Curaigh |
Sailor wakes up after being touched by the gods in his sleep? Awesome angle. What god would have the biggest stake in stopping the arch-villains? Hopefully someone a little off the beaten track. Greyhawk deities, right?
(see post 200 too)
greyhawk (or any) in the Savage Tide Players guide are some listed specific to Sasserine. A free download if you want. I think the biggest stake would be Gwynareff. I am sure I spelled that wrong, but if you look at the factions of Sasserine, she is among of them. The only PC for the STAP is based on her followers.
Oh bonus feat for a decent backstory (feat from the STPG or related dragon magazines ((which I have typed up somewhere)) ).
therealthom |
My boss kept me late tonight. I'll start character gen tomorrow. I'm thinking I'll just take the party average on levels because I'd like to make the character expert 1/ cleric N-1 where N is the party average level. That should leave him a little below the party power curve and I don't want to risk rolling low on the die for level. I'll build the expert aiming for a top notch AB sailor.
Or we'll see what the dice give me.
Curaigh |
My boss kept me late tonight. I'll start character gen tomorrow. I'm thinking I'll just take the party average on levels because I'd like to make the character expert 1/ cleric N-1 where N is the party average level. That should leave him a little below the party power curve and I don't want to risk rolling low on the die for level. I'll build the expert aiming for a top notch AB sailor.
Or we'll see what the dice give me.
N=6 I like the expert idea, but a rogue or bard or swashbuckler could give you the 'skills' as sailor if you want (assuming NPC classes are not as powerful as PC classes)
therealthom |
N=6 I like the expert idea, but a rogue or bard or swashbuckler could give you the 'skills' as sailor if you want (assuming NPC classes are not as powerful as PC classes)
Changed from expert to rogue. 6 skills per level for the expert weren't enough because of the character's low intelligence and rogue had enough fluff skills that I could fill him out well. (the character gen rolls were pretty tough. Search invisible castle for Amar 1 2 and 3. I ended up picking Amar 2.
I'm working on domains/ deity. Deity choice has been hard. Kord kind of fits, same alignment as the eladrin, good deity, but I'm not really feeling him. Obadhai or Farlanghn are calling Amar's name. Any suggestions from the DM's point of view about what would work best in the context of the adventure?
Curaigh |
Curaigh, sorry this is taking so long. I was going to type the first draft up tonight, but there was some drama in my Crimson Throne game I needed to address.
no worries, since I am down to three it is going slowly.
As far as deietys go, I was a gamer in the 80s when we were associated with the occult. So if you want to avoid naming an actual dieity (gray area occult O:), I am ok with it. As long as you know the domains and alignment of the deiety you are close enough.
If you want a little more direction, in Sasserine (player's guide?) are a list of temples. One of the temples went to three separate gods--all of which had a tie to the sea. This would fit with the rescued sailor bit, and probably gives you a lot of flexibility in domains. If it is not in the players guide, it is in one of the ST magazines. I will look them up tonight if need be. Again if you have an idea of the domains and alignment, we can bend the adventure to what you want to play.
Amar the Sailor |
Curaigh, a first look at Amar. Still very rough. Forget Kord, I'm changing that -- its in his background. Polytheism will be good. Combined with his ignorance about things religious it could be good.
I'll select domains tonight.
I'd like to pick his gear out of the wreckage. How well did the rest of the party know the officers and crew? Did the (presumably deceased) officers and crew have any cool stuff Amar could salvage? Since I'm dumpster diving I don't expect much in the way of high-powered gear, but I'd like to salvage a chest of potions and elixirs, who would that have likely belonged to?
What do you think?
Curaigh |
well i stay with your games
Curaigh, a first look at Amar. Still very rough. Forget Kord, I'm changing that -- its in his background. Polytheism will be good. Combined with his ignorance about things religious it could be good.
I'll select domains tonight.
I'd like to pick his gear out of the wreckage. How well did the rest of the party know the officers and crew? Did the (presumably deceased) officers and crew have any cool stuff Amar could salvage? Since I'm dumpster diving I don't expect much in the way of high-powered gear, but I'd like to salvage a chest of potions and elixirs, who would that have likely belonged to?
What do you think?
The people I started the pbp were once in my RL game, but they are all gone now, so none of the current party knew the captain. A chest of potions and elixers hmmm... It is conceivable a sailor was hoarding such things for when he made it port, and Avner Marivanchi--a noble who is financing the trip--did have a crate of wine. If you want to find some random items roll 2% d12 times. Earlier in the post, is a list of what the party rolled up, but the gear you have is fine.
Edit (found some inspiration): coffer of potions. What you expect might hold one bottle safe from being tossed aboard the confines of a ship seems to always have a bottle in it, no matter how often you empty the bottle.
Humans get a bonus feat so you are short one. Please mark which domain spells you have memorized. Did I miss sneak attack?
therealthom |
The people I started the pbp were once in my RL game, but they are all gone now, so none of the current party knew the captain. A chest of potions and elixers hmmm... It is conceivable a sailor was hoarding such things for when he made it port, and Avner Marivanchi--a noble who is financing the trip--did have a crate of wine. If you want to find some random items roll 2% d12 times. Earlier in the post, is a list of what the party rolled up, but the gear you have is fine.
Edit (found some inspiration): coffer of potions. What you expect might hold one bottle safe from being tossed aboard the confines of a ship seems to always have a bottle in it, no matter how often you empty the bottle.
** spoiler omitted **
Humans get a bonus feat so you are short one. Please mark which domain spells you have memorized. Did I miss sneak attack?
Since the potions and such are mostly healing/curative, I was thinking one of the bigwigs on the expedition had packed such a chest for use by the colony. Amar would have salvaged it from wreckage on the beach. I really like the coffer of potions, how much would it be?
How are you handling hit points? max at first level and roll the rest?
At sixth level I thought you got 2 feats and 1 ability bump. + the human feat leaves me with three feats total. Did I miss one?
Curaigh |
Curaigh wrote:
The people I started the pbp were once in my RL game, but they are all gone now, so none of the current party knew the captain. A chest of potions and elixers hmmm... It is conceivable a sailor was hoarding such things for when he made it port, and Avner Marivanchi--a noble who is financing the trip--did have a crate of wine. If you want to find some random items roll 2% d12 times. Earlier in the post, is a list of what the party rolled up, but the gear you have is fine.
Edit (found some inspiration): coffer of potions. What you expect might hold one bottle safe from being tossed aboard the confines of a ship seems to always have a bottle in it, no matter how often you empty the bottle.
** spoiler omitted **
Humans get a bonus feat so you are short one. Please mark which domain spells you have memorized. Did I miss sneak attack?
Since the potions and such are mostly healing/curative, I was thinking one of the bigwigs on the expedition had packed such a chest for use by the colony. Amar would have salvaged it from wreckage on the beach. I really like the coffer of potions, how much would it be?
How are you handling hit points? max at first level and roll the rest?
At sixth level I thought you got 2 feats and 1 ability bump. + the human feat leaves me with three feats total. Did I miss one?
3.5 not pathfinder, so feats at 1 (+human bonus), 3, 6, 9, etc. so four for a human 4th level. Ability bump is +1 at 4, 8, 12, etc.
The potion coffer is a bonus, the potions in it will need to come from your starting gold.
HP max at first, best of three for the others (based on action points 2 ap=one reroll)
Amar the Sailor |
Curaigh |
One more thing. I want to write up Amar in The wreck.. Was the ship driven onto the beach, a reef. Was it poor sailing or a storm or something else?
yeah this also gives a better hp than average and with T-rexes about that is important.
The Wyvern suffered some from a living sargasso (-5 to sail checks), then she wandered too far into the Glutton's territory and he took a huge chunk of the ship and a few sails (-5 to sail checks). The storm of course led to some pretty high DC and it did end up on the reefs. The first page of the thread starts with everyone in the water if you want to check it out.
Amar the Sailor |
Curaigh, I skimmed the game thread. It looks like the party spent one night on the beach and maybe one in the jungle? Is that right?
The storm.
"Amar! Amar wake up." Amar pretended to remain asleep even though water seeping through the working seams of the deck and the occasional freefall then jolt as the lines of his hammock reached their end had long ago awakened him. He knew that anything the cook wanted him for would be unpleasant. Nothing would be pleasant in a gale like this.
Sem, the cook, slapped him out of the hammock. "Lazy old man. It's too rough. Douse the cook fires then tell the mate it's cold beef for dinner."
Amar tumbled out of the hammock, landing in a crouch on the deck. Still have my balance, he thought. Then as a wave rolled the ship violently, he was thrown onto his side. Sometimes.
Amar started buckling on his belt, even as he protested. "Have mercy on an old man, Sem. It's a rough night and you're more fit to go on deck than I."
The cook roared back, "you're not that old, you sea dog. Now go. Then you can come back and help with the beef."
Amar put on his shoes and considered a moment before pulling his heavy leather jerkin out of his seachest. It may keep part of me dry anyway. As he finished his preparations and headed for the door, Sem turned to call after him, "Amar, one hand for yourself ... "
"... and one for the ship." Amar finished the maxim. "Aye."
He used two hands making his way along the passage to the galley. Once there he took a sip of the sweet fresh water. One privledge of a cook.
The bucket of seawater kept to douse the cookfires had tumbled from its perch. The water was gone. Amar caught up the bucket and started for the deck. He staggered in the passageway, once again thrown off balance by the bucking of the ship. Short steep quartering seas. Nasty.
On deck the wind howled and the entire ship shivered as it plunged down the face of one wave and struck the next. Water washed over the deck. Amar stood in the doorway timing the motion then struck out for the railing. He dipped the bucket over the side and began hauling it back up when he looked forward. Through the slashing rain and wind-whipped geysers of mist he could see waves breaking in a steady line to leeward. A reef, not far distant.
Holding the bucket he turned to shout a warning to the quarterdeck. Above the storm he heard the lookout announce it too. At that moment another staggering wave struck the ship's quarter pitching her down and rolling her sharply.
Amar fell onto the rail pitched there for an instant before te wave careened across the deck and threw him over the rail into the sea. When he broke surface he was even with the mizzen. He tried to shout but the wind carried his words away. The crew was too busy turning the wheel, hauling the lines to try to turn clear of the reef. Even if they had heard, there was no time to spare for him.
A brief glimpse was all he got before water washed over him again.
therealthom |
Thanks, Urdok. Looking forward to gaming with you too.
Getting older myself has opened up that age bracket to me for RPing. I never used to like "old heroes", but they look a lot better now. Was kind of driven to the unlikely hero aspect so that Amar could have existing on the ship without notice by the PCs. I hope to get some more posts in the discussion thread to explain what happened to Amar between the wreck and catching up with the party.
Curaigh |
I plan to have you with the party. I did a better job with the tabletop group, but there are two sailors in near coma/shock with the group (along with the Avner (noble sponsor), Thunderbolt (his horse), Jane (his wife) Amella (first mate), Tavey (cabin boy), Urdock (Isle expert/druid).
OK no Jane.
In any case you are helping to haul stuff and being led, but so far have had no real conciousness of what has transpired in the day.
therealthom |
urol urdock urol urdock short, mystical finger waiving. my bad.
He is the Urduck. Fear his snapping bill. Marvel in awe at his flashing webbed feet.
beginings of Amar entrance are set, have at ye!
Amar the Sailor |
In the Sea
"Help!" Amar broke the surface aft of the ship. He had a glimpse of the stern cabin light before before a cresting sea obscured the view and plunged him under again. When next he flailed to the surface he could not see the ship.
The water was like a living thing, twisting around him, flowing over him, throwing him left, right or down. After just a few minutes working to stay afloat, he was out of breath and gasping. He just couldn't get enough air before the next dunking.
In his youth he'd been a fine strong swimmer, but somwhere inside he knew that even then he couldn't have survived this sea. He grasped the walrus tusk he always wore on a lanyard around his neck for luck. On it he'd carved symbols for the gods he knew, and the gods he feared.
The gods were trouble and toil. Like to demand sacrifice just to let things be or to strike a man down for his mistakes. Amar had grudgingly sacrificed to them for favors, had held to their rites when he needed something. Safe passage before a voyage. A fair wind. A bit of coin. Victory in a wrestling match.
He started with Pelor, whom he'd always thought chief of the gods, but quickly stopped. The Shining One would not favor him. He would frown on the petty thefts that Amar had used to eke out a living when down on his luck and without a berth. The words stopped in Amar's throat.
Olidammara, then. He'd look kindly on cheating death. And Farlanghn, an old companion on the road, and Kord, in younger days Kord had been a friend, and Obad Hai, master of wind and waves, surely this was his domain. "Oh, gods, save me, and I'll try to work your will."
Jaden Lokie Thorm of Darkhollow |
Hope you don't mind, i give you a hand jumping in
Stong arms grabs up Amar from the surf, lifting his head from under the water. His sees what looks like a werewolf ,dragging him to shore. But the wolf-man has dragon scales over his chest and a hand carved darkwood shield on his back. His wolf head is not his head, but his helmet that has seen better days.
"Put your feet into it and help, your not dead yet."
Amar is helped to shallow water by the tall man who then drops his gear quickly, and runs back to the surf.
Curaigh |
Curaigh wrote:Man, your DM stinks!Maybe you should try some fruity soap.
(Movie reference: super bonus points if you get it. )
fight club? hmmm... not sure but I see Pitt saying it--how close am I?
Urdock and DK (or any): There is a post in gamer connection about a 4E Shadowrun. It is a few weeks old now, but in pbp that does not mean much. I was going to join then realized I am not keeping up on this one well enough to spread meself any thinner.
therealthom |
therealthom wrote:Curaigh wrote:Man, your DM stinks!Maybe you should try some fruity soap.
(Movie reference: super bonus points if you get it. )
fight club? hmmm... not sure but I see Pitt saying it--how close am I?
Urdock and DK (or any): There is a post in gamer connection about a 4E Shadowrun. It is a few weeks old now, but in pbp that does not mean much. I was going to join then realized I am not keeping up on this one well enough to spread meself any thinner.
Not even close. Try saying it with an Irish accent.
Kail'ar, way to lay down the smack with Jaden Mk3.5.
Urdok |
My wife and I had our son on Friday. He was 7 lbs 4 oz, and 20.5 inches long. Named him William Timothy. We had a few scares that could have been big deals. His cord was in a knot which usually causes stillbirth, and the cord was wrapped around his neck. But everything is fine and mom and him are happy and healthy.
therealthom |
My wife and I had our son on Friday. He was 7 lbs 4 oz, and 20.5 inches long. Named him William Timothy. We had a few scares that could have been big deals. His cord was in a knot which usually causes stillbirth, and the cord was wrapped around his neck. But everything is fine and mom and him are happy and healthy.
Congratulations, Urdok! I'm very happy for you. Brings back memories of my boy's birth.
Dire Kobold |
My wife and I had our son on Friday. He was 7 lbs 4 oz, and 20.5 inches long. Named him William Timothy. We had a few scares that could have been big deals. His cord was in a knot which usually causes stillbirth, and the cord was wrapped around his neck. But everything is fine and mom and him are happy and healthy.
Congratulations!! I'm glad to hear that everything turned out okay. I know how serious any complication can be, so it's a real blessing that he's healthy and happy!
therealthom |
Are you having troubles seeing the game thread? if i click on my 'recent posts' I can see it, but I can not otherwise find it. By 'it' I mean the post, I can not actually see the thread.
Haven't had that trouble with your campaign, but have with others.
Yesterday I couldn't see Hozs' last post; Hozs was listed on the play-by-post chart as the last poster, but the post wasn't in the tread. I had to go to Hozs' page to see it. Seems to be OK today.
Curaigh |
I will take the blame--at least indirectly. If a post goes three or so days without a post it moves to the archives. A part of the new system here. Sadly I check it more than once a day, but actual posting whoa now, do not want to misappropriate government funds and all that(and I am too tired to get online from home many nights). O:)
Curaigh |
Not sure if this has been brought up yet, but is our prestigious DM keeping track of our exp or do you want us to keep track of it on our sheets?
It has not been brought up so you will suffer a minus for asking.
Greedy bugger.
Just kidding. If you click on my (vestigial DM) profile you will see all the critters/encounters you have defeated. You will also see the stats of the current critter, hence you could spoil things for yourself. (I also have the link to the dice roller so I guess you can click on it for ease.)
So yes I am tracking it.
Sort of.
Since PBP is so slow, XP is not a number like you are used to. I will instead level everyone at an appropriate spot. This will be different for everyone based on their current level though. Also if someone plans to make magic items I will need to know as this will slow advancement down.