At the Sitting Duck

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Scarab Sages

Male Human Expert 3/Cleric 3

Sorry to hear it. Take care of yourself and best of luck to you.

I'll miss the gnome. I liked him.

Male Troll Expert 3, Warrior 1

Well take care of yourself and family first. It was fun while it lasted.

Scarab Sages

Male Human Expert 3/Cleric 3

We seem to be down to three players. Some of the encounters coming up might be a little tough. We have some choices.

We can switch the characters over to the alpha rules which might get them just a little oomph and consider this a playtest of sorts.

We can advertise for a fourth player.

I can tone down the encounters.


The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

Wicht wrote:

We seem to be down to three players. Some of the encounters coming up might be a little tough. We have some choices.

We can switch the characters over to the alpha rules which might get them just a little oomph and consider this a playtest of sorts.

We can advertise for a fourth player.

I can tone down the encounters.


I'm fine with any of the first two options.

I'm interested in the alpha rules but, if we did this, I wouldn't want it to delay the game for long. It should be quick.

We both know where there are some players waiting for games to open up.

Male Troll Expert 3, Warrior 1

Any of the options are fine but it will take about a day for me to actualy be able to sit and do the conversion to alpha. They are pretty easy going but more on the higher end of the power slide.

Also I doubt we would have trouble finding a fourth. The board this originated on is still got people looking. Never really a lack for people wanting to PbP.

Scarab Sages

Male Human Expert 3/Cleric 3

We'll do it this way - if you want to switch your character to alpha, do so, but we won't stop the game while you are doing it. :)

And I posted in another thread where there's a couple looking for a games.

If the original players turn up again, that's alright as well. Until that time, I'm not sure what to do with Fee. And the dwarf is somewhere in the woods, not too far away we hope.

Female Human Druid 2

Arla is on her way.

I think I've managed to get everything ok. If I've missed something, or if there's anything I need to change, let me know.

Female Human (varisian) Sorc 1
Arla wrote:

I think I've managed to get everything ok. If I've missed something, or if there's anything I need to change, let me know.


Scarab Sages

Male Human Expert 3/Cleric 3
Aeryn wrote:
Arla wrote:

I think I've managed to get everything ok. If I've missed something, or if there's anything I need to change, let me know.


Aeryn Assume you have 10 silvered bolts. Also, be aware that Wee Jas is not a Golorian deity. Nethys is the N god of magic. Irori is the LN god of knowledge and self perfection.

I'll have the first post up in a moment for the two of you. :)

Female Human (varisian) Sorc 1

deity will be changed and i had forgotten about the bolts and was just about to go searching for how much silver ones cost, thanks for that

Sorry for being a little late - I ended up being out yesterday evening. A couple of quick questions before I make a post.

- I should have added an edit in my previous post at the time, but I changed my mind about a feat around 10 minutes after I posted here yesterday and switched track for endurance (I didn't want to steal the ranger's thunder). At the time I thought I'd changed it close enough to the posting that it would be ok and wouldn't cause confusion, but I just wanted to highlight it in case it wasn't. If it's not, I can change back. It was the only edit I made after posting here except an ooc comment about the animal companion's description (which was just an addendum).

- The only trained trick for the animal companion that I added was the druid bonus trick. I didn't add any for training with the Animal Handling skill. Would it have been possible for Arla to teach Ash any further tricks before arriving in Falcon's Hollow, or should I leave him with just the one?

Sorry about the (possible) mix-up above.

Gah, I think my last post got eaten (the boards seem to have eaten Aeryn's post in the pbp too - it says she posted but I can't view it). Trying again here..

I just had a couple of questions I wanted to ask before posting.

- I made an edit to my character sheet yesterday about 10 minutes after posting here. I switched out track for endurance as I didn't want to steal the ranger's thunder. I should have made an edit at the time pointing this out, but I thought that I'd changed it soon enough that it wouldn't cause any confusion or problems. I just wanted to mention it, in case it wasn't soon enough and check that it was ok. It was the only change I made apart from an ooc clarification to my animal companion's description. If it's not ok, let me know.

- My second question was about animal companion training. I only added one trick, the druid bonus one, as I wasn't sure how to handle training using the Handle Animal skill. Would Arla have been able to attempt to teach Ash any additional tricks using Handle Animal prior to now? Or should he just know the druid one as Arla is a starting character?

Sorry for any confusion/mix-up with the feats :(

Female Human (varisian) Sorc 1

mishi, if if you know somebody has posted but its not showing up in the thread click that persons avatar and click "Recent posts" it shows all posts made by that person... i did that then cut and pasted that post into the thread again.

Ah, that's really helpful. I didn't know that - thanks!

Scarab Sages

Male Human Expert 3/Cleric 3
Mishi wrote:

Gah, I think my last post got eaten (the boards seem to have eaten Aeryn's post in the pbp too - it says she posted but I can't view it). Trying again here..

I just had a couple of questions I wanted to ask before posting.

- I made an edit to my character sheet yesterday about 10 minutes after posting here. I switched out track for endurance as I didn't want to steal the ranger's thunder. I should have made an edit at the time pointing this out, but I thought that I'd changed it soon enough that it wouldn't cause any confusion or problems. I just wanted to mention it, in case it wasn't soon enough and check that it was ok. It was the only change I made apart from an ooc clarification to my animal companion's description. If it's not ok, let me know.

- My second question was about animal companion training. I only added one trick, the druid bonus one, as I wasn't sure how to handle training using the Handle Animal skill. Would Arla have been able to attempt to teach Ash any additional tricks using Handle Animal prior to now? Or should he just know the druid one as Arla is a starting character?

Sorry for any confusion/mix-up with the feats :(

That's fine with the feats. Characters are going to be a bit fluid anyways I suspect for a while as people try out switching between Alpha rules and the SRD. As of the moment, anyone with the survival skill can track, the feat is thus unecessary. Also, assume you can cast your 0 level spells at will.

As for training, go ahead and give it another couple tricks if you want, so long as you assume the character has had the animal for a while.

Ah, excellent. Thanks very much. I was assuming that Arla has had her companion for a while as she's been travelling around. I'll add Heel and Down to the list.

Female Human (varisian) Sorc 1

were arla and i in town around the time of the guys departure that we would have heard all the gossip about missing children or is it the other way round that the guys may have heard about arla and i leaving and what our mission was?

Scarab Sages

Male Human Expert 3/Cleric 3
Aeryn wrote:

were arla and i in town around the time of the guys departure that we would have heard all the gossip about missing children or is it the other way round that the guys may have heard about arla and i leaving and what our mission was?

You guys left first as they just left town this morning. Rall has probably heard of the problem but may or may not know that two young women left town to investigate it.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

I've converted Rall. It was easier to make him the guy I wanted him to be and still have room left over for more traditional rogue stuff.


Male Troll Expert 3, Warrior 1

Bowen is now finished being converted over. Only thing I wasn't sure about was the skills. Not sure if we got extra skill points or not.

Scarab Sages

Male Human Expert 3/Cleric 3
Terry Dyer wrote:
Bowen is now finished being converted over. Only thing I wasn't sure about was the skills. Not sure if we got extra skill points or not.

As I allowed the bonus skills at character creation, it shouldn't be too unbalanced to allow them now. :)

Scarab Sages

Male Human Expert 3/Cleric 3

I must admit to being in a little bit of a quandry as to how to proceed.

We have effectively 3 (maybe 3 1/2 players at the moment) and the encounters here are not easy ones. I have little doubt you can save Rall before he dies, but its going to be rough after this. Any thoughts?

Male Troll Expert 3, Warrior 1

Three levels for everyone! Woot!!!

Okay but seriously. I didn't think it would be so hard to keep players since they try so hard to actually get to play. We got one that stayed since we dipped into the proverbial pot and got another player out of two. I don't know if it is worth trying to get more if we continue having this problem I'm having trouble enough remembering who is still with the group and who isn't already.

Scarab Sages

Male Human Expert 3/Cleric 3

One advantage of three active players is faster experience. I don't really want to advertise for new players in the middle of dungeon exploration either.

I don't mind NPCing Fee for as long as he stays alive, since a cleric is a tad useful and he makes a handy target. :)

I guess I'm trying to figure out whether the other two should simply dissapear and figure they were eating by a Gru or what...

Its easier when people tell you that they are dropping the game because then you can kill off their PC in a memoriable fashion. :D

Male Troll Expert 3, Warrior 1
Tarren Dei wrote:

I've converted Rall. It was easier to make him the guy I wanted him to be and still have room left over for more traditional rogue stuff.


Hey Tarren if you make rogue your favored class as a human it will give you a +1 to health each level. Gives you 9 instead of 8 starting out. Just a little more help starting out.

Male Troll Expert 3, Warrior 1


01-06 Abyssal
07-12 Aquan
13-18 Auran
19-24 Celestial
25-30 Draconic
31-36 Dwarven
37-42 Elven
43-48 Giant
49-54 Gnome
55-60 Gnoll
61-66 Halfling
67-72 Ignan
73-78 Infernal
79-84 Orc
85-90 Sylvan
91-96 Terran
97-100 Undercommon

1d100=31, 1d100=25 Looks like Draconic and Dwarven are the languages I know. The things you find about yourself during a dungeon crawl. ;)

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Hiya, gentlemen...


Sorry to barge in and necro your discussion thread, but I'm curious if there might be an opening in this game? I'm looking to widen out my PbP gaming a bit more...but it's hard to find the right mix of players and PCs and DM and story that interests me.

In retrospect, I wish I'd had the time to join this game when it first formed. But I was spread a little thinner than I liked at that time because I was running a tabletop campaign and a PbP of my own on another website. I recently ended my PbP game. And my tabletop gaming group agreed to shelve the longterm Rise of the Runelords game after we finished "Burnt Offerings" so we could go back to one-shots. Therefore, my gaming schedule is a bit more free now.

I've been looking around at a variety of active games, just reading up on them and seeing if any of them might appeal to me...and if they're down a player due to a recent dropout. It looks like you guys have struggled a couple of times with players coming and going. If I'm reading the current "Desperate and Brave" thread correctly, you're down to a Ranger, Rogue, and Druid. So I'm hopeful that I could insert a character to help out in the arcane area...maybe a Cleric/Sorcerer (fey bloodline)...if you've got room?

Regardless, I've always had a great time playing alongside or running PCs in Wicht and Tarren's games. I believe you guys know I'm a very active, dependable poster. So, let me know if you think you can squeeze me in. And, if not, that's okay, too. I realize you're pretty far into the D0/D1 series...i.e., at the dungeon-crawl stage...and that might complicate introducing a new character. If that's the case, I'll be okay if there's no more room. But please keep me in mind if something new comes up. I like the style of games and characters you guys use to tell stories. And I'd like to stick together with you if possible.


Male Troll Expert 3, Warrior 1

Just checking to see if all is okay. Play went more quite then usual.

Scarab Sages

Male Human Expert 3/Cleric 3

Life got busy, its still busy but I have a little more computer time today between house chores. :)

I think another PC would not be a bad thing. Working another character seamlessly into the action will require a bit of creativity but I think the dangers of this dungeon do call for a little more help.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Wicht wrote:
I think another PC would not be a bad thing. Working another character seamlessly into the action will require a bit of creativity but I think the dangers of this dungeon do call for a little more help.

I'll start drawing up a character concept then. To maximize assisting everyone, I'm assuming a sorcerer/wizard concept might work best. But, you guys also lost a cleric and might need a little more healing. Since everyone appears to be at 2nd level, how about if I draw up a cleric/sorcerer?

Also, just to beef up the character's staying power in combat, would you be open to letting me try a battle sorcerer from Unearthed Arcana? It cuts down on the available spells, but beefs up the hit dice, BAB, etc. That way, presumably the character should be able to contribute meaningfully in melee as well. I kind of enjoy a jack-of-all-trades character anyway and I've never had a chance to try a battle sorcerer in a game before.


Scarab Sages

Male Human Expert 3/Cleric 3

I would prefer using the Beta ruleset at the moment. You would have beefed up hit dice anyways using a Beta Sorcerer and the fortitude feat could add another five hit-points if you want more (and a war-domain would add extra weapon ability). Also is there one of the sorcerer bloodlines that might beef up your pc idea?

EDIT: Trying to figure out the way in which to alter the Battle Sorcerer from UA to fit with Beta might be an interesting exercise. But some of it is also redundant. Most Beta races already have extra weapons available. The HD is already moved up one step though the Battle Sorcerer does increase it another step. The BAB Progression is the main thing and the question is, is that worth losing as many spells as you would be losing, especially when you are already planning on multiclassing with Cleric?

I suppose if you really want to do the work to make it fit, have at it,... :)

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Wicht wrote:
I suppose if you really want to do the work to make it fit, have at it,... :)

I always love a good design challenge. ;-)

Here's what I'm looking at so far:


- The Beta Sorcerer gets both Intimidate and Bluff as class skills, so there's no need for the battle sorcerer to replace one with the other in the class skill list.

- The loss of an extra spell (both known and "prepared") is somewhat made up by the Beta sorcerer's bloodline bonus spells. Over time, it brings the template back in line with a traditional 3.5 sorcerer, which...given that the battle sorcerer is supposed to be a step behind the regular sorcerer...still maintains the gap between Beta vs. battle. In addition, because I'm consciously looking to multiclass as a cleric, I don't think I'll wind up losing that much in the long run, particularly if I take this type of character into a prestige class like Mystic Theurge that lets both spellcasting classes advance at the same time.

- The Hit Die goes up one step, which is a normal advantage for a battle sorcerer. So it goes from d6 to d8 under Beta rules. Potentially, you could decree that it jump to d10, given that the UA battle sorcerer is two die steps higher than the traditional one. But I'm thinking it should stay at d8 to reflect the BAB progression rules of Beta. The battle sorcerer would have the same BAB as a cleric, so the hit die should stay in the same range as a cleric. So, d8 hit dice.

- As noted the BAB progression would stay the same as the regular battle sorcerer.

- Other than that, all of the Beta sorcerer bloodline advantages still kick in...i.e., bonus class skill, bonus spells, bonus feats, bloodline powers, etc.

- Other racial advantages (like additional weapon proficiencies) would stack with what the battle sorcerer provides...i.e., an additional class-related weapon proficiency.

- The battle sorcerer would also get to cast spells in light armor without penalty.

Early character concept:


Given all of that, here's how the character concept is shaping up so far.

She's basically a fey bloodline battle sorceress devoted to Desna...who according to that deity's write-up, has a bit of a following and kinship among the fey. I'm also envisioning her as a wanderer...originally from Varisia...but interested in seeing all the wild places in the world, and defending them if need be with some seriously potent magic (i.e., divine and arcane). Her backstory for coming to Falcon's Hollow will most likely involve the darkwood forest of Darkmoon Vale.

Down the road, I'm thinking maybe she turns to the Mystic Theurge prestige class. The new Beta version of that is available now. And it should help advance the character's spell power in both classes to keep up. She would basically become a fey-aligned warrior who follows Desna.

I think this character might fit in well with the rest of the party. Basically, she's already got an inside track from a wilderness perspective with Bowen (ranger) and Arla (druid). I also think her world-traveling experience, religious beliefs around luck, and fey-influenced personality should make for good chemistry with ladies' man Rall (rogue). She would be another charismatic force for the party, an occasional confidant and foil on various fronts from an interaction standpoint. Her motivation genuinely comes from a good heart and her chaotic nature won't be afraid to face down the lawlessness and corruption of the Timber Consortium's grip over Falcon's Hollow.


Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut



Here's another possible character concept along similar lines (i.e., cleric/wizard angling for mystic theurge eventually). This guy's using the wizard (evoker) class to represent the destructive nature of Nethys...and his clerical abilities to represent the healing side of Nethys. Basically, kindle his wrath and the evocation spells come out. Or, stay on his good side and benefit from a few healing spells and channeling of positive energy.

Motivation for this wizardly priest (or priestly wizard) falls along the lines of adventuring in order to reclaim lost knowledge and arcane lore. Not quite a Pathfinder, per se...but similar end goals. His reason for journeying to Falcon's Hollow could be anything from wanting to acquire some darkwood for an alchemical seeking out the lost dwarven strongholds rumored to be in the area of the Darkmoon Vale.

Let me know what you think,

Scarab Sages

Male Human Expert 3/Cleric 3

Neil, either concept is fine. Go with the one that moves you. :)

How do you feel about being a rescued prisoner?

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Wicht wrote:
Neil, either concept is fine. Go with the one that moves you.

I'd have to say that the Cleric of Desna "slash" Fey-Battle Sorceress intrigues me the most right now. So let's give that character a spin.

Wicht wrote:
How do you feel about being a rescued prisoner?

That's fine. I suspected that might be the only way of merging me into the game. :)


Scarab Sages

Male Human Expert 3/Cleric 3

Let me know Neil when you have the character ready.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Wicht wrote:
Let me know Neil when you have the character ready.

The character stats are complete. I just need to work up the background material, description, and personality stuff. Out of curiosity, would you be open to the idea of using the Character Traits from the Second Darkness companion rather than the feats from the Rise of the Runelords companion book? Two traits equal one feat (in power terms)...and the traits are far more inspiring (and fitting) for an adventure outside of Varisia. What do you think?


The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

Neil's joining? Cool.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Tarren Dei wrote:
Neil's joining? Cool.

Yeah. You guys looked like you needed some help. That...and I'm obviously stalking you. ;-)


Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

NSpicer wrote:
Out of curiosity, would you be open to the idea of using the Character Traits from the Second Darkness companion rather than the feats from the Rise of the Runelords companion book? are the two traits I'd like to take instead of the City-Born feat:


Birthmark - You were born with a strange birthmark that looks very similar to the holy symbol of the god you chose to worship later in life. This birthmark can serve you as a divine focus for casting spells, and, as a physical manifestation of your faith, increases your devotion to your god - you gain a +2 trait bonus on all saving throws against charm and compulsion effects.

I think this trait fits the character nicely, given her fey bloodline and faith in Desna. Essentially, it would be a butterfly-shaped birthmark. Some might mistake it for a tatoo, but it's a mystical connection between Clover and Desna.

Magical Knack - You were raised, either wholly or in part, by a magical creature, either after it found you abandoned in the woods or because your parents often left you in the care of a magical minion. This constant exposure to magic has made its mysteries easy for you to understand, even when you turn your mind to other devotions and tasks. Pick a class when you gain this trait - your caster level in that class gains a +2 trait bonus as long as this bonus doesn't increase your caster level higher than your current Hit Dice.

I think this trait has the potential to help out with Clover's background. I'm imagining she was orphaned after a raid on her parents' caravan. A dryad or other fey creature of the forest found her and, because of the divine birthmark (see above), raised her for the first year of her life. Later, the dryad met a woodsman, whom she charmed and then eventually sent Clover to live with his family when she released him. To this day, her early experiences with that dryad, and the other fey creatures of the wild, explains her affinity for sorcery and the fey-bloodline connection.

In addition, the mechanical benefit of this trait will also help to offset the loss of caster levels that results from multiclassing to a priestess of Desna. You had raised some concerns about that earlier. So it's got a dual benefit, both in game terms and story terms. I also think the +2 bonus on saving throws against charm and compulsion effects granted by her birthmark is not only a result of her faith in Desna, but also the proximity and exposure Clover would have experienced while living among the charms and enchantments of the fey as a baby. I like the synergy of these two traits story-wise. And they fit a lot better than City-Born (Magnimar). :)

Let me know what you think...

Scarab Sages

Male Human Expert 3/Cleric 3

Character traits are fine.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Wicht wrote:
Character traits are fine.

Adjustments made. I should have the background history and such up by tomorrow.


Female Human (Taldan) Cleric 1 / Battle Sorceress 1
NSpicer wrote:
Adjustments made. I should have the background history and such up by tomorrow.

Background is now complete. You can follow Chloe's profile to see the final writeup. Let me know if you want to tweak or change anything.

Neil, as far as I can tell with a brief readover, she looks fine. You're in-game position as of now:

Chloe entered the Vale as a member of the Gray Eagles, an adventuring party that were searching for treasure. While in the woods, the party was swarmed by a large number of kobolds. Most of the party was killed, but three of them survived, Chloe, a halfling bard named Edgrin and an elf wizard named Tyran Moonsliver. Cast into a holding pen, the three of them seemed doomed to a bad fate unless they escaped. As the three plotted their escape, something else happened: a group of children was thrown in the pen with them. With the aid of the children, the three adventurers overwhelmed the guards and sprinted for freedom. Tyran and one of the other children were struck by poisoned spears and paralyzed but the rest of you made it to the first level of the dungeon. A wrong turn led to another of the children being dragged off into the darkness by some demon of the forge. Then as the remaining backtracked and fled the other way, the kobolds swarmed up. Another of the children fled faster then the others out of sight. Then Chloe was struck by poisoned spears, their venom paralyzing her. She was dragged down and tied in a hallway as her friends ran on out of sight.

But don't worry, your friends should be returning shortly.... with help.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

The Chronicler wrote:
But don't worry, your friends should be returning shortly.... with help.

Got it. I'll wait for someone to come find her before jumping in too boldly.

Female Human (Taldan) Cleric 1 / Battle Sorceress 1

"Anybody coming to rescue the damsel-in-distress yet? Honestly, what's a girl gotta do to get rescued around here?"


Scarab Sages

Male Human Expert 3/Cleric 3
Chloe 'Clover' Verjust wrote:

"Anybody coming to rescue the damsel-in-distress yet? Honestly, what's a girl gotta do to get rescued around here?"


You're in sight now. :)

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Wicht wrote:
You're in sight now. :)

Yeah, a young adventurous girl, tightly-bound and paralyzed, with a 16 Cha! That's gotta present quite a "sight"... ;-)


Male Troll Expert 3, Warrior 1

Well I'm going out of town may be able to post over the weekend but no sure thing. Happy Thanksgiving Americans and just happy times to all.

Male Troll Expert 3, Warrior 1

I was thinking a level or two of Barbarian when next we gain a level, seems Bowen is getting angrier as the adventure continues. What say you?

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