Way back when, there was a city

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Around the release (shortly after) of 3rd edition, a magic city was intorduced in three things, including D&D and Magic: The Gathering. The city could cast Suggestion, Mass on its populace, and other neat things.

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone remembered this city, if it was released in Dragon, Dungeon or what, and what issue.?

I know it's been awhile, but I want to bump this, come on someone has to know what I'm talking about.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

I know that Wizards kept the Magic storyline properties strictly seperate from the D&D game, so I'm guessing that at least one of those system rules was fan-created.

It sounds like a fun idea, but it's not ringing any bells for me, I'm afraid, but I haven't played Magic in a very long time.

My guess would be to look through the card releases from about 8 years ago, to see if anything looks familiar.

Another bump, I tried looking through cards, but that's nigh-impossible. It wasn't fan-created though, it was a WotC project to put the same thing in three products.

Inquisdrknss wrote:
Another bump, I tried looking through cards, but that's nigh-impossible. It wasn't fan-created though, it was a WotC project to put the same thing in three products.

I've read a good number of the M:tG novels and been playing continuously since Invasion block, and no such thing made it into the game. (Even with a hiatus before that time, I've seen nor heard of no reference to it.)There was an intelligent city in Scourge, but it was empty and got demolished. The idea is definitely intriguing though.

As far as I know it didn't appear in the Novels, it was just a card. Okay, how about this does anyone know of a 3e intelligent city?

Inquisdrknss wrote:
As far as I know it didn't appear in the Novels, it was just a card. Okay, how about this does anyone know of a 3e intelligent city?

I was playing and collecting M:tG when 3E came out. I've been through Gatherer and the Magic encyclopedia. WotC finished up the Rath cycle and story arc at that time before moving on to Odyssey. No signs of this city, and I've got quite a few cards from that period, including a complete set of Invasion and a near-complete set of both Prophecy and Apocalypse. Was this a specialty card of some sort, or was it part of a regular expansion?

As far as 3E intelligent cities, no dice on that one either, though something might have slipped through the cracks with me. I bought a LOT of 3E material at the time from WotC. We can keep looking though.

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