Do you have a tattoo?

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Scarab Sages

Sigil wrote:
Krome wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
- a raised, one-inch scar on my chin (age 6) from a piece of my jawbone breaking off and cutting through my skin (fell out of a chair)

You broke your jawbone off from falling out of a chair!?!?!

Please tell me you were at least playing Superman and was leaping from chair to chair...

One guesses that there were intoxicants involved, and that you "forgot" to put out your arms to catch yourself.

Two reasons that is unlikely:

1. Shiny don't drink.

2. He was 6 at the time.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

No tattoos for me. Nor piercings. My wife has a nose stud and is planning to get an ankle tattoo to commemorate the birth of our daughter, but it's pretty low on the priority list right now.


Scarab Sages

Being a native Oregonian; we all have tattoos. A LOT of tattoos. A lot of BAD tattoos. Quick example my mom had more tattoos than I.

Tsulis wrote:
I am 40 and recently moved to Portland Oregon where I seem to be the only person without a tatoo. Do gamers usually have less tatoos, or is it just me?

I visited Portland last summer, and I've never seen a city with more ink. I want to go back in twenty years and see how many people are wearing long sleeves!

(FWIW, I have a tattoo of my own.)

I often tell people I am a card carrying geek and for that I can show them Daffy Won Kenobi.

I am the only gamer in three groups (since high school) to have ink. I waited until I was 30 to get the first one (a dragon) now I have three. The last is my pup's paw print with a constellation of him when he passed away after 15 years. We used to watch the stars together.

I have been toying with the idea of a d20, but that PF druid is pretty cool, or a gnome gninja, and the Paizo golem is enticing in its simplicity . (just kidding--I like paizo, but forever? :)

I want to see pics of your ink too, if you do not mind sharing.

Liberty's Edge

James Keegan wrote:
I have friends that love tattoos and I have friends that have successfully talked me out of getting stupid tattoos. I think I would like to eventually get some; maybe lobster claws on my forearms, or a squid clutching an atom bomb on my chest. The problem is being a giant mutant baby in a jar: not a lot of real estate and the look of revulsion on the tattoo artist's face is really discouraging.

Heh... I've actually been thinking about getting the squid/atom bomb tattooed on my person...

Liberty's Edge

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Third was this uber Nerd Wastem one I got along with my Army gaming battle buddies to commemorate our two years of gaming and our love of HoL before I left the service to return to civilian life.


Liberty's Edge

Chris Mortika wrote:
How many of our gaming characters have tattoos? (Not magical ones. Not psionic ones. Just permanent ink tattoos.)

Hmmm... let's see...

- Mike (D20 Modern) - smart 2 - ultra-tattooed punker guy
- Seann (Savage Tide) - wizard 1 / favored soul 1 - Celtic-themed tribal mage, uses tattoos as his spellbook
- Corvin (reg. D&D 3.5) - fighter 2 - has a fist tattooed on his right forearm

And that's just on the Paizo PbPs...

Liberty's Edge

Krome wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
- a raised, one-inch scar on my chin (age 6) from a piece of my jawbone breaking off and cutting through my skin (fell out of a chair)

You broke your jawbone off from falling out of a chair!?!?!

Please tell me you were at least playing Superman and was leaping from chair to chair...

Nope. My fat, caterpillar-like 6-year-old self couldn't reach the floor with his feet, and so, when *dismounting,* caught his feet wrong and fell like a log. Face-first.

Liberty's Edge

Ungoded wrote:
Sigil wrote:
Krome wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
- a raised, one-inch scar on my chin (age 6) from a piece of my jawbone breaking off and cutting through my skin (fell out of a chair)

You broke your jawbone off from falling out of a chair!?!?!

Please tell me you were at least playing Superman and was leaping from chair to chair...

One guesses that there were intoxicants involved, and that you "forgot" to put out your arms to catch yourself.

Two reasons that is unlikely:

1. Shiny don't drink.

2. He was 6 at the time.

Well, considering my family history, that probably wouldn't have stopped me.

Almost everyone in my family is alcoholic, and a large number of them have died from it- Irish + downstate NY + parents not home all the time + large family + mental illnesses = lots and lots of booze. My 78-year-old grandfather smokes three packs of cigarettes per day, and drinks three cups of two-parts-coffee-one-part-bourbon in as much time. Self destructive behavior? We've got it!

Grand Lodge

Vattnisse wrote:
Sweet. I'm 34 - most of my back and arms are covered by tattoos. The legs are next, once I can afford it.
Andrew Turner wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
I must say, that's one of the coolest tattoos I've seen; and Nous Resterons Là--Rock of the Marne!!

Top of the Rock, sir. ^_^ Thanks for the kind words, I've yet to meet someone that wasn't impressed by it. Even the local at Qatar liked it. I need to get some pics of the touchup I did on leave the other week. Not quite finished, but getting there. Neither are the wings, but I'm not really looking forward to the shading. Looking forward to it being DONE, but not looking forward to the work. XD

Some other shots I managed to dredge up.

Right chain.

Left chain.

Both chains.

Personal unit tattoo, designed myself. Yes, I know now it's close to something else. Don't read too much into it.

Not related to thread, but fun to show off.

Moff Rimmer wrote:
theacemu wrote:

I dunno about gamers and tatoos, but this ex-gamer has one!

As ever,

"Ex-gamer"? What's up with that?

I'm out brother...been out for about a year now!


Chris Mortika wrote:
How many of our gaming characters have tattoos? (Not magical ones. Not psionic ones. Just permanent ink tattoos.)

I've had a few with tats over the years. One of my Star Wars characters is heavily tattooed. And one character is pierced.

Chris Mortika wrote:
How many of our gaming characters have tattoos? (Not magical ones. Not psionic ones. Just permanent ink tattoos.)

I built an 'Over the Edge' character who was an emancipated minor who worked as a tattoo artist (and could create demon trap tattoos).

And I ran a character in a modern wierd game (using M&M rules) who owned a tatoo/piercing/ritual scarring shop.

Both had ink, though I don't remember the specifics.

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

Two for me, a Phoenix on my lower back (does it count as a tramp tattoo if it is about 20 cms square??) and a Dragon down my side (inspired by the tattoo on the cover on a Dragon mag).

However out of the 15 gamers over 3 groups, I am the only one with Tattoos.

Scarab Sages

theacemu wrote:
Moff Rimmer wrote:
theacemu wrote:

I dunno about gamers and tatoos, but this ex-gamer has one!

As ever,

"Ex-gamer"? What's up with that?

I'm out brother...been out for about a year now!


You may be a non-active gamer, but by being're still in the fold, man.

Liberty's Edge

theacemu wrote:
Moff Rimmer wrote:
theacemu wrote:

I dunno about gamers and tatoos, but this ex-gamer has one!

As ever,

"Ex-gamer"? What's up with that?

I'm out brother...been out for about a year now!


Well, whatever floats your soul, man. Say no to peer pressure.

Liberty's Edge

Here are the tattoos I've designed:

Cross - for a friend.

Skull/rose - rough design, hoping to tighten it up at some point. For another friend.

Straightedge design - crappy personal design

Kanji - for still another friend. He hasn't gotten it yet, though.

Ankh - for an ex-girlfriend (I'm still on good terms with her). This version is crooked. Grrrr... Anyway, she hasn't gotten it inked yet, and now wants me to add a rose to the design. Need to get going on that...

Personal crest - a random doodle that I ended up really liking. Definitely getting this one done at some point.

I hope to someday end up looking like Mike O'Neill.

Liberty's Edge

I have 5 total, tramp stamp of a tree frog, dragon on my left outer calf, Japanese saying down the top of my spine/neck, teddy bear on left shoulder for youngest daughter and heart of fire on the right shoulder for my oldest daughter. Each one has a meaning to it and symbolizes something important in my life. If I had a million dollars half my body would be covered in all the ones I want. And on that note if I had that money I would also have a killer body!!

My hubby (Dreamweaver) has the Scottish Lion on his left shoulder and a killer flame on his left inner forearm for our oldest daughter.

Liberty's Edge

I have 9 tattoos, but I'm the only tattooed gamer in my group of 5. I'm working slowly towards full sleeves, but I mostly only get new tattoos when I travel. My tattoos are:
1) A cave girl pinup drawn by Frank Cho.
2) A nude woman pouring an ocean from a jug (symbol for Aquarius).
3) A psychedelic colored snake wrapped around a golden apple hanging from a branch, and inscribed with a "k" for kallisti.
4) A frame of jungle foliage connecting the above three. All four are on my right forearm, and together form an image composed of the Star (Aquarius symbol, water bearer who brings the water of life) pourng fourth the waters of life, which blossom into a jungle, and in the jungle is girl -- mitochondrial eve? -- tempted by snake bearing the apple of Eris (Greek goddess of discord) which started the Trojan war.
5) A "goddess face" done in H.R.Giger style biomechanical b&w on my right shoulder, the capstone to my right sleeve. I imagine her as the Greyface aspect of Eris, which is a reference like maybe one person might get.
6) A skull shrouded in blue flames.
7) A human skull with ram horns.
8) A very large gold plated, jewel encrusted, fanged human skull pierced by a Tibetian style ritual dagger with a rattlesnake wrapped around the whole affair (so classic). All three skulls are on my left (sinister) forearm, which has a death and destruction theme to mirror the life theme of my right forearm.
9) A goblin riding a jackhammer like a pogo stick. That's on my right calf, and it sucks. Done by this chick in her living room with a single point needle, it's half scar tissue now. :(

They say your body is a temple. I always thought that meant you were supposed to decorate it. Apparently that isn't what that phrase means. I dunno.

EDIT: Chicks with tattoos are way hotter than chicks without them. Hah!

I've got 10 hours of tribal tattoos on my left arm, both shoulders, and all down my back. It's three different tattoos all done in roughly the same style and they blend together (the third went in between the first two and connected them). They're very nicely hidden by short-sleeved work shirts so none are the wiser at my jobs.

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