KnightErrantJR |
Thanks KEJr!
(I should have just asked you at CK) :)
Was that it, or were there other Maztica articles? Anyone?
How about any Advetures in Dungeon?
I looked it up on the DragonDex site, and it looks like that was the only Maztica themed article that was ever run. Huh . . . I'm kind of surprised by that. Not that I figured there would be a ton of them, but I thought at least a few more might have happened closer to when the setting came out.
KnightErrantJR |
The knights in #315 were part of a larger conversion I did for my home game. If there's a clamoring to see it, I could probably find it in my old files. (It was written on the cusp of 3.0 and 3.5, and I know there are some changes I'd make with the benefit of hindsight.)
Definitely interested.
![]() |
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![Sheyln (Symbol)](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/runelords_god_symbols_FINAL.jpg)
Improved Clamor.
Indeed! Mark me down as part of this clamor.
Side note: are you aware the WotC Old D&D page has a handful of Maztica downloads? These days converting from 2E to 3E is almost nostalgic.
MarkusTay |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
![Imron Gauthfallow](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/6.-Id_portraitl.jpg)
That would be Greater Clamor. :D
And yes, I'm aware of ALL the free downloads over at WotC, and I STRONGLY advize everyone to get them now, because in a few short weeks the entire site is going to be a Pay Site, and I'm sure that includes all those wonderful FREE goodies.
The weird thing is, just as they decided to change to a pay-format (the DDi), the quality of material online there has gone WAY down. I don't bother with most of it now (except for the old-edition downloads), so why would I want to pay for it???
For $15 a month, I could be playing WoW, and be getting BETTER fluff and BETTER visuals.
Bellona |
You could also check out David Schwartz' own adaptation of the Aztec deities to 3.5. They can be found in the Class Acts (Divine) section of Dragon issues 352, 354, 356, and 358 (February, April, June, and August 2007, respectively).
It's not quite Maztica, but the flavour is similar, and nicely described a pantheon missing from the 3.0 version of Deities and Demigods. Thank you, David! :)
David Schwartz Contributor |
![Red Raven](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/06RedRaven.jpg)
You could also check out David Schwartz' own adaptation of the Aztec deities to 3.5. They can be found in the Class Acts (Divine) section of Dragon issues 352, 354, 356, and 358 (February, April, June, and August 2007, respectively).
And this follow up here on the boards.
David Schwartz Contributor |
![Red Raven](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/06RedRaven.jpg)
Gods' Domains:
Kukul: No clerics
Maztica: Druids only
Qotal: Air, Good, Healing, Law, Protection
Zaltec: Chaos, Evil, Strength, Trickery, War
Azul: Air, Evil, Law, Luck, Water
Tezca: Chaos, Evil, Fire, Sun, War
Plutoq: Artifice*, Destruction, Earth, Law
(*I have Creation written here, but Artifice is clearly the better fit.)
Eha: Air, Chaos, Travel, Trickery
Kiltzi: Chaos, Charm*, Community*, Good, Healing
(*Changed from Luck and Protection.)
Watil: Creation, Good, Healing, Plant
Nula: Animals, Chaos, Strength, Trickery
David Schwartz Contributor |
![Red Raven](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/06RedRaven.jpg)
Same except as noted here.
Common -
Human (Any region):
Uncommon -
Dwarf (House of Tezca): Lose attack bonus against orcs and goblinoids. Lose dodge bonus against giants. Gain +1 racial bonus to damage with stone-edged weapons (see Dragon #135).
Halfling (Far Payit): -2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con, -2 Int. +1 racial bonus on attack rolls with shortbows, composite shortbows, and thrown weapons. Favored Class: Ranger.
Rare -
Aarakocra (Any high mountain):
Language: Auran
Type: Monstrous Humanoid
Abilities: -2 Str, +4 Dex
Size: M
Speed: 20', fly 90' (average)
Darkvision: 60'
Natural Armor: +1 (cannot wear armor or use shields)
Combat: flying: 2 talons, 1d4 damage;
standing: bite, 1d3 damage
Claustrophobia: Shaken when in enclosed space.
Favored Class: Fighter
LA: +2
Tabaxi (Far Payit):
Language: Tabaxi
Type: Monstrous Humanoid
Abilities: +4 Dex, +2 Wis
Size: M
Speed: 40'
Darkvision: 60'
Natural Armor: +1
Combat: 2 claws, 1d3 damage; bite, 1d3 damage;
Improved Grab: if both claw attacks hit; 2 rakes, 1d4 damage
Skills: +4 racial bonus to Hide and Move Silently
Favored Class: Ranger
LA: +2
David Schwartz Contributor |
![Red Raven](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/06RedRaven.jpg)
Dog People
Green Folk
Nexalan (Common)
Nexalan is spoken in Pezelac with a rustic accent.
The following languages are mutually intelligible with an Intelligence (or Linguistics) check:
Nexalan-Kultakan DC 18
Payit-Tabaxi DC 16
Kolan-Green folk DC 5
Outsiders who can communicate can speak any language.
David Schwartz Contributor |
![Red Raven](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/06RedRaven.jpg)
Domain modifications:
Earth: Change level 8: iron body to statue
Evil: Change level 2: desecrate to hold person; change level 6: create undead to blade barrier
Good: Change level 6: blade barrier to hero's feast
Sun: Change granted power to: Your spells' saves are DC +1 when cast under natural sunlight; change level 2: heat metal to daylight; change level 3; searing light to invisibility purge
Hishna spells:
0 -
Dancing Lights
Detect Magic
Detect Poison
Ghost Sound
Know Direction
Purify Food and Drink
Read Magic
1 -
Animate Rope (commonly a snakeskin rope)
Calm Animals
Cause Fear
Death Watch
Disguise Self
Detect Animals or Plants
Detect Snares and Pits
Invisibility to Animal
Magic Fang
Magic Weapon
Pass Without Trace
Protection from Good
Silent Image
Spider Climb
Summon Nature's Ally I
True Strike
2 -
Alter Self
Animal Messenger
Animal Trance
Bull's Strength
Cat's Grace
Charm Person or Animal
Hold Animal
Minor Image
Mirror Image
Speak with Animals
Spiritual Weapon (dagger)
Summon Nature's Ally II
Summon Swarm
3 -
Bestow Curse
Charm Monster
Deeper Darkness
Dominate Animal
Greater Magic Fang
Greater Magic Weapon
Invisibility Sphere
Tiny Hut
Magic Vestments
Major Image
Sculpt Sound
Speak with Plants
Summon Nature's Ally III
4 -
Giant Vermin
Hallucinatory Terrain
Improved Invisibility
"Jaguar Form" (leopard)
Secure Shelter
Modify Memory
Summon Nature's Ally IV
5 -
Control Water
Insect Plague
Mind Fog
Persistent Image
Summon Nature's Ally V
6 -
"Dire Jaguar Form" (tiger)
Find the Path
Greater Scrying
Mass Haste
Mass Invisibility
Permanent Image
Programmed Image
Summon Nature's Ally VI
Pluma spells
0 -
Create Water
Dancing Lights
Detect Magic
Detect Poison
Know Direction
Mage Hand
Purify Food and Drink
Read Magic
1 -
Calm Animal
Delay Poison
Detect Animals and Plants
Detect Snares and Pits
Endure Elements
Expeditious Retreat
Faerie Fire
Feather Fall
Invisibility to Animals
Mage Armor
Magic Stone
Magic Weapon
Obscuring Mist
Pass Without Trace
Protection from Evil
Summon Nature's Ally I
True Strike
2 -
Animal Messenger
Animal Trance
Cat's Grace
Calm Emotions
Charm Person or Animal
Hold Animal
Mirror Image
Obscure Object
Protection from Arrows
Resist Elements
Speak with Animals
Spiritual Weapon (spear)
Summon Nature's Ally II
Whispering Wind
3 -
Dispel Magic
Gaseous Form
Greater Magic Weapon
Gust of Wind
Helping Hand
Keen Edge
Tiny Hut
Magic Vestment
Protection from Elements
Speak with Plants
Summon Nature's Ally III
Water Walk
Wind Walk
4 -
Air Walk
Break Enchantment
"Eagle Form"
Secure Shelter
Locate Creature
Minor Globe of Invulnerability
Modify Memory
Neutralize Poison
Summon Nature's Ally IV
5 -
Control Water
Control Winds
Mind Fog
Spell Resistance
Summon Nature's Ally V
6 -
Control Weather
Find the Path
"Giant Eagle Form"
Greater Scrying
Major Globe of Invulnerability
Mass Haste
Summon Nature's Ally VI
Wind Walk
David Schwartz Contributor |
![Red Raven](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/06RedRaven.jpg)
AL: any nongood
HD: d6
BAB: 3/4
Good Saves: Refl, Will
Skill Points: 4
Weapons and Armor: light armor and shields; all simple weapons and spear caster
Spells: Casts arcane as bard (with regard to spells per day, spells known, and armor). Key ability: Int. All hishna spells have a material (M) component - fangs, claws, pelts, etc.
Sneak Attack: as a rogue
Uncanny Dodge/Improved Uncanny dodge: as a rogue
Bonus Feats: as a wizard.
AL: any nonevil
HD: d6
BAB: 3/4
Good Saves: Refl, Will
Skill Points: 4
Weapons and Armor: light armor and shields; all simple weapons and shortbow
Spells: Casts arcane as bard (with regard to spells per day, spells known, and armor). Key ability: Int. All pluma spells have a material (M) component - birds' feathers, insect wings, etc.
Air Affinity: Fighter's BAB (1/1) when using a shortbow (or composite shortbow).
Evasion: as a rogue. Improved Evasion at 10th level.
Bonus Feats: as a wizard.
Skills: Animal Empathy (?), Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Handle Animal, Heal (plumaweaver only), Hide, Intimidate (hishnashaper only), Jump, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (nature), Listen, Move Silently, Profession, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival (was Intuit Direction and Wilderness Lore), Swim, Use Magic Device.
Knowledge (arcane) covers hishna and pluma magic.
David Schwartz Contributor |
![Red Raven](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/06RedRaven.jpg)
I've got some poisons listed here, but damage isn't listed:
Blood salt (Ing/Inj): Desert dwellers know to avoid salt the color of dried blood. Often dissolved in water; blood salt causes intense nausea.
Kurari (Con): The method of making kurari is known only to the halflings of Far Payit. It cause paralysis and is rarely fatal.
Nezca (Ing): Nezca is a mushroom that grows in the foothills and mountains. It is used to induce visions. However, the effects can linger for several days.
Tarqa root (Con): Only the root of this jungle plant is poisonous. The extracted powder causes debilitating seizures.
David Schwartz Contributor |
![Red Raven](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/06RedRaven.jpg)
There were a few more prestige classes -
A cleric of Qotal who has taken a vow of silence;
A cleric of Zaltec who could sacrifice people to metamagic spells;
A dwarven defender with elemental powers;
and something for halflings that escapes me at the moment -
unfortunately, I haven't found the writeups for those yet.
the DZA |
![Lascer, Lord of the Shadow Shoal](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/lascer_final_hires.jpg)
I've created a high quality 3.0 FR style map of Maztica, for anyone who's interested in having me send it to you just email me and include Maztica as the subject. The map is about 12 MB and is saved as a PDF. This is a great map if you're a fan of the newer style of FR maps, or a fan of Maztica in general. Word.
Seethyr |
Hey Maztica Fans!
It's so great to do a search on google for Maztica and find out there are still so many fans out there! The FR "alternative settings" really were my favorite back in the day. Truth is, I wasn't a big fan of history at the time, and I think these settings (Maztica, Al-Qadim, the Horde, etc.) changed all that. I actually became interested in their RL equivalents!
Anyway, I have created a yahoo group titled "Maztica Alive" and would love for other fans to come join me. The intent of the group is to inspire, create and share our own homebrew Maztica material.
Hope to hear from some of you!
Group home page: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MazticaAlive
Group email address: MazticaAlive@yahoogroups.com
bigmac |
![Mind Flayer](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/flayer.jpg)
The Maztica Alive Team (mostly Seethyr - who has turned himself into "the Michael Knight of Maztica") have now created two Maztica netbooks that you can download from Candlekeep:
- Monsters of the True World and
- The Great Skyhome
Scroll to the bottom of the page to see the download links.
This isn't the only stuff that Maztica Alive has done. You can see other things at the Maztica Alive Yahoo group.
Seethyr has also been very active on the Maztica forum at The Piazza. He is currently looking at nine projects for Maztica Alive to work on next:
1. The Land of the Holy Sun: A Guide to Lopango - Thorough investigation of the southern subcontinent of Lopango and its diverse races and peoples.
2. Claw and Venom: The Scorpionfolk of the True World - Guidebook to the societies of the scorpionfolk of the True World. Includes the short adventure module, The Den of Scorpions. Also provides additional detail on the Underdark of Maztica.
3. Myths and Legends of the True World - Detailed events and stories from the True World’s past told by the Most Honored Father and sage of Payit. Includes game information of creatures, people and items from each individual tale. Includes the tale of Diamond Eyes and the myth of Kai Kai and Tren Tren among others.
4. Remnants of the Past: Ruin based Adventures in the True World - A collection of ruin based scenarios set in the True World including The Ruins and The Ruins of Esh Alakar.
5. Blood Offering – The first full length Maztica Alive adventure. A dungeon crawl set in an ancient step pyramid where Maztican vampires and their werejaguar servants prey upon unsuspecting “tourists.”
6. Islands of the True World - Guide to the lands and inhabitants of the numerous islands surrounding the True World including Lopango Payos, and even Maztica’s own version of “Monster Island,” among others.
7. The Great Pyramid: Maztica and Planescape - A guidebook to Maztica’s unique cosmology and its ties to the rest of Faerun.
8. Fangs and Feathers: A Guide to Hishna and Pluma Magic - A comprehensive guidebook to the magic of the hishnashapers and the plumaweavers including spells and items of all levels of power.
9. The Scales of War: The Underwater Realms of the True World - A guide to the underwater realms and kingdoms near the shores of the True World. Includes kingdoms of the sahuagin and the vast merman sunken kingdom Nu.
From the conversation over at The Piazza, it is looking like number six and number nine might be merged into one project.
Seethyr is also hoping to work on a "generic set of rules (a Player’s Handbook/DM’s guide if you will) for Maztica in general", but is hoping to do this in a way that fits in with the work of David Schwartz.(Personally, I'm hoping that this final idea might turn into a 3rd edition Maztica Campaign Setting and will do for Maztica what FRCS did for Faerun.) Does anyone know how to contact David, so that I can put him in touch with Seethyr?
vikking |
bigmac wrote:Does anyone know how to contact David, so that I can put him in touch with Seethyr?*raises hand*
Wow. It's cool that people are still interested in my Maztica stuff.
Maztica was one of those settings that peak allot of peoples interest back in the day and WotC decided to drop during the conversion to 3e that should have been picked up.
I for one loved the idea of the setting and even ran my group threw a Maztec adventure just before we are selves switched to 3e. I was hoping that the setting would have made a come back into 3.5, but no.
Ive been doing allot of web searching in hopes of finding as much stuff that had been converted by others to incorporate into my whole world campaign setting Im creating and came across this old post. I for one thank you highly for your contributions to the Maztica setting.
Seethyr |
Hey all,
Glad I came back here to check things out (and look for Dave!). Since bigmac's post, there is actually a third book up which is located right here. It is a completely homebrew write up of the land south of Maztica known as Lopango. Its been given a Incan "flavor" based on what most have said about the land in the past.
There was a decent amount of material written on the tlincalli (scorpionfolk) of Maztica and their "retribution" on Amn for the plundering of Maztica. The next netbook, which is nearing completion, is completely focused on these creatures and many other authors have contributed to this ever-growing project. If you'd like to check out some discussion on the netbook's formation, you can find it on Candlekeep on this thread.
The next project after the scorpionfolk book will be a massive 3.5 overhaul to the campaign setting which will mostly be focused on the time period from Cordell's invasion all the way up to the Spellplague. Mr. Schwartz, what you've done here is amazing (just like the classes in Dragon) and I was wondering if it could be included in the project?
Either way, thanks for developing all this, it's such a shame that Maztica got dropped and then (literally) shunted out of existence! The "Maztica Alive! Yahoo Group" is located here if anyone else is interested in seeing what's going on.
0100010 |
I am currently in the process of making a very large Maztica themed module for Neverwinter Nights 2.
(I obtained Dustin Harbucks map some time ago to serve as the world map template)
If anyone is interested in contributing via writing, artwork, etc. please let me know. I'll certainly be checking out the materials linked by Seethyr and David.
Molden |
Hello. A question for David Shwartz.
I have made french translations for the Hishnashaper and Plumaweaver classes (Called Hishnamorphe and Plumartisan) that i have shared on a forum.
These ones being freely available at this topic, i had no legal reasons not to share them. Of course i mentioned the original author name with a link to this page. And needless to say that i do not intend any commercial uses of it and so on.
But i have also made translations for the Dragon Magazins #315's knight classes.
Of course these being officially published in the magazine, i wonder if sharing them would be strictly legal.
Thanks for your answers.