Vestigial, Vacant-eyed Head, Wriggling Tentacle Campaign of Curaigh

Play-by-Post Discussion

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M Draco Electricus author 2, herper 4, canine exerciser 9,
TenaciousDay wrote:
Hahaha sweet video. It's perfect! Are you up to date on your LOST yet? :)

indeed. found a way to get my laptop to play on the big screen too! now I have a ton of shows we are watching.

been waiting for the new page for a while now... One of those annoying things is searching for the various links.
So now that I have the top of the page. Handy links:

the playing thread.
The Standard Reference Document. Online handbook.
rolling dice.

Male Aventi Cleric 6

Could you list the requirements for the Stormcaster prestige for me from the Stromwrack book? I hope that the book has come in useful.

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

alignment any nonlawful
skils: knowledge(arcana) 4, knowledge (nature) 4
spellcasting, must have ability to case gust of wind and either lighting bolt or call lighting

must ask dm nicely
must use powers to blast things to little bits

also good
legendary captain

attack bonus +4
skills: profession (sailor)8, knowledge(geography)5
feats: leadership
special: must be captian or master of a ship

anything else i have all the complete sets(warior,mage,arcane ect), sandstorm, stormwrack and frostburn
as with about 50 other 3.5 and 3.0 on pdf, i even will e-mail them if you wish

Male Aventi Cleric 6

Thanks, blasting was always part of the plan. Case of Dr Pepper asking nice enough?

Male Aventi Cleric 6

I seem to have a book fetish and so I own all of the books of which you speak. Problem is that the Almighty Wizard of Oz is borrowing Stormwrack. Him being in Moscow and I in the Twin Falls area makes it difficult to reference. :)

M Human Fighter 6

been too long since I played d&d needed to redo skills and feats :P

Male Dwarf Warmage / 7

My wife and I just found out we are pregnant about 10 minutes ago!! :D

M Human Fighter 6
Urdok wrote:
My wife and I just found out we are pregnant about 10 minutes ago!! :D

Congrates :)

M Draco Electricus author 2, herper 4, canine exerciser 9,
Urdok wrote:
My wife and I just found out we are pregnant about 10 minutes ago!! :D

Really?!? Did you get an email? Why are you online right now?! *grin*

M Draco Electricus author 2, herper 4, canine exerciser 9,
Kail'ar wrote:


must ask dm nicely

I told you brown nosing will get you... Oh look soda!

Teaglin wrote:
Thanks, blasting was always part of the plan. Case of Dr Pepper asking nice enough?

Ahh very wise to take 20 on your bribery roll O:)

i will do a post at lunch but mbiwrn

Male Lizardman Monk 4/ Lizardman 2 (+1 LA)
Urdok wrote:
My wife and I just found out we are pregnant about 10 minutes ago!! :D

Wow! Congrats!! Is this your first? I remember my first. I remember swearing in a combination of astonishment, fear and excitement when I saw the pregnancy test.

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

me and the wife found out about 5 weeks ago
i hope you guys do well

Male Dwarf Warmage / 7

Nope this is our second, but we are still really excited. Congrats yourself on the new baby upcoming.

Male Aventi Cleric 6

Congrats all around on the new kids! :)

Amber and I are hoping to have another soon.
Cora is played by Amber.

Delivery of the bribe should take place on the Labor Day weekend. Hoping to make it up to St. Maries for the fireworks.

Male Human


Lantern Lodge

Hey Scott

Teaglin has all of the requirements for the Stormcaster prestige class. If it is permissible, I'd like to take the first level of that when I reach 7th level. Let me know what you think.

Male Dwarf Warmage / 7


M Draco Electricus author 2, herper 4, canine exerciser 9,
Urdok wrote:

wow so wich is it?

DM is a lazy Arse


out of the critter's mouth? *grin*

I have been having trouble posting today--sorry.

Male Dwarf Warmage / 7

No problem I was just happy to see a PbP who understood the importance of posting allowing playing :D

M Draco Electricus author 2, herper 4, canine exerciser 9,

Wow! Could not have asked for a better first round--at least one of you hopefully more--is on the edge of your seat. too bad that seat is full of dagger sized teeth. >:)

Urdock, where is wand strike and how do you get fire and acid? I gave it to you--on the grounds of desperate times. Likewise Jas, need to figure out what your attack is--should be +9/+4, but you can take up to six from the attack adding it to damage (which I think you said you were doing with the power attack)?. I gave you the second, the first was a miss. Everyone else hit and that should give you an idea of its brightly colored AC. Feel free to add your own flavor when you hit (or miss :).

Speaking of desperate times: the swallow without damage was a freebie; acid and gullet damage next round (and a mouth free to get the next meal! Make the most of it everyone! T-rex is near to its first kill!

Male Dwarf Warmage / 7

Wandstrike is in the complete arcane. Page 84. The extra damage is from my second level spell blades of fire, also from the complete arcane. Its essentially a spell you cast as a free action to add 1d6 fire damage to your attack, and since wand strike specifically states its a melee touch attack i felt it would work. I would get to apply my warmage edge (The int bonus to damage) to both attacks since I am technically casting two spells in the round, one as a standard action and the other as a free action. Lets make my dwarf one unappealing meal guys :D

M Draco Electricus author 2, herper 4, canine exerciser 9,
Kyzjin wrote:

Hey Scott

Teaglin has all of the requirements for the Stormcaster prestige class. If it is permissible, I'd like to take the first level of that when I reach 7th level. Let me know what you think.

For all: I have two rules on prestige classes. PrC are limited to those I have approved (All DMG are pre-approved) and you must first play the core class for at least a level (mostly relevant for replacement characters). This is because it is a pre-printed adventure and I did not want to make a lot of changes to keep it a challenge or in the flavor of STAP.

Teaglin: Stormcaster is approved. You are playing 6th level cleric now, so yes you can take level 7 in the prestige.

Male Lizardman Monk 4/ Lizardman 2 (+1 LA)

I'm leaving for GenCon early tomorrow morning (you can all start feeling jealous now) so my internet access is going to be a little haphazard until next Tuesday, but I'll try to keep up. Though since my Isle of Dread (opps did I give away something?) native character hasn't been introduced yet it may not matter. :D

M Human Fighter 6

I forgot to add +1 stat for 4th level.
I feel stronger.

Now, I'm at +10 first, +5 second.

I was using power attack to change my to hit and damage.

Strength bonus will change and I got your email about my weapon.
Since, I didn't get a reply about the spear. I think I'm going to go another direction with this character.

Great sword +3
damage 2d6 +3, +6 damage Strength bonus (x1.5 for two handed weapon)
critical threat 19-20, x2.

Power attack rules, one point minus to hit adds 2 points to damage for two handed weapons.

first attack +12 to hit, +11 to damage
second attack +4 to hit, +11 to damage

will be my standard spread with power attack.

My next feat will be cleave.

Male Aventi Cleric 6

It's nice to have some useful heavy hitters in the party. :) But now I'm feeling more and more like the walking bandaid that I am. :( Oh well, soon as it drops the dwarf we'll have some fun! :}

M Draco Electricus author 2, herper 4, canine exerciser 9,
Fang the Obtuse wrote:
I'm leaving for GenCon early tomorrow morning (you can all start feeling jealous now) ...

I am jealous. Very jealous.

Teaglin wrote:
It's nice to have some useful heavy hitters in the party. :) But now I'm feeling more and more like the walking bandaid that I am. :( Oh well, soon as it drops the dwarf we'll have some fun! :}

Indeed! not like that whip wielding fighter... :)

Actually someone should double check my math--almost 200 points in two rounds?? *low whistle*

On a side note. It is check in time as school starts next week (ACK). I have been able to check regularly but not post as frequently so I apologize for the little slower posting for the next little while. I should still post almost daily, but it will be late at night after recovering from the harry days. and yes these harry days are why I have never been to GenCon (and may-*gasp*-never)!

Lantern Lodge

I came up with 190 damage so far. Not too shabby. :}

Male Dwarf Warmage / 7

Can anyone post, preferably in idiot proof language, how to move my rolls from that dice roller thingie to the game posting like you all are.

M Human Fighter 6
Urdok wrote:
Can anyone post, preferably in idiot proof language, how to move my rolls from that dice roller thingie to the game posting like you all are.

I've been copying the die roll to the posts by hand. :P I'm not too tech savy myself :))

My question is can we change pictures?

M Draco Electricus author 2, herper 4, canine exerciser 9,
Jas the Shipwright wrote:
Urdok wrote:
Can anyone post, preferably in idiot proof language, how to move my rolls from that dice roller thingie to the game posting like you all are.

I've been copying the die roll to the posts by hand. :P I'm not too tech savy myself :))

My question is can we change pictures?

When you roll; the results come up in a box toward the top of the page. The next six lines give it to you in different formats. Clicking on any of them copies it, you can then 'paste' it wherever you want to. I use the bottom which has the url link for posting boards built in.

There is a spoiler tag below the 'new posts' which has other bulletin board Code tags you can use (like spoiler, bold, and (ooc)ooc(/ooc) which with [] instead of () becomes code.

Click on 'edit my profile' to change pics. It may not let you after 10 posts, but I am not sure of that or if it aplies to aliases.

Is that what you meant?

Urdok wrote:


((D6 per square surrounding, plus 1 per caster level, plus 3 for Warmage edge))
8d6 51=80

While it is in every square around you, the spell only affects it once. With the d6+1 per level, I took the highest of your rolls and added your level and warmage edge (6+6+3) for a total of 15. (the lowest would have killed it, but I was trying to see if you could get out.) Your edge is only added once per spell, not once per die (and this spell only has one die). Considering this spell does not allow saving throw or require you to hit it is still powerful. An LB or FB might do less damage, but only with a good save and poor rolls. Still it is enough to drop the T rex... now how to get out...

M Human Fighter 6

I think I posted to many times for me to change the picture. I may have to create a new alias.

I was wondering about doing max damage to break things, by shifting my max power attack. The rolls for butchering the t-rex answers that question, thanks.

Male Dwarf Warmage / 7

ah ok, that makes perfect sense. Sorry about that

M Draco Electricus author 2, herper 4, canine exerciser 9,
Jas the Shipwright wrote:

I think I posted to many times for me to change the picture. I may have to create a new alias.

I was wondering about doing max damage to break things, by shifting my max power attack. The rolls for butchering the t-rex answers that question, thanks.

If you needs to, many people use a period or something so it is a differnt name, but still the same, Jas th Shipwright. or Jass... etc.

M Human Fighter 6


I figured out how to fix my picture.
Also found out I didn't need to spend so many points on languages. :P

I'll be adding a skill soon.

M Human Fighter 6


I redid the math for skill points for a 6th level human fighter.
adjusted for my new strength score.

made sure I'm paying x2 for cross class skills.

I think everything is correct finally.

Best picture I could find of a human fighter using a great sword. :))

Male Dwarf Warmage / 7

Hell yeah thats the best picture ever, love the comic

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

i never did see what became of knocking big mouth out
did he get up, or was he a little more quite

M Human Fighter 6

I thought most of the ship was on the shore with us for some reason.

Ok, nothing useful expect the tent.

I was also hoping for rope and larger pieces of wood to make a raft out of. Since, there isn't and you said better luck on the ship.

I'm swimming for the ship as full actions.

If I'm attacked in the water, I guess I keep swimming, since I can't fight in the water.

Male Aventi Cleric 6

Well, if you do start to founder, I'll be able to help out. I'll be following your progress from the sea floor. Perhaps I'll find something useful along the way.

Didn't you drop your gear so that you could make it to shore in the first place?

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

umm not to be a big fun dumper,
but Jas, i do not think you need to roll for every round you swim, i think the roll would have been like 10 or 15 you needed, and mabe roll two or three times more if the dm was being keen
but just so you need not roll a 100 times or more to swim 400 meters
unless our dm wanted you to roll a 100 times, but i think two d10s would still give you how many rolls of a 100 you got

that is just me, but then again i can spout off with eought writeing to drive a english teacher batty

Male Dwarf Warmage / 7

Scott is a little masochistic though so 100 rolls would be right up his alley.

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

t1d100=83 here i got that many of 100
me being a dink

M Human Fighter 6
Teaglin wrote:

Well, if you do start to founder, I'll be able to help out. I'll be following your progress from the sea floor. Perhaps I'll find something useful along the way.

Didn't you drop your gear so that you could make it to shore in the first place?

There was a reason I dropped my gear. So, don't worry about it. Thanks all the same.

What ever the DM says you find, is cool with me. Like armor. ;)

M Human Fighter 6
Kail'ar wrote:

umm not to be a big fun dumper,

but Jas, i do not think you need to roll for every round you swim

I was taking the swim skill roll rules literally, and rolled 67 times because I thought it was funny. :))

It also takes me out of the picture for at least 7 minutes of game time.

Does anyone else do anything, like planning???
Healing our new Lizardman friend??

And it's calm seas, are you trying to get me drown? Do not say stormy seas. :))

Kill Avner, steal his horse and scout the island??

Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.

Male Aventi Cleric 6

Not trying to drown you but the description upon waking is to dark stormy skies not quite as dark as the night previous. But that is for the DM to clarify. As for healing the new "friend", I haven't decided if it is a friend yet. I know enough to know that it didn't come from the t-rex naturally and I'm sworn to fight all otherworldly evil. since it hasn't done much of anything yet, I won't kill it outright. But healing might be a little premature.

No offense Fang.

M Draco Electricus author 2, herper 4, canine exerciser 9,
Urdok wrote:
Scott is a little masochistic though so 100 rolls would be right up his alley.

True. Also: take a cumulative -1/-1 to all creatures for the next X turns, where X is the number of Islands the DM has in play. Type two colorless mana to avoid this effect.

*punch for the bad pun*

Ok rolling that many times is fun, but a little ocd. and not as fun with virtual dice. *grin* Timing is a little off though as jas was searching the beach, burying/burning peoples and now he is swimming. While he is doing that what does everyone else want to do over the course of the next hour?

ack--tried typing several times now and am just too tired after the 13 hour day that is check-in. I am exhausted and will be spotty getting on for the next few days.

Any guesses on the thaumaturgy pun?

Male Human

Hey folks, sorry I haven't posted in a while. My home has been, and will be experiencing an internet outage until the end of the month. I am posting right now from work. :) Until then, could we put Trey on autopilot?


Tony (TenaciousDay/Trey)

Female Halfling Rogue 6

I know that the DM is really busy this time of year but I was wondering if there had been any progress in the area of Monkey Paw items?

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