DM Nex's Dead Suns (Inactive)

Game Master NeoEvaX


Game Website

Rules for Wilderness Travel:

In a given day the group can travel 12 miles.

12 hours each day you will need some protection from the heat.

Armor has 24 hours per level of protection you can divvy up per hour.

Every day:
DC 18 Survival to avoid getting lost
DC 12 Survival to follow tracks.

Avoiding getting lost is harder, but you can move further. Following tracks you can move 3/4 the days speed, but is easier. Only 1 person can be on point for this, with assists being allowed. If you fail either of these checks you only make 1/2 process.

Because you have Dr. Solstarni’s notes and the files from Ailabiens 21:2 you have a +2 on these Survival checks.

You can use suit’s protection, air bubble, or can make a Fortitude save each hour (DC 15 + 1 per previous check) or take 1d4 nonlethal fire damage. Heavy armor gives a -4 penalty on this. You can roll a Survival at the beginning of the day to provide a bonus to this.

If you take heat damage you suffer heatstroke, (Fatigued condition). These penalties go away when you are healed of the damage.

Sunrise Maiden stats:

Speed 10
Maneuverability good (turn 1)
AC: 13, TL: 13
HP: 55, DT: - CT: 11
Shields: Light 60 (forward 15, Port 15, Starboard 15, Aft 15)
Attack (forward) Gyrolaser (1d8) (Range Short 5 hexes, Board Arc Can fire into adjacent arcs with a -2 penalty)
Attack (Port) Light laser Cannon (2d4) (Range Short 5 hexes)
Attack Starboard) Light laser Cannon (2d4) (Range Short 5 hexes)
Attack (Aft) Flack Thrower (3d4) (Range Short 5 hexes, Point (+8)
Attack (Turret) Light Partical Bean (3d6) (Range Medium 10 hexes)

Modifiers +1 to any 2 checks per round, +2 Computers, +1 Piloting

Power Core: Pulse Green (150 PCU); Drift Engine: Signal Basic; Systems: Basic mid-range sensors, crew quarters (good), extra light weapon mount (aft) mk 3 armor, mk3 defenses, mk 1 duonode computer (tier 1, artificial personality upgrade); Expansion Bays: cargo hold(2), escape pods, recreation suite (HAC/Gym)

Complement 1-6

Crew Stations:
Captain: Zam
Engineer: Yon
Gunner 1: Tylur
Gunner 2: Clara (temporary)
Pilot: Sybil
Science Officer: DeeV8

-2 penalty for each range increment after the first. All weapons can be fired up to 10 range increments away.

Weapon Point attribute: A weapon with this special property is always short range and can’t be fired against targets that are outside the first range increment. If a tracking weapon would hit a ship in an arc that contains a weapon with the point special property, the gunner of the targeted starships can attempt an immediate gunnery check with the point weapon against the incoming tracking projectile using the bonus listed in parentheses in the weapon’s Special entry (instead of her usual bonus to gunnery checks). The DC for this gunnery check is equal to 10 + the tracking weapon’s speed. If the attack hits, the tracking weapon is destroyed before it can damage the ship. A point weapon can be used to attempt only one such free gunnery check each round, but this usage potentially allows a point weapon to be fired twice in a single round.



Female Android
Ongoing Conditions:
Daily Uses:
Spells: 1st: Magic Missile x2*, Jolting Surge x1
Technomancer 3 | Stam: 19/19 | HP: 24/24 | Resolve: 4/4 | KAC: 15 EAC:17 | Fort: +1, Ref: +4, Will: +3 (+2 disease, mind-affecting, poison, sleep)| Melee: +0 | Init: +3, Perception: +3 (Darkvision 60ft)
(262 posts)

Hayato Ken

Shoanti Tribeswoman
Ahri Choi

female halfling rogue HP 24/24 | AC 19 | F +5; R +10; W +7; +1 vs. traps | Hero Points 1 | Exploration Activity Avoid Notice | Perception +7 Trap Finder (+8 to find traps); keen eyes, low-light vision
(121 posts)

Neil Spicer

Berkanin Ardoc
Tylur Trask

Male human spacefarer soldier (Starfinder forerunner) 4
Stamina: 32/32 | HP: 30/32 | Resolve: 3/5 | KAC: 22 EAC: 20 | Fort: +5, Ref: +4, Will: +4 | Melee: +6 | Ranged: +7 | Thrown: +6 | Init: +3, Perception: +3
Ongoing Conditions & Ammo:
Conditions: None; Ammo: rifle (36), battery 1 (20), battery 2 (20), battery 3 (20), laser pistol (20), pistol (4), rounds (30)

(295 posts)
Neil SpicerGM Spicer


Zhelaeuss "Lefty" Ah

Male Lashunta (Korasha) cyberborn Mechanic 4 | Stamina 24/24 | HP 28/28 | Resolve 4/4 | KAC 16, EAC 14 | Fort 4, Ref 6, Will 0 | +5/6 attack | Init: +2, Perception: +7, SM: -1 | Condition: Life Bubble, Sluggish (until the morning of Day 6)
laser 12(4):hb1, cannon 20(2):b1; 20:b2, 20:b3, 20:b4, 40:hb2 | 1/1 Detect Thoughts; Daze; Psychokinetic Hand

(164 posts)


Madge Blossomheart
Sybil Surefoot

Ongoing Conditions:
Life Bubble 3 days
Daily Uses:
Spells: 1st: 3/4; 2nd 3/3: 0/1 day Healing Touch: Starlight Form 3/3 minutes/day
Mystic 4 | Stam: 24/24 | HP: 26/26 | Resolve: 5/5 | KAC: 15 EAC:16 | Fort: +2, Ref: +4, Will: +8 (10 vs Fear)| Melee: +2 | Init: +2, Perception: +14 (Infrared Sensors)
(237 posts)
Jesselle Wesmere

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