Vencarlo Orinsini

Jaden Lokie Thorm of Darkhollow's page

51 posts. Alias of Kail'ar.

Full Name

Jaden Lokie Thorm




Fighter 6










Common, Gnome, Infernal


Woodworker, Ship Weapon Master

Strength 14
Dexterity 16
Constitution 16
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 12
Charisma 13

About Jaden Lokie Thorm of Darkhollow

HD- 6d10+18 (63) curent 63
Defense- 22(10+6+3+3){ (+1)Dragonhide Brestplate (+1)Spiked DarkwoodShield +3 Dex)}/13touch/18flatfoot
Armor- (+1) Dragonhide Breastplate
Melee +8/+3
Range +9/+4
Grapple +8
Attacks:+11/+6 Masterwork Adamantine Waraxe 1d8+3
+12/+6 (+1)Masterwork Darkwood Lit Rep. Crossbow 1d8+2
+10/+5 Masterwork Throwing Axe 1d6+3
+10/5 Masterwork Harpoon 1d8+2
Speed- 30 Dragonhide Breastplate
Initiative- +7
Languages- Common, Gnome, Infernal
fort +8
reflex +5
will +3 (+4 sav < stunning)Worg helmet
Skills (rank+mod)
Jump 8 (6+2)
Climb 8 (6+2)
Spot 3 (2+1)
Search 3 (2+1)
Listen 2 (1+1)
Know Geograpy 6 (4+2)
Know Architecture and engineering 9 (5+4) {prof+skill=4}
Climb 6 (4+2)
Craft Woodworking 10 (8+2)
Prof Woodworking 10 (8+2)
Prof Sailor 7 (5+2)
Swim 7 (5+2)
Handle Animal 6 (5+1)
Ride 7 (4+3)

Feats and Features
Light/Medium/Heavy Armor Prof
Simple/Martial Prof(all)
Shield Prof
Tower Shield Prof
Exotic Weapon Prof: Repeating Crossbows
Improved Initiative
Combat Refex
Quick Draw
Power Attack
Inp Sunder
Point Blank Shot
Weapon Focus:Light Repeating Crossbow,Waraxe

Possessions: +1 Spiked Dragonhide Brestplate , Masterwork Darkwood Lit Rep. Crossbow(Pirate Lord) , Boltclips 5(25 bolts) Masterwork Adamantine Waraxe(Chiftian) , (+1)Spiked Darkwood Shield , (Artians's Tools),(Artians Outfit), Mug wooden, Masterwork Throwing Axe 5,flask of rum,Worg head helm,(WarHorse) Masterwork Harpoons 2, Weapons's belt(4 throwing axes, 4 bolt clips)Oversized coin, 4 steel spikes
Back Story

Starting life in a Pirate town might not have been too bad, if not for his parents going to blades at the turn of a hat. Jaden was born to a pirate lord and a northern raider chef. Outcast was not a term to be played with, much like a family outing. Jaden could have become a pirate lord, or a warchief, but this was not meant to be.
On his 13th year, the town was attacked by a trade empire and a nearby kindom, out to end piracy in their waters, the town was sacked and burnt. Jaden watched his mother get cut down by a sellsword captain, and he lost sight of his father in combat with a battlemage. He ran into a sellsword looting his house, killed him with his father's axe, took his mother's crossbow, and left all that he knew.

It was after a week of hiding from outriders, did he find a small lumber camp. It took a day before he felt it would be better than the gallows, and went into the camp. He was taken to the foreman, who was low on men after half his men were either bought or fled, and signed Jadem on as a camp guard. The camp's master woodworker was working on a project, only to see the young man staring at his work. He took him on as an aprentice.
Jaden learned the way of war and skill of arms from the few camp guards that did not get bought out. He even managed to learn how his mother's crossbow worked, and made good use of his father's axe. He remained with the camp for years, untill he came to a small town named Falcon's Hollow.

He was quick to learn the town was run by a local Lumber Consortium, and his camp members were not taken to the town's harsh rules over where they could cut wood, very displeased to get a very poor conract, and were packing up to leave, when Jaden asked to stay.
Jaden would not say why. He had actually taken to a young girl, Vickellia, who's family ran a small mill that needed some help. He jumped at the idea when her father, Denick Miller, asked him to work for him. He has lived with them for the past 9 months.
Word travels fast in the small town, and the Consort's big boss Pay Day heard of Jaden's skill with woodwoking from the market, and skill in combat from his boys. Jaden threw a few drunken lumberjacks out on their head when they were picking on a man named Hors, the local "tree talker", over some horse thing. Pay Day offered Jaden a contract to train guards and become a foremen in one of the mills. Jaden refused.

That week, a new tax for private mill opporators and cutting rights came into effect. Within the week, several older family operations were closed over the new tax, and many must go to the consort for work. Jaden, not wanting Vicky and Dennick out on the street, went to Pay Day and took his offer to train new guards in the off sesaons, and mill foreman in the heavy cutting seasons.
Jaden was quick to meet a young man named Keegan, who seems to stutter most of the time, until he gets working, then he seems very focused. Raphael, a man whom Jaden does not think has ever seen dirt or a hard days work but has a good eye and head on his shoulders, and seems to be able to talk the dead to sleep. Jaden just thinks that both need to have a drink and relax some time.
Hors, Jaden met for the again at Dennick's mill, when he dropped off a load of wood and when the mules were acting up, he "talked" them into working with no problems ever since. Vicky also liked the "child like actions" that seemed so innocent. Jaden was very surprised by the man's knowledge in the woods and how helpful it can be.

Vicki has recently come down with a hacking phlemmy cough that resists all efforts to be treated.


Jaden stands well into six feet tall with long blond hair, normally kept up out of his face with a headband. He is about 220 lbs with a fit build, yet is still very mobile for height and weight. He has green eyes that seem to light up when he laughs. He voice is deep with a hint of a northern accent.

Back story Hollow

Seeing the town around him and his love afflicted with a seemly incurable sickness, he went to the young man Hosz, who took him to see the town's healer. The sickness was so widespread that the local bard Faldor and his friend Effan were also seeking the healer's knowledge. They were all sent into the deep woods on a task to find ingredients for a possible cure, but they needed a guide. Keegan, the lumber consortium’s lead scout had knowledge of the area, and Raphael had came to the group with an offer from Boss Teedum, the owner of the consortium. With Raph’s and Keegan’s help, the group started on their way.

The group's first run-in was an ambush by a bugbear hunting wolves, using a fox as bait. Keegan and Jaden were first in the marching order, and Keegan was just barely missed by a arrow. This was followed by an attack by a flock of razorcrows, who were after a quick meal. Raph and Keegan were the target of the flock, and the flying pests drew blood. Effan and Faldor both drew arms, Effan with his magic, and Faldor aiding the others with his words. Hosz, led by nature's hand, was quick to help the trapped fox.

Keegan’s blood was fuel for his rage, and he charged headlong towards the sniper's hiding point. Jaden quickly drew and fired a bolt into the tree the sniper was sitting in. Raph sent his blade into one of the crows, and Effan sent another to sleep. Keegan stopped the bugbear's retreat with a throw of his dagger, and Jaden was able to end the battle with a lucky bolt in the throat of the grey skinned creature. The group was able to save the fox, and Hosz healed the others with his warming magic.

The group soon came upon the great tree that a tatzlwyrm had taken as its lair. None of the party noticed the hiding wyrm, the least of all, Effan's cat, Catharine who was the target of the wyrm's anger. Jaden charged and let his axe bite into the beast's tough hide. Effan, fearing the worst, also charged the wyrm, followed by Raph and Keegan, who wanted to feed his morningstar to the thing. Raph hit the wyrm with a crippling blow to the lungs, filling them with the worm’s ichor. Faldor sent a bolt just shy of the wyrm's head. The beast made a turn to retreat, but Jaden's axe cut the wyrm in two. Hosz again moved, snatching up Effan’s cat and sending his healing energy into the small kitten, saving it from an early grave.

Keegan, meanwhile, felt that Jaden had stolen his kill, and advanced upon him, drawing his weapon. The two had heated words, but Jaden was able to stop the two from coming to blows for the time being. The party found that the wyrm had made the great tree into a resting place of other adventurers. They were lowered down and placed into dirt before the group made for the old hags hut.

The hags hug, a decrepit mound of earth and wood, sat in the middle of a small clearing in the forest. Effigies of sticks stood silent watch around the old hut. The party moved to enter the small shack, with Raph leading the way, and Faldor and Effan less then a step behind. Effan opened the rotten door with a less then stealthy crash. Hosz remained outside "playing horsey" with two of the effigies. Keegan entered the clearing from the other side, approaching the hut from the west.

Effan, Raph, and Faldor, having entered the small hut, searched its contents for the rat tail. Suddenly the overly large pot in the hut and the effigies outside sprang to life,. The pot charged Effan, almost grabbing up the gnome. Raph moved to defend the small spellcaster, but his blows seemed to have little effect on the hard stone pot. The effigy Hosz was playing with head-butted the druid in the stomach and groin.

Hosz fought off the effigies as they converged on the party, and Effan quickly exited the hut while Raph kept the pot busy. Keegan tried to take the battle to the pot, but did not seem to be able to land a single blow. Faldor and Raph just managed to avoid blows in the hut, but Effan, safe from the pot, was knocked out by one of the stickmen. Jaden ended up in a battle with two of the stickmen, but none could seem to land blows upon him. Raph slipped out of the hut, and scored a hit against one of the stickmen. The pot exited the hut on its ponderous feet, and scooped up Faldor with its large open mouth, knocking the small bard around the inside of its belly. Like a demon from the pits, Keegan charged the pot, and struck it with a massive slam from his morningstar that sent a crack down its side. Becoming accustomed to Keegan's attacks, Jaden also charged the pot, and struck it, but only seemed to chip the rough stone.

Raph cut one of the stickmen down with a flash of steel, but the animated pile of sticks charged the fencer, taking him out. Keegan was also swarmed by the stick men, and went down when they attacked him from behind. Jaden sent another swing into the pot, taking more stone from its lip. Hosz fought off two more of the stickmen, and sent his healing power to the fallen members of the party. Effan went on the attack again, reinvigorated by the druidic magic. Faldor had taken a few bumps from in the pot moving and throwing him around, but the storyteller was able to get the feel for the heaving and bucking. He was drove his dagger into a crack, twisting it open. Jaden saw the deep crack and sent his axe into it, splitting the pot wide open. Hozs sent another effigy to the ground with his staff. The party then converged on the last of the stickmen and sent it to the ground for good.

Upon searching the hut, they found the rat tail, and set up camp for the night. The party spent the night out side the hut, and made for the dwarven ruins at first light. They made it almost to the ruins before night fall, and again, set up camp for the night. The night, however, was broken by howling from a pack of wolves. Jaden and Keegan rallied the party. Faldor was quick to draw and fire his crossbow, followed quickly by Jaden's rapid draw of his own. One wolf went down in the darkness. Effan and Hosz came to the light of the fire, with Effan casting light on a stone to break up the night. Hosz cast his magic and readied his attack. Raph and Keegan went for their swords.

The wolves were quick to the fire, and attacked Hosz and Raph, knocking the forest-speaker to the ground and taking a piece out of Raph. Faldor, having unloaded his bolt, let his voice dance over the wind, sending a calming sleep around the fire circle. Hosz let out a blood-curdling scream as he struck one of the wolves. Effan, having thrown his light stone, went to grab his crossbow, but instead, took his staff and swung at the wolf attacking Hosz. Jaden snapped his axe to his hand, and swung at Hosz’ wolf, but to no effect. The other wolf snapped at Ralph, but missed the quick man. Jaden, seeing his axe miss the first wolf, snapped a second throwing axe to his hand, and split the wolf’s skull, ending it fight. The last wolf turned to run from the light of the fire, but Ralph send a bolt into its heart.

Hosz tried to stand, but was stopped by a wound in his shoulder. He sent magic into his arm, stitching his flesh shut. He then took care of Jaden and Ralph with his healing power. Jaden began cleaning the wolf hides with great care, attempting to craft a helm from the head of one of the wolves. Even with Effan’s help, this took the better part of a day. The night was uneventful, and they were able to reach the dwarven ruins that morning.

The group found a spot to use as a fall-back point from the ruins, and lightened the load by caching some of their gear. They then made for a gap in the wall, which led to the courtyard. Upon inspection, the well in the courtyard held a dead explorer, who was apparently slain by a large beast. The dead man’s pack held a few tools and trinkets, as well as some coins that were distributed among the group. After the party had finished with the body, they headed into the ruined building.

They entered the old ruins from the courtyard, and saw a long hallway with a few doors. Faldor leading, the group came upon a door and entered to find some of the mushrooms they had been seeking. Seeing his success, Faldor tiptoed to the door across the way, and with a little shove, opened it. The party found a long-dead dwarven follower of the dark dwarven god. Otherwise, the room was mostly empty. The party kept going thought a set of double doors, with Effan, Hosz, and Faldor leading. Suddenly, a darkmantle dropped down on Effan from above. Effan stabbed out with his dagger, while Hosz and Faldor dealt with a second one that had descended to the floor. Keegan stepped in and cut the creature from Effan with almost unnatural skill, and the darkmantle was slain by a blow from Jaden's axe.


Jaden left the hallow many years, with the death of his wife's father and the consort's shuting it's mills down only a few years after the plague was stoped. The town was emptied within the seasion. Jaden traveled back with Vickellia to his old home, the pirate port of Crow's Claw, now controled by a trade empire seeking to open new trade post in the savage water to the north. Jaden was hired on as a mill boss in the off season, and a weapon master on ship in peak trade season. He was almost born to sail, and was out for months with the trade ships.

His wife, Vickellia worked as an accountent and book keeper, and work for one of the large banks when Jaden was at sea. This might have been the end of the story,but it was not.As it would happen. the port was raided by northmen. Vickellia was thought to have been captured, and Jaden traveled north following the raider's path. He battle the raider's chief, killing him in combat, only to find his wife had been lost at sea only a week before.