New Demo Adventure

4th Edition

So, anyone out there in the wide world of Paizo interested in trying out a 4th edition Demo adventure I'd written? It hasn't been play-tested yet so I can't guarantee how difficult it will be, but it should at least be interesting. It can be played with the D&D XP Demo characters or with characters made via the Player's Handbook Lite available on ENWorld.

So, any takers?

~ Bryon Kershaw ~


Love to try it out with my group

I'm down.

Either of you fine folks have an e-mail address I can send it to?

Bryon_Kershaw wrote:
Either of you fine folks have an e-mail address I can send it to?

I'd love to give it a whirl as well!

Bryon_Kershaw wrote:

So, anyone out there in the wide world of Paizo interested in trying out a 4th edition Demo adventure I'd written? It hasn't been play-tested yet so I can't guarantee how difficult it will be, but it should at least be interesting. It can be played with the D&D XP Demo characters or with characters made via the Player's Handbook Lite available on ENWorld.

So, any takers?

~ Bryon Kershaw ~

Can you email it to me as well?


If you find a place to host it on the net and you feel it is ready for public consumption I'll add a link to it in the Pre-release Rules Compilation Preface, and the OP over on EnWorld.

Verys Arkon
PrRC compiler

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