the old Alternity system (which came out around 2000 or so)?
Just out of curiosity, what do you want to do that D&D and d20 modern/d20 future can't exactly fit? I mean those old Poly Mini Games were written for either D&D or d20 Modern...
Like I said, just curious...
-That One Digitalelf Fellow-
Artifact |
Iron Lords of Jupiter is a mini-game using the d20 Modern rules. If you're looking for additional inspiration or ideas, maybe check out Urbane Arcana (a campaign setting for d20 Modern). It has some fantasy elements that might be appropriate for an ILoJ game, with some tweaking.
I enjoy the planetary romance genre, and this li'l mini-game really captures the essence of its source material: The Mars and Venus series, the Flash Gordon comic strips. I love it. planetary romance has always put me in mind of Star Wars (as it might have been in the time of Burroughs and Raymond) for some reason (I know it helped inspire Lucas), so maybe its natural I enjoy it so.
I remember that in the section of the bookstore where you would normally find D&D, you could also find Tarzan books, Martian Tales, and Conan.
Eventually over the years, these began to give way to series like Dragonlance, later Forgotten Realms, Star Trek came early and eventually Star Wars novels (Heir to the Empire helped launch the Expanded Star Wars Universe, as I recall). I remember those early books well enough, though you have to actually search for them now.
David Fryer |
If d20 modern/d20 future don't fit, what about the old Alternity system (which came out around 2000 or so)?
Just out of curiosity, what do you want to do that D&D and d20 modern/d20 future can't exactly fit? I mean those old Poly Mini Games were written for either D&D or d20 Modern...
Like I said, just curious...
-That One Digitalelf Fellow-
I considered Alternity but most of my players are only familiar with D20 and don't want to learn a new system. D&D was never intended to be used for modern genre games but D20 Modern doesn't allow you access to psionics and magic at low levels, which is what my players want.
Katowice |
You might want to give True20 a look. I think it would work well for this kind of setting.
I considered Alternity but most of my players are only familiar with D20 and don't want to learn a new system. D&D was never intended to be used for modern genre games but D20 Modern doesn't allow you access to psionics and magic at low levels, which is what my players want.
SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
Digitalelf wrote:I considered Alternity but most of my players are only familiar with D20 and don't want to learn a new system. D&D was never intended to be used for modern genre games but D20 Modern doesn't allow you access to psionics and magic at low levels, which is what my players want.If d20 modern/d20 future don't fit, what about the old Alternity system (which came out around 2000 or so)?
Just out of curiosity, what do you want to do that D&D and d20 modern/d20 future can't exactly fit? I mean those old Poly Mini Games were written for either D&D or d20 Modern...
Like I said, just curious...
-That One Digitalelf Fellow-
I've actually been working on a system that would allow 1st level d20 Modern characters access to magic and/or psionics. Basically, a feat called Wizard Academy Trained (requires 4 ranks in Knowledge arcane lore), that would then give a single class (Such as Smart Hero OR (NOT AND) Charismatic Hero), access to a new set of Talents. These Talents would be Cast Level 1, Cast Level 2, Cast Level 3, etc. The feat would also give access to new class skills, like Concentration and Spellcraft, and also provide additional Bonus Feats to the selected Class, like Item Creation Feats, Metamagic Feats, and Reserve Feats. Spellcasting for the Wizard Academy Trained feat would be you can cast a number of spells per day at each spell level equal to your Intelligence Modifier. These spells must be cast from your Known Spells. Know Spell would be a new Class Skill, and for each skill point spent in it would equal 1 spell known (kind of like Speak Language in 3.5).
I know this description is a little sloppy; I haven't had time to really refine it, but I think it's fairly balanced for a High-Magic d20 Modern game. Basically you're trading out the Smart Hero's class Talents and Bonus Feats for a Wizard's, and all those extra skill points are probably going to go into Know Spell.
I've been working on this for Wizards, Sorcerers, Duskblades, Paladins, Warlocks, Dragon Shamans, etc. etc. I think it's workable. Might have to make up some new feats for some class features, like Acquire Familiar.
David Fryer |
You might want to give True20 a look. I think it would work well for this kind of setting.
I have thumbed through True 20 a couple of times, although I must admit that I was confused as to exactly how the system worked. It seems just dissimilar enough to D&D that I would have a hard time convincing my players to give it a chance. That's the same problem I had when I tried to get them to play Rifts.
David Fryer |
I've actually been working on a system that would allow 1st level d20 Modern characters access to magic and/or psionics. Basically, a feat called Wizard Academy Trained (requires 4 ranks in Knowledge arcane lore), that would then give a single class (Such as Smart Hero OR (NOT AND) Charismatic Hero), access to a new set of Talents.
I have also considered working p something like this. My idea was to take the base classes from D&D that most fit the roles I could see from Planetary Romance stories and then give them a D20 Modern twist. Based on what my characters want to play I would have to convert the fighter, psion, sorcerer, and scout. The other problem is that one of them wants to be a maecha pilot and another one wants to be a cyborg. I'm not sure how I would justify that in a PR style setting, although if pushed I'm sure I could come up with something.
SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
SmiloDan wrote:I have also considered working p something like this. My idea was to take the base classes from D&D that most fit the roles I could see from Planetary Romance stories and then give them a D20 Modern twist. Based on what my characters want to play I would have to convert the fighter, psion, sorcerer, and scout. The other problem is that one of them wants to be a maecha pilot and another one wants to be a cyborg. I'm not sure how I would justify that in a PR style setting, although if pushed I'm sure I could come up with something.I've actually been working on a system that would allow 1st level d20 Modern characters access to magic and/or psionics. Basically, a feat called Wizard Academy Trained (requires 4 ranks in Knowledge arcane lore), that would then give a single class (Such as Smart Hero OR (NOT AND) Charismatic Hero), access to a new set of Talents.
They have mecha and cybernetics rules in d20 Future. Just give them a steampunk or techno-organic or alchemical twist or something to make them more Planetary Romancey.
But mecha could be REALLY unbalancing if he's the only mecha. The rules give the mecha Str and Dex and AC (I mean Defense) scores, and provide the PC with bonus hitpoints, often in the triple digits. Plus some pretty devastating attacks, especially if you are using the d20 Modern rules for Massive Damage Thresholds.
David Fryer |
They have mecha and cybernetics rules in d20 Future. Just give them a steampunk or techno-organic or alchemical twist or something to make them more Planetary Romancey.
The mecha were easy to handle. They have appeared in some planetary romance stories like Visions of Escaflone. The cyborg was a bigger problem, but he could have always have come through some alien warp gate and not be able to return home.
But mecha could be REALLY unbalancing if he's the only mecha. The rules give the mecha Str and Dex and AC (I mean Defense) scores, and provide the PC with bonus hitpoints, often in the triple digits. Plus some pretty devastating attacks, especially if you are using the d20 Modern rules for Massive Damage Thresholds.
Personally I like the rules for Mecha from D20 Future Tech. They are more fitting for the way that I approach mecha in my game.
SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
SmiloDan wrote:Yeah, the mecha rules are pretty neat and simple, but if you got a Martian Swashbuckler on one side, and a mecha with an energy scythe on the other, I know where I'd wage my platinum!Yeah but that mecha pilot is going to have an awful hard time hitting that Martian Swashbuckler.
Not with his "LASERs."
**eeeeveeel laughter**
Or chain guns, RPGs, etc.
David Fryer |
David Fryer wrote:SmiloDan wrote:Yeah, the mecha rules are pretty neat and simple, but if you got a Martian Swashbuckler on one side, and a mecha with an energy scythe on the other, I know where I'd wage my platinum!Yeah but that mecha pilot is going to have an awful hard time hitting that Martian Swashbuckler.Not with his "LASERs."
**eeeeveeel laughter**
Or chain guns, RPGs, etc.
But if it's a juicer Martian swashbuckler...
SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
Mmmm....Martian juice....**drools like Homer**
Speaking of RPGs, I was watching the George Lazenby James Bond (Her Majesty's Secret Service), and at the climatic battle scene, the helicopters swooped in and used APGs!!!! (Arm Powered Grenades) I was rolling. And the timer on The Big Bomb was analog. No wonder no one ever watches it. But Telly Savalis's Blomfield had a really good Evil Scheme--engineer a bacterium that re-writes the DNA of its host so it can't reproduce, then threaten to release it against cereal crops.
OK, enough thread-jacking.
What's a Thark?
David Fryer |
Mmmm....Martian juice....**drools like Homer**
Speaking of RPGs, I was watching the George Lazenby James Bond (Her Majesty's Secret Service), and at the climatic battle scene, the helicopters swooped in and used APGs!!!! (Arm Powered Grenades) I was rolling. And the timer on The Big Bomb was analog. No wonder no one ever watches it. But Telly Savalis's Blomfield had a really good Evil Scheme--engineer a bacterium that re-writes the DNA of its host so it can't reproduce, then threaten to release it against cereal crops.
OK, enough thread-jacking.
What's a Thark?
One of the races from the Barsoom novels.
The humanoid Martians are harassed and preyed upon by the semi-nomadic Green Martians, a separate species with four arms and tusks who stand approximately four meters tall. The Green Martians are organized into loose hordes ranging over the dead sea bottoms, each horde taking its name from that of a dead city in its territory, such as Thark and Warhoon.
CourtFool |
I would add my voice to the True20 crowd. I do not think it is that dissimilar to D&D. Yes, there are some differences, but it sounds like you are looking for something a little different. Otherwise, you would just be playing D&D.
Instead of classes, there are roles. Anyone with experience with D&D can figure out which classes would fit into which roles.
No hit points and attacks of opportunity but I believe the True20 Companion has options for adding them back in. That is, if you absolutely have to have them.
The skills and feats are very similar to D&D. And the adept powers will allow your low level characters to have psionics.
Honestly, give it another look.
David Fryer |
I would add my voice to the True20 crowd. I do not think it is that dissimilar to D&D. Yes, there are some differences, but it sounds like you are looking for something a little different. Otherwise, you would just be playing D&D.
Instead of classes, there are roles. Anyone with experience with D&D can figure out which classes would fit into which roles.
No hit points and attacks of opportunity but I believe the True20 Companion has options for adding them back in. That is, if you absolutely have to have them.
The skills and feats are very similar to D&D. And the adept powers will allow your low level characters to have psionics.
Honestly, give it another look.
Actually my players ended up deciding to play Rifts instead.
Montalve |
try Dragonstar from Fantasy Flight Games
it already converts normal D20 classes to a setting with equal part technology and magic
it gives you also a couple new races and classes 563/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1218591809&sr=8-4
its already out of the print but you can get an idea around here.
beautiful setting, i only got to play it a few times before i changed from city, and here they were not exactly interested... but now that you mention it... it would be interesting to convert the classes of Pathfinder and adjust them with this :D
PS: ouch je didn't saw they had already taken their decision, enjoy Rifts, they say its cool
David Fryer |
PS: ouch je didn't saw they had already taken their decision, enjoy Rifts, they say its cool
Thank you for the suggestion anyway. I still hope to get a chance to run my planetary romance game once my Star Wars campaign ends. That campaign I have a very definate ending point in mind and so I will still be working on generating material for my PR campaign in the hopes that I will still be able to use it some day.