Lyus Fivetrees |

Lyus raised a shaggy eyebrow at the confirmation that where they were bound the trees could move and think and where as a live as he. Then a strange thing occurred, he felt a pang of, well guilt at his trade. It past but left an impression on his mind. He listened to Sam speak and could help but smile at the young man’s energy, he to remember Sam’s Da’s stories, He turns to Sam.
“Aye he’s a good man you’re Da.”
[i] His smile broadened behind his brisling moustache, as he said.
“An’ think on the tale your have for ‘im when we get back ah.”

Ameei |

"People should always get food in exchange for good stories." Ameei agreed with vigor. "It's a common thing here for bards... Free food, drinks and a room for the night in exchange for a night of entertainment. So i now know more about the lovely Sam.. Well a little i'll have to badger you more later.. But what about the rest of you? If we're going to travel together we should know each other."

Lyus Fivetrees |

Lyus smiles at Sam and then turns to Ameei and thinks for a moment.
“Well, there aint’ much to say ‘bout me really Ameei. Been married to my Aira for a few years now, never really gone far from Clearbrook till now course. My son Marcus is ten an’ we got another on the way.”
He smiles happily as he speaks of his family. He then gives a good natured shrug.
“N' thats bout it ta be honest. What ‘bout your self?”

Todd Peel |

"Well what can I say, I grew up on a farm near Clearbrook and boy did I get bored, this resulted in me leaving home at 16 to go find my place in life in the city, got into a few scrapes here and there before settling down to learn Barbering, you see I think looking good helps you feel good and when you feel good your more likely to be good to those around you." He smiles as he says this. "I returned to Clearbrook about 7 years ago now as one of those scrapes resulted in having to leave." the smile turns slightly wistful at this point followed by a sigh.

Kayos |

The group progressively starts to notice that with each passing person giving a little information about themselves more of the other patrons of the grill listen in, apparently intrigued by the humans and not afraid to show it.
Bounding over to the bard he wraps his arms around her waist and speaks against her ear. "There are some people in the Grill that I think you'd love to meet!" He tells her happily.

Ameei |

"Pups.. Umm children are fun. You're very lucky Lyus.." His brief bit of information wasn't much but that in itself said a lot. Ameei assumed he was a man caught up in his family with little distraction. Still it didn't make that different a story to the bard. However Todd now he was a man with a history. His story and all it left out provoked a challange. Hmm insteresting.
"Now you sir are a mystery.. One i'll have to badger you into revealing at some point." She assures him with a grin. "So now we know a little more about each other.. Unless you really want to know about boring old me."

Lyus Fivetrees |

After Todd speaks Lyus nods.
“Aye Todd’s a’ fine barber, best the village as ‘ad.”
He then grins to Ameei.
“Course as young Sam said, you must have a’ interesting life in this place.”
Lyus looks around at the other customers. It was an odd but not unpleasant feeling being, well studied they where a curiosity round here he thought.

Ameei |

Sam was being quite frankly adorable and his blushing brought a smile to Ameei's face. She almost literally lit up. "Well i'm a bard. I love stories and the telling of them. I've been travelling around for the past few years just drifting really. Although that said I do tend to visit here quite often.. Is there anything in particular you'd like to know?"

Samiel 'Sam' Longshanks |

Sam hesitates, realizing that he has hogged Ameei's attention.
"Do folks here enjoy bards like we do back home? What kind of songs are popular here?"
Sam refelcts on the main mission they had come to achieve.
"Umm .. well what will we face when we go after Gracie? Do we know anything at all about the person she was with? Will folks help us or hinder us?"

Ameei |

"Yup bard's are popular. I guess that's the same everywhere really and i expect that folk here like pretty much the same kind of songs. Love songs tend to go down well as do noble battles and adventure.. well those are my favourites anyway." She hums a few bars of a tune before speaking up once more. "I don't know exactly who Grace is with but I know the type. She'll be safe i'm sure. As for helping or hindering I think it will depend. I don't think many will care too much specifically but you'll be an oddity and that always produces strong responses." Giving the young man a quick hug she happily states, "But i'll look after you. Promise. So no need to fear too much on your quest."

Isabella Glas |

Iz looks happy as Redd returns, and turns her head a little to one side,
"Now, now Redd, what kind of girl do you take me for.. are these more of your interesting friends, tell me more as we head back down then, though I do hope we get a chance for a few more dances, I must admit to being quite the addict"
Iz slides her arm round Redds, plants her feet on the ground, with the tiniest hitn of a stamp, and looks at Redd.

Kayos |

Feel free to write your next one out of spoilers & as entering the grill with Redd.

Isabella Glas |

Iz enters the bar, in her comfortable peasent dress, carefully she looks around the tap room, noting the humans there and seems to pause at their table, before tilting her head ever so slightly to one side. She then twirls 90 degress, sending her skirts aflying, before striding with purpose off to the bar.
"So umm Redd I think set up a tab for me, and I believe there might even be a little list of drinks that I am working my way through,
would you possibly be kind enough to let me try the next one?"
Iz leans back on the bar restin her back there and spreading her arms out along the bar top, and she looks quite content. From her comfortable spot she watches the door for Redd, quite sure she didn't get that far ahead of him.

Ameei |

Following Todd's direction Ameei bounces in her seat and waves towards Redd and Iz. "Well i've met the lovely young lady. She was coming in as i was entering your world. From what i hear she's been here some time now. I think she's quite a fan of Redd's." Turning to Sam she grins, "I'm sure you'll love to meet her she knows some stories too."

Kayos |

At Ameei's wave Redd gives one of his bright fangy grins and grabs his beautiful companion's wrist before pulling her in the direction of the other humans. "People of Pandaemya arriving on a regular basis, I never thought I'd see the day, but here we are!" He declares happily, mostly to the other fae.

Isabella Glas |

Iz resists just a little at first, mainly to slow her zealous companion somewhat, and glances mournfully back towards the bar.
"awwww Redd I had just ordered well for me anyway I am sure they will bring you something too though, can't I gain a little fae courage first... what trouble are you brewing for me now"
With this she gives a little impish grin, and playfully acts as though it is such a hardship, before giving up the pretense and sweeping forth with purpose.
Drawing up and planting both hands, on the table of the Pandaemya peoples she proudly annouces:
"Greetings and well met on this fine ... umm Day?, guess you stumbled across the tree too, fun place isn't it, I am so looking forward to exploring, kind of concerned about sleeping arrangements though, now I take a moment to pause and think, ah yes I am Iz by the way, so you people I hope have names too..."
Iz arches one eyebrow a fraction at this, and looks thoughtful for a flash, then turns to Redd and whispers:

Lyus Fivetrees |

Lyus wasn’t bothered by the looks from the others in the bar. When the girl came over he remembered her, or rather he knew her Da.
“Isabella Glas as I live an’ breath, so this is where you got to?”
He smiled and then remembered his manners.
“Sorry lass I’m Lyus Fivetrees I worked with your Da, he’ll be clad to know your safe that’s sure. Tis good to see you, how’ve you been?”
He hadn’t expected to see the young women again let alone in such a strange place. But then it did make sense he supposed. He smiled warmly and nodded at one of the vacant seats at their table.
“Sit thee down lass. How long you been here then?”

Isabella Glas |

"You know me, interesting, I thought I knew everyone from my home...
Well nice to meet you Lyus, umm well not been here tha long, a few hours I think, though there is so much to see, not explored the areas at the top of the stairs as yet, but hoping Redd and I get time to, before the door decides to open again."
When uttering this, she makes her way to a spare chair, and slides into it, turning slightly to look wistfully towards the bar, before returning her attention to the table.
"So Are you just as new to this place as I am?
With this she remembers the other people she had come here with, and turns towards Ameei.
"How do the others I came in with fare?"

Lyus Fivetrees |

Lyus looks a little no pulsed for a moment, he was sure he was right. Wasn’t he?
“Sorry lass I seem to be confused you are Loric’s daughter right? You’ve away for a while it’s been a year or more, I think.”
again a look of confusion clouds his face.
“But I anit sure.”

Isabella Glas |

"A pleasure to meet you Sam, kind sir."
With Lyus' comment, Iz becomes noticably more wary,
"MY Father be indeed named Loric, but AS I said I have only been here a few hours, plus I have a fine young follower of Desna waiting for my return in Clearbrook, to be gone so long would cause such distress and worry, not to mention how it would affect my father, I do hope you make a poor jest, and not speak true"
Her voice breaks slightly at the end, and she turns and glances at Ameii hoping for some reassurance, and then to Redd.

Lyus Fivetrees |

Lyus shakes his head looking troubled not sure what to say. He looks at Is the concern plain his face.
“Lass... it anit a jest, truth be told I not sure how long you been gone.”
He looks around the room, the worry now creasing his brow. It was true he didn’t actually remember when she had gone missing; it was a long time he thought. They had been only gone, what a few hours, gods how long since they left the village? He ran a hand over his face.
“Lass it’s been more than a few hours. . . I wish I knew what was going on.”
He to looks to Ameei the worry still plain on his face. He need to know if what he thought was right and at the same time he hoped it wasn’t.
“Ameei I remember something from old tales I was told. That time don’t move the same in Faye lands. Is that right?”
Lyus couldn’t think straight this was too much, what had he gotten into and would he ever see Clearbrook again.

Kayos |

As he says this you become less and less certain over who you stepped through with. You remember it was midsummer and there was a couple of nice gypsies you agreed to travel with before you came here a few hours ago. You also forget about Grace until the others mention it and you remember she disappeared off before you came here but that's about it. Your memories are a little hazy thanks to the fae enviromrnt.

Isabella Glas |

Iz mind races ahead, thinking of all the things that could have happened in a year, and just how hard it would have been for her Father losing the two women in his life, especially as it would have seemed that she had abandoned him, an idea so aborrant to her. She absently wipes at one eye, and clings onto some threads of hope.
"If what you say is true, then my only hope is that this tree way, leads to many other places, and the Clearbrook you hail from, is one very different from mine.
I have heard stories of time running strangely in Fae lands, but never to such an extreme, I only came here with the best of intentions, so why should I be so ill fated. Lets hope that the magics of this land, will help us find a way back to our own place and time..."
Her hand gently but firmly forms a fist and is dropped to the table, and she looks to Redd, with a semi forced smile.
"Now is it just me, or do our drinks seem to be lost in time as well?"
She can only half laugh at her excuse for mirth, and her hand unclenches.

Lyus Fivetrees |

Lyus listens to Iz speak, hoping she was right. For her sake and his, the he recalls something.
“Lass I think I remember when it was you left. Tell me was it midsummer, when you was last at home? I know you meant no harm by it, an’ your Da’s fine, so try not to fret.”
It was true he seen Loric the night before in the tavern. If his reckoning was right Iz had been gone 6 mouths.

Isabella Glas |

Iz glances at the bar, and then returns her attention to Lyus.
"I left on the 22nd Rova, an important date in the Desnan calender so I am told, though of course I am glad my Father still fares well, it is hard not to worry, when we are not so sure when or if we will easily be able to return...
I worry if he is coping well and eating right, his cooking was never the best after all"
Iz glances down at her hands as she strokes her fingers, lost in thought.

Lyus Fivetrees |

‘Rova, yes six months in a matter of moments by all the gods did that mean...’ The thought showed on his broad face as a down turn of his mouth and a narrowing of the eyes. Then he nodded banishing at lest the outward signs of his distress.
“Aye your Da’s well enough, still works at his carpentry. Our Rann takes him wood an’ such when needed.”
As he spoke he gave is what he hoped was a reassuring smile, obscured as it was by his expansive whiskers.
“Well as I say tis good to see ya well, an’ in such good company.”
He nods to Redd and Ameei.
“An’ my thanks to you an all for making us all so welcome.”
Then he remembers and smiles more genially and turns back to Iz.
“As for your Da eating well Aira takes him food an’ such. You know how she is.”
His eyes soften at mention of his wife. She’d care for everyone is she had time. He hoped she’d be look after herself while he was away and that he’d see her again.

Kayos |

Gently Redd wraps his arms around Iz "Things happen for a reason, it may seem daunting right now but I'm sure things will fall into place with time and you'll all find where you belong" He assures her before drawing back "I'll go get our drinks" He adds before walking away leaving the humans and Ameei to continue their chat.

Isabella Glas |

Iz leans into Redd's reassuring hug, and hides her tear, from the group, as Redd gets up, she flashes him one of her smiles, and mouthes "thank you" to him.
Her thoughts turned again to the things she had said to the travellers met previously, how she had said she would have liked to go with them, and only now, thinking how that might have hurt her father. The way the recent events had unfolded, she had ended up failing him nonetheless, to such an extent he has been looked after by another woman.
Turning back to the group she speaks to Lyus first,
"Well I suppose at least he is looked after by someone, and they can be a help to one another as the days pass"
She gives a sad smile at this, and then tries to brighten up somewhat, takes a deep breath, and looks towards Samiel, taking his hand in both of hers; if she is able, they are warm, and slightly rough.
"It is a pleasure to meet you too, hopefully we shall all share happier times soon. May we find what we seek and let fate smile on us and take us into its warm bosom and care for us"
With this she releases his hands, and almost feels as though she has offered some kind of prayer or wish.

Lyus Fivetrees |

A sad smile lifts the corner of Lyus mouth and he gives a slight nod. He hoped that what Iz said was true. His smile brightens a little.
“Aye lass, an’ finely spoken, as for the folks at home I’m sure they’ll be all right.”
Then a though strikes him.
“Say Iz, we’re here ta fine young Grace Clover, youngest of them that run the village tavern. We was told that she came through here. Would you help us find the lass?”

Lyus Fivetrees |

Lyus looks somewhat confused at Iz’s words. But thinks better of it, he then nods.
“Aye help is always good.”
Lyus the n turns to his other companions.
“If we plan on heading out early we should probably get some sleep?”
He’s realizes he has no idea on the time, but sleep would be good before venturing out to gods knew what.

Kayos |

As the group sit trying to work out how time works in the tree a voice graces the air around them, seemingly out of nowhere. "Ladies and gentlemen the door is now open. On this appearance it's opened onto Myr D'Vaern. Thank you" The kind voice quickly cuts out and patrons of the grill start to murmur as though trying to decide whether to leave in this instance or not.

Lyus Fivetrees |

Lyus looks around trying to work out where the voice had come. He then shrugs; it wasn’t the strangest of happenings today. He looked at the others.
“Depends on how long yon door stays open. Though I’d like to equip our self’s first mind.”
He turns to Ameei and asks.
“I guess you’d be the one ta ask on both counts?”

Isabella Glas |

As the group make moves to leave, Iz stands and gives Redd a nice warm hugs, expessing her thanks to him, and quietly says to him.
"I do hope to see you again, and maybe we can explore this fine tree some more, and well I guess I should sort my tab out then too."
With that she flashes Redd a backward glance and a smile as she joins Ameei's side, and makes ready to start an adventure.