Variant Spell Casting under construction


so, to begin; I cannot take credit for this idea, it originated from Thomar of Uointer in the old WoTC, pre-4e announcment forums. It was started and never finished, I had high hopes for it but now submit it to you paizonians for review and possible additions.

WARNING: In depth magic system below, massive wall of text.

Thomar of Uointer wrote:


This is a variant magic system intended for use with the generic classes variant from Unearthed Arcana as a unique substitute for magic. Charge is raw magic, which any character can tap into and store with a little training. Spellcasters must draw and focus magic from their surroundings in order to use it properly, a proces known as "drawing charge". Once a spellcaster has drawn an acceptable quantity of charge, he can release it in the form of a spell he knows. A character can draw magic from his surroundings as a standard action to increase his charge by 1, to a maximum equal to his Spellcaster level. When he casts a spell, he spends an amount of charge based on the spell and its variable effects.

Drawing charge provokes an attack of opportunity. A character may draw defensively with a DC 15 Concentration check. A character damaged while drawing charge must make a Concentration check (DC 10 + damage dealt) or fail to gain anything from the draw.

Spellcasters can hold charge as for long as they are conscious without many ill effects (though see Side Effects below). A spellcaster who falls unconscious instantly loses all of his accumulated charge and must draw again to regain it.

The Spellcaster can store a maximum amount charge equal to his Spellcaster level, the maximum amount of charge he can spend on one spell is equal to his Spellcaster level (plus 1/2 his levels in any class besides Spellcaster), and he learns a new spell each odd-numbered level.
All other classes do not gain charge, though they can acquire the ability to cast spells and gain charge by taking certain feats. A character with no levels in Spellcaster can spend a maximum amount of charge on a single spell equal to 1/2 his level (minimum 1).

Casting Spells

First, you must choose which spell to cast. To cast a spell you must have a focus presented. A focus can be any item that costs no less than 100 gp, and the caster must spend 24 hours attuning himself to the item. A caster can only have one focus at a time, if he attunes a new focus the old one may no longer be used as such.

This focus should not be confused with a spell focus. Individual spells will note what spell focuses they need, these focuses do not need 24 hours to attune (but can be attuned as focus if they are valuable enough).

A focus is presented as long as it is exposed (similar to line of effect) and on your person. A weapon must be completely unsheathed, a stone must be totally uncovered, a pendant must be worn outside of clothing, and a tattoo must be entirely exposed. If you are grappling an opponent, ensuring that your focus is presented is part of the opposed grapple check made to cast a spell in a grapple.

If you have a familiar, you may also use it as a focus as long as it is touching you and presented.

When you cast a spell, you must have enough charge to cast it.


Almost every spell has multiple options, different ways to manipulate the same effect. When you cast a spell, you choose which option to use and how to augment it. Each effect has a base charge cost, which you must be able to pay when you cast the spell. In addition, each effect describes how you can spend additional charge to augment its effect. You cannot cast a spell whose total charge after augmentation is greater than your spellcaster level (or your spellcaster level + 1/2 your other class levels if you are a multiclass spellcaster or have the Practiced Mage feat, to a minimum of 1).


To cast a spell, you must concentrate. If something interrupts your concentration while you're casting, you must make a Concentration check or the spell fails and you lose the charge used to cast it. The more distracting the interruption and the greater the power of the spell you are trying to cast, the higher the DC is. If you fail the check, the spell fails and you lose the charge used to cast it.

Injury: If while trying to cast a spell you take damage, you must make a Concentration check (DC 10 + points of damage taken + 1/2 the total charge of the spell you're casting). If you fail the check, the spell fails without effect and you lose the charge used to cast it. The interrupting event strikes during spellcasting if it comes between when you start and when you complete a spell (for a spell with a casting time of 1 full round or more) or if it comes in response to your casting the spell (such as an attack of opportunity provoked by the spell or a contingent attack, such as a readied action).

If you are taking continuous damage half the damage is considered to take place while you are casting a spell. You must make a Concentration check (DC 10 + 1/2 the damage that the continuous source last dealt + 1/2 the total charge of the spell you're casting). If the last damage dealt was the last damage that the effect could deal then the damage is over, and it does not distract you.

Repeated damage does not count as continuous damage.

Spell: If you are affected by a spell while attempting to cast a spell of your own, you must make a Concentration check or the spell fails and you lose the charge used to cast it. If the spell affecting you deals damage, the DC is 5 + points of damage + 1/2 the total charge of the spell you're casting.

If the spell interferes with you or distracts you in some other way, the DC is the spell's saving throw DC + 1/2 the total charge of the spell you are casting. For a spell with no saving throw, it's 1/2 the spell's total charge.

Grappling or Pinned: When casting a spell while grappling or pinned, you must make a Concentration check (DC 20 + 1/2 the total charge of the spell you're casting) or the spell fails and you lose the charge used to cast it.

Vigorous Motion: If you are riding on a moving mount, taking a bouncy ride in a wagon, on a small boat in rough water, below-decks in a storm-tossed ship, or simply being jostled in a similar fashion, you must make a Concentration check (DC 10 + 1/2 the total charge of the spell you're casting) or the spell fails and you lose the charge used to cast it.

Violent Motion: If you are on a galloping horse, taking a very rough ride in a wagon, on a small boat in rapids or in a storm, on deck in a storm-tossed ship, or being tossed roughly about in a similar fashion, you must make a Concentration check (DC 15 + 1/2 the total charge of the spell you're casting) or the spell fails and you lose the charge used to cast it.

Violent Weather: You must make a Concentration check if you try to cast a spell in violent weather. If you are in a high wind carrying blinding rain or sleet, the DC is 5 + 1/2 the total charge of the spell you're casting. If you are in wind-driven hail, dust, or debris, the DC is 10 + 1/2 the charge of the spell you're casting. In either case, the spell fails and you lose the charge used to cast it if you fail the Concentration check. If the weather is caused by a spell, use the rules in the Spell subsection above.

Casting Defensively: If you want to cast a spell without provoking any attacks of opportunity, you must make a Concentration check (DC 15 + 1/2 the total charge of the spell you're casting) to succeed. The spell fails and you lose the charge used to cast it if you fail.

Entangled: If you want to cast a spell while entangled in a net or by a tanglefoot bag or while you're affected by a spell with similar effects, you must make a DC 15 Concentration check to cast the spell. You lose the spell if you fail.


It is possible to cast any spell as a counterspell. By doing so, you are using the spell's energy to disrupt the casting of the same spell by another character.

How Counterspells Work: To use a counterspell, you must select an opponent as the target of the counterspell. You do this by choosing the ready action. In doing so, you elect to wait to complete your action until your opponent tries to cast a spell. (You may still move your speed, since ready is a standard action.)

If the target of your counterspell tries to cast a spell, make a Spellcraft check (DC 15 + the spell's level). This check is a free action. If the check succeeds, you correctly identify the opponent's spell and can attempt to counter it. If the check fails, you can't do either of these things.

To complete the action, you must then cast the correct spell. As a general rule, a spell can only counter itself. If you are able to cast the same spell and you have sufficient charge to cast the spell using the same option your opponent is (without augmentation, countering a spell usually requires less energy than it takes to cast it), you cast it, altering it slightly to create a counterspell effect. If the target is within range of that option of the spell, both spells automatically negate each other with no other results.

Counterspelling Metamagic Spells: Metamagic feats are not taken into account when determining whether a spell can be countered

Specific Exceptions: Some spells specifically counter each other, especially when they have diametrically opposed effects.

Dispel as a Counterspell: You can use dispel to counterspell another spellcaster, and you don't need to identify the spell he or she is casting. However, you must spend 1 more point of charge than your opponent does.

Spell Resistance

Some monsters have spell resistance, the ability to negate magic. To overcome spell resistance, you must make a caster check against the DC of the monster's spell resistance. To make a caster level check, roll 1d20 and add the total charge you are spending on the spell. If the result equals or exceeds the DC, the check succeeds.

Spell Failure

If you ever try to cast a spell in conditions where the characteristics of the spell cannot be made to conform, the casting fails and the charge used to cast the spell is wasted.

Spells also fail if your concentration is broken and might fail if your focus is disrupted while casting.

Side Effects

Holding magical energy within one's body is capable of causing strange changes to a creature's physiology. Races that practice the use of magic for generations can come to exhibit hereditary magically-induced traits. Extreme examples of this are animals with magical talent, many of which grow and change into monsters due to magical mutation. These mutations are not (usually) signs of corruption, but of the spellcaster's body adapting to better channel magical energy in its own way.

Unless a spellcaster takes special precautions to only hold charge for short periods, this magical buildup will change his body over time. This grants no special abilities, but does impose a penalty to Disguise checks equal to half the spellcaster's maximum charge. He will quickly develop one of the following cosmetic traits per point of charge:

Extra digit on each hand and foot.

Pointed or retractable fingernails and toenails.

Digitigrade feet.

Small hairs on the fingertips and soles.

Fishlike fins along the arms, back, and legs.

A forked tongue.

Pointed teeth.

Unnatural voice.

Small horns on the head, shoulders, or elbows.

Glowing eyes.

Unnaturally colored eyes.

Unnaturally shaped eyes.

Extra eyes on the body.

Unnaturally colored hair.

Glowing hair.

Patches of scales on the face, neck, torso, and extremeties.

Thin plates of chitin over joints and knuckles.

Unnatural skin color.

Glowing skin.

Rubbery or constantly moist skin.

Unnatural odor.

Bulky muscles.

Desiccated flesh.

Thin fur all over the body.

A short tail.

A limp tentacle growing from the side or back.

Small wings on the back or head.

In all other respects, resolve spellcasting as described in the PHB.

Magic Items and Charge

Spellcasters using charge magic are capable of making magic items just as well as Vancian spellcasters. A spellcaster uses the maximum amount of charge he can spend on a spell in place of his caster level for crafting magic items. Each spell notes what spells it is treated as for the purpose of magic items. A spellcaster using charge magic can use any spell trigger or spell completion item, as all spells are effectively on his spell list, but he still must make any appropriate checks (such as the caster level check to cast a spell from a high-level scroll).

Existing magic items beneficial to Vancian spellcasters can be used by spellcasters using charge magic.

A candle of invocation burned for one hour during meditation allows a spellcaster to increase his total charge and the amount of charge he can spend on Spiritual spells by 2 for 24 hours.

Incense of meditation burned for eight hours while meditating allows a spellcaster to maximize all Spiritual spells he casts for 24 hours.

A vibrant purple prism ioun stone allows a spellcaster to store up to 5 charge points worth of subspells within.

An orange prism ioun stone increases a spellcaster's maximum charge by 1 and allows him to spend an additional point of charge on spels (but not access to new subspells).

A pearl of power cannot be used by a spellcaster who uses charge magic, as he does not prepare spells.

A bead of karma increases the spellcaster's maximum charge by 4 and the amount of charge he can spend on Spiritual spells by 4 (but he does not gain access to new subspells).

A spell storing weapon can hold any subspell whose unaugmented charge point cost does not exceed 5, and it cannot be augmented higher than 10 charge points total.

A ring of counterspells will counter any subspell.

A minor ring of spell storing can hold up to 5 charge points worth of unaugmented subspells.

A ring of spell storing can hold up to 9 charge points worth of unaugmented subspells.

A major ring of spell storing can hold up to 19 charge points worth of unaugmented subspells.

A ring of wizardry increases the wearer's charge point pool by an amount equal to the minimum caster level for a spell of its level.

Charge Well: A charge well is a magical vessel, typically a sealed crystal container but other configurations are possible, that stores magical energy. Any spellcaster drawing charge while touching the well can place charge into the well. A spellcaster who attunes the well to himself as a focus can cast a spell using just the charge stored within it (provided he uses it as his focus).

Charge wells can theoretically contain an infinite amount of magic, but in practice the integrity of physical materials is easily compromised. A charge well is safe to charge up to a certain limit, but when charged beyond that limit there is a percentage chance equal to five times the difference between the newly contained amount of charge and the safe limit that the well will explode, destroying it and dealing 1d6 points of damage per point of charge to everything in a 5' per point of charge radius burst.

Price 1,500 gp (1 charge point), 6,000 gp (3 charge points), 13,500 gp (5 charge points), 24,000 gp (7 charge points), 37,500 gp (9 charge points), 54,000 gp (11 charge points), 73,500 gp (13 charge points), 96,000 gp (15 charge points), 121,500 gp (17 charge points), 150,000 gp (19 charge points); variable evocation; CL equal to safe charge, Craft Wondrous Item.


Body Charge [General]

Benefit: You can recover 2 charge points by taking 1 point of ability burn damage to each of your three ability scores: Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. This is a free action you can perform at any time.

You can recover additional charge points for a proportional cost to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. These recovered points are added to your total charge as though you had gained them by drawing charge.

Special: Only living creatures can use this feat. You can only take advantage of this feat while in your own body.

Charged [General]

Benefit: Your maximum charge increases by 2.

You may take this feat multiple times, and its effects stack.

Epic Draw [Epic]

You draw charge subconsciously.

Prerequisite: Spellcaster level 21st

Benefit: Your charge pool automatically fills itself. Each round at the start of your action, you regain 1 point of charge.

This feat may be taken multiple times, each time increasing the amount of charge regained by 1.

Epic Elementalist [Epic]

Prerequisite: Cha 25, spellcaster level 21st

Benefit: Your elemental spells that deal physical damage are treated as epic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Normal: Elemental spells that deal physical damage are treated as magic weapons.

Familiar Bond [General]

Your familiar draws the negative side effects of your magic from you.
Prerequisite: Familiar
Benefit: You suffer no external signs of your use of magic, and no penalty to Disguise checks due to magical side effects. Instead, your familiar becomes an obviously unnatural creature with the same mutations you would have. If your familiar is slain or travels farther than 1 mile from you, you instantly reassume whatever mutations you should have incurred until it comes back.

Your familiar's natural armor bonus increases by +2.

Familiar Draw [General]

Prerequisite: Familiar

Benefit: Your familiar can spend a full-round action to give you 1 point of charge. Due to the intricate magical balances and pressures involved in the process, your familiar must have line of effect and be between 5' and 30' from you. You cannot use this ability if your familiar is in your space.

Great Draw [General]

Prerequisite: 4 ranks in Concentration

Benefit: You can draw as a full-round action to regain an additional 2 points of charge.

Normal: You can only draw as a standard action, and doing so regains 1 charge.

Greater Rapid Draw [General]

Prerequisite: Base Will save +3, Rapid Draw, Improved Rapid Draw

Benefit: You can use Rapid Draw as an immediate action, and do not provoke an attack of opportunity while doing so.

Improved Draw [General]

Prerequisite: Base Will save +3

Benefit: When you draw, you gain an additional point of charge.

Improved Familiar Draw [General]

Prerequisite: Base Will save +3, Familiar Draw

Benefit: When your familiar draws, you gain an additional point of charge.

This feat may be taken multiple times, and its effects stack.

Improved Rapid Draw [General]

Prerequisite: Base Will save +3, Rapid Draw

Benefit: You can use Rapid Draw as a swift action, and do not provoke an attack of opportunity while doing so.

Magical Aptitude [General]

Prerequisite: Base Will save +2

Benefit: You learn one spell, and your maximum charge increases by 1.

You may take this feat multiple times, and its effects stack.

Non-spellcasters may take this feat to acquire magical talent. The maximum charge they can spend on a spell is equal to 1/2 their level.

Necromancer [General]
Prerequisite: Rebuke Undead
Benefit: Undead under your control or create gain a +4 bonus to Strength and Dexterity while under your control.

Opportunity Charge Spell [General]

Prerequisite: Base Will save +5, Quicken Charge Spell

Benefit: In place of an attack of opportunity, you can spend an additional 8 points of charge to cast any spell you know with a range of touch on the target. These charge points do not augment any of the effects of the spell, and count towards the maximum amount of charge you can spend on one spell. You can use this feat while unarmed or not threatening adjacent spaces as long as your target is within your reach and you have one hand free.

You cannot use this feat with a spell whose casting time is longer than 1 full-round action.

Quicken Charge Spell [General]

Prerequisite: Base Will save +5

Benefit: You can spend an additional 6 points of charge when casting a spell to cast it as a swift action. These charge points do not augment any of the effects of the spell, and count towards the maximum amount of charge you can spend on one spell.

You cannot use this feat with a spell whose casting time is longer than 1 full-round action.

Rapid Draw [General]

Prerequisite: Base Will save +3

Benefit: You can draw 1 point of charge as a move action. This cannot be used in conjunction with any effect that improves the amount of charge you gain when you draw.

Normal: You can only draw as a standard action.

Solicit Familiar [General]

Prerequisites: Familiar, base Will save +5

Benefit: As a swift action, you can have your familiar take over the responsibility of maintaining concentration on any single spell you have cast and are concentrating on.

Spell Focus [General]

Choose one spell.

Benefit: When you cast any subspell of the selected spell, you may gain 1 free point of charge to augment it. You still cannot spend more total charge on it than your spellcaster level (plus 1/2 your other levels if you multiclass).

This feat may be taken multiple times, each time for a different spell.

Spell Penetration [General]

You are better at getting through to creatures resistant to magic.

Benefit: You can spend any amount of additional charge when casting a spell to enhance your ability to overcome spell resistance. These charge points do not augment any of the effects of the spell, and count towards the maximum amount of charge you can spend on one spell. It does not count towards overcoming spell resistance, instead you add twice the amount of charge spent in this manner to caster level checks to overcome spell resistance.

Suppression [General]

You hide your mutations very well.

Benefit: You suffer no external signs of your use of magic, and no penalty to Disguise checks due to magical side effects. However, all of your taint becomes internal. If split open, your body is full of strange fluids, odd growths, and even internal limbs.

Your maximum charge increases by 1.

Spell Descriptions

The description of each spell is presented in a standard format. Each category of information is explained and defined below.

Most spells reference targeting and areas, which work as they do for spells as described in the Player's Handbook. Unless otherwise noted, spells have a casting time of 1 standard action, is dismissible, and allow spell resistance (the caster uses the total charge spent in place of his caster level). Spells that reference Close, Medium, or Long range use the maximum amount of charge the spellcaster can spend in place of caster level.

Name: The first line of every spell description gives the name by which the spell is generally known.

Realm: Beneath the spell name is a line giving the body of magic that the spell belongs to.

Almost every spell belongs to one of three realms of magic. A realm of magic is a group of related spells that share underlying principles. A small number of spells are universal, belonging to no realm. In any case, although basic spells have can be learned by any spellcaster, most of the more powerful spells have prerequisites within their realm. A spellcaster cannot learn such spells until he meets their prerequisites.


Eldritch spells work with underlying principles of magic. This is also a catch-all category for utility spells and hedge magic. Eldritch spellcasters benefit from a high Intelligence.


Spiritual spells deal with life, including its creation and preservation. They also cover effects directly related to the mind and soul. Spiritual spellcasters benefit from a high Wisdom.


Elemental spells manipulate, produce, and control raw elemental energy. This is by far the most destructive school of magic. Elemental spellcasters benefit from a high Charisma.

Unless otherwise noted, elemental spells that deal physical damage are considered to be magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Techniques are underdeveloped spells that require little talent to use. Unlike spells, techniques are supernatural abilities that enhance a common action. Techniques also use skills as prerequisites. Characters using Techniques benefit from a high Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution.
Unless otherwise noted, a technique's casting time is a free action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity or require any Concentration check, and the spellcaster need not present a focus.

Several professional distinctions between types of spellcasters exist, though these vary based on language and culture, and many spellcasters are better known by the spells they use commonly, such as seers and necromancers.

A wielder of eldritch magic is an arcanist.

A wielder of spiritual magic is a spiritualist.

A wielder of elemental magic is an elementalist.

A wielder of eldritch and spiritual magic is a mystic.

A wielder of eldritch and elemental magic is an evoker.

A wielder of spiritual and elemental magic is a sorcerer.

A wielder of eldritch, spiritual, and elemental magic is a wizard.

Many spells refer to school-specific effects as described in the Player's Handbook.

[Descriptor]: Appearing on the same line as the realm, when applicable, is a descriptor that further categorizes the spell in some way. Some spells have more than one descriptor. Descriptors work as they do for spells, and are included for compatibility reasons.

Prerequisites: This line details what other spells a spellcaster must know in order to learn a spell.


Each spell has multiple different effects, this subspell name serves to identify each one. A spellcaster choses which effect to use and all other variable effects of a spell when he begins casting a spell.

A target cannot be affected two noninstantaneous subspells of the same spell at the same time unless otherwise noted, the effect that uses more total charge takes precedence and the other is suppressed (but its duration can still run out) until the stronger spell expires.

Cost: After the subspell, this indicates how much charge the spellcaster must spend to cast the spell with the related effect. Multiple costs are listed for different effects a spell allows. The spell description may indicate ways a spellcaster can spend more charge to augment the spell. You may choose not to benefit from any or all aspects of a spell's augmentation. In any case, the total charge a spellcaster spends on a spell cannot exceed his spellcaster level (plus 1/2 his other class levels if he is a multiclass spellcaster).

Descriptive Text: This portion of a spell description details what the spell does and how it works. This is repeated multiple times to describe each cost's different effect.



Prerequisites: None

This spell may be substituted for antimagic field, break enchantment, dispel magic, globe of invulnerability, greater dispel magic, lesser globe of invulnerability, mage's disjunction, and remove curse.


Cost: 1

You disperse magical effects targeting yourself. You make a dispel check (1d20 + charge spent, DC 10 + charge spent on spell or 2 * spell level) to disperse each spell currently affecting you, starting with the most powerful (by total charge, or spell level). This does not dispel spells, it merely causes the effects to continue their normal effect as though they had not targeted you. You cannot disperse more spells than your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1) with a single casting of this spell.

You may choose to automatically succeed on dispel checks against any spell that you have cast.

This spell cannot disperse spells that cannot be dispelled by dispel magic.

This spell can be augmented in the following ways:

1: If you spend an additional 4 points of charge, you can cast this spell with a range of touch. If you spend an additional 8 points of charge, you can cast this spell with a range of Close. If you spend an additional 12 points of charge, you can cast this spell with a range of Medium. If you spend an additional 16 points of charge, you can cast this spell with a range of Long.

2: If you spend an additional 10 points of charge, you can cast this spell while dazed, confused, nauseated, shaken, or stunned.

3: If you spend an additional 16 points of charge, this spell can disperse any effect, even those that cannot be dispelled by dispel magic.


Cost: 2

You counterspell an opponent's spell with overwhelming suppressive magic. This spell targets another spellcaster and has a casting time of a standard action, you must ready an action in order to counter an opponent's spell. You must spend more total charge on this spell than your opponent does, and you must be within the range of the spell. If you fail a Spellcraft check to identify how much charge your opponent is spending, you must guess a sufficient amount of charge to succesfully counter it. You must declare that you are counterspelling a specific spell before you make a Spellcraft check to identify it, though you may choose not to cast the spell based on the results of the check.
This spell can be augmented in the following ways:
1: For every additional charge point spent, you may be an additional 5' out of the range of the spell you are countering and still counter it successfully.
2: If you spend an additional 4 charge points, you suffer a -10 penalty to your Spellcraft check but may ready an action with this spell as a standard action. If you spend an additional 8 charge points, you suffer a -20 penalty to your Spellcraft check but may ready an action with this spell as a move action. If you spend an additional 12 charge points, you suffer a -30 penalty to your Spellcraft check but may cast this spell as an immediate action.

Suppress Item

Cost: 4

You touch a magic item and completely lock away its power. This spell targets a single magic item within Close range. If you succeed on a caster level check (1d20 + charge spent, DC 10 + magic item's caster level) the item is rendered nonmagical for a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence score.

This spell can be augmented in the following ways:

1: If you spend 3 additional points of charge, this spell lasts for a number of minutes equal to your Intelligence. If you spend 8 additional points of charge, this spell lasts for a number of hours equal to your Intelligence score. If you spend 14 additional points of charge, this spell lasts for a number of days equal to your Intelligence score.
2: For every additional 3 charge points spent, this spell affects an additional target. No two targets may be more than 15' apart, and you make a check seperately against each item..

3: If you spend an additional 4 points of charge, this spell's range is Medium. If you spend an additional 8 points of charge, this spell's range is Long.

Area Dispel

Cost: 6

You dispel magic in a wide area. When you cast this spell, you designate a 20'-radius burst within Medium range to target. For each creature within the area that is the subject of one or more spells, you make a dispel check against the spell with the most total charge (1d20 + charge spent, DC 10 + target spell's charge, or 2 * spell level). If that check fails, you make dispel checks against progressively weaker spells until you dispel one spell or until you fail all your checks. The creature's magic items are not affected.

Otherwise, this works like the area dispel effect of dispel magic.

For every additional 4 points of charge spent, this spell's radius increases by 5'.

Antimagic Bubble

Cost: 10

You radiate a bubble of antimagic. For as long as you concentrate plus a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier, you produce a 10'-radius emanation of antimagic, as the antimagic field spell. This spell is dismissible.

This spell can be augmented in the following ways:

1: If you spend an additional 3 charge points, this spell becomes centered on the point in space that you occupy and stays there when you cease concentrating. If you spend an additional 6 charge points, it becomes centered on the point in space and you can direct it to move up to 30' in any direction as a move action.

2: For every additional 5 points of charge spent, this spell's radius increases by 5'.

For every additional 2 points of charge spent in any manner, this spell lasts an additional round after you stop concentrating.

Instant Antimagic

Cost: 15

You completely block magical attacks for a short period of time. Casting this spell is an immediate action, quick enough to react to an attack. You gain spell resistance equal to your Intelligence score + 15 until the start of your next action.

This spell can be augmented in the following ways:
1: For every additional point of charge spent, your spell resistance improves by 1.
2: For every additional 3 points of charge spent, one ally within Close range can also be affected.

Kill Magic

Cost: 20, XP

You completely drain magic from an area. This spell has an experience component of 500 experience points. This shapeable spell affects a number of 10' cubes equal to your Intelligence modifier within Close range. Anything in the cubes is completely drained of magic, as mage's disjunction as a wizard of level equal to the amount of charge spent, and the targeted areas become permanently incapable of supporting magic as though they had the dead magic planar trait.



Prerequisites: None

You can pair two different subspells of this spell, overcoming the normal limit of stacking subspells. Each spell uses the best range and duration of the two, affects the best variety of targets between the two, and is treated as a single spell for all purposes (except each component determines its effects using the amount of charge spent on it individually).

All subspells of this spell are polymorph effects.

Change dispels any polymorph effect.
This spell may be substituted for alter self, baelful polymorph, bear's endurance, bull's strength, cat's grace, disguise self, disintegrate, eagle's splendor, enlarge person, flesh to stone, fly, fox's cunning, mass bear's endurance, mass bull's strength, mass cat's grace, mass eagle's splendor, mass enlarge person, mass fox's cunning, mass owl's wisdom, mass reduce person, overland flight, owl's wisdom, polymorph, polymorph any object, reduce person, shapechange, shrink item, spider climb, statue, water breathing


Cost: 1

You alter your body to an extent determined by you, though you cannot change your body type. You can cast this spell as part of the initial period required to create a disguise, or you can cast it as a standard action to make quick transmutations to your body. In any case, you can only make cosmetic changes (though to all but the most skilled nonmagical inspection, any changes you make look and feel real). This allows you to create a disguise without a disguise kit, though you still need to supply clothing and other props. In addition, you suffer no penalty to disguise yourself as a different gender, race, and/or age category. If the disguise is only for minor changes, your +5 bonus increases to +10. This does not negate your Disguise penalty from magical side effects (though you can subsume it).

The effects of this spell last for 10 minutes per point of charge spent, you can maintain a disguise after the duration ends, but creatures you met during the spell are immediately allowed a new Spot check to detect the disguise at the newly modified result.

You cannot use this spell to circumvent the effects of aging, only to disguise them.

This spell can be augmented in the following ways:

1: For every additional point of charge spent, you gain a +2 enhancement bonus to your Disguise check.

2: If you spend an additional 3 points of charge, this spell lasts for 1 hour per point of charge spent. If you spend an additional 6 points of charge, this spell lasts for 1 day per point of charge spent. If you spend an additional 9 points of charge, this spell can be used to make make permanent (effectively instantaneous) minor changes, but cannot be paired with another subspell.

3: If you spend 2 additional points of charge, this spell can be cast with a range of touch on a willing or unconscious target.


Cost: 2, M

You instantly cause growth or shrinking in the target. This is a touch spell with a 20 gp material component of iron shavings. The target's size increases or decreases by one step at your option for one minute per point of charge spent if it fails a Fortitude save (DC 10 + Int mod + 1/2 charge spent). The target's equipment is also changed in size, the damage it causes changes accordingly, and if seperated from the target it returns to normal size at the end of its action. In addition to the standard effects of being a different size category, the target gains a +2 size bonus to its Strength (or Dexterity if you shrink it) and a -2 penalty to its Dexterity (or Strength if you shrink it) to a minimum of 1 for the duration. If the target grows into a space too small to contain it, it must make a Strength check to burst its surroundings, otherwise it is constrained without harm by the materials enclosing it.

This spell does not stack with any other effect that changes size in any manner.

This spell can be augmented in the following ways:

1: For every additional 6 charge points spent, this power increases or decreases the target's size by an additional category, the ability score bonus increases by +2, and the ability score penalty decreases by -2.

2: For every additional 3 charge points spent, this spell can affect an additional target.


Cost: 3, M

You make balanced and careful changes to improve the target's abilities. This spell has a range of touch and can only be used on a willing target, it has a 25 gp material component of animal droppings. The target gains a +4 enhancement bonus to one of its ability scores for one minute per point of charge spent. Temporary hit points granted by a Constitution increase are not temporary hit points, they go away when the target's Constitution drops back to normal, and are not lost first as temporary hit points are.

This spell can be augmented in the following ways:

1: For every additional 5 charge points spent, this spell can grant another +4 bonus to an ability score.

2: For every additional charge point spent, this spell's bonus increases by 1. The target suffers ability burn (ability damage that can only be healed by rest) divided among ability scores as you direct equal to the amount of charge spent in this manner.


Cost: 4, M

You imbue your target with some extraordinary physical ability. This is a touch spell with a 50 gp material component of powdered bone from shapechangers. The ability lasts for one minute per point of charge spent. Unless combined with the Disguise subspell, the effects produced are physically very crude and unsightly.

Alternately, you can remove one of the target's abilities if it is listed here (if the target has an ability but it does not match the list's description, you can remove it anyways), provided the target fails its Fortitude save (DC 10 + Int mod + 1/2 charge spent). The target has a +4 racial bonus to this save. This use of the spell does not require a material component.

The target gains one of the following:

Damage reduction /- equal to the charge spent on this spell against one of the following: acid, bludgeoning, cold, electricity, fire, piercing, slashing, or sonic damage.

A natural attack dealing damage as a heavy mace for the target's size. For every additional 4 points of charge spent, this attack deals damage as though the target is an one size category larger.

The benefits of being a quadruped, including 1.5x carrying capacity and a +4 bonus against tripping and bull rushing. This does not modify the target's abilities in any other manner

This spell can be augmented in the following ways:

1: For every additional 3 charge points spent and additional 50 gp of material component used, this spell can affect an additional target.

2: For every additional 6 charge points spent, this spell grants an additional ability from the list.
4: If you spend 5 additional charge points, you can add the following abilities to the list.

Immunity to one of the following damage types: bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing.

The improved grab ability with its unarmed strikes and natural attacks.

Constitution as a nonability, granting immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless it works on objects, ability damage, ability drain, and energy drain. The target's Constitution modifier effectively becomes +0, and its hit points change appropriately. If the target is reduced to 0 or less hit points while under this effect, it is immediately destroyed.

The trample ability, dealing damage as a heavy mace for a creature one size category larger (the target applies 1-1/2 its Strength modifier to damage rolls with this attack). The save DC is 10 + target's Str mod + 1/2 charge spent. The target can trample creatures its size category or smaller. For every additional 5 charge points spent, the target deals damage as though it is one size category larger and can trample creatures one size category larger.

An additional attack, within the limits of the multiweapon and multiattack rules.


Cost: 5, M

You alter the target's physiology, improving its ability to move. This is a touch spell with a 100 gp material component of elemental residue from an air, earth, fire, or water elemental, as appropriate for the movement type granted. This grants the target one of the following for 1 minute per point of charge spent:

The target gains a +30' enhancement bonus to its base land speed. For every additional 2 charge points spent, this bonus increases by +10'.

The target gains the ability to climb at its base land speed. It gains a +8 racial bonus to Climb checks and can always take 10 on a Climb check. For every additional 2 charge points spent, the target's climb speed gains a +10' enhancement bonus.

The target gains the ability to fly at twice its base land speed with a maneuverability of Poor. For every additional 3 charge points spent, the target's flight maneuverability increases by one step and its fly speed gains a +10' enhancement bonus.

The target gains a swim speed equal to its base land speed. It gains the Aquatic subtype, the ability to breathe water (and it can still breathe air), a +8 racial bonus to Swim checks, and can always take 10 on a Swim check. For every additional 2 charge points spent, the target's swim speed gains a +10' enhancement bonus.

If the target has no base land speed (or its base land speed is 5'), you can give it one equal to half its best speed. This also grants it the ability to breathe air if it did not already have it (or if it only had the ability to hold its breath, such as an aquatic elf's gills). For every additional 2 charge points spent, the target's land speed gains a +10' enhancement bonus.

The target gains a burrow speed equal to half its base land speed, allowing it to move through dirt. It can choose to leave a tunnel if it desires.

This spell can be augmented in the following ways:

1: For every additional 6 charge points spent, you may select an additional option from this list.

2: For every additional 2 charge points spent and additional 100 gp of material component used, this spell can affect an additional target.


Cost: 10 (see text)

This subspell cannot be combined with any other subspell besides Enlarge/Reduce.

You change a creature into an inanimate object, or transmute an object. One creature or unattended object (or an attended object held by a willing reature) within Close range and all of its carried and worn equipment permanently changes into any inanimate nonmagical simple object you can think of. An unwilling target is not affected if it has less than 5 hit points per point of charge spent, the target may add its Fortitude saving throw modifiers to its hit point total if it would be beneficial. Any complex objects require an appropriate skill check or the spell fails, although simple changes such as turning a target into a statue of itself requires no check. The target gains the object's hardness but retains its hit points. If the object it becomes has any intristic value, even art value, you must supply magical reagents that at least meet that object's market value as a material component. This spell cannot change the target's size (but it can be paired with Enlarge/Reduce), a Medium creature can only be turned into a Medium object. The target retains any awareness of its surroundings that it posessed in life, but is incapable of performing any actions, and is treated as an unattended object unless attended by another creature.

This spell can be used to transmute one object into another according to the limitations above.

If you cast this spell on yourself, the only action you can perform is the standard action necessary to dismiss this spell and any actions you would take to draw charge.

This spell can be augmented in the following ways:

1: For every additional 3 charge points spent, this spell can affect an additional target.

2: If you spend an additional 2 charge points when you cast this spell on yourself, you can spend 10 charge points as a free action to animate yourself for a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence score as an animated object. For every additional 2 charge points spent in this manner, the amount of charge that must be spent to animate decreases by 1. You cannot cast spells during this effect.


Cost: 15

You supercharge the target with transmutive energy. This is a touch spell. This automatically dispels any polymorph or Change effect whose total charge (or caster level) is less than or equal to the total charge spent.

Alternately, you may use this spell to completely destroy any sembleance of form in a creature, reducing it to absolutely nothing. This only works on targets with no more than 5 hit points per point of charge spent. The target may add its Fortitude saving throw modifiers to its hit point total if it would be beneficial.

Alternately, if the target has the shapechanger subtype, you may bend its form to your will. If the target fails a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 charge spent + Int mod) it changes shape within the limits of its shapechanging ability, but it requires no actions to do so and is not limited by uses per day. If you do not know the limits of the target's shapechanging ability or pick a form it cannot take, it instead changes into its base form.
This spell can be augmented in the following ways:

1: For every additional 3 points of charge spent, this spell can affect an additional target.

2: If you spend an additional 4 charge, this spell's range is Close. If you spend an additional 8 charge, this spell's range is Medium. If you spend an additional 12 charge, this spell's range is Long.


Cost: 20, see text

You can perform any number of simultaneous Change subspells, rather than just two. This spell has a casting time of 1 minute, and you must combine at least three spells in this manner. The total amount of charge of the combined subspells is equal to the charge spent on this subspell, but you may use a subspell multiple times (as appropriate, you could not stack Disguise but you could stack Ability), and each subspell gains 2 free charge points that can be put towards its augmentation.

If you spend 200 XP per charge point spent on this effect, it has a duration of Permanent. You may split this component evenly between yourself and a willing target.

The following need to go into a change-derivative subspell:
Cost: 4, M[list]

  • Blindsense 10', plus an additional 10' per 3 points of charge spent.
  • A breath weapon usable 1/1d4+1 rounds, dealing 2d6 points of acid damage in a 60' cone (Reflex DC 10 + target's Con mod + 1/2 charge spent for half damage), plus an additional 1d6 points of damage per 3 points of charge spent.
  • Immunity to charms and compulsions.
  • Darkvision 60', plus an additional 30' per 4 points of charge spent.
  • A natural contact poison on its skin that affects any creature it touches and any creature that touches it (any touch attack, unarmed strike, or natural attack in either case). The poison deals initial and secondary damage of 1d6 Constitution (DC 10 + target's Con mod + 1/2 charge spent).
  • Low-light vision. This range is doubled (as per normal doubling rules, triple rage, then quadruple range, then quintuple range) for every additional 4 points of charge spent.
  • Immunity to paralysis.
  • Immunity to poison.
  • The scent ability with a range of 30', plus an additional 10' per 3 points of charge spent.

    This spell can be augmented in the following ways:

    1: For every additional 3 charge points spent, this spell can affect an additional target.

    2: For every additional 6 charge points spent, this spell grants an additional ability from the list.

    3: If you spend 5 additional charge points, you can add the following abilities to the list.

    Blindsight 5', plus an additional 5' per 3 points of charge spent.

    A breath weapon usable 1/1d4 rounds, dealing 2d6 points of acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage in a 60' cone or 120' line at the target's option (Reflex DC 10 + target's Con mod + 1/2 charge spent for half damage), plus an additional 1d6 points of damage per 3 points of charge spent.

    Immunity to mind-affecting effects.

    Immunity to one of the following damage types: acid, bludgeoning, cold, electricity, fire, piercing, slashing, or sonic.

    Regeneration equal to your Intelligence modifier against physical damage (this does not heal existing nonlethal damage).

    Regeneration equal to your Intelligence modifier against energy damage (this does not heal existing nonlethal damage).

    Constitution as a nonability, granting immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless it works on objects, ability damage, ability drain, and energy drain. The target's Constitution modifier effectively becomes +0, and its hit points change appropriately. If the target is reduced to 0 or less hit points while under this effect, it is immediately destroyed.

    The trample ability, dealing damage as a heavy mace for a creature one size category larger (the target applies 1-1/2 its Strength modifier to damage rolls with this attack). The save DC is 10 + target's Str mod + 1/2 charge spent. The target can trample creatures its size category or smaller. For every additional 5 charge points spent, the target deals damage as though it is one size category larger and can trample creatures one size category larger.

    Tremorsense 10', plus an additional 10' per point of charge spent.

    An additional attack, within the limits of the multiweapon and multiattack rules.



    Prerequisites: None

    Divination counters Figment, Glamer, Phantasm, and Shadow

    This spell may be substituted for any spell of the Divination school.

    Cost: 1

    You extend your perceptions, allowing you to seek out a specified type of matter, energy, or other variable in the area. As long as you concentrate, you can pinpoint the locations of a specified type of thing in a 60' cone, you may determine the cone's point of origin and direction once per round on your action and immediately know the distance from yourself (not exact locations) and relative (but not absolute) strengths of each thing in the effect. Thus, you could tell that a wand of fireball is more powerful than a potion of cure light wounds (CL 1), but you would not be able to determine the caster level of the wand (unless you had several items to compare it to) or the number of charges in it (by any means). You can use this spell to detect one of the following:

    Magical auras of items and lingering spells (see the detect magic spell description) by their caster levels.

    Living creatures by their Hit Dice (less than 1 Hit Die for ordinary plants).

    Undead creatures by their Hit Dice.

    Any specified mineral or material (wood, stone, metal, poisons, glass, gold, paper, oak) by their mass.

    Creatures of a specified alignment axis (Good-Evil or Law-Chaos) by their Hit Dice. Evil outsiders and characters with divine power (such as devout priests) are treated as having twice as many Hit Dice.

    You may augment this spell in the following ways:

    1: For every additional 2 charge points spent, this spell can detect an additional thing. You can distinguish between things according to their respective categories, you would be able to tell an undead creature from a living creature, but you would not be able to tell which has more Hit Dice.

    2: For every additional charge point spent, this spell's range increases by 10'.

    3: If you spend an additional 4 charge points, this spell can also detect the following:

    Creatures with a specific ability score (but not creatures that have it as a nonability) by that ability score.

    Living creatures by their remaining hit points.
    Living creatures of a specific type by Hit Dice.

    Magic items and lingering spells of a specific realm (or school) by caster level.

    Creatures by their attitude towards a specific individual or organization (an individual need not be within range, if the individual or a member of the specified organization is within range he is usually treated as being more than Helpful towards himself).

    4: For every additional charge point spent, this spell lasts an additional round.


    Cost: 2

    You carefully study an item and its magical properties. This spell has a range of touch and a casting time of one day. You determine all magical properties of the item, including how to activate these functions and how many charges are left (if appropriate). This spell cannot identify an artifact.

    You have a 1% per charge point spent chance to successfully identify a cursed item.

    You may augment this spell in the following ways:

    1: For every additional 4 charge points spent, you may identify an additional item.

    2: For every additional 20 charge points spent, you may identify one property of an artifact, starting with the most powerful.

    3: If you spend an additional 5 charge points, this spell's casting time is one hour. If you spend an additional 10 charge points, this spell's casting time is one minute. If you spend an additional 15 charge points, this spell's casting time is one round.

    4: For every additional charge point spent, this spell has an additional (yes, in addition to the other one) 1% chance to identify a cursed item.


    Cost: 3, F

    You see and hear a distant location, as if you were there. This spell lasts as long as you concentrate, plus a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier, and requires a 100 gp mirror or similar flat reflective surface as a spell focus. This is a scrying effect. You don't need line of sight or line of effect, but the place must be known to you or obvious. You could view a point in your home, or on the other side of a door, but you could not view a specific individual or item. Once this spell takes effect, the sensor does not move (but you may rotate it in all directions to view its surroundings). The sensor can only see with normal vision and darkvision out to 10'.

    This spell does not allow you to scry across planes.

    This spell can be augmented in the following ways:

    1: You may move the sensor on your action at a speed of 5' per charge point spent.

    2: For every additional charge point spent, this spell's darkvision range increases by 5'.

    3: If you spend an additional 4 charge points and use a focus related to your target (a personal possession that was held for at least a week, or a bit of organic matter like hair or blood), you may scry on a specific individual. The target is allowed a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 charge spent + Wisdom modifier) to avoid being scried upon, if your target succeeds on this save you are stunned for one hour and then nauseated for a number of hours equal to the difference between his Hit Dice and the total charge spent.

    4: For every additional charge point spent, this spell lasts an additional round.


    Cost: 5, M

    You become able to pierce illusions. This spell has a material component of fat and saffron worth 50 gp. For a number of minutes equal to your Wisdom score you can ignore glamers, allowing you to see through images and ignore invisibility, and you do not suffer from concealment or blindness due to magical darkness. You can only ignore an effect if you have spent more charge points than were spent on it (or at least 2 charge points per spell level).

    This spell can be augmented in the following ways:

    1: For every additional 2 charge points spent, this spell also affects one creature you touch (a free action if the target is adjacent to you).

    2: If you spend 4 additional charge points, you can penetrate all types of illusions, provided you spend enough charge points. This allows you to automatically succeed on a Will save against an illusion effect.

    3: If you spend 4 additional charge points, you can see the true forms of transmuted creatures and objects, provided you spend enough charge points.

    4: For every additional charge point spent, this spell lasts an additional minute.


    Cost: 10, M

    You tap into universal truth, the agents of a deity, or unravel threads of fate to discern simple questions. This spell has a casting time of one hour. You may ask one yes-or-no question per point of charge spent, and must spend 100 gp of incense and holy (or unholy) water per question as a material component. "Unclear" is a legitimate answer if an absolute answer would be misleading.
    Cost: 20, M, F
    You magically divine a comprehensive set of information about a specific individual. This spell has a casting time of 1 hour, requires some possession of the target to be used as a focus, and 5000 gp of crushed quartz, insence, and holy water (or unholy water) must be used as a material component. This allows you to deduce the following information:
    The target's name, race, and alignment.
    Its exact Hit Dice and class levels.
    Its current location (including the building, town, country, world, and plane of existence, as appropriate and well enough for you to find the target if it is not taking pains to conceal itself).
    Significant items in its possession.
    Any significant activities or actions the creature has undertaken in the previous 8 hours, including details such as locales traveled through, the names or races of those the creature fought, spells it cast, items it acquired, and items it left behind (including the location of those items).
    What it was doing while you cast the spell, as though you were using an unaugmented Clairvoyance subspell replayed at ten-to-one speed.
    If the target is magically concealing itself, you must spend more charge than the concealing effect (or at least two charge points per spell level).



    Elemental [Earth]

    Prerequisites: None
    None of the subspells of this spell are subject to spell resistance. All of its effects are instantaneous.

    Earth counters Electricity, Steel and Water.

    Earth may be substituted for any spell with the [Earth] descriptor.

    Cost: 1

    Your touch generates a shock wave that travels along the ground, toppling creatures and loose objects. The shock wave affects only creatures standing on the ground within a Close cone-shaped spread, affected creatures take 1d4 points of nonlethal bludgeoning damage, and creatures and objects are knocked prone. Creatures and attended objects are allowed a Reflex save to negate this effect (DC 10 + Cha mod + 1/2 charge spent).

    This spell can be augmented in the following ways:

    1: If you spend an additional 4 charge points, this spell's effect is a spread centered on you.

    2: If you spend 4 additional charge points, this spell's range is Medium. If you spend 8 additional charge points, this spell's range is Long.

    3: If you spend 8 additional charge points, affected creatures are nauseated for 1 round. If you spend 12 additional charge points, affected creatures are stunned for 1 round.

    For every additional point of charge spent, this spell deals an additional 1d4 damage.


    Cost: 2, M

    You chew up a patch of earth, making it rough and treacherous. This causes a 5' square of earth or stone within Close range to become rough terrain, it counts as two squares of movement for creatures entering it and creatures cannot run or charge through it. If the space takes a total amount of damage equal to your Charisma score, it flattens, melts, or smooths it sufficiently to negate this penalty.

    This spell may be augmented in the following ways:

    1: For every additional 3 charge points spent, affected areas require an additional 5' of movement to enter and require twice as much damage to smooth. Thus, if you spent 8 charge points on this spell, the affected areas would requires 20' of movement to enter.

    2: If you spend an additional 4 points of charge, this spell's range is Medium. If you spend an additional 8 points of charge, this spell's range is Long.

    For every additional charge point spent, this spell affects an additional 5' square.


    Cost: 3

    You conjure a stone in your hand, and propel it with great force at your enemies. Casting this spell is an attack action, you may use it in conjunction with a full attack and/or two-weapon fighting. It deals 1d8+Cha mod points of bludgeoning damage on a successful ranged attack with a range increment of 10' and is treated as a thrown weapon. You do not apply your Strength modifier to the damage roll.

    For every additional point of charge spent, this spell deals an additional 1d8 damage and its range increment increases by 5'.


    Cost: 5

    You cause a deadly spire of stone to erupt from the ground. This targets a 5' square of open ground within Close range. The target space must have at least some exposed earth or stone and be stable and capable of direct seismic interaction, you could target grassy ground half a mile above a cave, but not the bare stone of the second floor of a building. One creature standing on the square (determined randomly if more than one creature is there) takes 1d6 points of piercing damage per point of charge spent (Reflex DC 10 + 1/2 charge spent + Wisdom modifier) and is stuck to the square (flat-footed and unable to leave the square) unless it makes a Strength check against that Reflex DC as a move action, and any creatures not stuck in the square are pushed out of it into a square of their choice. The square blocks line of effect out of it, a stuck creature can be targeted, but not a creature on the other side of the square. If the creature makes a successful Reflex save, it only takes half damage and is not stuck. After 1 round, the spire subsides, leaving the affected area as it was (though this spell rips up masonry and vegetation) and freeing a stuck creature.

    This spell can be augmented in the following ways:

    1: If you spend an additional 4 points of charge, this spell's range is Medium. If you spend an additional 8 points of charge, this spell's range is Long.

    2: For every additional 4 points of charge spent, the spire remains for an additional round.

    3: For every additional 3 points of charge spent, this spell creates an additional spire, though no two spires can be farther than 15' apart.


    Cost: 10

    You incite focused seismic activity to create peripices and chasms. This spell has a casting time of 1 round, during which the areas to be affected tremble. This raises or lowers a 10' square of open ground within Close range by any distance, up to your Charisma score. The target space must have at least some exposed earth or stone and be stable and capable of direct seismic interaction, you could target grassy ground half a mile above a cave, but not the second floor of a building. You may vary the height and slope of the entire affected area, creating steps, slopes, or rough sculpture (though a Craft check would determine the actual quality of this). You may make sheer walls with a Climb DC of up to your Charisma score, and the edges between the affected area and unaffected areas are as such. Structures in the area of this spell take 5 points of damage per caster level, ignoring hardness.

    Lowering ground cannot cause falling damage, though it may cause stability problems for very large creatures. A Large or

  • anyone?

    you said it yourself:

    WARNING: In depth magic system below, massive wall of text.

    Gotta give us some time to digest it (once we FIND it).....

    I'm a magic-systems junkie. I'll print it off and save it for later review and use and then comment on it.

    Live! Live! I command this thread to live! *manic laughter*

    Is it just me, or are there a lot of "alternative" rules for 3.5 floating around out there in the last couple months? ;)

    geeee.... I wonder? *looks at 4e forum*

    I know you know that I know you know why you said what you said. =)

    Grand Lodge

    Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

    I'm glad someone does. @_@

    Sovereign Court

    Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

    Could you give us an executive summary?

    The Exchange

    Rhavin wrote:

    so, to begin; I cannot take credit for this idea, it originated from Thomar of Uointer in the old WoTC, pre-4e announcment forums. It was started and never finished, I had high hopes for it but now submit it to you paizonians for review and possible additions.

    Actually variant spells began in my 80's D&D games and wound up on the WOTC board in 2004 along with something similar from a whole bunch of other old and cunning DMs.

    The good old days when Ninja or sheep herder, or street urchin might mean wizard with a magic missile variant that involved shruiken, slingstone, or thrown pebble that auto hit for 1d6+1 damage - even through plate armor - no save.

    Templates back then meant using a core class and tweaking the abilities so they were something unique to the new template class yet identifiable with the original core class and thus in keeping with the game balance.

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