Age of Worms consumes the Realms

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Sorry for the slight jab at genre conventions, but the "Adventuring Group meets at the tavern" was just too good to pass up entirely. :D

Sovereign Court

Male hu-man Paladin

Hey no problem :)

I think we've made some real headway here, looks like the character like one another well enough, and once we play up the despair or desperation in the area, or we get some other motives, we'll be ready to go off adventuring!

BTW I'm really enjoying everybody's characters. Here's hoping that we all survive the upcoming peril!

The Exchange

Female Human(ish) DM 1 / Housewife 1 / Zany RPer 3
Lorderl wrote:

From In the initial game post

Kayotic DM wrote:
Luzane Parrin’s husband died from poisoning

Oh, I had almost forgotten to ask. You have the other npc’s mentioned tied to something or someone but not Luzane Parrin and her late husband. So who is Luzane Parrin and who was her late husband?

That was mostly for Kell's benefit ;)

Luzane Parrin the rest of you will know as a local mine owner.

Kayos. wrote:
Luzane Parrin the rest of you will know as a local mine owner.

Thanks :)



Kayotic DM wrote:

OK kiddies, character introduction and getting to know one another time before I hit you all with a big plot stick ;)

Looks like were all about ready to be hit with that plot stick :)

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Agreed. We could play out some more discussion, but i guess we're ready to dodge plothooks left and right ;)

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Am i being paranoid, or has this game flatlined already? :(

TerraNova wrote:
Am i being paranoid, or has this game flatlined already? :(

standing right behind you wondering the same thing, someone call a MEDIC!!!!

Male Humanoid Orange Mage / Epic

Well, it's only been two days since Kayos' last post. I guess she was busy over the weekend...

The Exchange

Female Human(ish) DM 1 / Housewife 1 / Zany RPer 3

Kayos is often busy over weekends and has no intention of letting any of her PBPs flatline :P

Expect a DM-shaped post by the end of the day!

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32


I was growing a little concerned, since G2 kept being "topped up", while we were dropping off the list :)

Male Humanoid Orange Mage / Epic

As a little rules aside, are we allowed to take 10 on Knowledge checks? I've always assumed not, but I don't think the rules spell it out anywhere.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Hmm, since i am not skilled at Knowledge: Local, it is a bit of a theoretical question to me right now, but i would assume take 10 to be possible - but its the GMs call. :)

The Exchange

Female Human(ish) DM 1 / Housewife 1 / Zany RPer 3

Sure, feel free to take a 10 on simple knowledge checks that you have ranks in (anything behind a DC 10 or 15 spoiler)

Callum wrote:
As a little rules aside, are we allowed to take 10 on Knowledge checks? I've always assumed not, but I don't think the rules spell it out anywhere.

yes "Taking 10" is ok for Knowledge checks, its "Taking 20" which you can not do.

"Taking 10" takes the place of a single roll, as far as i know the actual DC shouldn't make a difference. The idea is to raise skills high enough so that you can succeed by "Taking 10", without the fear of rolling poorly

"Taking 20" assumes trying multiple times until you succeed. So with Knowledge checks you either know it or you don't so thats why you can't "Take 20"

The Exchange

Female Human(ish) DM 1 / Housewife 1 / Zany RPer 3

Hey guys. Sorry for the quietness, I have been busy and now I have a full Easter weekend, so probably won't be posting until Tuesdayish.

Kayos. wrote:
Hey guys. Sorry for the quietness, I have been busy and now I have a full Easter weekend, so probably won't be posting until Tuesdayish.

Is it Tuesdayish yet! :)

Just asking and don't know if this has been asked or covered but many DM's give Eschew Materials as a free feat, is that the same for this game?

Sovereign Court

Male hu-man Paladin

Sorry everyone if Kessel seems like a bit of a know it all, he is partially jesting here, but he's also a careful planer and he doesn't like taking any unnecessary risks. I really don't think he's suggesting we buy all those things he suggested but if we end up needing them he might pull an "I told you so", he wouldn't actually say it, but he would give those that down played his suggestions (this being Kells, Darie, and Zeteta at this point) a knowing look.

Dark Archive

Male Human 666th Lvl Evil DM
Guy Humual wrote:
Sorry everyone if Kessel seems like a bit of a know it all, he is partially jesting here, but he's also a careful planer and he doesn't like taking any unnecessary risks. I really don't think he's suggesting we buy all those things he suggested but if we end up needing them he might pull an "I told you so", he wouldn't actually say it, but he would give those that down played his suggestions (this being Kells, Darie, and Zeteta at this point) a knowing look.


The Exchange

Female Human(ish) DM 1 / Housewife 1 / Zany RPer 3
Lorderl wrote:
Just asking and don't know if this has been asked or covered but many DM's give Eschew Materials as a free feat, is that the same for this game?

I don't give it as a free feat, i like materials, they add good flavour and you can get all the basics from a component pouch. I am however open to negotiations on more expensive components/foci, if your character gets their hands on something of almost the right type/value for the spell then there's a chance it may work for the spell - i reward creativity and good Rp ;)

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

As to Kessels OOC question: Darie had two reasons to become a little offended. First off, she is not really happy with being "on a budget", and what she has is material she has a hard time not admitting it was stolen. So the little she has seems like a huge amount to her.

The other is simply that Kessel rattling off half the list of mundane equipment (including the ten foot pole) didn't quite come around like a good-natured jest to her, but rather as an attempt to ridicule her. Something most people don't take with particular glee ;)

TerraNova wrote:

As to Kessels OOC question: Darie had two reasons to become a little offended. First off, she is not really happy with being "on a budget", and what she has is material she has a hard time not admitting it was stolen. So the little she has seems like a huge amount to her.

The other is simply that Kessel rattling off half the list of mundane equipment (including the ten foot pole) didn't quite come around like a good-natured jest to her, but rather as an attempt to ridicule her. Something most people don't take with particular glee ;)

I rather enjoyed the rattling off of items Kessel did :)

I could imagine him quite easily doing so, but more for it being so he be helping himself to figure out what he might need, while not particularily considering whom it might have been annoying :)

Sovereign Court

Male hu-man Paladin
TerraNova wrote:

As to Kessels OOC question: Darie had two reasons to become a little offended. First off, she is not really happy with being "on a budget", and what she has is material she has a hard time not admitting it was stolen. So the little she has seems like a huge amount to her.

The other is simply that Kessel rattling off half the list of mundane equipment (including the ten foot pole) didn't quite come around like a good-natured jest to her, but rather as an attempt to ridicule her. Something most people don't take with particular glee ;)

I was thinking that she was 'on a budget' but I'd forgotten that she'd 'borrowed' those items. That does make sense. :)

Too bad she didn't challenge him on more of those items, he did have a use for all of them, and it might have seemed less like he was just inventing things to take.

Sovereign Court

Male hu-man Paladin
Lorderl wrote:

I rather enjoyed the rattling off of items Kessel did :)

I could imagine him quite easily doing so, but more for it being so he be helping himself to figure out what he might need, while not particularily considering whom it might have been annoying :)

hehe, thanks, that's how I imagined it as well. Kessel wasn't trying to be a blow hard, in fact he was trying to be helpful, but I think he might have been oblivious to Darie's growing frustration.

I have about 100lbs of feed on my mule already BTW. Kessel might have mentioned that at the party last night if anyone asked. It's listed under the mule if you didn't see it on the character sheet. If you guys need anything carried I think the mule can manage.

Also I should remind everyone that Kessel WILL be late (unless the group anticipates this and comes to get him), it's one of his quirks I'm afraid.

Guy Humual wrote:

I have about 100lbs of feed on my mule already BTW. Kessel might have mentioned that at the party last night if anyone asked. It's listed under the mule if you didn't see it on the character sheet. If you guys need anything carried I think the mule can manage.

Also I should remind everyone that Kessel WILL be late (unless the group anticipates this and comes to get him), it's one of his quirks I'm afraid.

I did read it in the profile, but i purchase more for the roleplaying part of it, it wouldn't have mattered to Khadath, because the feed will get eaten, something might happen and we lose some etc, and he rather not have to carry his backpack (Str 10 and all). Worst case scenario we might have to eat old bill there LOL :)

Sovereign Court

Male hu-man Paladin
tobin wrote:
"A fellow of infinite jest . . .

Good Hamlet reference there Callum.

Male Humanoid Orange Mage / Epic
Guy Humual wrote:
tobin wrote:
"A fellow of infinite jest . . .
Good Hamlet reference there Callum.

Thanks. I thought I'd get one in quick, before someone else did!

The Exchange

Female Human(ish) DM 1 / Housewife 1 / Zany RPer 3

Ricky is coming over to join you guys with the lovely Jeny - now the two barbarian girls can compare their oversized weapons ;P

I hope this is okay with everyone; it just seems like a better fit.

Female Human Barbarian

:D hey everybody.

just giving you all a very early heads up, if this toon lives to see lvl 10 then sombody may want to learn Calm emotions

Sovereign Court

Male hu-man Paladin

Can we discuss back story? How do we know Jenny?

The Exchange

Female Human(ish) DM 1 / Housewife 1 / Zany RPer 3

Those of you local to Daggerford might recognise Jeny on sight but probably don't know her too well. She's been around town for a few months doing bodyguarding and the like. If you have crossed paths it hasn't been for long so you can do all the getting to know a bit more about her in the game thread; if that sounds good to people.

Female Human Barbarian

if anybody in the party wants to work out a quick back story to make character integration a little easier let me know i dont mind...

perhaps i could be a friend of Tirra & Auric and they did me the favor of inviting me to meet up with you guys and keep an eye on you... which would of course them being flattering me by putting me in a phony position of authority... not that i would bother role playing the fake authority.

The Exchange

Female Human(ish) DM 1 / Housewife 1 / Zany RPer 3
Jeny wrote:
perhaps i could be a friend of Tirra & Auric

Quite unlikely and would lead to possible complications later on, you've not seen the last of a certain trio of 'rival' adventurers :P

Jeny could, however, possibly know/get on with Zereta's dad, maker of fine (and occasionally oversized) weaponry.

Sovereign Court

Male hu-man Paladin
Jeny wrote:

if anybody in the party wants to work out a quick back story to make character integration a little easier let me know i dont mind...

perhaps i could be a friend of Tirra & Auric and they did me the favor of inviting me to meet up with you guys and keep an eye on you... which would of course them being flattering me by putting me in a phony position of authority... not that i would bother role playing the fake authority.

That might not be a good idea, there was something about Auric rubbed Kessel the wrong way, and saying that Auric set you to watch over us would be a very quick way to earn Kessel's ire. I'd really recommend you already being friends with one of the other PCs . . . I'm thinking Zereta would be a good choice. Also if she were somehow associated with the Bronzewood Lodge that would give her some ties to Kessel.

Female Human Barbarian

jeny may have worked as a free lance bodyguard for the lodge whenever they needed some valuables transported they sent me to escort there delivery boy... while doing so jeny and kessel could have met a few times?

also i made a post in the other thread replying to what u said guy... but it seems to have disappeared :(

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Oh, just a little nitpick, but could you please post OOC postings such as your last in this thread? It really breaks up the flow of the game IMNSHO. This thread is for "Take me or leave me" comments.

As for my opinion: Convince me IC. I'll withhold a decision until then.

Female Human Barbarian

sorry terranova but i was posting in response to a post made in the ic game thread... as for the response i posted... i want to edit it but i cant even see it.

Female Human Barbarian
thasmudyan wrote:

I agree with Guy here, also I don't want to sound like a dick or anything but Ricky I read through the argument in group #2, and although I agree with your actions due your character build and background, know coming into this group that we are cautious and in your own words "slow" because we want to be if this isn't your style I am sorry but I think this group has really rped pretty well. It doesn't matter how far we have gotten so far!

Sorry Kayos for posting this in pbp thread but it needs to be said

i am an experiance D&D player. i will role play my toon acuratly. i am playing a very double edged toon i admit that but all it takes is a few players to acctualy read my toon sheet and not do stupid stuff like insult my god or give me too crap for her actions and things will run smothly... jeny is hasty not stupid... shes not going to go chargeing down the dungeon setting of every trap and alerting everybody to the groups presence... but if there are hostlies running around and nobody stops her she will always (or at least try to) be first in combat. in relation to what have become the 2 most controversial posts of my life

"To jeny everybody is fair game": this means jeny doesnt care if an npc could obviously kill her in one shot if they push her she'll try and attack them.
"To Jeny all dispute can be settle with a duel": this represents jeny respect for sheer force and martial skill... to her how smart you are, how good looking you are, how much money you have, all those things are irrelevant only to how good you can fight.

based on this please decide as a group if you care that jeny joins the group.

The Exchange

Female Human(ish) DM 1 / Housewife 1 / Zany RPer 3

To explain where I stand in all of this so far;

As is probably readily obvious to everyone I'm an utter pushover and will do my best to ensure the most happiness for the most people (everyone if I can!).

Things turned sour quite quickly with group 2 and it was obvious it was a bit of a personality clash and rather than have a huge PVP encounter or having to have someone drop out of a PBP entirely I offered Ricky a chance to join you guys as a chance for a fresh start for him in the hopes of less friction. I really didn't mean to rub anyone up the wrong way with it and hope we can work out a good compromise to help slide Jeny into this group.

Female Human Barbarian

i do not enjoy this conflict... jeny is based off a lvl 10 minotaur barbarian build that i am playing in a table top game... all i ever wanted to do was test this toon a bit before the table top version came into play.

i wont change jeny... but i will make different toon if people would prefer.

EDIT: actually if people want i will change jenys personality and to something slightly more player friendly

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Hmm, honestly you are coming across as rather aggressive here. Maybe because you feel unwelcome, but this is not the best way to "introduce yourself" to the group. Just thought i should tell you. :)

Hey, welocome aboard to both Ricky and Jeny :)

I followed up on the other games thread to see what was up and i have no problem with the actions taken with the wolves

I have only two concerns

Jeny wrote:

looks like i'll be in group 1 from now on... if you'll have me.

my only request is that i come into the party as a guide to the cairn so we can move them swiftly... that groups moves painfully slow for jeny, and for me.

Our game is moving at the speed which it is, and yes, occasionally I find myself hoping that it would move faster along as well but the game flows at whatever speed it does. Though I must add that there are regular post from all our players. Whether the game moves along at a speed which you’ll be satisfied with is for you to decide, but seeing as you want to join in I hope this means you can adjust to whatever speed the games flows in, fast or slow.



Jeny wrote:
just giving you all a very early heads up, if this toon lives to see lvl 10 then somebody may want to learn Calm emotions

Your basically forcing another character to keep a memorize spell which Jeny could still resist, then focus further attacks on that character. Having the entire party on edge and adjust for a single character about whether Jeny will lose it is asking a little much IMO.

Why take Jeny to this extreme?


Jeny wrote:

i do not enjoy this conflict... jeny is based off a lvl 10 minotaur barbarian build that i am playing in a table top game... all i ever wanted to do was test this toon a bit before the table top version came into play.

i wont change jeny... but i will make different toon if people would prefer.

EDIT: actually if people want i will change jenys personality and to something slightly more player friendly

your call on this, just keep in mind a human is not a minotaur in respect to when they're raging

Jeny wrote:
i am an experiance D&D player. i will role play my toon acuratly. i am playing a very double edged toon i admit that but all it takes is a few players to acctualy read my toon sheet and not do stupid stuff like insult my god or give me too crap for her actions and things will run smothly...

The part here is that most characters won't know what pisses Jeny off until they get to know her better since they won't have knowledge to her background.

Sovereign Court

Male hu-man Paladin
Jeny wrote:

i do not enjoy this conflict... jeny is based off a lvl 10 minotaur barbarian build that i am playing in a table top game... all i ever wanted to do was test this toon a bit before the table top version came into play.

i wont change jeny... but i will make different toon if people would prefer.

EDIT: actually if people want i will change jenys personality and to something slightly more player friendly

3 posts eaten so far! Trying again

We're not asking for drastic changes, but I'm very concerned that we could have a repeat performance of your last group, and so I'd strongly suggest making Jeny a bit more group friendly. I think I understand her attitude, and there's nothing inherently bad about that, but we need a reason to chase after Jeny if she leaves the cave. We need a reason to accept her very chaotic attitude. Her desire to protect those that need protection is a promising start but personally I'd like to see a bit more. Jeny can be disruptive at times but she also needs to have some redeeming qualities for us to put up with the attitude (and being the best fighter in the party or threats of physical violence just isn't going to cut it).

I'm not saying no, but I am asking for a little understanding and compromise. Help us understand why the PCs would accept Jeny.

As too your other post, the Bronzewood Lodge is a druidic organization, and seeing as Jeny worships Tempest and the druids are unlikely to have have need of bodyguards, I don't see that as a likely connection. Thus far I think a relationship with our resident female barbarian is the best bet.

male lvl 5 know it all
jeny wrote:
just giving you all a very early heads up, if this toon lives to see lvl 10 then somebody may want to learn Calm emotions

this is in relation to my would-be prestige which is so out of the question now it doesn't even matter.

as for the speed of the group... your all 100% correct if i want to be in this group with you (which i do) then i'll just have to put up with it... and that comment was based on looking over number of posted between the group (i think there is about 100 difference) it was only when i started reading your groups posts that i relised the length of most the posts and the amount of RP'ing that was going on.

i will now be writting up jenys knew personality and the party can decide based on that.

i apologize if i am sounding aggressive but i am feeling like i am being made to jump through numerous hoops and all i want to be doing is playing DnD.

Feel free to use Khadath as a connection, since when Khadtah moves through the town he always greets people as he passes by. So it might be easy enough for Jeny to recognize Khadath (his features are a little destinctive). Jeny may have always chosen at some point to talk with him simply because he stick out a bit?

game question.
is Jeny's wound visible?

male lvl 5 know it all

yes the wound is visible, its an animal bite on the leg.

also i may be somewhat slowish writing new background as it is now 5.40am

Female Human Barbarian

new jeny is finished hope you like it :)

Sovereign Court

Male hu-man Paladin
Jeny wrote:
new jeny is finished hope you like it :)

Wow, that's a drastic change! Almost a new character. I hope you don't mind too much Ricky, I wasn't asking for such a drastic move, just some minor alterations.

Now it seems you've left you're religion blank, might I suggest following Lathander or Chauntea as we have a priest of Lathander and we'll eventually have a druid of Chauntea. Whatever religion you want to follow is fine though but this would be an excellent link for your player to the group.

Also here's some of what I've already posted earlier in the thread:

ME! wrote:

Oh! One thing we forgot to establish is do the PCs know each other! Kessel grew up in Daggerford (mainly it's outlying wilds) but has spent the last five years in Waterdeep. As a child Kessel was fairly friendly and with his high Charisma made friends quite easily. I'd suggest that he could have been childhood friends with anyone who grew up in the area.

Kessel also spent 5 years in Waterdeep. He also traveled on the road to and from Waterdeep at least twice, it's possible he met others in the free city as well as people on the road. I'd really like to establish who Kessel knows before we come across each other in the game.

more from me wrote:

This is a Charismatic party :)

Kessel and his twin sister Morra grew up in the Bronzewood Lodge (assuming it exists in the Realms) but Kessel and his sister were known to ramble around quite a bit. They've been into town on many occasions and have traveled through much of the outlying hills. I'm thinking it's very possible that Kessel knows many of the PCs that grew up in, or the area around, Daggerford. Kessel has been away for five years though so it's unlikely that he knows anyone arriving within that time . . . but they may know his twin sister Morra, or of the Bronzewood Lodge.

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