

I dropped this into my NetFlix queue behind the Dragon Lance movie, but since that is on “Very Long Wait,” I received MM first. Grabbed it on a lark, as I saw it mentioned on Slashdot somewhere in one of the comments, and I know there are some Neil Gaiman fans on the boards here.

Was wondering what anyone else thought of it? My wife and I watched it this afternoon, and we both liked it, but I don’t think either one of us would recommend it to our friends, mostly because it has a very unique sort of style. It’s definitely cute, but it has a hard to pin down age demographic, somewhere between, “I think 15 year old girls would like it,” and “this is what pretentious philosophy people mull over in coffee houses.”

Undeniably looks as if they put a lot of heart into it, but I don’t see it rivaling its muses, Labyrinth and the Dark Crystal. Still, worth watching, just maybe not sharing.

Oh, and it has quite possibly the creepiest scene in a movie, ever (the one that looks like it fell out of a Tool video).

“Why do birds….suddenly appear…”

I saw it in the theater a few years ago and bought it on dvd. I think it's definitely worth seeing if you're a big Gaiman/McKean fan or if you want to see some really beautiful cgi that looks nice and organic. It's not the most original story (Alice in Wonderland, most other Neil Gaiman stories) but there are some nice details here and there.

I remembered Siskel and Ebert giving it a good review, so when the price came down on the DVD I bought it. Visually stunning, but I used the subtitles in places 'cause of the heavy accents. Interesting story with a very dark edge.

This may be a duplicate, my original post spat blood and then wandered into the weeds.

Ah yes, here we are.

I liked it but I have to be in a 'Gaiman mood' to enjoy it -feeling all poetic, gothy, flowery, whimsical and twee -which happens fairly often to me so its ok.

The same thing happens with Tim Burton stuff.

Scarab Sages

I dig'd it.

I am a Gaiman fan too.

I also got Neverwhere on DVD, which I also enjoyed. (the effects are no where close to Mirror Mask ... just to let you know up front.)

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