Strange Loops; An Eberron game


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Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1


Male Half Elf Fighter 1/Sorcerer 1

Quickly grabbing his twin as she falls Deerian almost looses his grip as the scream tears through his mind. Fighting to keep his thoughhts to himself the young man lowers his sister to the ground and quickly checks that she's breathing.

As Iri rushes round his head snaps to look at her. "I have no idea. But we need to make sure they're ok.. Go grab one of the staff and tell them to go to the Ten Tier and ask for Flash. He needs to get here now!"

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

Irirangi nods.

"Flash at the Ten Tier."

She runs from the room, looking for a member of staff.

"What just happened? Anyone? Come on - tell me what's going on. People are getting hurt here. I'm not going to be patient about this."

cute, Starlan

Already on her way, walking down the hall to the private room, the waitress breaks into a jog when she sees Irirangi panicking down the hall.

"What's wrong? What's going on in there? I heard the smashing glasses, so I came to check."

Iri explains that Flash needs to come quickly from the Ten Tier Inn. The waitress nods and quickly jogs back into the main room.

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

Controlling herself with an effort, Irirangi returns to the room.

"I told them. He should be on his way."

Leaving Deerian to tend to his sister, she moves to Sillas and Starlan dithering over who to try and help first. Although she only falters for a matter of seconds, it feels like hours before she comes to some sensible decision.

"Merreck, you know Sillas. Can you make sure he's at least slumped so he can breathe properly?"

Then Iri goes to the sticken halfling and listens to his breathing.

"Dahl?, Benefor? Cassio? Aphra? Come on, you can't desert me now. I need to know what's happening. If anything happens to these people because of me, how can I forgive myself? I can't even get away from them or they from me - we're all stuck together and they can hear every word I think."

Merreck nods and moves over to Sillas, poking him a couple times. "Well, he's still breathing. Probably just knocked out. Who's this Flash guy anyway? A healer?"

Starlan's breathing is not far from normal; it is noticeably slowed, but steady. Iri's skill in healing and body processes would suggest that he is unconscious, but stable.

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

Do Iri's healing skills tell her if it's safe to try and rouse Starlan?

She could certainly try. Would you like to make a heal check?

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

Iri takes Starlan's pulse and tries to rouse him by gently tapping his shoulders and calling his name.

Heal: 1d20+3; [5,3] = (8)

Starlan does not rouse. He is sleeping quite deeply.

Girlfriend, quit messing about with the first aid. Slap him and get him awake so he can talk to us."

Irirangi's hand comes back and almost without thinking she does indeed slap the halfling's face. Quite hard.

Starlan is slapped awake by Irirangi, coming to consciousness a short while after the strike. His face is now bruised symmetrically, first from the fall, and secondly by the slap. He is disoriented enough that he doesn't quite know what happens, although he does remember falling face first into the table.

Welcome back, wingy

"Good trick, girl!" Merreck exclaims, as he lines Sillas up for a strike. There is something almost comical about the affair; Merreck tries to straighten Sillas in his chair, but everytime he goes to strike, Sillas slumps down, out of reach.

Eventually, Merreck puts one foot on Sillas' chest, holding him upright, before giving a solid slap.

Sillas rustles a bit, and eventually wakes up just in time to dodge another strike.

"There we are, birthday boy! Where have you been?"



You notice that the hand Iri slapped you with is glowing faintly purple.

Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1


"Wha-wha-what was that??? Something, some THING... overcame me..."

I notice the others also slumped/ recovering. Sillas seems to be recovering like me.

"Go on slap her, silly!" I direct to Deerian standing behind his sister, "What are you waiting for?"

Ooh! Glowing purple! Anyone who has detect magic should use it on the glowing purple, to see what they can learn. Iri's hand is still glowing, and you can use it ahead of time when Deerian slaps his sister to get a fuller reading.


only you can see the glowing purple. Glancing around the room, you notice that Sillas' cheek is also glowing purple.

Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1

Oh, well, ignore that comment everyone! :-)
But Starlan will suggest for anyone who can to use detect magic anyways,
and share what they can about what they notice...


OK, I got ya... Is my cheek also glowing? (like Sillas') And Merek's hand ISN'T glowing?

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

"It was a little crude, but whatever works I suppose. Thanks Aphra."

Irirangi looks apologetically at Starlan.

"Can you remember anything about what just happened to you?"


You can't see your own face, so you can't tell. Merreck's hand is not glowing. A faint glow begins to build on Deerian's arm.

Additionally, as Iri speaks to you, her form changes. Her face shifts, stretching impossibly, and almost melting before it reforms again, in a flash. Long sinewy tendrils spiral out of her mouth as she speaks, before retracting inward again. Her skin turns a deep red, and then a bright yellow, before she resumes her normal appearance.

Male Half Elf Fighter 1/Sorcerer 1

"Flash is a member of my family and something of a sorcerer.. He may be able to help guide us.." At the suggestion to slap his sister and being called silly the young half-elf's features stiffen.

"I will not be slapping my sister and nor will anyone else.. However if someone can get me some water I will try a more gentle option."

"It's all yours, noble sir." Merreck smirks. He reaches for the jug of water on the table and offers it to Deerian.

Male Half Elf Fighter 1/Sorcerer 1

With a polite smile and a look of murder in his eyes Deerian bows to the smirking man. "Why thank you." Gently the young man turns his attention back to his sister and attempts to wake her with a splash of cold water. Hopefully it would wake her still to try and help he gives his twin a soft shake.

Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1

edit: Water already taken care of. I'd still like to stand up a bit away from the table.


Oh, you've got Starlan scared. So scared he doesn't know what to do. :-) I don't know if there's a clock around, but he's sort of assuming it's noon-time, and that there's more to deal with here than just telepathic rings. Taking 10, Starlan gets a 16 on either Know:Arcana or Planes. Would he think a Detect Aberration effect could "light up" on Sorcerors or other Humanoid-Types? Would he expect a similar effect if an Aberration were to slap/attack a non-Aberration (leaving an afterglow where they hit) I really don't expect anything he knows will make him less scared though. :-)


The Gatekeeper Ritual of the Nightflower marks both Aberrations and Outsiders to the initiated. Only Starlan sees this shift in Iri's appearance, and the glowing on the others. I'll say it's a given that Starlan notices the glow as appearing right where the new 'dragonmarks' used to be.

Ellirayne appears to be coming around just as the waitress bursts back into the room.

"That Flash guy? He's not there. Ed said Flash left a short while ago. He said something about having to go take care of some luggage...I don't really know. What's going on here?"

"Get off me." Sillas grunts, pushing the drunk halfling away. "You don't have to hit me again.".
He sits up in his chair and looks around, asking "What happened? One moment I was just sitting there and the next Merreck is slapping me awake.".
He removes the contraption that Tara gave him earlier in the day and checks the time, trying to determine how long he was out.

You couldn't have been sleeping for very long. Enough time for a messenger to run to the Tier (not far) and back. 20 minutes at the most.

"What happened? Who knows! I do know that you spilled your drink all over me!"

Sillas glares at the halfling "I'm so very sorry.". H's developing a pounding headache.

"I think I'm going to have to ask you to leave now. It's far too early for you all to be this drunk. Can you all get home safely, or do I have to call a skycoach?" the waitress says, subtly flexing her arms in such a manner that her last sentence seems a euphemism.

Merreck strides up to the waitress, apologizing, "Ah, my dear, we are so sorry for any terror we have caused here. Some of our companions here have a bit of a narcoleptic bent; it seems they fall asleep without a moment's notice. Not a good mix with alcohol, I say! I'll make sure everyone gets home safely, don't worry." He winks at her and slips her some coin.

"We just need to wrap up a few things here. We'll be gone soon."

"Alright then, but know that House Lyrandar will be sent an invoice for any damages created by your...sleeping...or whatever." The waitress leaves the room, taking the alcohol and the coins, with her on her serving tray.

"Alright now, what's going on? Sillas, you better be well enough for your party tonight. Your mother is not going to take any excuse! You were sick every other year. How much longer are you going to mill about here? You need to get ready."

Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1

I'm fine leaving the establishment, and I'm not actually drunk.
"I... don't know what that was..." I dazedly murmur, glancing between all the ring bearers.
"I... think we should go to Isan's while we are here, perhaps he might know of phenomena like this..."
("Ring Bearers sounds so silly, huh?)
I almost took that drunk halfling comment the wrong way too! :-)

If I can pull Sillas away:


Err, how was that for you? I think I was out about as long as you....

What I saw..... Well, I think you might be interested in checking out our friend Irirangi here with an eye for magics, since you seemed somewhat acquainted with the arcane... I think there's more than what seems to the eye to her... as if that hasn't become obvious.
But... perhaps if we can visit Isan's Magic Shop across the way, I know there are some spells that can reveal Aberrations and Demonic forces, even when magic isn't involved... I'm telling you this because I don't understand everything I saw just now after blacking out, but I think we should know what we are facing.


You notice that the back of Ellirayne's neck begins to softly glow as well. Effectively making all of the 'marks' now glowing. Save for the ones you can't see.

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

Iri goes deep red again at the server's dismissal of them.

"It was only fruit juice and I didn't even have time to drink it before all this happened" she says a little sadly.

A thought strikes her.

"Merreck - did you say Sillas has a party tonight? Is he Sillas ir'Vraxeris?"

One of the everburning torches in the room begins to glow brightly. The flame dances and licks and easily grows to three times the size. The whole room is lit with a bright-white light, and the flame begins to coalesce into a human face...

Irirangi Biasharan. In these dark times, the Flame calls us all to do what we can. There is a task suited for you. Seek me.

Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1

"Ir-Irirangi --- Who was that?!?!?"

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)


Irirangi bows respectfully to the apparation.

"Honoured Father, I will present myself to you at the temple as soon as possible. I may be accompanied. Odd things are happening."

She bows again and then turns to the others.

"Solinthas is the head of my order. You won't know of course, but I'm a cleric of the Silver Flame. If he needs me, I must go at once. You might wish to come with me. Solinthas is very wise, he may be able to help us. I wish I looked a little neater." she adds absently.

"He's turgid speaker with a personality like wallpaper paste. He has no sense of style at all."

The flame shrinks down to its normal size. The visage of Solinthas vanishes completely.

Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1

"Oh. Silver Flame, huh? I wouldn't have guessed."
"Err... Perhaps it might be enlightening to pay the Temple of the Flame a visit... Since we're here though,
I still think it'd be productive to pop into Isan's shop to see if we can learn anything about our situation."
Take one last schwig for the road. Phew!


I wanted to see if Isan could 'appraise' our situation re: the marks/telepathy from his knowledge of bizarre arcane relics and such. I also thought Sillas (who seemed neither crazy or insular and arrogant) might be a spellcaster, and he could pickup a scroll of Detect Aberration/Outsider as per my suggestion.
I might also be interested in exchanging some items I have for some different ones, given the situation. Also, I'd rather keep the discussion of the Detect Aberration/Outsider (if those are distinct spells, that might narrow things down a bit) quiet from the group at large, since I'm paranoid that we're being listened to by some 'other force'.


Nothing so far has given you any indication that Sillas is a spellcaster. Besides, 'detect aberration' is a gatekeeper only spell. You would know to get scrolls of those from your order, not Isan's shop. Besides, you're the only one who can use them.

Regardless, you're already under the effects of a detect aberration spell.

If you want Isan to take a look at the affair, that's cool with me, but it's not up to me. You have to convince the others. Fair?

Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1


Sure, I deleted Sillas from the spoiler header...
I had just taken that he seemed familiar with Arcana from his description of his Mark's effect and whatnot. Irirangi also seemed to be a spellcaster of some sort (from the 'messy' talk about the kobold and her mother's greenhouse), but I can't really trust her at this point given what I've seen & heard.

Hopefully the group responds to going by Isan's. I *could* go to the GK's but I'd rather not if things are still working in the group. (I half expect to run into some GK's if we're walking around the city.) He's so paranoid that he's not sure if even his unspoken thoughts are being listened to, but if that's the case, there's not much he can do. :-)

The Detect scroll I was interested in, so that if Sillas could use it, he could see the same thing as me and have confirmation, since me just telling him isn't as persuasive. (I'm also not wanting to reveal the GK thing, if a malevolent being is indeed involved here and spying on us.)


Well, that's kinda the point. This is not a comfortable experience. Coupled with today being a very busy day for the GK's, and you as a guardian, there's a lot on your plate. Take it as it comes, but let it flow. The trust is not supposed to be there right away. You've only know these people for an hour or so!

"An exorcist, huh? This is a little fishy. Are you sure you don't know anything about what's going on in your heads?

Not that I care, all that much. If it weren't for Sillas being affected by this, I would've been gone by now. I couldn't imagine what it's like...all that chatter...noise...confusion. Horrible.

Reminds me of this time I was envoy to a group of particularly bored Illithid..." Merreck shivers a little.

"I say we go visit your pal 'Sal', if it doesn't take too long. We have a party to get to!"

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