SWW - Please help stop a Lupine PC from "Sniffing" out Rowyn

Savage Tide Adventure Path

Zacote a former human Olman druid/scout now due to reincarnation a Lupine. Used his track and a natural 20 to sniff out the trail of Rowyn.He has her scent and can tell if she is invisible or using disguise self. She had gone over the side after releasing the mephit. Currently Rowyn is hiding on the Blue Nixie. One of the other PC's (Captain Ishmael Silverpearl)is a 1/2 Aquatic Elf Ranger that can track in the water.

How do I get her back on board and causing trouble again?

Liberty's Edge

TheMouthofSauron wrote:

Zacote a former human Olman druid/scout now due to reincarnation a Lupine. Used his track and a natural 20 to sniff out the trail of Rowyn.He has her scent and can tell if she is invisible or using disguise self. She had gone over the side after releasing the mephit. Currently Rowyn is hiding on the Blue Nixie. One of the other PC's (Captain Ishmael Silverpearl)is a 1/2 Aquatic Elf Ranger that can track in the water.

How do I get her back on board and causing trouble again?

Does he know it's her??? He has to sleep sometime!!! kill him first..maybe start trouble on the Nixie with her to draw some Pc's from the Wyvern.????Sound's like they'er about to get her.

If she knows the lupine has her scent, she can place articles of her clothing on random crew members.

Alternately, she could use a "scent bomb" made mostly of stuff found in the Kitchen. Spices and such.

I would seriously like to see someone tracking a being in and through the water, especially, after ships having sailed a few miles ( it's a lot of different water then ), even with scent and such. I mean what is the tracker looking for ? Finprints in the waves ? Edges of bend molecules where the tracked being swam through ? Yes, sharks can "smell" blood in the water for some distance, but they actually deploy an entire set of sensory receptors for that, which no human (or near human being) has at its deiposal. Not even any mammal as far as I know.....

On of the points where the rules start to become truly bent beyond recognition and actual purpose.

As for the "hide the scent", dousing herself with something aromatic might just help to throw the sniffer off her trace - or you could extend the workings of "disguise self" to cover hiding her specific odour as well.

Otherwise, have things cool down some, switch ships again sometime later in the campaign - and then target the druid first. Coup de Grace while he is asleep comes to mind....

Or have her use alter self - yes, it is not on the normal bardic spell-list, but build a cheap item with some drawbacks, to have her actually change bodytype and race. That should definitely screw up the players' tracking and detection ability.

This sounds like a "how do I screw my player" post to which the answer would be "don't". The PCs have come up with a firm tactic, let it work.

I'd never allow Tracking Rowyn through the water to the Blue Nixie if the ships have moved. If the players are smart enough to check the Nixie, they find her. If not, Rowyn does a hit and run from the Nixie.

DMFTodd wrote:
This sounds like a "how do I screw my player" post to which the answer would be "don't". The PCs have come up with a firm tactic, let it work.

Seconded. What's wrong with killing off Rowyn a bit early?

That said, IF she realizes that a PC is capable of recognizing her scent (a big if) she could certainly try some of the tricks mentioned.

I also wouldn't allow tracking through the water in these circumstances. Have the trail lead to the water, then let the Players figure it out.

DMFT wrote:

This sounds like a "how do I screw my player" post to which the answer would be "don't". The PCs have come up with a firm tactic, let it work.

Seconded. What's wrong with killing off Rowyn a bit early?

That said, IF she realizes that a PC is capable of recognizing her scent (a big if) she could certainly try some of the tricks mentioned.

I also wouldn't allow tracking through the water in these circumstances. Have the trail lead to the water, then let the Players figure it out.

I disagree. Why should the players be the only ones to use "firm tactics". Rowan is smart. When she realises they can track her scent should would attempt to come up with a way to throw them off. As disgusting as it is, I'd have her hide in the ships bilge to conceal her scent, or like suggested, use something from the kitchen like animal fats or pepper, or both. The picture supplied of her looks as if she has seen better days... maybe camping out in the bilge is why. LoL My PC's thought it totally believable, even the Druid using ghte scent spell.

I didn't run this adventure (started with HTBM), but does Rowyn have access to the "Pass without Trace" (Drd 1, Rgr 1) spell?

vikingson wrote:
have her use alter self - yes, it is not on the normal bardic spell-list

It isn't?

Sovereign Court

TheMouthofSauron wrote:

Zacote a former human Olman druid/scout now due to reincarnation a Lupine. Used his track and a natural 20 to sniff out the trail of Rowyn.He has her scent and can tell if she is invisible or using disguise self. She had gone over the side after releasing the mephit. Currently Rowyn is hiding on the Blue Nixie. One of the other PC's (Captain Ishmael Silverpearl)is a 1/2 Aquatic Elf Ranger that can track in the water.

How do I get her back on board and causing trouble again?

I trust the druid/scout has the tracking feat otherwise his scent ability should really only useful in combat. I don't think I've ever heard of someone having the ability to track across water though, normally that's how you throw trackers off the trail, but if the PCs truely have these abilities then things don't look good for Rowyn.

Personally though I'd think Rowyn to be a girl that does her homework, if there was the possibility of knowing that the PC had these abilities, then it's likely she's prepared for them. For now though I'd have her bide her time. The next best opertunity for her to make her move is the island of Renkrue.

The track on water, and the scent ability are not the same person correct? If so one would lose her in the water and the other would lose her out of the water. A natural 20 will be needed to re-find her, but if they do, all the power to them. She could still take one down in a fight (otherwise the encounter is not worth its salt) so just make sure it is whomever finds her first.

Curaigh wrote:
The track on water, and the scent ability are not the same person correct? If so one would lose her in the water and the other would lose her out of the water. A natural 20 will be needed to re-find her, but if they do, all the power to them. She could still take one down in a fight (otherwise the encounter is not worth its salt) so just make sure it is whomever finds her first.

Assuming we're talking about the Stormwrack "track in water" option, the DC is +10+1/minute since the trail was made - Personally, I wouldn't worry about it unless they're already chasing her ;)

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