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Hey Sebastian!What's your single favorite thing about 4E? What's the one thing you would retcon? Thanks in advance.
Why do I suspect a trap?
Favorite thing is probably the reduced complexity in adventure/NPC creation. I don't know if I've had enough experience to sway what should be retconned, but I do wish there were more powers that were 'pushed' a little bit (e.g., a cleric spell that gives a big bonus to defense but doesn't let you do an attack, or if magic missile had a +10 to hit, but only did 1 point of damage).

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xredjasonx wrote:I will be and am playing 4th Edition. 3.5 was fun, but I don't think any form of it can compare to the fun I'm having now with 4E. No more clunky D&D for me. ;)Clunky D&D is as bad as 4evil. Give it a rest.
I wasn't going to say anything after apologizing and all that but ... yes, please don't poke at 3e.

The_Minstrel_Wyrm |

It is my sincere hope to play both as well. I've been DMing (a long time) and I have 2 groups (one I host at my home, the other I drive to a player's apartment as he is the host) anyway... both are in the middle of the first parts of the 2 Pathfinder APs. (The group at my home is in the middle of "Burnt Offerings" and the other group is more or less in the middle of "Edge of Anarchy") I'd say about half of my 'home' group would be willing to give 4E a try (and I really do like what they've done with the new edition) and the guys from group 2 have already expressed an interest in playing 4E, but actually want to see where CotCT is going, so we might not get to it for some time.
I ADORE Paizo! What these creative and innovative folks have accomplished is just amazing!
And perhaps WotC went about the announcement of 4E in a poorly thought out way... but it's over, and 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons is here and it is pretty cool in its own right. (I glad to see so many 'voices' in this same camp for a change. Refreshing.)
So... my 2 groups and I get to continue with Pathfinder APs, in my spare time I can read up and learn the new-ness of 4th Edition D&D, and so can my players that wish to play 4E, and then we're good to go.
Dean; the Minstrel Wyrm

bugleyman |

I hope to be playing both. I would be more than happy to *play* in a Pathfinder RPG game if I can find one, I just don't want to *run* one. At this point in my life the reduced DM load of 4E is just too compelling to pass up. So, I suspect that, if I enjoy Pathfinder at Gencon as much as I expect to, I will participate in organized play strictly on the player side, while I will run 4E in my home game (and possibly RPGA on occasion).
And CWM, kudos to you. If only more people stood up to the @$$clowns perhaps this board could reclaim its former luster.

Utak |

When 4th came out, I didn't have a real positive or negative reaction. At the time, I just was not interested. I love 3rd, why put money toward a new edition?
Well I have not purchased the books, but I did page through them during my visit to Barnes & Noble today. They really caught my eye. I liked the artwork. I liked the presentation. I even like the Tieflings. (I just never cared for Tieflings before).
Well the books are currently on my Amazon wishlist. Still not willing to put my own money towards them, but If I get them as a gift or if I cave, I will look forward to playing both Pathfinder and 4th Edition.

Zil |

We're planning on playing 3.5/Pathfinder in our group, but we did play 4E KoTS this weekend.
For my game, I'm using the Pathfinder Runelords adventure path and the Pathfinder RPG Alpha 3 rules and I expect this to be the main game we'll be playing for the next while. However, some friends who now live away and are more into 4E drop back in town every once in a while and when they do, I expect we'll play 4E with them.
3.5/Pathfinder is our preferred rules, but we did have fun playing the one-off 4E game so we'll continue to do that occasionally.
As for a stronger preference for 3.5/Pathfinder than 4E, I think my reasons pretty much match the original post. 4E was just a bit on the video-gamey side for us (and we were not huge fans of the Book of Nine Swords) and it's harder to get out of metagaming mode with it. 4E also seems to be a bit incomplete somehow and is missing some elements that are part of the classical D&D experience. That said, we still did enjoy 4E when we played - just not enough to give up 3.x as our primary game.

Mishi |

I don't yet own 4e, and I haven't seen most of the rules, but I do intend to pick it up at some point and give it a try. Currently, I'm DMing a 3.5ed RotRL game, playing in a 3.5 Eberron game and will be playing in a Pathfinder RPG CotCT game once my RotRL game comes to a close. I'm also playing in a couple of 3.5/Pathfinder PbPs here on the Paizo boards.
The group I play with tends to cycle around a very large variety of different RPGs - we've played D&D, WFRP, Exalted, WoD, Unknown Armies, CoC, Dark Heresy, Weapons of the Gods and enjoyed them all - there's probably even more that I've forgotten to mention.
It's likely that we'll probably enjoy playing 4e too - if that's the case then we'll be playing both (although not necessarily simultaneously), especially if the systems are considerably different from each other. We have a lot of D&D games on the go just now, but I do find it fun to play different games with different systems rather than sticking to the one system all the time. It's like changing DMs - it's nice to be able to DM a game and then play the next couple of games as a player. I guess that's why I never quite understood the 'one side over the other' sentiment that's gone on in various places recently. As long as people are having fun playing whatever game they're in, that's what's important :).