Why does someone choose to worship Asmodeus?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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Dark Archive

Michael F wrote:
Mosaic wrote:
linkified (although I'm not sure why ... Voltron?)
It's sort of a 1977 "proto-voltron".

Exactly. But Voltron was hte suck compared to Voltes both in storyline and dialouge, proving that newer editions are not always better *ahem*


woo hoo new page !

Scarab Sages

Michael F wrote:

It's sort of a 1977 "proto-voltron". The bad guys are aliens with horns (and fancy clothes), so maybe they look like Chelaxian diabolists?

I dunno. There aren't any picutures in the Wikipedia article. The pictures in the other link are all head shots, so you can't see what they're wearing.

The Wikipedia article links can get you a few things with better pictures, mostly here if that helps anyone.

I guess I'm sorta feeling it. But the color palette is a bit too old school animation for me. Chelaxians would be using a lot more red and black. But the emperor is working it with his curly blonde locks, little mustache,puffy sleeves, and cravat.

Although I don't recall seeing the writen up anywhere, I suppose it makes sense that some Chelaxian aristocrats would work at acquiring some kind of fiendish template so they could sport the little devil horns. And the posers would wear fake horns.

This thread is really starting to drift...the interesting ones generally do.

Related to the earlier comments on "kicking puppies" as measurement of evilness:

Did you see how quickly they USMC cut loose the "puppy tosser"? Seems like it can take a lot longer to process various other crimes, but that guy was gone in a flash.

Grand Lodge

Ok I was reading the boards this morning and came across this thread Peacock Spirit . That led me to Mithraic Mysteries and then to Eleusinian Mysteries and then I began to see how the Cult of Asmodeus in Golarion could flourish.

The cult of Asmodeus appeals to those with power and those who want power. A large number of politicians and business people across the world are cultists in secret. The Cult promises wealth, fame, or whatever the seeker desires and most importantly an afterlife as gods in the service of Asmodeus.

Members are recruited to join and must undergo initiation into the Rites of Mysteries. The Rites begin by imbibing a strong alcohol mixed with a psychoactive drug that produces hallucinations and feelings of euphoria. Initiates participate in rituals of sex, violence and money. The Rite ends with promises of ascension to godhood in the afterlife for the truly faithful (yes, this is a lie- but it is an evil religion after all). In diabolic godhood, Asmodeus will grant his servants domains though out the planes where they will be worshipped as gods, even the devils and demons will bow before them. The twisted spirits of the unfaithful and followers of the defeated gods will bow and worship them and seek forgiveness. The Asmodean Gods can abuse or consume or just relish the adoration of these forsaken spirits

The cult has nine tiers of rank (not necessarily tied to cleric spell levels) representing the nine circles of Asmodeus' domain. As members rise in ranks they undertake more gruesome and evil rituals. Third tiered initiates are required to make a living sacrifice and fifth level must sacrifice a sentient being.

All along the Cult promises wealth and power and godhood.

Many high ranking cultists can be found in positions of power such as ministries, generals and guild leaders. Membership has its privileges as high ranking officials seek to place their own cultists in positions of authority, thereby fulfilling at least some promises of the Cult.

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