Recapturing the Magic


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Male Human Sorcerer /1

"Honey wine, please" Kai looks around the grill as he takes a seat.

"Clean water. You have that, right?"

The waiter pouts a little at Smith "You know, you're really no fun... but yes, I'm sure I can manage the complexities of clean water"

Female Human Bard

Iz is still all a wonder and giddy with all teh new sights to see and is quite outwardly happy. she makes her way in with the rest of this little troupe, and makes herself comfortable at the proffered table.

"Ah well, I really don't know what to have... I think I shall leave that decision up to you, fine publican, or should we call you by some other name....."

Iz gently touchs the man's arm as she says the last few words.

The young man gives another toothy grin at Isabella's words "Now you I really like" He responds playfully "I'll be sure to get you something good"

Looking down briefly at the hand that touched his arm he shakes his head a little before returning his focus to the young woman's beautiful face "You can call me Redd, you all can, in fact, except maybe you" His eyes slip to Smith on the word 'you' and he pokes his tongue out of his mouth a little.

Female Human Bard

She grins at Redd, and laughs a little when he pokes his tongue out at "him over there".

"Fine place you have here, Redd, I look forward to the drinks you cook up for us"

Iz sits and relaxes, leaning forward and resting her folded arms on the table.

"Being here in this otherplace, no one knows us, we can reinvent ourselves if we like...

Plus there are fae and magics to see and enjoy too. Now I know there are two sides of that ...magical coin thingy, and that theres bad magic too, but the stories always have some heroes to save the day, so I say live in the moment."

Iz thinks to herself, "Iam sure this is where I was always meant to visit, it is just so wonderous, and even if bad things happen, I am sure it will end up going well for us in the end, the cup is most definately is at least half full in this place. I hope this makes a good story to tell to the children. Prefer to have very few scary bits in it." Iz smiles a little to herself at this.

Female Human Rogue 1

Abby smiles across at Iz. "So we're the brave ones here, taking whatever comes our way."

Then she looks up at Redd a little sternly. "My brother is just as much a customer as the rest of us. He likes water."

She's quite surprised how protective she feels of Smith.

Maybe that's how feels about me the whole time. How funny if I ended up looking after him in this place.

Some of her amusement at this scenario shows in her face.

Smith purveys the room, using his knack for spotting a bad seed. He's focused not on the group at hand, but rather at all the creatures surrounding his group.

His mind never strays once from his role as protector; he was not ready to trust these new beings.

"I love water.", Smith corrects.

Redd gives a small giggle of a laugh "If you're looking for service that's polite no matter who the customer is you'd be better off in the restaurant upstairs. Although the food up there isn't as tasty and I find that kind of service to be a big fat lie, it's much better to be friendly but honest with the customers!" He tells the group happily. "I'll be right back with your drinks" He adds before scurrying off, a happy spring in his step.


You look around the room, looking for bad seeds and you find something odd happens. Almost everyone in the room seems fine but his focus is drawn to a cowled figure sat at a table on it's own in the far corner. You feel an odd tingle course through you and you can see a strange aura gather around the individual, a surplus of shadows, a dark glow, and you just know that he's evil.



Smith focuses harder on the individual, never taking his eyes off of him. He tries to be as inconspicuous as possible, but it's hard with his gut wrenching inside him. This figure will be the focus of Smith's attention throughout the meal. He will intervene in any way necessary if the figure tries to come near his table, or his sister.

Male Human Sorcerer /1

"What are you staring at Transon? Any wider and your eyes will fall out." Kai turns his head too where Smith is looking.

Redd soon returns with drinks, quickly putting the plain water down in front of Smith first but the other drinks are delivered with a flourish, especially those the ladies asked for. In front of Ameei is placed a creamy looking concoction that swirls in a variety of rich browns. In front of Abby is placed a drink that fizzes and sparkles, it appears to be a light green at first but slowly it becomes more blue in colouration and throughout the meal continues through the colours of the rainbow. In front of Iz a tall glass is gently placed, it's contents are what you'd imagine it would look like if someone captured a sunset, it's a misty mixture of yellows, oranges, reds and pinks and glows gently.

"So" The waiter begins with a grin "Drink up! And here at the Grill I can either bring your food over for you or just bring you plates and you can help yourself to the meats we have cooking!" He explains easily.


The honey wine you've been given is especially sweet, and tastes of very fresh honey, you can almost hear bees buzzing on the edge of your hearing as you drink it.

The wine in your water is light and refreshing, it somehow makes the water taste crisper, a lot cleaner and just better for you.

Your drink is water, just water, it's very good though, not that you notice as you watch Skulky McEvil in the corner

The drink you've been given actually changes flavour as it changes colour. The red tastes of fresh strawberries, the orange - oranges, yellow - lemonade, green - crisp apple, blue - blueberries, indigo - dark juicy cherries, violet - blackcurrant. It's also quite alcoholic but Abby wouldn't notice that amongst the light fruity flavours, I leave that in your capable hands to decide whether she's a lightweight or not!

You drink is actually warm, it tastes as it looks, like a wonderful summer sunset, you really can't describe the experience but it just makes you feel light and better.

Female Human Rogue 1

"Rainbow drink with rainbow flavours. Smith! The green is apple. Taste it before it changes it's mind. You know you love apples. .... Smith? What are you looking at?"

"I'm trying to be in...inconspicuous, you two. Ah blast it." Smith takes a drink of Abby's green liquid, secretly a little terrified of it. He starts again, this time with a lowered voice; "There's a fellow in the corner over there. I can't put my finger on it, but just looking at him makes my skin crawl. I have goosebumps all over. I know they must be bad news, and I'm just watching him to make sure he keeps things civil like."

What is the figure doing? Does he notice us talking about him?

M Human Cleric1

Len takes a cautious sip of his wine, looks surprised, then takes another sip. Then, as if noticing what's going on around him, we sets down the glass and pays attention to Smith.

Male Human Sorcerer /1

"You worry too much Transon. Can't you have a little fun, without worrying about something else" Kai goes back to sipping his wine.

As Kia drinks he finds himself in an unusual situation. It could be this place, the Grill, or even his drink. But Kai finds himself more open and free. More like as a child, and less like...Him.

Female Human Rogue 1
Samuel 'Smith' Transon wrote:

"There's a fellow in the corner over there. I can't put my finger on it, but just looking at him makes my skin crawl. I have goosebumps all over. I know they must be bad news, and I'm just watching him to make sure he keeps things civil like."

"Is he upsetting you Smith? He'd better not. I won't have you upset when you've just got calm. It's a nice drink isn't it? Try the blue, it's just changed again. If he's bothering you, I'll bother him. Come on Kai, can't have people upsetting Smith.... Ooooh, roast beef!"

Abby is just a little lightheaded and quite easily distracted. Leaving her drink she flits over the to the array of roasting meats, passing as close as she dares to the figure arousing Smith's suspicions and trying to get a sense of the goosebumps he's talking about.

Male Human Sorcerer /1
Abby Transon wrote:

"Is he upsetting you Smith? He'd better not. I won't have you upset when you've just got calm. It's a nice drink isn't it? Try the blue, it's just changed again. If he's bothering you, I'll bother him. Come on Kai, can't have people upsetting Smith.... Ooooh, roast beef!"

Abby is just a little lightheaded and quite easily distracted. Leaving her drink she flits over the to the array of roasting meats, passing as close as she dares to the figure arousing Smith's suspicions and trying to get a sense of the goosebumps he's talking about.

"Pardon me" Kai excuses himself from the table and follows Abby. He keeps eyes on Abby, but mostly on the stranger.

"Hmm, I wonder whats got Transon so spooked?", Kai internalizes before looking back. He and fixes a plate of shredded meat and bread.

"Did you find anything you like Abby"

Female Human Rogue 1

"I like everything. The place, the drinks, the food, the people. Not creepy in the corner, but everyone else. Do you think they have flavour changing barbeque to match the flavour changing drink?"

Abby piles her plate with random bits of this and that.

"Yes Smith, I will have vegetables of some kind. Does salad count?"

"Salad most definitely counts." Smith adds, secretly tightening his grip on his warhammer under the table. He gently uses his feet to set up his shield in an easy-to-grab position, under the table.
"Couldn't you just feel it, sis? It's sickening."

M Human Cleric1

Len stays at the table, checking his weapons as subtly as he is able.

Female Human Bard
Abby Transon wrote:

Abby smiles across at Iz. "So we're the brave ones here, taking whatever comes our way."

Iz continues to smile, and seems at ease here, though she occassionally glances towards the door. Looking towards Abby, she replies:

"Well I guess it is nice to adventurous one in a while, and I like trying new things when I can, funny never though of myself as brave, just umm.. curious."

Female Human Bard
Kayos wrote:

"So" The waiter begins with a grin "Drink up! And here at the Grill I can either bring your food over for you or just bring you plates and you can help yourself to the meats we have cooking!" He explains easily.

Iz pounces on her drink and is eager to try it, it looks fantastic, and I think her grin says it all, looking up at Redd, and gently touches his arm to get his attention, she exclaims:

"Wow that is so good, remind me to let you surprise me again and again, that is wonderful, wish I get these back in the ol'tavern, would happily sing for these all night...

Iz nervously laughs, as she realises what she is saying.

Umm may I possibly inopportune you further Redd, could you possibly bring me a fine meal of your choosing too, well as a newcomer here I wouldn't want to miss something outstanding when given the chance, plus I know if it was left up to me to make a choice, we would be here weeks....

Iz continues to laugh a little, and smile, feeling all warm and "glow'y" inside.

The figure in the corner is cowled and sat mostly in shadow away from everyone else. He doesn't even look in the group's direction, seeming more concerned with his own meal.

Overhearing the discussion about the other customer Redd shakes his head a little with a smile. "Don't mind him, he's a regular. Not quite right in the head but as long as you refrain from provoking him he stays to himself, eats his food and leaves."

Slowly his focus travels back to the charming Iz and a new grin splits his face at her words. "Not a problem, I'm sure I can find something suitably.. magical.. for you" He assures her with a small wink before heading off to arrange the surprise meal for Isabella.

M Human Cleric1

Before Redd leaves, Len speaks up. "Would you bring some roast, please?" Though the words are reasonably gracious, the tone is somewhat leaden, as if Len has given up on something.

Where's the collie? I've lost track.

Len Harker wrote:
Where's the collie? I've lost track.

You haven't seen any dogs since entering the tree

Female Human Bard
Kayos wrote:

Slowly his focus travels back to the charming Iz and a new grin splits his face at her words. "Not a problem, I'm sure I can find something suitably.. magical.. for you" He assures her with a small wink before heading off to arrange the surprise meal for Isabella.

Iz can't help but just keep smiling, probably something to do with the drink, wonder what was in it, hopefully nothing too intoxicating or umm dangerous, Iz laughs at herself in her head, "Now I act all cautious.."

"Thanks Redd, I look forward to trying many new things, hope we have enough time here"

Iz turns her focus back to the table.

"So how were everyone else's drink, mine is like a little ray of sunshine to banish the bad thoughts away. This seems such a nice place, I imagine there must be rules of hospitality in place here.

Ameei, How is your drink?, you seem to have been a little quiet since entering, can you possibly let us know a little about what faces us once we step though that door to try and find Grace?

There must be a great many stories you can share with us to prepare us..."

Iz seems to be in a pretty chatty mood, possibly due to the effects of the drink, or just possibly as a strange reaction to this new environment, though She seems quite happy to fill the silence with idle chatter, maybe the only thing that might slow her down would be her food arriving.

While also thinking to herself, "I do wonder about that strange gentleman, but I am sure the owner would have some security here, just in case there was trouble, do hope my colleagues don't spark any trouble, would want to get barred or anything. Hmm I do hope we can all settle down and start having a nice discussion about what we face soon, I do feel a little scared, an oddly thrilled about all this, and of course I miss Tamas too."

Female Humanish Bard 3

Ameei had sat quietly for a little while enjoying the drink and gaining some entertainment from watching her companions. Hee these people were fun! Still it would be rude to not answer the questions she'd been asked.

"Well now that people are settling in... Yep there is magic.. I can do a little myself but there is a whole world outside the door filled with people that are more gifted than I am.. Not just the Fae but we are kinda important I guess..." She shrugs off what could sound like a high opinion of her kind with a small chuckle that takes away the pretention.

"So questions... First my drink is Chocolate and cream and it's great! You can try some if you like but umm some of the other stuff in there you might not like... It has a tang to it." Lifting the glass she takes a small sip a happy smile on her pretty features.

"Right what else was there... I really should have a better memory by now... Oh the man over in the corner is Blackthorn.. He's very grumpy and kinda mad so I guess Smith and Kai and Abby might not want to annoy him.. Still he's ok here and won't do anything.. No one breaks the truce." Oddly for the first time the small young lady looks serious as she speaks the last sentence.

"As for the... well i would say real world but that might cause some upset.. You'll really have to see it for yourself. But i'm happy to guide you.. I did kinda bring you this far and whilst I may be flighty the lovely Len wanted to find Miss Clover and I promised to help him.. and be his friend to."

M Human Cleric1
Ameei wrote:
"As for the... well i would say real world but that might cause some upset.. You'll really have to see it for yourself. But i'm happy to guide you.. I did kinda bring you this far and whilst I may be flighty the lovely Len wanted to find Miss Clover and I promised to help him.. and be his friend to."

"Thank you, Miss Ameei," Len says seriously. "Can you tell me anything of Clover? You mention a truce -- does that mean there is danger here?"

Female Human Rogue 1

Abby bounces cheerfully back to the table with her plate piled high. It contains samples of most of the dishes on offer and a rather small amount of salad tucked in one corner. Plonking herself back in her chair she picks up a cherry tomato and pops it whole into her mouth.

"Veggies first Smith." she says when she can speak at all.

"So, creepy in the corner is called Blackthorn, you're going to help us find Gracie-with-a-huge-crush-on-Len and this is the real world? I like it better than Clearbrook already. Tell us some more about what's behind the door Ameei."

Gently kicking Smith under the table she whispers across at her brother.
"I didn't sense anything, but if you don't like him, it's good enough for me."

Since she's still a bit light-headed, this comes out a good bit louder than she means it to.

"I'm just going to keep an eye on him. I don't want any trouble, but I'm not going to let him get near you!", Smith whispers.

"Eat up, who knows when we'll get to eat again." Smith leaves the table to go fill his plate, looking a little silly carrying his warhammer in one hand, but he makes no effort to hide it. In fact, he wants to make sure it is seen, especially by Blackthorn. He puts the hammer down only briefly enough to stack some tasty items on his plate, before returning to his group.

Female Human Bard
Ameei wrote:

"So questions... First my drink is Chocolate and cream and it's great! You can try some if you like but umm some of the other stuff in there you might not like... It has a tang to it." Lifting the glass she takes a small sip a happy smile on her pretty features."

Iz is quiet as she listens to Ameei, and nods in agreement, and is happy to try the proffered drink. Her face is unreadable as she tries it, but her grin returns after.

" Mmmm nice very chocolatey, not sure about that slight tang, can't decide if it complements the offer flavours or not.

I am glad that it was yourself that led us here, I dread to think who else may have happened to us otherwise."

Iz smiles and takes another large sip of her liquid sunbeams, while thinking I wonder if they have moonbeams too.

Female Human Rogue 1

Abby pushes her glass over to Iz.

"Try this too. The purple is blackcurrant. You have to be quick or it changes to something else. It's a slippery, slidy drink of changingness, I love it and I want the recipe."

Male Human Sorcerer /1

Kai sits casually sipping his wine, and listening to the others conversation.

"It's been a long time since I could enjoy myself like this." He looks across the table to see the enjoyment on the others face.

Just as he finally relaxes though the voive of his father interjects itself. "Look at ya boy. Sitting on your duff, feeding yer face! Ain't ya supposed to be doing something", the voice hits with the force of a sledge.

Kai lay his drink down and pushes his plate away. Deep down he wished he could enjoy himself, but he an promise to keep. After he found the young Clover he could enjoy himself.

"Ameei", his cold personality coming to bear, "When do we start our search for Mrs. Clover? This sitting and drinking is all fine. But every moment we waste here the farther from our reach she becomes"

Female Human Bard
Abby Transon wrote:

Abby pushes her glass over to Iz.

"Try this too. The purple is blackcurrant. You have to be quick or it changes to something else. It's a slippery, slidy drink of changingness, I love it and I want the recipe."

Iz looks at the drink, and carefully watches the colour change, and pounces, when she sees one she likes the look of, taking a sip, just as it changes.

MMM cool, thanks Abby, though I think I better slow my exuberance for new things a little, feel a mite light headed now, this is so going to be an interesting evening.

Iz slides one hand under her head and lets her arm rest on the table to support the weight, she gazes down at her sunshine and looks happy....

Female Human Rogue 1

Happily gorging herself, Abby finally pushes away her plate.

Standing up and brushing herself down, she grabs her belongings and flashes a grin at the rest of the table.

"I'm ready. Let's explore."

Belatedly she pulls her big cloak around her, hoping that Smith is too distracted with watching Blackthorn to notice her illicit weaponry.

"Kai?, Iz? Will you join me? Oh,"

with a quick glance at her brother.

"I suppose we should pay first. Smith, do you have any money?"

M Human Cleric1
Len Harker wrote:
"Thank you, Miss Ameei," Len says seriously. "Can you tell me anything of Clover? You mention a truce -- does that mean there is danger here?"


"Yes. I grabbed some on my way. I don't know how much we'll need. Geez. Do they even take coins?"

Female Humanish Bard 3

Ameei was about to answer Len's question when Kai has his sudden change of heart. Pouting a little she looks at the young man quite seriously. "Kai you are allowed to be you.. We will find Grace i'm sure of it.. even if we have to track down a diviner to help find her.. but at the moment we can't leave till the door opens and that's a random thing. You'll find it easier to deal with things if you give yourself a chance to relax... plus it's ok to have fun even in the midst of serious things." As she finishes her little speech Ameei gives Kai a little wink before turning her attention back to Len.

"I don't know a great deal but I saw Grace heading this way.. I just didn't know she'd made it through.. I was a little caught up in exploring. I spoke to someone though and she was here for an hour or so before leaving with a Seelie Elf. They're ok if you like law and order so we should be able to track them down." She shrugs her shoulders all the while looking a little uncomfortable. Brightening once more as the discussion of the bill comes up Ameei can't help but giggle a little.

"Oh Smith dear... Please try and relax a little.. You're God is with you and I can tell you're a lovely person but please try and relax a little. The world responds better with a smile and it might make you feel better too."

M Human Cleric1
Ameei wrote:
"I don't know a great deal but I saw Grace heading this way.. I just didn't know she'd made it through.. I was a little caught up in exploring. I spoke to someone though and she was here for an hour or so before leaving with a Seelie Elf. They're ok if you like law and order so we should be able to track them down."

Len latches on to a point. "You were exploring? You mean, you're not from here -- wherever we are -- either?"

Female Humanish Bard 3

Giving Len an affectionate smile Ameei shakes her head a little. "Nope I was exploring your side... The door opened whilst i was here in the grill and well it was an oppertunity to hear about that famed world of yours... It's been a few years since anyone has been across that I knew of so I thought.. Ameei girl if you don't get going and see what you can see then you'll miss your chance."

She looks round the assembled faces but soon returns her attention to Len. "Then I met you and you seemed lovely.. I recognised Grace from the description you gave so I thought i'd help you find her."

Female Human Rogue 1

Abby looks hard at Ameei.

"You were exploring our side - why bother? There isn't a duller place on earth. Why didn't we see you? Strangers stand out like sore thumbs in Clearbroook ..."

Suddenly she has an idea and bursts out laughing.

"Don't tell me you were the dog? Can you tell me how to do that?"

Male Human Sorcerer /1

Feeling somewhat embarassed over his outburst he sips his wine, and sits back in his seat.

M Human Cleric1

Len, somewhat chagrined about his incorrect guess, waits for the answer to Abby's question.

Female Humanish Bard 3

"I was exploring cos it's interesting to see what it's like in a world without magic and Clearbrook is kind of famous. But yes Abby you sweetheart you I was.. umm am the collie.." She pondered the rest of Abby's question for a moment with a thoughtful look on her small face.

"Hmmm I can do it because it's who I am but I might be able to.. hmmm no that probably wouldn't.. but maybe... hmmm.. I could probably work out a way to do it but we'd need some helpful people and some books and probably quite a while." With a slight grin she turns to Kai. "You on the other hand could possibly teach yourself if you really wanted... and Len might be able too as well if his God wishes."

M Human Cleric1

"You were--? Damn, I was so sure. Even though I knew it was crazy. But Grace -- A 'Seelie' elf? Is she in danger?"

Female Human Rogue 1

"Kai can be a dog? That's wonderful!" Abby hugs him impulsively.

"Hold on a minute. Clearbrook is sort of famous? What for? - it's just dull. Try living there sometime and you'll see exactly what I mean. It's very boring and that isn't enough for me."

She sighs.

"Trust Gracie to do something interesting without telling us. Like Len said, what's a Seelie Elf anyway?"

Female Human Bard
Abby Transon wrote:

"Kai can be a dog? That's wonderful!" Abby hugs him impulsively.

"Hold on a minute. Clearbrook is sort of famous? What for? - it's just dull. Try living there sometime and you'll see exactly what I mean. It's very boring and that isn't enough for me."

She sighs.

"Trust Gracie to do something interesting without telling us. Like Len said, what's a Seelie Elf anyway?"

Iz listens intently to this exchange, and can't help but grin, thinking "Well that explains a lot, kind of guessed something was going on with Ameei"

"Seems we all have the potential to really "grow" in your world, though I must say I am a little surprised that little ol'Clearbrook is famous on your side of the tree, sounds like there is a story to be told"

Iz pauses and takes another sip of her drink, and continues to beam with happiness.

Does that mean Miss Clover went off with some strange man?

The smile on Iz's face slips a little during this.

Sorry for the delay guys, Paul has been very busy with his birthday and work. Ameei will be responding soon!

The cowled figure in the corner pays, stands and quickly leaves, not even given the group a second glance.

Male Human Sorcerer /1

Kai watches as Blackthorn leaves the establishment, "Hmm, seems you no longer need to worry Transon." He turns and takes a drink of his wine.

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