replacing SCAP gods with Pathfinder gods

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Dark Archive

Anyone have any idea what Golarion gods I should replace the main gods in SCAP with? biggest problem is what to replace Wee Jas with cause Pharasma is not a good 1:1 replacement for the goddess of Magic and death. Any ideas would be helpful
so far this what I got

St Cuthbert = Imoedae
Pelor = Sarenrae
Vecna = Norgorber
Hextor = Rovagug
Erythnul = Lamashtu?
Kord = Gorum or Cayden Cailean
(only reason I would go with gorum is cause of the whole arena that kord has in town and this seems more in line with Gorum)
Wee Jas = ???? Not sure at all on this one

And on that note are most cities temples of Abadar the community bank? as with COCT

Liberty's Edge

You're right on with what I would suggest. I'd go with Pharasma for Wee Jas.

Dark Archive

Lord Thasmudyan wrote:

Anyone have any idea what Golarion gods I should replace the main gods in SCAP with? biggest problem is what to replace Wee Jas with cause Pharasma is not a good 1:1 replacement for the goddess of Magic and death. Any ideas would be helpful

so far this what I got

St Cuthbert = Imoedae
Pelor = Sarenrae
Vecna = Norgorber
Hextor = Rovagug
Erythnul = Lamashtu?
Kord = Gorum or Cayden Cailean
(only reason I would go with gorum is cause of the whole arena that kord has in town and this seems more in line with Gorum)
Wee Jas = ???? Not sure at all on this one

And on that note are most cities temples of Abadar the community bank? as with COCT

Personally I'd use Asmodeus in place of Hextor rather than Rovagug. Hextor is the lawful evil god of tyranny, Asmodeus is the lawful evil god of tyranny, their themes just match better.

Rovagug is a better fit for Erythnul in my opinion as they are both chaotic evil gods of destruction.
And I'd probably use Pharasma in place of Wee Jas.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Here's how I'd break it down:

St Cuthbert = Abadar
Pelor = Sarenrae
Vecna = Norgorber
Hextor = Asmodeus
Erythnul = Rovagug
Kord = Gorum
Wee Jas = Pharasma

So maybe to expand it a bit (I haven't yet read the new Pathfinder Gods book):

Abadar = St Cuthbert
Asmodeus = Hextor
Calistria = Olidammara (loosely)
Cayden Cailean = Corellon Larethian (loosely) or Olidammara
Desna = Fharlanghn
Erastil = Ehlonna (loosely) or Yondalla
Gorum = Kord
Gozreh = Obad-Hai
Iomedae = Heironeous
Irori = Boccob (loosely) or Kord
Lamashtu = Gruumsh
Nethys = Boccob (loosely)
Norgorber = Vecna
Pharasma = Wee Jas
Rovagug = Erythnul
Sarenrae = Pelor
Shelyn = Yondalla (loosely) or Corellon Larethian
Torag = Moradin
Urgathoa = Nerull
Zon-Kuthon = Hextor

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