Keep in the Cinderlands


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Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4

Are we looking at a pair of deadends? One with the children, one for the adult?

Ovirid starts searching the area and the body for anything of interest.

And finds a bloody burnt lizard for his trouble.

Perception (4x) 1d20+7=10, 1d20+7=8, 1d20+7=9, 1d20+7=10

A thorough investigation of the rooms in this back passage reveal that a stairwell went both up and down from here but has long since collapsed. More recent occupants have made no attempt to tidy the rubble and have added to it by throwing refuse amongst the rocks in an attempt to prevent anything crawling through. Shards of metal and stone would make it very difficult to crawl through here. It is, in effect, a deadend.

Much of what is stored in this room is of little interest to humans. Kobolds, on the other hand, would find it fascinating. A lot of it is simply shiny scraps.

Perception check 15:


The Master of Flame has kept a stash of things of value to him. On the most part though, they would not be of as much value to you. There are two potions that look interesting, a mismatched set of masterwork thieves tools kept amongst trap-making supplies, and a dozen teardrop shaped amethysts (30 gp each).

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4

Perception 1d20+7=15

Just barely!

"Hmm, what would we be havin' 'ere?" Ovirid draws out some gemstones, collecting them in a pile, gathers some other miscellaneous items together, including a pair of small vials.

"Lass, d'ya recognize what these potions might be?"

It looks like Yin may not be coming back. I'll NPC her.

Yin examines the vials and plucks at the air around them like a harpist playing an instrument. "This one is familiar ... I think it offers protection against fire. Perhaps you should have it," she says suppressing a giggle while handing it to Ovirid.

"And this one is a potion of 'Fly'. See," she says holding up the bottle and pointing to some writing in common on the side. "F ... L ... Y. That spells 'Fly'."

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:

It looks like Yin may not be coming back. I'll NPC her.

Yin examines the vials and plucks at the air around them like a harpist playing an instrument. "This one is familiar ... I think it offers protection against fire. Perhaps you should have it," she says suppressing a giggle while handing it to Ovirid.

"And this one is a potion of 'Fly'. See," she says holding up the bottle and pointing to some writing in common on the side. "F ... L ... Y. That spells 'Fly'."

"Harumph! Well, you'd not be fer needin' that one, would ye? Yer plenty flighty already, I'm fer thinkin'." He snatches the protective potion from her hand and tucks it into a belt pouch.

"Well, which way do ye think we should be fer 'eadin' now? We're not goin' ta be fer goin' deeper 'ere 'less ye've got a dwarven diggin' crew on the way 'ere."

Unless I've totally missed something, of course. I'm having trouble getting back on track after all of the holiday delays, honestly.

The dwarf examines the gems not sure if a dwarven ability would help here, but here's the roll without any dwarven racial bonus Appraise 1d20+8=15 and says, "I'm fer thinkin' these 're worth 'oldin' onto." He divides the pile into four sets of three gems each and hands three to each of the party members before tucking a trio into his own pouch.

He also collects up the odd tools and trap-making items (that he finds worthwhile) and tucks them into his pack.



Hi guys. It seems like I've found my way into the top 32. This is me. You'll understand if I don't post for a few days, eh?

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4

Everyone, but especially Tarren:

I said this elsewhere, but congratulations, Tarren, that's awesome news!

Re: this game, Manfred, what do you think we should do next? We seem to have lost both players of our mages, so I think we can make all the decisions now. ;-) It appears that we have a deadend here - do you want to back up and try another cave or do something else? In my mind, Yin was the leader, but you are second as being from the earlier game, so I defer to you. Even if Ovirid doesn't make that obvious.

Male Human Cavalier L1-- AC 18-(T10-F18) | hp 13/13| F4, R0, W2 | Init+0 | Percep +0 | Status: OK

Do you recall why we were going through the caves? Given a choice Sir Manfred will choose to go directly to the Keep on the road, or at least some way without a lot of climbing checks.

Sir Manfred VonFalkenburg wrote:
Do you recall why we were going through the caves? Given a choice Sir Manfred will choose to go directly to the Keep on the road, or at least some way without a lot of climbing checks.

Hmmm, I can't recall how explicit Kerrigan was with you about his intentions. He paid you to investigate and explore. I don't think he discussed why he'd spend good money on having you find out how deep these caverns go.

You guys have free rein on how to proceed. There are a lot of interesting directions this thing could take.

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
Sir Manfred VonFalkenburg wrote:
Do you recall why we were going through the caves? Given a choice Sir Manfred will choose to go directly to the Keep on the road, or at least some way without a lot of climbing checks.

Hmmm, I can't recall how explicit Kerrigan was with you about his intentions. He paid you to investigate and explore. I don't think he discussed why he'd spend good money on having you find out how deep these caverns go.

You guys have free rein on how to proceed. There are a lot of interesting directions this thing could take.

I don't recall whether it's character knowledge for Ovirid, but Kerrigan indicated concerns that there was an entrance to the Keep via the Caves. He was financing us to investigate that possibility.

"Sir Manfred, what's yer preference fer next?"

Male Human Cavalier L1-- AC 18-(T10-F18) | hp 13/13| F4, R0, W2 | Init+0 | Percep +0 | Status: OK

Sir Manfred replies;
"My preference would be an open road and an enemy that will face us squarely! But Lord Kerrigan indicated some enterance through these caves somewhere, so I suppose we must proceed as we have been. I could wish for more scouts though; this kobold infestation worries me."

Sir Manfred VonFalkenburg wrote:

Sir Manfred replies;

"My preference would be an open road and an enemy that will face us squarely! But Lord Kerrigan indicated some enterance through these caves somewhere, so I suppose we must proceed as we have been. I could wish for more scouts though; this kobold infestation worries me."

I couldn't remember if Kerrigan had told you that. He's been worried about it for over a year now but was hesitant to trust that knowledge to anyone. Damn NPCs living full and vibrant lives in my head.

Have we permanently lost two of our players?

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
Have we permanently lost two of our players?

I thought the post from Jal Dorak when he reappeared after the holidays indicated that he would not be pursuing anymore play, only running the one game. I'll check...

I guess he didn't say no completely, but he did say this:

Jal Dorak wrote:

Rather than post around the various PbP boards, I'm giving everybody a heads up in one place.

After relaxing and enjoying the holidays, I am adjusting to a new lifestyle and job over the coming weeks. I'm still on the boards, but will be less frequent during weekdays (at least until the summer).

This may affect my ability to participate in some PbP, if you DM such a game and want to work out something here, this is the best place to do so as I won't be able to peruse everything.

I interpreted it to mean we had lost one. I'm not sure at all about the lovely Yin.

Well, we haven't seen Yin for a while. What would you guys like to do? I could NPC Yin but I don't think we should have two characters being NPCed. Do you need to head back to camp to recover? Janrith could be switched out at camp, storywise. You could continue on to a new set of caves if you want? Make a plan and we'll proceed.

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
Well, we haven't seen Yin for a while. What would you guys like to do? I could NPC Yin but I don't think we should have two characters being NPCed. Do you need to head back to camp to recover? Janrith could be switched out at camp, storywise. You could continue on to a new set of caves if you want? Make a plan and we'll proceed.

Not sure what time of day it would be getting to. If it's still relatively early, I think, story-wise, it might make more sense to scout down the ravine to see where other caves might be before returning to camp for the evening. But I'm in favor of returning to the camp and off-loading Janrith if his player has made a permanent departure. And if he has, we are completely without a healer... However, I'm not against taking a level of cleric if Ovirid lives that long.

"Sir Manfred, 'ow 'bout we climb down t' the road 'n scout fer a new cave that's fer bein' more ta yer likin'? I'm not fer bein' sure we're fer wantin' ta start a new'un today, but we could be fer makin' an informed decision back at camp if'n we take time ta look before we return."

Male Human Cavalier L1-- AC 18-(T10-F18) | hp 13/13| F4, R0, W2 | Init+0 | Percep +0 | Status: OK

"Sir Ovirid, I am with you wholeheartedly. Let us be off then!"

Describe the path you take on this map. You are currently at cave 1.

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
Describe the path you take on this map. You are currently at cave 1.

The dwarf snorts at being called "sir," but just heads back out of the cave shaking his head. He uncoils his rope, hook still attached, and finds a place to set it strongly.

"Lass, if'n ye dinnae mind, I'd be fer havin' ye ready with yer spells in case somethin' attacks while Sir Manfred climbs down. I'll be watchin', too, but me crossbow won't be in me hands so I can aid Manfred."

I'm thinking we proceed down the way we came up, Manfred first to protect the "landing zone" followed by Janrith and Yin. Ovirid's got a decent climb skill and will go last after steadying the rope for the others.

After that, it's move toward the road, but whether we take left or right edge or straight down the middle, I'm afraid I can't tell enough from the map to see a preference. Manfred?

Ovirid Thorvirson wrote:
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
Describe the path you take on this map. You are currently at cave 1.

The dwarf snorts at being called "sir," but just heads back out of the cave shaking his head. He uncoils his rope, hook still attached, and finds a place to set it strongly.

"Lass, if'n ye dinnae mind, I'd be fer havin' ye ready with yer spells in case somethin' attacks while Sir Manfred climbs down. I'll be watchin', too, but me crossbow won't be in me hands so I can aid Manfred."

I'm thinking we proceed down the way we came up, Manfred first to protect the "landing zone" followed by Janrith and Yin. Ovirid's got a decent climb skill and will go last after steadying the rope for the others.

After that, it's move toward the road, but whether we take left or right edge or straight down the middle, I'm afraid I can't tell enough from the map to see a preference. Manfred?

As you peer out of the cave, you see the ashwing gargoyles finish off the last of the baby kobolds.* They 'cawwww' and smile at you as if to say 'thanks' but they still look hungry. The flap up to a point on the cliff higher up and out of the way.

* Mmmmm. Tastes like chicken.

Male Human Cavalier L1-- AC 18-(T10-F18) | hp 13/13| F4, R0, W2 | Init+0 | Percep +0 | Status: OK

Climb check:

Sir Manfred almost slips and falls down again, but with a little help from friends and a knotted rope, he arrives safe and sound on the ground.

"Well Sir Ovirid, I think we should venture up this road and see what this next cave will bring us. Mayhap its slope be shallower than this one."

He points at Cave #2.

Assuming Ovirid goes along with this ...

Continuing up the ancient and almost forgotten road, you pass the piled mass of kobold bodies and the warning posts the orc you slew was capping with kobold heads before you slew him. The road, despite masses of dirt in the edges, remains flat as it winds between sloping grey hills of cinderstone.

A cave high on your right #2 would be challenging to access if iron spikes had not been driven into the rock.

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:

Assuming Ovirid goes along with this ...

Continuing up the ancient and almost forgotten road, you pass the piled mass of kobold bodies and the warning posts the orc you slew was capping with kobold heads before you slew him. The road, despite masses of dirt in the edges, remains flat as it winds between sloping grey hills of cinderstone.

A cave high on your right #2 would be challenging to access if iron spikes had not been driven into the rock.

Ovirid is fine, please continue. The dwarf's plan is to look for traps and lookouts as well as caves, but not to enter any more of them this day. This has become an above-ground scouting mission only, in his eyes.

Ovirid Thorvirson wrote:
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:

Assuming Ovirid goes along with this ...

Continuing up the ancient and almost forgotten road, you pass the piled mass of kobold bodies and the warning posts the orc you slew was capping with kobold heads before you slew him. The road, despite masses of dirt in the edges, remains flat as it winds between sloping grey hills of cinderstone.

A cave high on your right #2 would be challenging to access if iron spikes had not been driven into the rock.

Ovirid is fine, please continue. The dwarf's plan is to look for traps and lookouts as well as caves, but not to enter any more of them this day. This has become an above-ground scouting mission only, in his eyes.

Well, that's what you see. The cave you are looking for is up those spikey rocks. Perception check?

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
Ovirid Thorvirson wrote:
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:

Assuming Ovirid goes along with this ...

Continuing up the ancient and almost forgotten road, you pass the piled mass of kobold bodies and the warning posts the orc you slew was capping with kobold heads before you slew him. The road, despite masses of dirt in the edges, remains flat as it winds between sloping grey hills of cinderstone.

A cave high on your right #2 would be challenging to access if iron spikes had not been driven into the rock.

Ovirid is fine, please continue. The dwarf's plan is to look for traps and lookouts as well as caves, but not to enter any more of them this day. This has become an above-ground scouting mission only, in his eyes.
Well, that's what you see. The cave you are looking for is up those spikey rocks. Perception check?

Perception 1d20+0=4

Spiky rocks? What spiky rocks?

EDIT: Actually, I should have a +7 on that check, not a +0. With that roll, it probably doesn't matter...

Male Human Cavalier L1-- AC 18-(T10-F18) | hp 13/13| F4, R0, W2 | Init+0 | Percep +0 | Status: OK

Perception check:

"I don't see those spikey rocks either; they must be further up the trail. Let's go!"

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4
Sir Manfred VonFalkenburg wrote:

Perception check:


"I don't see those spikey rocks either; they must be further up the trail. Let's go!"


You hear a loud crack to your left as a stone twice the size of your head bounces off a rock and lands a few feet away. It came from the opposite side of the valley. Looking up you see a large misshapen hulk of an ogre bend over to pick up another rock. The ashwing gargoyles cackle, greatly amused by it all though a little disappointed with the ogres aim.

Just a bit further down the road, pushed tight against one of the cliff walls, you see a wagon of some sort. The thick grey net covering it makes it difficult to see what it is.

Male Human Cavalier L1-- AC 18-(T10-F18) | hp 13/13| F4, R0, W2 | Init+0 | Percep +0 | Status: OK

Sir Manfred pulls up.
"What do you think Sir Ovirid? I dislike retreating in the face of that foul beast, but it seems like the most prudent course at the moment. I know I have no missile weapons to harry it in any case."

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4
Sir Manfred VonFalkenburg wrote:

Sir Manfred pulls up.

"What do you think Sir Ovirid? I dislike retreating in the face of that foul beast, but it seems like the most prudent course at the moment. I know I have no missile weapons to harry it in any case."

I assume we are actually a party of four, with the mages just silent partners at the moment.

Ovirid spits in the dirt. "Aye, retreat 'ould be prudent. I do 'ate ogres, though. 'N I'm fer wantin' t' know what's under yon tarp. Dinnae be wastin' yer spells 'n ammo on th' big block'ead. We'll be fer returnin' tomorrow - if'n 'e's as stupid as most, 'e'll be 'ere waitin' fer an easy meal. Let's be fer gettin' agin' the wall and move back up the road." And the scowling dwarf moves off in just that direction

To be clear, what he's intending is to hug the wall alongside the road below the ogre in hopes that it makes the angle of fire more difficult as opposed to walking in the virtual clear of the middle of the road or the far side of the road. If the terrain makes this a foolish choice, please advise.

Retreat is an option. The ogre is up on the ridge between caves four and five. It is a distance for him to throw the stone but he could make the climb up to three or two quite difficult for you.

The ogre bellows as you retreat but does not waste any more of his stones on you.

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:

Retreat is an option. The ogre is up on the ridge between caves four and five. It is a distance for him to throw the stone but he could make the climb up to three or two quite difficult for you.

The ogre bellows as you retreat but does not waste any more of his stones on you.

"Well, lad, 'at's th' type o' information we're lookin' fer, ain't it? If'n we're t' be fer gettin' into another cave, we're needin' t' be fer takin' care of tall 'n ugly there first. Let's be fer goin' back t' th' camp 'n work out a plan. What d'ye say?"

Male Human Cavalier L1-- AC 18-(T10-F18) | hp 13/13| F4, R0, W2 | Init+0 | Percep +0 | Status: OK

"So it is. Let us be off then; I am beginning to dislike this place..."

Are you guys heading back to camp then?

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
Are you guys heading back to camp then?

Aye, cap'n. That's the current plan.

Male Human

Yes. Back to camp to rest, plan and make whatever personnel changes we need to.

The journey back to camp is uneventful. The Ashwing's fly a bit behind you cawwing and mocking you for cowards but there's more than enough meat to keep them fed. They descend and start tearing apart the headless kobold bodies stacked by the entrance to the road.

When you arrive at camp, you see the pelts of three cinderwolves hanging from branches. Larjen Widebottom, Kornelius, and Burp are grinning widely. The other guard is resting in one of the tents. They invite you to tell your tale before they tell you theirs but it seems everyone had a bit of an adventure today.

Male Human Fighter (2)

"Welcome back from your journey. We had quite an adventure here. I was lying down in the tent and these three cinderwolves came running at us. Everywhere we went, they went. It wasn't easy and we got injured but three cinderwolves ... I think Yin might enjoy these cinderwolf skins. How was your adventure?" asks Kornelius.

Yin may know that cinderwolf pelts can be enchanted to provide protection from fire.

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4

"Oho! 'at looks t' be some fine work ye've been up t', there. Our day wasn't fer bein' too excitin', but we were fer seein' some combat, fer sure."

Ovirid sets his pack down in the camp area and inspects the pelts. He has no idea what to look for, just wants to encourage the young'uns and their efforts.

"Manfred 'ere dropped th' first orc we saw with a single blow. A thin' of beauty, that swin' of 'is. Ah'll let 'im tell the tale. After that, we were fer scalin' a wee cliff 'n enterin' the first cave we found. Within was another orc corpse - a welcome sight, I must be fer addin' - and some wee treasures. Wouldn't ye know, but a wily kobold had been fer trappin' the body, an' Ah et me some fire. See 'ere on m' beard?" Don't want to monopolize, so I will stop for now. Manfred is welcome to pick up the storytelling, if he wishes.

Note: I didn't think of it as we left the cave, but Ovirid intended to retrieve the orc double-axe found on the trapped body and take it back to the keep for selling later.

And congratulations, Sir DM, on Round Three. I don't pay a lot of attention to those most of the time due to lack of time, but I had to go read yours since I "know" you.

Ovirid Thorvirson wrote:
And congratulations, Sir DM, on Round Three. I don't pay a lot of attention to those most of the time due to lack of time, but I had to go read yours since I "know" you.

Hehe. Thanks. I'm enjoying myself. My buddy Neil Spicer (from the Foray PbP) is kicking some butt too.

The lads from the keep are pretty pleased with themselves and ask you to recount your adventures but keep interjecting with stories of their own. Larjen is quite curious about the attack on the kobold caves. "The orcs have been keeping to themselves, really. Just a small tribe. Why attack the kobolds now?"

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
The lads from the keep are pretty pleased with themselves and ask you to recount your adventures but keep interjecting with stories of their own. Larjen is quite curious about the attack on the kobold caves. "The orcs have been keeping to themselves, really. Just a small tribe. Why attack the kobolds now?"

"'at's a good question. We weren't fer askin' many questions o' the first orc. The second one was already dead when we found it. The kobold shaman 'ad a couple of nasty fire traps set fer th' likes o' us. 'e was a clever one, I'll wager, but 'e's not 'ere to answer any questions anymore, either. Maybe the ogre we saw, eh?"

Ovirid, I'm sorry but this thread seems pretty dead. If you'd like to head up to the spires, I could make that happen. It's a much more active thread and would fit with your posting rate. Let me know.

Remember to vote guys!

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:

Ovirid, I'm sorry but this thread seems pretty dead. If you'd like to head up to the spires, I could make that happen. It's a much more active thread and would fit with your posting rate. Let me know.

Remember to vote guys!

I'm good with that, but I hate to abandon Manfred. He seems to post when there's something to post about, as opposed to posting at random like I was doing there for a while. I must point out that my posting rate has taken a rather severe downturn of late, so one less thread to address was actually a good thing.

I am looking forward to seeing your treatment of the Caves, but I can certainly wait for another chance.

Male Human Cavalier L1-- AC 18-(T10-F18) | hp 13/13| F4, R0, W2 | Init+0 | Percep +0 | Status: OK

Still here! Sorry I've been so passive lately. I've been buried in W-2 paperwork at work.
If you guys could use a Knight over at the Spires, I'm up for it.

Larjen suggests that Yin and Janrith could help him to take the wounded guard back to the keep. Burp and Kornelius remain here.

How do you spend the remainder of the day?

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
How do you spend the remainder of the day?

Roughly what time is it now?

Ovirid Thorvirson wrote:
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
How do you spend the remainder of the day?
Roughly what time is it now?

It is still early. Yin, Jaenrith, Larjen and the wounded guard head off for the Keep. Larjen said he could attempt to purchase needed supplies and return by nightfall.

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4

Hmm... Ovirid will spend time scouting the area around the campsite, looking for vantage points that might be used to spy on the party, being stealthy, but it's mostly for the exercise rather than expecting to find something.

Other than that, he will spend time practicing his skills or creating some traps along the trails to the camp. He's not looking for lethal traps, just noisemakers -- falling branches when someone passes a certain area, for example.

Sir Manfred, care to spar to while away the hours?

Male Human Cavalier L1-- AC 18-(T10-F18) | hp 13/13| F4, R0, W2 | Init+0 | Percep +0 | Status: OK

Sir Manfred will relate what he knows of the expedition to the caves so far, tend to his horse and will gladly engage in sparring with whoever desires it.

Sorry guys. I'm going to be busy until Friday.

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
Sorry guys. I'm going to be busy until Friday.

No worries here, cap'n.

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