Best Adventure Path

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

I am starting a new campaign using the Pathfinder RPG beta rules. My group and I have talked about doing one of the Adventure Paths.

Our group likes 'Hack and Slash' then 'Role Playing' and does not like the Political aspect of the games.

What the best Adventure Path for us?


Sannos wrote:

I am starting a new campaign using the Pathfinder RPG beta rules. My group and I have talked about doing one of the Adventure Paths.

Our group likes 'Hack and Slash' then 'Role Playing' and does not like the Political aspect of the games.

What the best Adventure Path for us?


Age of Worms.

This being D&D, there's always a decent amount of Hack & Slash.

Rise of the Runelords certainly won't be found lacking in that department, but neither will Curse of the Crimson Throne. The latter does have some political intrigue in the background, but you can always let that stay in the background.

And both are allowing plenty of roleplaying as well.


I have played threw Shackled City and I am DM'ing the Age off far its a hard choice between those two.

I own all of the Savage tide series (haven't read them incase I am not the DM) and the pathfind stuff is great.

My opionion is that you can't go wrong.

I say run the Shackle city campaign and go from there. Granted with the beta rules you have to do some conversion but it shouldnt be to bad.

I STRONGLY recommned if you party like to craft there own magic items them tie in a decent amount of downtime in between adventures.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Jeremy Mac Donald wrote:

Age of Worms.

This. With a bullet. AoW is full of hack and slash fun. RotRL is probably next best, then Shackled City, then Savage Tide, and then CotCT.

Sebastian wrote:
Jeremy Mac Donald wrote:

Age of Worms.
This. With a bullet. AoW is full of hack and slash fun. RotRL is probably next best, then Shackled City, then Savage Tide, and then CotCT.

I absolutely agree with the order that Sebastian provided, Age of Worms was awesome... but keep in mind two things when deciding:

1. Availability. If you don't already have the Age of Worms Dungeon mags, it might be problematic to pick them up now. (I believe some are out of print)

2. Length. The Dungeon APs (Age of Worms, Savage Tide, Shackled City) were all 1-20. The Pathfinder APs are designed to be shorter (1-15). As I recall, this was because the main complaint about the Dungeon APs is that they were too long.

*Rise of the Runelords has the cool Player's Guide as a free download (not sure if there are physical copies left) and that is an awesome handout to start off a campaign.

Vigilant Seal

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Sannos wrote:
Our group likes 'Hack and Slash' then 'Role Playing' and does not like the Political aspect of the games. What's the best Adventure Path for us?

I say Age of Worms, without a doubt or second thought. Age of Worms has several factions of identifiable bad guys to combat. It can certainly be a slugfest in myriad environment and terrains.

Good stuff. My favorite adventure path ever because it was a grueling fight almost every encounter.

Don (Greyson)

Liberty's Edge

I haven't played Age of Worms, so I can't comment on that one. However, I believe that Rise of the Runelords is a really good series of modules for people who like good combat and role playing but don't want to get into politics too much. It has a wide selection of everything. Some action, some adventure, some comedy, and some horror. Also, I beleive it is easy to get a hold of here, and not too expensive if you spread the purchases out.

Of course, you could always try and find a copy of The World's Largest Dungeon. Probably harder to find, but it is a whole lot of adventure in one package. Not quite an Adventure Path, but a great way to test the Beta Rules against a wide variety of monsters.

Thanks everyone for the replies.

I have most of the Age of Worms Dungeon issue, but I am missing a few. Therefore, I will check to see if I can locate them.

I really like the idea of going from 1-15 in the new adventure paths. I read all of the Pathfinder issue descriptions and I think I like the Rise of the Runelords. I have the first issue at home and I think my local gaming store has issues 2-6. I really like the sound of issue# 4 "Fortress of the Stone Giants." It has the sound of the old G1-3 modules. I always loved those.

I am also thinking the Second Darkness Adventure Path sounds great. I am going to get a Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscription when I get home tonight. So I can get all of this AP.


Grand Lodge

Sannos wrote:

Thanks everyone for the replies.

I have most of the Age of Worms Dungeon issue, but I am missing a few. Therefore, I will check to see if I can locate them.

I really like the idea of going from 1-15 in the new adventure paths. I read all of the Pathfinder issue descriptions and I think I like the Rise of the Runelords. I have the first issue at home and I think my local gaming store has issues 2-6. I really like the sound of issue# 4 "Fortress of the Stone Giants." It has the sound of the old G1-3 modules. I always loved those.

I am also thinking the Second Darkness Adventure Path sounds great. I am going to get a Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscription when I get home tonight. So I can get all of this AP.


well you can always buy them here at Paizo or buy the PDFs otherwise.

I may do it, but issue #2 is on back order. Does anyone know if or when it will be available?

I am for sure checking my local Gaming Store to see if they have issue #2.


Liberty's Edge

Sannos wrote:
Our group likes 'Hack and Slash' then 'Role Playing' and does not like the Political aspect of the games.

Age of Worms or Savage Tide, agreed.

-DM Jeff

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