Filling in the "Runis of Castle Greyhawk"


I've been working my campaign towards the "Expedition to Castle Greyhawk," and we are getting close. One thing I've wanted to do is have something on hand to fill in some of the empty levels (right now I'm looking at levels 2 and 3 of the Tower of War. Does anyone have any ideas for products that might help with this?

I just got the PDF of "Greyhawk Ruins," and I like some of the stuff of Zagig's Tower. Most of the stuff for the Tower of War won't work. I've been thinking about grabbing "Castle Whiterock," but it's a little pricey to grab without seeing it.

Does anyone have any input? Will I be able to loot layers out of "Whiterock"? Does anyone have any other suggestions of good dungeon levels to substitute (the more specific the better!)?

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