Xin-Shalast Supplement?

Rise of the Runelords

Silver Crusade

Many thanks to Mr. Vaughan, Jacobs, and the rest of the Paizo crew for this memorable Cthulhuesque adventure.

While there's quite a bit of stuff in Xin-Shalast that an inventive dm can work off of and flesh out, it feels at times as if fluff and further description was cut to shrink the city part of the module to publication size.

Are there any further pieces information available on the Hypogeum, the Artisan District, or Temple Row or the rest of the city? If not, no problem, perhaps I read a bit too much into the module description's "
its secrets and treasures and dangers can provide for many more sessions of excitement after Karzoug is defeated."

Hm... a regional supplement for one big adventure site sounds cool.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Tzzarg wrote:

Many thanks to Mr. Vaughan, Jacobs, and the rest of the Paizo crew for this memorable Cthulhuesque adventure.

While there's quite a bit of stuff in Xin-Shalast that an inventive dm can work off of and flesh out, it feels at times as if fluff and further description was cut to shrink the city part of the module to publication size.

Are there any further pieces information available on the Hypogeum, the Artisan District, or Temple Row or the rest of the city? If not, no problem, perhaps I read a bit too much into the module description's "
its secrets and treasures and dangers can provide for many more sessions of excitement after Karzoug is defeated."

Originally we did have a separate article in this volume about the city, but when we looked at the adventure and saw that about half its length took place in the haunted cabin and other areas NOT Xin-Shalast... that felt weird. We wanted the climactic adventure to feel even more like most of it was taking place in Xin-Shalast, since that was the name of the adventure, after all!

SO! We took the gazetteer of Xin-Shalast that Greg wrote and folded it right into the adventure. In doing so, we added encounters with the dragon and the devil and a few other locations. So what you see in the adventure is actually MORE information about Xin-Shalast than we were originally going to present. If it feels like stuff was cut... that's just because it's a big place and even if we had a 200 page Pathfinder we wouldn't have enough room.

In any event... what you see in Pathfinder 6 is pretty much all we've got on Xin-Shalast right now. There's certainly a LOT more adventure to be had in the city, though, and a "return ot Xin-Shalast" type adventure would seem to practically write itself at some point in the future...

Silver Crusade

So what you see in the adventure is actually MORE information about Xin-Shalast than we were originally going to present. If it feels like stuff was cut... that's just because it's a big place and even if we had a 200 page Pathfinder we wouldn't have enough room.

In any event... what you see in Pathfinder 6 is pretty much all we've got on Xin-Shalast right now. There's certainly a LOT more adventure to be had in the city, though, and a "return ot Xin-Shalast" type adventure would seem to practically write itself at some point in the future...

Thanks for the quick reply Mr. Jacobs. I hope you folks get around to returning to Xin-Shalast one day. If 4th edition is going to incorporate terrain and environmental factors to the extent that some of the previews indicate, than a cyclopean stone ruin with musty vaults of horrors and knowledge that man was not meant to know would be the perfect place for a high level adventure.

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