Alternate Methods of Payment...

Customer Service

Dear Paizo

I noticed that you do not offer Paypal as an alternative means of paying for your goods. I know the question of paypal has been raised in the past, and that point you were not able to offer this service, however, are you in a position to reconsider this?

If not, have you considered making your products available in PDF format via third parties such as (You already offer PDF as an alternative for most [if not all] of the products I have viewed). A large number of publishers use this site.

I ask as I do not have a credit card, and have not intent of getting one, however, I am interested in the direction you are going with the Pathfinder RPG.


(A potential customer)

Drew Stevens

Druuw wrote:

I ask as I do not have a credit card, and have not intent of getting one, however, I am interested in the direction you are going with the Pathfinder RPG.

Drew, does paypal offer a debit card? I know they have a credit card...

If not... drug stores (and some money type places) have debit type cards that are not "loans" or have percentages etc...

Bascially, you go in... give the clerk money and your card they give you - they "load" it with that money.. and you can use it later for credit card like purchases.

It doesn't have a bill you have to pay.. no contracts, monthly fees etc...

it might cost like a dollar to load it

Just a suggestion

~ Paul

Paul Ackerman 70 wrote:

Drew, does paypal offer a debit card? I know they have a credit card...

If not... drug stores (and some money type places) have debit type cards that are not "loans" or have percentages etc...

Bascially, you go in... give the clerk money and your card they give you - they "load" it with that money.. and you can use it later for credit card like purchases.

It doesn't have a bill you have to pay.. no contracts, monthly fees etc...

it might cost like a dollar to load it

Just a suggestion

~ Paul


I do not recall seeing anything like what you were saying, but I am in the UK, so things are probably different over here. Paypal does not "do" a debit card, but it recognizes the debit card I do have, which is the reason why I use it (a lot) when buying stuff from US based sites.

The problem is that Paizo only appear to offer credit card as a valid method of payment for us UK customers. Shame as they are missing out on potential customers (hint hint).


But still, thanks for the response.


The Exchange

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Paul Ackerman 70 wrote:

If not... drug stores (and some money type places) have debit type cards that are not "loans" or have percentages etc...

Bascially, you go in... give the clerk money and your card they give you - they "load" it with that money.. and you can use it later for credit card like purchases.

If you decide to go this route, look around at the different options first and try to find one that fits your needs the best. I only looked for a couple minutes, but I found that the "pre-loaded" credit cards come in a lot of different varieties, some charge you to load the card, some charge a monthly "maintenance" fee, etc. Figure out what you want to do with it, and then find a plan that will cost you least.

Paul Ackerman 70 wrote:
does paypal offer a debit card? I know they have a credit card...

I can't confirm this (and it might not apply to UK residents anyway), but I've heard you can get a one-time use credit card number from PayPal. Not sure exactly how it works, but its something to look into if nothing else will work for you. Depending on how its set up, it might not work for a monthly subscription, but for one-off purchases it should work fine.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Void_Eagle wrote:
Paul Ackerman 70 wrote:
does paypal offer a debit card? I know they have a credit card...
I can't confirm this (and it might not apply to UK residents anyway), but I've heard you can get a one-time use credit card number from PayPal.

PayPal does offer MasterCard debit cards and credit cards, as well as single-use MasterCard numbers that draw from your PayPal account, but it appears that all of those options are currently only available to their US customers.

I'm afraid that accepting PayPal payments directly just isn't a viable option for, as their expectations on how authorizations and charges happen just aren't compatible with our business requirements.

Vic Wertz wrote:
I'm afraid that accepting PayPal payments directly just isn't a viable option for, as their expectations on how authorizations and charges happen just aren't compatible with our business requirements.

Fair comment.

Is there any chance of PDF versions of Paizo products being available via

This is random... but you could get Print versions from ebay and pay with paypal. Just an idea if isn't an option either.

I also, don't think they'd allow other companies to sell their pdfs as they watermark them.

Paul Ackerman 70 wrote:

I also, don't think they'd allow other companies to sell their pdfs as they watermark them.

Thanks Paul,

To be honest, the PDF's you buy via RPGNow can also watermarked. I don't see any issue here.

However, if RPGNow is not an option then I'll either have to consider trying to buy via the local hobby shop, but this more of a lottery than you may first imagine as they sell out quickly (I am missing loads of issues of Dungeon, making running the Adventure Paths previously released difficult to run), or consider sticking to an alternate RPG.

EBay may be an option - thanks for the suggestion.

RPGNow: It was just an idea. I really do like the look of the products that Paizo are producing, and I have hard earned cash ready to spend. I cannot be the only potential customer who lives outside the US who does not use Credit Cards. RPGNow is a lifeline to gamer like myself. I can purchase PDF versions of game books, instantly, without the requirement of first owning a Credit Card.

I am interested in hearing the official stance from Paizo. Is it an option? Even if it is not possible to give a Yes/No answer, some indication that it could be considered would be something.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Druuw wrote:
I am interested in hearing the official stance from Paizo. Is [RPGNow] an option?

We actually met with them this past month to discuss the possibility, but we have not yet come to an agreement.


Druuw wrote:

However, if RPGNow is not an option then I'll either have to consider trying to buy via the local hobby shop, but this more of a lottery than you may first imagine as they sell out quickly (I am missing loads of issues of Dungeon, making running the Adventure Paths previously released difficult to run), or consider sticking to an alternate RPG.

I would talk to the workers at the hobby shop, depending on the distributer they use, most send out magazine size order books 3-6 months in advance that include oder forms for individual customers to fill out. This is to help the store order the correct amount, and gives them you phone number so that they can call you when they get it in, also if you preorder in this way most shops will keep the preordered copies in the back room ensuring you get what you ordered.

Druuw wrote:

EBay may be an option - thanks for the suggestion.

Amazon also carry a range of Paizo products, and accept both debit cards and personal cheques, although not PayPal. I got one of the last copies of PF#2 from them long after it was gone from B&M stores...

Druuw wrote:
Paul Ackerman 70 wrote:

I also, don't think they'd allow other companies to sell their pdfs as they watermark them.

Thanks Paul,

To be honest, the PDF's you buy via RPGNow can also watermarked. I don't see any issue here.

However, if RPGNow is not an option then I'll either have to consider trying to buy via the local hobby shop, but this more of a lottery than you may first imagine as they sell out quickly (I am missing loads of issues of Dungeon, making running the Adventure Paths previously released difficult to run), or consider sticking to an alternate RPG.

EBay may be an option - thanks for the suggestion.

RPGNow: It was just an idea. I really do like the look of the products that Paizo are producing, and I have hard earned cash ready to spend. I cannot be the only potential customer who lives outside the US who does not use Credit Cards. RPGNow is a lifeline to gamer like myself. I can purchase PDF versions of game books, instantly, without the requirement of first owning a Credit Card.

I am interested in hearing the official stance from Paizo. Is it an option? Even if it is not possible to give a Yes/No answer, some indication that it could be considered would be something.

Talk with your local game store owner. You should be able to arrange something like a subscription from him (or her). Your local game store owner would likely love a solid customer who will constantly come back for ordered in product. The most difficult part of all this will be convincing the game store owner that you mean it when you say you'll be back in every month for product X, Y, and Z, the last thing a game store owner wants is to order in some product that does not have high demand and find that the customer has chosen not to buy the desired product (and the game store owner will have faced this exact situation many many times) hence you may want to see if he'll let you buy up front or purchase gift certificates equal to the value of the products you want ordered in - or some other guarantee that you'll actually be back to buy the product you want ordered in (if you have a teenager see if you can con him into taking the miscreant as collateral).

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