May I choose not to apply credit from an AP

Pathfinder Society

Lantern Lodge 1/5

So, basically - I played the RotRL Anniversary AP - and I (perhaps stupidly) got the XP applied to my Monk - without thinking (or maybe knowing back then) about the retirement arcs.

My question is - can I choose to ignore the XP from the Adventure Path, so when my Monk hits lvl 12, he doesn't instantly also hit lvl 13 and I miss the chance to start the arc?

Would really like to play Eyes of the Ten.

I feel it would be a bit unfair if I couldn't choose to just get rid of the XP...

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5

To the best of my knowledge once its applied to a character its a done deal and can't be undone.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, United Kingdom—England—Coventry

You can play your L13 monk through the All For Immortality series (another seeker arc) which is every bit as awesome as Eyes of the Ten

Grand Lodge 4/5

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Imhrail wrote:
To the best of my knowledge once its applied to a character its a done deal and can't be undone.

It hasn't been applied, though. It's still sitting in limbo.

Talk to your venture captain. They may be able to help you get it settled. I assume you were playing campaign mode? They might be able to move the credit to another PC number for you.

Grand Lodge 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Baltic

Stephen Wight wrote:
Imhrail wrote:
To the best of my knowledge once its applied to a character its a done deal and can't be undone.

It hasn't been applied, though. It's still sitting in limbo.

Talk to your venture captain. They may be able to help you get it settled. I assume you were playing campaign mode? They might be able to move the credit to another PC number for you.

Indeed, your venture officers are there to help. Maybe switching the chronicles to slowtrack might be an option.

5/5 5/55/55/5

chronicles get assigned to the wrong number all the time...

Shadow Lodge

Auke Teeninga wrote:
Maybe switching the chronicles to slowtrack might be an option.

Not in this case; the issue is that the OP wants to play this character in Eyes of the Ten, which absolutely requires that you be at 33 XP exactly in order to start it. Even on slow track, that makes it so that as soon as his character hits 33 XP, he'd apply this chronicle and end up at 34.5 XP, and be ineligible to play Eyes with that character.

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