DDI: Ashardalon's Hoarde

4th Edition

New DDI article.

It has magic shields, amongst many, MANY other things. The shields do not grant AC bonuses, but let you do other things. Reading it now.

Man, I love the Bazaar of the Bizarre. Unfortunately, Gleemax goblins seem to be inclined to deny me access right now. Curse you stupid goblins! :P

Here's hoping I can get in tomorrow at work, if nothing else.

Edit: Anyone who has had trouble getting some of the DDI login stuff to work no doubt knows there are a number of work arounds for logging in without using a valid user/pass. Well, one of my favorite ones seems to have been closed up, but it seems like some of the other ones still work fine. Just saying. ;)

Edit2: Neat-o! I especially thought the Dragonshield was nicely done. Captured all those drawings of the brave knight crouched behind his shield warding off the dragon's fiery breath. Win. :)

It still bothers me that every time they add a new article, they log me off, so I have to re-log in. Doesn't help that the server that processes the request seems to have a clock speed set in geological time...

That being said, sweet article. lots of useful things, over all levels.

Ring of the Ghost Knight looks incredibly awesome.

Dark Archive

Hmm.. Seems i still cannot login to DDI.. upsetting..

Jason Beardsley wrote:
Hmm.. Seems i still cannot login to DDI.. upsetting..

I had to create a whole new login...my old one stopped working for some reason.

The Exchange

You know I never seem to have had the full story of Ashardalon who was he besides a Dragon with a demons heart with delusions of God-hood?

The vitrolic weapon is pretty cool. I like the acid splash on everyone around it when the weapon hits.

I don't understand homing. Does the weapon always ignore cover and concealment as the property line states or just when the daily is used?

Crimson Jester wrote:
You know I never seem to have had the full story of Ashardalon who was he besides a Dragon with a demons heart with delusions of God-hood?


He was the dragon behind a cult who wanted to be come a god. He was laid low by the Druid(ess?) Dydd [Dydd did him in :0 ], but took a balor and replaced his heart with it before he died. Most of the 3.0 Adventure path had some form of connection to him.

Sunless Citadel - Gulthias the Vampire Tree for example.
Heart of Night Fang Spire - Gulthias returns. One of the hardest adventures in 3rd edition IMO.
Bastion of Lost Souls - You fight the demmonic dragon and his offspring. The Pc(s) have the blood of Dydd in them and laid him low once more.

Azigen wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
You know I never seem to have had the full story of Ashardalon who was he besides a Dragon with a demons heart with delusions of God-hood?
** spoiler omitted **

The Standing Stones also featured an area where Dydd had a lot of impact, and there may have been one or two more tie-ins throughout the adventures. It's been a LONG time since I've run them, and my party ended up wiping in Lord of the Iron Fortress, so they never made it to Bastion of Broken(or was it Unborn?) Souls. Shame that ... I always wanted to run it too. Too long for a one-nighter though ... I wonder if it's convertible to 4E ...

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