Zoomackulas's Campaign Group 1


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Liberty's Edge

Your crew has been travelling for about two days now. What little food you had has long been eaten, you were not expecting to be gone this long on your little adventure. All of you are bone tired and starving with just a little water left. You have been taking your time because you have no idea where you are at or where you are going and you’re not sure what lurks along the trail you have been walking. One of your crew got a whiff of salt air on the light wind blowing through the forest you are now travelling through. Everyone figured you’d find some kind of civilization by the sea. The dirt road you have been following is more like a game trail which has now ended into a roadway, by the looks of it, a major highway. The road is quiet except for the rumble of a cart being pulled by a tired looking mule coming from the north. An old man sits atop looking just as tired as his mule. He has not seen you as of yet.

Though weary,Toranaga cannot bear to present an uncouth appearance. He wipes the dust from his face and travel clothes and adjusts his gear to present a gallant image.

"Friends, that old man over there can surely direct us to the nearest shelter, if not, inn. Let us approach him openly so that he will not think us brigands."

BTW, Zoom, what time of day is it?

The half-orc looks around and tightens his bandanna reflexively. Then he wipes some more sweat from his brow.

"Man," pointing at the man.

"Yes, you are correct in your observation, Dron." Toranaga jokingly adds, "And we don't try to kill him until he tries to kill us. He might be one of my many fans or creditors, I forget. Ha ha ha!"

Dron fingers the symbolic amulet of axe and sword chained about his neck.

He takes a while to absorb the comments of Yoshi, "Man."


Then Dron repeats something he has been asking for a while, about two days or so.

"Where food?"

"We ask the old man where we can get food, Dron."

Toranaga then confidently strides out to meet the old man and his mule, "Greetings, I am Yoshi Toranaga. My companions and I are in need of board and lodging. Can you help?"

BTW, Yoshi is my PC's family name. Given name is Toranaga.

Dron appears from behind Toranaga, "Where food?"

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 2/Ranger 2

Triska unslings her bow and nocks an arrow, but does not draw the bow. The hunger has sharpened her senses, and she scans the surroundings as her companions approach the old man.

Something doesn't seems right, she thinks, or am I just light-headed from lack of food...?

Spot check; Listen check (1d20+3=20, 1d20+3=9)

Dron Drox wrote:
Dron appears from behind Toranaga, "Where food?"

"Be patient, my friend. Food we shall find, ok?" Toranaga tells Dron goodnaturedly while keeping his eye on the old man. Why am I uneasy? Surely this old man poses no threat. But what would he be doing in the middle of nowhere unescorted?

Liberty's Edge

I'm just waiting for Kaldren and Kraeg to get a chance for their first post in the game! I'll keep things moving when I get home from work tonight either way! And hopefully your rogue type character will jump in sometime today!

Mr. Shiny is tied up right now, he'll have a character ready sometime tonight.

Dron searches his backpack for food. It smells like it had food. It doesn't. It's empty.


Male Dwarf Wizard (transmuter) 1

Kraeg casts mage armor and steps out into the road with his companions.

"Careful, lads. We don't know that they even speak our tongue."

Liberty's Edge

The old man pulls his cart to a halt a bit startled by the sudden appearance of strangers in front of him.

Well met strangers, I'm sorry you startled me so I did not hear your question. I don't hear as well as I used too. I am a simple farmer and don't have any money if that was what you were asking for....

"Ha ha ha... So sorry to hear that you have mistaken our group for brigands. A man so wise in the ways of life such as yourself can clearly see that we DON'T mean you nor your property any harm. I am Yoshi Toranaga. These are my companionns. We are brave adventurers returning from one of our fantastic journeys and we need to find an inn." Toranaga eloquently discloses but in a louder tone of voice. "Know of any inns or hostels nearby?"

I'd offer gold but that would completely go against Toranaga's training as a warblade.

General info on Dron that the party will be aware of
Dron stands a little over six foot tall, but the width of his chest and shoulders make him look squat. His hunching over tends to increase the effect.

In the few weeks of adventuring to date, it is clear that Dron has little time for anyone who doesn't fight. His favourite phrase is, "I don't think so." which translates as no.

He nods his head and tries to understand what the magical dwarf just said. Then gives it on all the long words.

Male Dwarf Wizard (transmuter) 1

Kraeg leans heavily on his quarterstaff and lets his eyes wander over the old man and his cart, trying to identify the contents of the cart and, perhaps, some useful bit of information about the man.

Liberty's Edge

The old man sits back a bit eyeing the half orc, the mule shifts a bit unsteadly also but the old man has a good grip on the reins. The old man turns back to Toranaga and says,
If its a place to stay and get some food, your best bet would be to follow this road north for about an half hour and you'll reach the big city. Many places to stay there if ye got the coin that is young man

Triska-you see the surrounding woods and the road leading north and south. The sounds of nature, the creak of the cart as the mule moves from hoof to hoof and the old man talking!

Zoomackulas Eichendar wrote:

The old man sits back a bit eyeing the half orc, the mule shifts a bit unsteadly also but the old man has a good grip on the reins. The old man turns back to Toranaga and says,

If its a place to stay and get some food, your best bet would be to follow this road north for about an half hour and you'll reach the big city. Many places to stay there if ye got the coin that is young man

"Thank you for the information. Are you headed for the city by any chance?"

Liberty's Edge

I'm just coming from the big city young man, sold all my vegetables real early today so I gets to get back to my farm, gots a lot to do before sun down so I would bid you a good day and best of luck in the big city

The old man nods to you, the cart starts moving, the mule more than happy to be away from the big half orc. The old man begins to whistle to himself and the mule.......

Turning to his companions, "Well, you heard the old man. We head north. I gather we'll be there before sundown if we hurry. Let's go."

Dron quickly moves to the back of the cart and looks in for food. Even a small potato? Nothing.

He shakes his head. Disappointed, the hungry half-orc catches up with the eastern warrior, "food, I don't think so."

Remembering his manners, the half-orc waves one paw and his greatsword at the retreating back of the old man.

"BYE!" he shouts.

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 2/Ranger 2

Triska calls out to her companions who have been talking to the old man.
"Ask him just where in all the hells we are!"

Dron pads back to stand near Yoshi Toranaga, sliding his sword away.

"Hey! Old Man! What's the name of this place?!" Toranaga shouts.

Male Dwarf Wizard (transmuter) 1

"Bah, he could barely hear you when you stood right before him."

"Let's be off. The quicker we get to this "big city," the better, I don't like the way Dron's lookin' at me," Kraeg appears to be at least half joking.

"Ain't never felt like a cut of pork before," he mumbles just loud enough to be overheard.

Exausted is not a stong enough word to describe how Kaldren feels after treking through the forigen wilderness for two days. The apprance of a road suggests that he will soon be able to indulge in some hot food and a strong drink. When the cart arrives, Kaldern takes a position near Triska so he can keep an eye both on her and the activities of the others. In his mind he contemplates the spells he may need as he hefts a spear ready to throw it at the first sign of an attack.

Kraeg Ironforge wrote:

"Bah, he could barely hear you when you stood right before him."

"Let's be off. The quicker we get to this "big city," the better, I don't like the way Dron's lookin' at me," Kraeg appears to be at least half joking.

"Ain't never felt like a cut of pork before," he mumbles just loud enough to be overheard.

"Agreed, we all need a hot meal. The "big City" is also our best chance of discovering where we are and what has happened to us. Once we know that we should be able to formulate a way to get home."

Female Human

"Your home, maybe. Though, a stay at an inn would be most nice."

A pause.

"Now, where are we? Yes, now I remember. NOWHERE."

"Food?" cries the big hungry beast. He hops from one foot to the other at everyone's inactivity.

Female Human
Dron Drox wrote:
"Food?" cries the big hungry beast. He hops from one foot to the other at everyone's inactivity.

"You can wait."

"Come on. I don't know about you guys but I'm already thinking of that hot bath I'll be having once we get to an inn."

Male Dwarf Wizard (transmuter) 1

Kraeg hefts his staff and begins to trudge down the road after Toranaga.

"I could certainly do for a hot meal. And some idea as to where in the cosmos we are."

"Hey Dron! Food's over there!" Toranaga points to the north.

"Well, let's stop talking about it and start getting to it." Kaldren steps onto the road an starts the long trek to the big city.

Dron falls in beside the warblade. Tightens his headscarf and grins at the rest.

As he marches forward, Toranaga can be heard singing a tune:

"It's forty shillings on the drum
To those who volunteer to come,
To 'list and fight the foe today
Over the Hills and far away."

Liberty's Edge

Your crew travels down the wooded road to the bend the old man talked about earlier. It seems like it took forever but really it was a short walk, your hunger is really beginning to take its toll on you. Once you are at the bend, the woods slowly leave you behind and opens up into grassland terrain. In the short distance ahead you see what the old man was talking about, the big city, most likely the biggest you have ever seen in your life.
A castle can be seen at the base of a bald, rough crag rising far above the city. From the southern end you can see a wall that protects the city beginning at the sea and running north into a sheer cliff that naturedly protects it.
The city has a sheltered bay protected by tow small fortified islands, each with its own wall, towers and small forts, beyond the islands is open ocean seemingly going on forever. The bay is flooded with ships and boats of all shapes and sizes, coming and going at a fast pace, obviously the city is a major trade center with the advantage of a deep water harbor.
At the southern gate you can see a huge caravan just departing the city escorted by heavily armed men. Most of the traffic seems to be heading into the city at this time of day. You cross the grasslands and are just coming upon the first of the armed escorts at the same time you reach the end of the line of people entering the city…….

It is now mid day, an hour or so before dinner would be normally taken!

Toranaga looks for any sign identifying the name of the city.

Liberty's Edge

You see no signs at this point!

Oh well. "Come on, let's go! Just a little further to food, beer, a nice warm bath and a soft bed!"

Dron looks at the city.

"Food! food! food!"

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 2/Ranger 2

Triska scans the line of people awaiting entrance into the city to see if there might be someone with food, like a farmer with a cart of vegetables, or an itinerant butcher.

Failing that, she tries to spot a rabbit (or even a mouse) in the grass nearby...

Spot (1d20+3=6)

But apparently she's too interested in the weeds growing at her feet. Sigh. :/

Female Human

"Oh look. A line. And guards! How quaint!"

The size of the city makes Kaldren uneasy, but the prospect of a warm meal helps the tribesman overcome any objection of entering. Cautiously he follows the others towards the gate keeping a careful watch about his surroundings.

"big city" Spot check (1d20+4=20)

Liberty's Edge

You wait for a short time to get into the city and now you are face to face with the guard.....Well met says the guard.....

Wiping the sweat and dust that has accumulated, Toranaga gives the guard the warrior's salute, fist over the heart, "Greetings to you as well, guardsman. I am Yoshi Toranaga. My companions and I are brave adventurers newly arrived from one of our fantastic quests. We are in dire need of food and drink. Kindly direct us to your city's finest inn."

Male Dwarf Wizard (transmuter) 1

Kraeg lets out a deep sigh and leans heavily on his staff.

He spends a moment looking the guard over, then directs his gaze into the city, obviously impatient to be on his way.

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 2/Ranger 2

"Perhaps not the finest inn. Don't know about the rest of you, but my purse didn't get very fat on that last run."

Triska raises her voice to address the guard. "Guard! Just where in all the twenty-seven hells of Golarion are we!?"

Kaldren silently watches as th group awaits the guards response.

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