KissMeDarkly RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 |
SirUrza |
Over eating/drinking, wenching, trying to get more loot, etc. Anything that's one of the 7 deadly sins. Most sin points will be "earned" via regular roleplaying and not printed AP stuff.
Demiurge 1138 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8 |
I've been racking up the sin points like mad for the PCs in my game - and they love it! They know that their sins are being catalogued, and that's starting to make them nervous, what with the sinful soul harvesting. My PCs, and their various sins, are as follows:
Evangeline, hellbred knight is almost entirely sin-free, which makes sense as she's trying to recover her soul from the devils that own it. Unfortunately, she's not spotless; they knocked some Skinsaw cultists out and donned their masks as disguises, and fueled by the bloodlust of the mask, Evangeline killed Lord Ironbriar. So that's one Wrath point.
Mizelli, elf ranger is strongly envious of Daisy Moonblossom, the party cleric. She was also quite greedy, stealing iron earrings off of goblins, and lets her wrath gets the better of her - she's never met a favored enemy she hasn't coup de graced.
Daisy Moonblossom, Varisian cleric, is somewhat proud of her fine appearance and has a greedy streak as well, but is overall fairly clean.
Sulik Sky-Eyed, half elf (due to a reincarnate) Shoanti ultimate magus, has a lot of pride and a lot of wrath, most of it stemming from his frustrations at being a Shoanti with a strong sense of tribal pride and an equally strong hatred of Cheliax. He also earns Pride points for his tendency to, as an arcane spellcaster, wander into melee and let himself get hit (what with his retributive spells and whatnot).
Jabber Patchcloak, gnome beguiler, suffers from quite the inflated sense of pride - he's especially proud of how easily he could mess with the minds of his fellow party members, so should he choose. He often chooses.
Neimand. Where do we start with Neimand. He's a hobgoblin bard, who's inherited Bruzanthamus' harem and seeks to add the female PCs to it (Lust), desires to eat babies and steals snacks from the Grauls (Gluttony), slits the throats of prisoners and dogs (Wrath), had his harem carry him in a palanquin to Maginmar (Sloth) and knows that he'd be able to tell if his harem was cheating on him "when babies not as pretty as me" (Pride).
Mary Yamato |
If your players are really getting into this sin-point thing (mine did too) I'd strongly recommend looking ahead to RotRL #5 and coming up with some additional ideas for how the points matter. The ones given in the module were not very satisfying for us.
ReApErMaN8691 |
Here's an example I was discussing in another thread dealing with a paladin in my group:
They're investigating the Hanbey(sp?) farm and dealing with the various ghouls strung up and disguised as scarecrows. The Paladin made a habit of detecting evil on the little nasties as they approached, not too bad of an idea... until he decides it's easier to just run up on one they see moving and stab it in the stomach without a second thought.
The one he stabbed? One of the as-yet-unturned-and-now-dead farmers.
So let's count up here... He was so angry at the ghouls for giving him grief they he up and kills whoever he thinks even might be a ghoul. That's some serious wrath.
Too lazy to even take the time to check and see if it was a innocent or a villian? That's sloth if I ever seen it.
Trusting in his own judgment over the tools given to him by his goddess? That'd be Pride.
Any or all of those would be fair game, I think.
agyess |
So whats my score: Turtleback ferry
let me set the background. Party 4 clerics (Iomadie, desna, magic/rune guy, and Asmodius). I was playing the Asmodius cleric and had become the party's primary "face" due to my high diplomacy skill (this would later be challenged when the Iomade cleric started to realize some of the stuff I was doing in their name). Also the magic cleric and I had already been discussing how to remove the marks. (It should be noted at this point that the dm and therefore the party believed that the sin-marked destroyed the marked soul.)
We get to Turtleback ferry and ...
for the first five (first group) I set up a somewhat elaborate quest to "atone" for their sin. They had to take a magic longsword (to honor both the cleric of magic and the cleric of Iomade) on a journey of at least 500 miles (desna) and use it (w/force or as trade) to acquire a slave (an addition to my person harem. to honor Asmodius). They agreed (I kinda glossed over the details to the cleric of magic and off we go fixing them.
Apparently they couldn't keep a secret, because soon I have a much larger group wanting to be fixed. (20ish)I wasn't going to send them all on long quest so I decided to take this group as part of my network of informats (I had just take leadership with the most recent level) and ordered then to spread out over the area and workk for me. They agreed
Then the mayor shows up and explains that basically adult in town is effected. My immediate reaction is to turn to the cleric of magic and say "these people are to stupid to live". My initial "price" to fix them was to take all their children as slaves for the church of Asmodius. This was modified at the suggestion of the cleric of magic, to "all of their children had to present themselves to the church of magic for assignment (in equal amounts) to the four churches that were part of our group.
so how did I do?