"Tides of Dread": Aquatic encounter questions

Savage Tide Adventure Path

My players are going to try to recover the Wyvern in the next session.

Aquatic spells: It's not at all clear, but it seems to me that Skephilipika's freedom of movement should let him move on land as he does at sea (40' if I remember correctly). (Otherwise, why does he bother casting it?)

Is there any reason why he wouldn't stay submerged while casting all of his spells, especially his summoning spells?

Finally, I think I'm going to give Bloodtooth a 20% chance to capsize a rowboat. (He doesn't have a hard shell like a dragon turtle, but he should be able to knock the thing around a bit, and it'll foreshadow the encounter with the Glutton in a few sessions.) Is there any reason not to do this?

Sben wrote:

My players are going to try to recover the Wyvern in the next session.

Aquatic spells: It's not at all clear, but it seems to me that Skephilipika's freedom of movement should let him move on land as he does at sea (40' if I remember correctly). (Otherwise, why does he bother casting it?)

Is there any reason why he wouldn't stay submerged while casting all of his spells, especially his summoning spells?

Finally, I think I'm going to give Bloodtooth a 20% chance to capsize a rowboat. (He doesn't have a hard shell like a dragon turtle, but he should be able to knock the thing around a bit, and it'll foreshadow the encounter with the Glutton in a few sessions.) Is there any reason not to do this?

This encounter is coming up for me next and I plan to use these ideas.

I necro'd this post to ask a question about what looks like an error in the 143 issue statblock. The average kopru's dominate person ability is Charisma based for the save DC, and that DC is 16. So Skephilpika's dominate person ability should actually be a DC 18 will save correct? Since his charisma is 14, not 10 like the average kopru.

I think also his amulet of might fists +1 means his claw and bite attacks do an additional point of damage (1d4+3) as his strength also gives him another +1 to damage over a standard kopru.

Yes, it should be DC 18 (that also increases the chances that the party's fighter/rogue will fail it).

I know these were in the OP, but:
He casts Freedom of Movement because enemies will often have battlefield control spells or grappling abilities.

He should definitely stay submerged unless he wants his face full of arrows/fireballs.

Capsizing rowboats can either be fun or a way to make your full plate player really pissed off as he sinks to the bottom and can do nothing to help. It depends on how evil you're feeling and how much you feel like point out the drawbacks to wearing super heavy armor.

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