The further adventures of Admiral Jose Monkamuck and chums, still with peanut gallery

Campaign Journals

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Ok, this is going to be a disgustingly long entry, for it is the last 4 journal entries that I never got the chance to post till now. I hope you enjoy.

Journal 9

We journey of on our individual ships to venture forth to the land of Blackfen, in search of the creature called Burbalarg. My valiantly new named ship of the title “The Silver Phoenix” journeys towards the land as well. The new Admiral is more cocky…I mean valiant then ever before. As we dock along the shore, I order my crew to stay aboard and care for one another until I return.

My companions and I walk forth into the robust swamp lands in search of this creature. Despite the well aware crew that we are, we come across a plant creature, happening to be the one we are looking for. The Fighter gets himself grappled and beaten mightily. I am forced into the bellows of battle to heal our bold ass fighter. The Gryphon, by the name of Buttercup, with the Beguiler riding valiantly on it’s back. Is it just me, or is “valiant”, or some form of the word, my choice of word for the day? Hmmmm…My intelligence isn’t really helping the quality of these journal entries. Ohhhh, that’s BRILLIANT! I KILLED THE THING!!! The CLERIC killed it! One ‘sound lance’ and it’s gone! Once everyone calms down, stops patting me on the back and throwing coins at me….what, you think I’m lying? A girl can dream can’t she?

Ok, in reality we actually found a really amazing item. With a green gem covered geod, were 12 life stones. A most spectacular item to behold. Now we move forward to defeat Cerattkatha, the colossal size scorpion. As I prepare delay poison 4 times, neutralize poison twice, and precast spells like ‘fly’ on myself, ‘cats grace’ on the Dwarf, ‘interfaith blessing’ to stack with the other two the Admiral cast, delay poison on each party member, and ‘haste’ as well, each of us are feeling far more prepared for this battle.

The Gryphon attacks mightily and deals a great deal of hurt. After the Mage, the Admiral and I attack, we down the creature within a few moments. YA! We can take on ANYTHING! With that notated, we are after the dragon turtle named Emragg the Glutton. So we precast a total of 5 “Interfaith Blessing” spells, “Water Breathing”, “Bear’s Endurance”, and “Bulls Strength” on each of the Fighters, we are looking rather well prepped for the next battle. We approach cautiously towards the creature as we all have “Fly” cast upon ourselves. I move to the center of the party and cast “Haste”. Things are becoming sort of easy to the point of near boredom. Oppss… I really shouldn’t say that, for it might come back to bite me in the ass later.

After the creature breathes on us all, dealing quite a vicious blow, especially upon our beloved Beguiler, I decide upon a “Cure Mass Light Wounds” spell. It seems to help the Beguiler, myself and our Mage. The Beguiler just got hit again by the beast, but with the combined efforts of the Mage and the Admiral, and the close wounds, she did not fall. After watching everyone’s backside, fighting the beast, I feel it is my turn to deal some beatings to the formidable foe! COME ON! I may be a Cleric, but DAMN, I can deal some damage too! Unfortunately the creature dies before I even get to lay a stinking blow on the thing!

Journal 10

As we move forward into the black obis, things start to look worse and worse all the time. I miss the good old, safe days when we were sailing. Wait, those weren’t very safe either. Oh well… So as I was saying, the further we go, the more danger we seem to find. The chasm is showing its danger as we approach a hole and I notice the Admiral try to push the Beguiler into it. As I see this, I smack the Admiral upside the head. After the trivial stupidity subsides, we strategically move down the hole. The Beguiler goes way before us all on the back of Buttercup. The Dwarven Fighter and I follow suit after his request to cast “Fly” and then carry me down with him. All I can remember is him asking me to “touch my javelin” and I burst out laughing. After I compose myself, we start down and very shortly after see a blur of a human figure that looking very much like the Admiral, falling speedily down the hole. The Dwarf and I both look at each other, nod in agreement that was indeed the Admiral. Trying not to laugh the rest of the way down, the impulse to do so cease instantly as we can hear what is very obviously the Beguiler screaming at the top of her lungs. We stop moving leisurely down the hole and now moving with all speed to save our valiant companion.

When we finally get to the bottom, hearing the Admiral curse up a storm, we land to see a Roper grappling both Buttercup and our precious Beguiler with six tentacle like extensions. The rest of the party arrives shortly after and notice the need for battle to begin. The Admiral is the first to move into attack. He strikes mightily, but doesn’t drop the monster. I see the Beguiler go completely limp after one of the tentacles hits her and seemed to drain her of all her strength! I feel the need to move forward and “Heal” her, but to do so would put me into mortal danger. I wait for the “Heal” and cast “Close Wounds” to keep her from dropping before the monster does! After many blows, the monster drops heavily, as follows the Beguiler. I run fast forward towards her to cast my “Heal” on her. One night or so of rest and many “Heal” spells later, we continue deep into the chasm.

We find ourselves moving through a long, windy hallway, we quickly run into a massive line of large bugs. The only advantage we seem to have is that we don’t face them all at once. As I think this, the bugs start to charge forward over our heads as I swing at one with my shield. The battle continues as I use my “Flame Strike” to blast the hell out of two of the creatures in the back. The battle rages on as Buttercup, the Admiral, the Dwarf, and even the Fighter make gigantic blows at each of the freakishly large bugs. Finally, the battle subsides and we have the night to rest and heal and restudy our spells for the next inevitable battle.

We arise the next morning to travel and find a wall to wall, floor to ceiling, sheet of blue light. Faces within the shining wall look to be screaming, yet no sound comes from the mouths of any of them. “Two faces watch the tide” and “the maw flows forward to bite” are said to be muttered from the mouths, told to us by the Fighter. The water from within is not flowing, and probably due to that curtain of blue light. The Dwarf decides to pass through the curtain and back through, pretending, rather sadly, to be insane. After each of us see straight through his bull crap and roll our eyes, we continue through the curtain with no real problems. After being requested to cast “Find Path”, we move down the larger trafficked route. We approach six, very dead, LARGE, bug creatures, and start at the odd spectacle before us…

To Be Continued…

Journal 11

So the party sits by and arguing about whether to release the Aboleth, the Admiral decides he wants to put the thing out of its misery. Go figure. The one creature we don’t have to battle, and he decides to fight it anyway. Lucky for us, the creature was helpless, and therefore easy to kill without a fight. Fortune still shines on us, sometimes. Part of me is thinking that the battles lately are so easy that life as an adventurer is getting rather boring. Guess that’s what happens when the only spells I ever prep are either buffing the party to a huge degree, or just deal huge amounts of hurt to each under my twisted spell casting arm.

We enter a long passage that leads to a very large room, where in the distance can be seen a ghostly Trogladite creature. He tells us we need to destroy the tear of something or another. I guess being this far back in the group has it’s disadvantages to hearing everything. Feels like even though I know I got 8 hours last night, it still wasn’t efficient.

After this long discussion, we cross the large room without trouble. Another boring path to take. Perhaps I should stop complaining, for something might come up that I REALLY don’t want to face. Another hall way brings us to a large cavern. Four large, horse size bugs appear, and hence, the FUN begins! As the Admiral charges forward, he casts ‘Elation’ on the party. They seem to have omitted a yellow fog that smells of the vilest odor I have ever inhaled. It seems that these creatures can only feel the ground shaking and this is how they are locating us. I cast fly on myself and move to the other side of the room. As I do this, I notice one looking at me as I pass. Opps… Guess the tremor sense wasn’t the only thing that helps them see. As I get to the other side, the one that saw me followed me to cover the area on that vile yellow fog. I continue to hold my breath to keep from having to loose myself to my own sickening chunks. Only till the time which another spell must be cast.

A small pathway clears through the fog, which is a small, but useful glint of hope to get back to the crew, should I choose to pansy out and not fight…HA, not likely! I bet I could take this bug thing by myself! I flame strike the center of the fog and surely see the bug fry within its own filth. I do however take a great beating in return for this strike. The rest of what is happening is only heard, for the fog is so dense, to see anything, even the beast right in front of me, is very difficult.

I can’t wait to fall this creature, to show my own shining glory. With that being said, I cast my last ‘flame strike’, but the damage dealt was not nearly as strong as the last blow. I decide to fly out of this mess to about 30 feet above floor level and now am getting a view of yellow fog clouds moving around the floor. I am hearing all sorts of shouts of pain and cries for help. I am headed back to the party to assist. I guess today wasn’t my day to throw another kill. Aww well, at least I bashed the crap out of it before it was really a big threat to the party. “On my way” I shout out! I fly down after casting ‘heal’ in my hand and touch Buttercup to heal her back to full fledge health. Afterwards, I intend on casting freedom of movement on one of our fighters, most likely the one with more health to remain in the battle. However, it seems the battle ended before I could do another assisting move.

As we move forward, we come to a horrific place, filled with fungus and putrid purple like fiery pillar. I lean over to the edge to see what is below the cliff edge. One of those fiery pillars seems to be rather close to the edge of the cliff we stand upon. We can see below a very large worm looking like it got chomped on by the building in which it was trapped under. I decide upon a flame strike on the creature to keep it from being any sort of a treat to us when we are forced to go beyond the cliff edge. After a ‘flame strike’ from me and a fire ball from the Beguiler, the creature drops down dead. I doubt the rest of this journey forward will be this simple. Like I predicted, we spot a huge Devourer, which is not a pleasant creature at all! Numerous other creatures of complete unpleasantness are surrounding the area as well. We all finally decide upon just going after the Tear, which will subdue all the chaos below us.

After breaking open the stone head to grab the Tear, we come across three Kopru’s were standing in our way, but were quickly dispatched by the two Fighters and the Admiral. We then approach a strange, muscular mass that pulsates like it was alive. The Beguiler charms it and asks it politely to open, and it amazing does so. As we find nothing of great importance inside, we flee the area as I cast ‘wind walk’ on myself, the two Fighters, and our Mage, the Admiral and the Beguiler ride off on Buttercup, hence concluding our challenge for the day. Wow that was pretty damn easy….:(

Journal 12

Today is a new day. After returning from the retched, smelly chasm, we return to Sasserine to spend, SPEND SPEND! I am feeling all sorts of better about defending myself against any foe I come across. I have a new cohort by the form of a huge gryphon. Beautiful animal with great wing span and STRONG looking. (29 str) I purchase a ton of items to bulk myself up quite a bit to prepare for battle. I was able to prepare another spell of my highest level. ‘Commit Fall’ was my choice of the last spell. We take off rather quickly on a quest to find a gentleman and his dog. I wasn’t really pay close enough attention to remember the rest. I know however that there was a cool stone crafted coin that I was oh so anxious to carry through our next adventure.

We ride off valiantly on the backs of our new gryphons and find below a encampment. Lizard folk seem to be the main inhabitants of this camp. We land amongst them as they great us in their own language. They greeted us kindly and fed us a feast of generous proportions. After a grand meal, we see a group of the Lizard folk head toward the camp, all looking rather beaten and tired. I approach cautiously to heal them, as they look to be companions of the Lizard folk encampment. Oh dear Fharlanghn! They are not what they appeared to be. Oh my lord! I can’t hear anything! The creature must have done sometime to my ears, not to mention a fare amount of bruising from the shear force of the sound. It seems that my gryphon was affected by this the same way. Great, this is going to cause a great deal of difficulty when I need to cast my spells. The battle rages on as I take another blow, this one feeling a bit more real then the last one. I feel the need for an ass kicking coming on!

I step forward after watching the Dwarven Fighter nearly fall from a fell blow from the furry ape like monster, I cast my victorious “Comet Fall” on the beast and deal it a great deal of hurt and knock it to the ground prone to get hurt much worse by my allies. I feel a “Heal” being needed on the Dwarf. My new gryphon seems to be rather confused and wondering why it cannot hear any of what loud battle is going on before it. I know how it feels. The mighty battle rages on as many fall on the opposing side. After a long, gruling battle, all the enemies drop, and I put claimage on the head of the giant ape like creature. I plan on placing it on prow of my ship as a warning to the demon ape who abducted me. As we continue forward, I will be collecting all the heads of the demon creatures to place on the prow of my ship until the dead I claim his head as my own! Ok, now I’m tired. The battle is won, the loot is collected, and oh so wonderfully large collection it was too. Good night everyone. I hope in the future I can play a small prank on one of the party members after a rather goofy spell was cast upon his armor. Time shall tell if this can be accomplished.

The next day we all rise to travel still forward to find a creature that starts spitting out riddles and one that is speaking a language that I cannot understand. It seems like only four of our companions can talk to it. They seem to be asking questions and being rather turned off by the answers. Half the time I am not really paying much attention for the only thing I am really interested on is finding my abductie and making him monkey mulch.

This is crazy. Last night I posed all four of my missing journal entries, and this morning, I check to see if people replied, and they are not there!!! WTF!!! Ok, tonight I shall try AGAIN. Sorry everyone...I know you have been waiting. I will post again after work today...

Sike...just kidding...stupid second page....we're good:)

"Thee art becoming worrisomely obsessed over that one-time abduction milady Joseline.

"The julijamu's head, while certainly large enough to decorate the prow of the Silver Phoenix, is not that of a fiend, rather of an aberrant spawn that should never be suffered to exist overlong in this world.

"May Fharlanghn and the Great Phoenix both keep a watchful eye on thee and thy boon companions in the travails to come there in the temple thou hast discovered on that unholy ground."

Aaah, fresh meat. Once more the little one and her harem seek me out in an attempt to take my head. Perhaps this time I shall be able to claim her heart - or should I take her head as she would take mine?

Heh heh. Heh heh. FIRE! FIRE! Mmmmmyeah. Take all thier heads and their stuff! Burn 'em all!! Watch them do the Tiberium Candle Dance! Whaah!!

Capers around the chamber, eagerly anticipating the confrontation with Crew 1.

Alright my fine lads and lasses gather round. Your dear beloved admiral must apologize for his long absence, but he’s been rather busy. Much has changed in the good admiral recently as you can see, and he has had many a fine adventure.

I’m sure most of you are quite confused by my new furrier look. I’m afraid that while clearing out some of the worst inhabitants of the nearby lands the Admiral had an unfortunate encounter. One of the beasties exploded when we hit it. I thought I had merely passed out from the awesome blast, but when I awoke it was to the very confused stares of my friends. Fortunately it turns out that my good lady Amella doesn’t mind my new fuzzy ness. At least as long as I stay well groomed. I’m not the sort to like having to spend an hour each day grooming, but to make my lady happy I’ll put up with far more. The rest of the beasties of the island may have sounded dangerous, but were so pansy as to be laughable.

We did decide that we needed to go underground to find out where that damn pearl came from. It was a rather unpleasant journey down to the underground city, but only two things really stand out from the trip. I may be putting them in the wrong order, but who cares. First is yet another example of Sir Ineptus complete and utter inability to show self restraint or learn from previous experiences. A rather nasty cavern held some unpleasant fumes. I ran across first to make sure it was safe, and nearly went face first into the giant pudding clinging to the wall!

Now unfortunately for the poor bugger on the wall, he was far too much of a pansy to hit me, and unlike most of my companions I could beat it to death without getting hurt much. How Sir Ineptus decided that that was a good time to run forward and make sure that we had three opponents that he couldn’t hurt at all rather than just one. The rest of the fight was fairly easy, but it was a much, much hairier encounter that it should have been. If only the twit would just learn for once.

The second encounter that sticks in the mind is when we found a huge cavern. We entered on a ledge right and the top, and it must have been at least 400 feet to the bottom. Now poor Buttercup was getting rather hemmed in being underground so long. So the first thing she did was take a flying leap to stretch her wings. Of course not long after she was out of sight we heard her screams for help. We of course were still almost 400 feet off the floor of the cavern. Da Fighter and Sir Ineptus were calling for fly spells, but I’m not one to wait when a friend is in trouble. So I called on Kord and leap to her defense, literally. It was a long trip to the group, and I decided to save my breath for the swearing I was going to do after I landed. Damn did that hurt. The rest of the fight with the roper was short and easy.

Finally we came to a huge and horribly creepy city underground. If the Admiral has ever been tempted to just turn around and go home, it was right then. But I’m a Kordian, and backing down is something I don’t do. However I’m not an idiot, so I was quite happy that we spent time looking around before getting our rears handed to us. We spotted a whole lotta ugly out there, but fortunately spread out enough that we didn’t need to worry too much. As I’ve said before the Admiral can’t take on a city……yet. We decided to hit the Pyramid first, although once we got there we decided it might be best to wait. After all the tear itself should be easier, and Da Fighter said we’d have time to deal with this place after doing so. The fight at the tear was so easy it was hardly worth bothering with, and the remaining fight at the pyramid was the same. I hardly broke a sweat. After making sure there wouldn’t be any more pearls we left feeling well pleased with ourselves.

After we got back to Farshore we spent the next few years getting the place built up and working on our personal fortunes. The Farshore fleet is up to a respectable 19 ships, four of which are my own personal ships. So many ships flying under Kord’s banner. I of course spent time with my lovely foul mouthed wife and our beloved son. I don’t think I’ve ever been quite so happy. Between my lovely wife, my son, my fleet, my bar, leading services and help with the colossium that Da Fighter and I own, my life is full and complete.

So I was rather pissed off when word came that there was trouble on the island, but I ain’t going to sit around while something threatens those I love. We had word that some idiot cleric of Pelor named Noltus had gotten himself in trouble on the high plateau. Apparently her ran into some sort of nastiness up there that might decide to come down here. So we went up to check on things.

When we reached the plateau we were very surprised to find a village of lizardmen sprouting holy symbols of Pelor. We landed and found out what had been going on recently. Turns out the holyman had just left, so I spread the word of Kord a bit while waiting for him to get back.

A couple of hours later what we thought was him returning turned out to be an ambush. Whole bunch of really ugly demonic guys wearing lion skins, apparently they are something called skin walkers. They had brought along a ginormous blue monkey, what an ugly mother. I started calling on the blessing of Kord, and a finger wiggler I had hired called on his magic. In the mean time Da Fighter run up to the monkey and Sir Ineptus waded into a group of them along with my assistant. The monkey put the hurt on Da Fighter, who returned the favor, then the Journalist dropped a giant rock on the monkey’s head which dropped him to the ground. When he tried to get up I yelled “Down Simba” and clubbed him unconscious. The rest of the fight was pretty short.

We headed out to the lake and found and found a pair of coa-something-or-other guarding a dead body. They said he would have to be honored by warriors and heros before they could take him away, so they asked us a riddle. Stupid snakes, as if riddles had anything to do with heroism. Well he warned us that most of the temple we had to go to was underwater, so we rested and redid our spells before heading out. There was a welcoming committee when we landed, but a pretty pansy one for all that.

Gorath, Silver Phoenix Magi wrote:

"Thee art becoming worrisomely obsessed over that one-time abduction milady Joseline.

"The julijamu's head, while certainly large enough to decorate the prow of the Silver Phoenix, is not that of a fiend, rather of an aberrant spawn that should never be suffered to exist overlong in this world.

"May Fharlanghn and the Great Phoenix both keep a watchful eye on thee and thy boon companions in the travails to come there in the temple thou hast discovered on that unholy ground."

Gorath my dear lord,

It's a healthy obsession. I will be beyond it once I exact my plans of inialation of the said demon. As for the prow of my ship, if it is unholy to cast these demon heads upon the glorious Silver Phoenix, I shall remove them imediately. I miss you and I am sure I will back for another visit soon.

"Ironically Joselin, the head of the julijamu is not at question - albiet gruesome - as it is the heads of the skinwalkers you took. At a casual glance, they are the heads of men with a fiendish lion or tiger upon their brow. In and of themselves, generally, a head is not considered unholy - 'tis what you do with them and why you take them that matters most.

"Until such time as you actually consecrate thy ship, or install an altar and render the vessel hallowed ground, the presence of such grim trophies have no innately deleterious effects. Although the morale of one's crew could be another matter to settle."

Gorath, Silver Phoenix Magi wrote:

"Ironically Joselin, the head of the julijamu is not at question - albiet gruesome - as it is the heads of the skinwalkers you took. At a casual glance, they are the heads of men with a fiendish lion or tiger upon their brow. In and of themselves, generally, a head is not considered unholy - 'tis what you do with them and why you take them that matters most.

"Until such time as you actually consecrate thy ship, or install an altar and render the vessel hallowed ground, the presence of such grim trophies have no innately deleterious effects. Although the morale of one's crew could be another matter to settle."

Agreed my Lord. I shall take all of that into consideration. I don't think the heads are acutally nessasary, for they are rather gruesome looking and I would rather not scare all who come my way:) As for the concecration of my ship, that will come in good time. It's good hearing from you...I hope you are well:)

Duuraah ... where's da rest of da posteses ?

The Admiral and his crew took a 15 month break between Into the Lightless Depths and the start of City of Broken Idols, and with scarcely a couple of sentences here in the journals to cover it???
<Starts leafing through ancient dwarven manuscripts for the Countess Almathrada's equivalent of an Abyssal telephone number.>

DM Charles Evans wrote:

The Admiral and his crew took a 15 month break between Into the Lightless Depths and the start of City of Broken Idols, and with scarcely a couple of sentences here in the journals to cover it???

<Starts leafing through ancient dwarven manuscripts for the Countess Almathrada's equivalent of an Abyssal telephone number.>

Ayup - at least so far...

OOC: Sorry everyone, but the next Journal will be a while. I sent myself home from game this Sunday feeling rather out of sorts throughout the entire weekend. After much sleep and life organizing, things are better. Hoping work will pick up so I can finally become permanent and Jimmy and I are soaring as usual:) Talk to you all later I'm sure. Kisses!
Beth/The Journalist

Having checked with Turin, he has cleared the following comment...

Shovastika sits at a table on the flagstoned quay outside one of Sasserine’s more upmarket eating establishments, enjoying a cup of tea, as her minion reports.
Once or twice she politely raises an eyebrow, although she has had several millennia to accustom herself to the follies of mortals, and their activities and failings tend to mildly amuse rather than provoke any other reaction from her, these days. Given the way that the brash ‘attack the flagship’ strategy apparently worked for them during the first battle of Farshore (the scouting mission by the Rats End pirates could hardly be regarded a serious invasion attempt) it was only to be expected that the one-time retainers of Lavinia Vanderboren would attempt the same thing against the skinwalker citadel. It never seemed to have occurred to them that whilst they were hunting trophies and expanding their business interests that the servants of a demonlord might have inspected the sites of their battles, interrogated jungle creatures that had witnessed what passed, or used necromancy to speak with the fallen. There was a certain charming foolhardy optimism to this first attack against the inhabitants of Taboo Island.
Hopefully the survivors would learn valuable lessons from the conflict. They would be better prepared for the next challenge.
Shovastika pours herself another cup of tea in the late afternoon sun....

Looks like another journal entry is going to have to wait. Last Sunday presented an unfortunate event that cancelled last session. Hang tight, things will come back around for another exciting adventure this upcoming Sunday:) Enjoy your week all!

-The Journalist

I can't believed I MISSED that oversized meat snack with a statue! And it was such a pretty statue too ... [censored due to unsuitably for work and kiddies] ... so there!

Yes little one, soon will come the long-awaited carnage ... and were I a betting ape, some one will die in the next 30 seconds...

YA! YOU! HA! hehehe *chanting* Monkey Man's gonna die...Monkey Man's gonna die!****

Hmm...could have sworn that I had posted something...

Anyway...good to see that the adventure is continuing instead of dying a rather messy death.

Everyone seems to be really coming into their own right about now.

It'll be interesting to see how everyone does once the next big CR comes your way. Good luck crew.

Thanks Yasha! We are going to need it with 5 named badins coming our way:)

Your welcome Joselin.

I certainly hope you guys have some good magic and items to back yourselves up here. Don't get too comfortable in your buff spells.

Special Item, we have plenty of those, esspecially with the money we have been making from our own fleet of ships:) As for me, one particular item is going to save my arse when the time comes:)

Sunday afternoon/evening should prove most interesting indeed, both for the player characters as well as for the antagonists.

The Journalist wrote:
:(....starting to worry a little bit about next game and what adventures it will bring. Tonight will be those two journal entries I have been promising:)

Don't worry, if things go to my plan at least one apponent will be dead at my next turn. I got a plan :B

I shudder to think just what such a plan might be Sir Captain Ineptus.

You've done a pretty good showing this game around though I have to say.
While you've take the gullet-ride a few times, it seems you aren't living up to your moniker in this campaign very well.

Do try and shape up into proper form good sir.
Be Inept.

Anyone may read this spoiler...

Bear in mind I am only kidding

Now we await my players' journal entries into what can be well described as a "slobberknocker" of an encounter or three.

I pray my players do their antagonists justice - it certainly cost them four lives to get them...

Further comment, cleared by Turin:
Shovastika inspects one of Sasserine’s finer quality furniture workshops, the desks and writing bureaus section holding her attention in particular. It always amuses her to check up on which ‘discoveries’ the craftsmen have currently hit upon in any given city in any given world as to the concealment and operating mechanisms of secret draws and compartments. Yes, simple magic rings exist, which without appropriate countermeasures can render such caching places of little functional value, but the skill and ingenuity of a true master craftsman is very much something which Shovastika can admire.
Ironically, some of these items of furniture which Shovastika is inspecting are veneered with woods that have come from the Isle of Dread. Shovastika is more than able to appreciate irony, however. Any purchase that she makes here today may have gone towards helping to keep the Farshore trading company afloat. The performance at the (former) Taboo Temple of several of the company’s leading figures was distinctly average by her exacting standards- in fact not even that on their first run, where only a few twists of fortune allowed them to ‘cheat deaths’ on a much heavier scale. At least they made some attempt at reconnaissance on their second visit, although with still too much reliance upon sheer brute force. And their failure to use business contacts of their company to try to keep an eye out for Crimson Fleet activity was frankly abysmal. If you ran an organisation that traded around a world’s oceans, then you ought to damn well make sure that in every port at which a trading house was established, there was someone feeding reports back to you of what was going on in that and other parts of the world- those and rumours (if facts and figures were unavailable) of the numbers and strength of allies, uncommitted organisations or powerful individuals, and of enemies. The Farshore Trading Company’s owners ought, in Shovastika’s opinion, to have at least informed themselves of the interest emanating from the environs of the pirate-haven of Scuttlecove of the numbers and defences of the Farshore Trading Company’s own vessels. Although for a group of mortals, Shovastika could hardly fault them for not being informed on events occurring within the courts of Demogorgon, in distant Lemoriax, or of the brutally simple plan that had been waiting in case they should actually annoy the prince of demons sufficiently to merit the temporary removal of a plaything from one of Demogorgon’s lieutenants.
Things were proceeding nicely. The Witch-Queen of Perrenland was blissfully uninformed of the nasty shock or two lining up on her horizon and the Nimbus Bow was precisely where it was supposed to be at this stage in events. True there had been hiccups- the owners of The Farshore Trading Company had completely failed to attempt to make contact with a particular green dragon for example- but those tended to make life so much more interesting....

May appologies for not writing a journal for a while. I have just not been in a writing mood.
Recent events have been, interesting to say the least. There has been much success, but at a heavy price. Our most recent adventure had taken us to a temple deep within the Island of Dread. Our new flying companions allowed for a relatively quick trip to this temple. Within it, Bow of incredible power which will help us defeat the Fiendish infestation of our world. After dealing with a scouting party on the other rim of this temple, we were ambushed by a group of illusion disguised monsters. The only real threat was some huge creature, the rest died quickly and without problems.
After recovering, we made our way to the base of the temple. Atop it was an enormous stone blocking our way. We had our pack of celestial griffons move it for us. Once inside, there were two events of interests, a group of Kupra, and the main chamber massacre. The first one work attention was three Kupra with spears. They had some innate ability that left all of us dazed from some unholy power, something the spell casters called a Blasphemy spell; or something with the same effects but not a normal spell being cast. Other than then rather annoying and violating experience, the only other problem with that conflict was from Sir Ineptus. Foolishly, he charged one of the beasts, hoping for a killing blow. He did quite a bit to his foe, but his reckless charge Dropping his AC to a pathetic 14 from shock trooper feat left him open to a might counter attack. With only two hits, the second bursting clean through his heart, instantly killing him. We immediately moved in, one of our spell casters had a very helpful spell. Interesting spell, it allowed for the Captain and his body to switch places. We quickly revived him before he slipped too far away from his body, requiring costly magic to correct. Between the rest of us, we easily finished off two of them. Unfortunately, one managed to escape and raise the alarm. This first encounter was not so much hard as annoying and lucky on their part.

The second fight was the most challenging and lucky encounter of our lives so far. Such a great force we have never seen; one of the 5 beasts alone would have been more of a force that all of the Crimson fleets initial attack and our own power combined. There were several very powerful fiendish or otherwise vile creatures. Ohlangru, the demon monkey, much more powerful than before, he did not surface till later in this fight. There was a demon named Ulioth, a cleric, worshipper of the vile Demagorgon himself. The vrock that survived the Fareshore massacre was back as well; much more powerful and menacing than before, even without partners to complete its deadly dance of Ruin, it was a mighty nasty opponent.Another was some horrific creature that I do not know about. What I do know about it is that it was bathing like a fish in a massive pool of incredibly vile fiendish liquid. Even more disturbing about this liquid is how flammable it is when exposed to air. The top of its surface was partially lit, creating an unholy glow in the room. This final creature used its acidic and flammable properties all too well.

This unknown creature being in front received the first attacks. With the captain granting us the buffing of Kord, we moved into the room. Sir Ineptus, the captain and I targeted the unknown vile creature. Before we could destroy it, it spewed that acidic stuff on buttercup and many spell casters, holding the rear. In addition to its breath attack, it clawed into buttercup, killing her for a while. We slowly moved into the room and continued to work on this great evil force. This battle, though ended in success, was a great cost and a bit of luck. At first, Olahgru was not in this room to our knowledge. We determined that he was invisible hiding somewhere, after we moved in, he surprised me and with an invisible attack, took me out. Previous to my temporary death, Sir Ineptus was cut to pieces by an attack of incredible speed. After research earlier today, I discovered that Ulioth, the clerics of the Demagorgon receive one of his abilities, to act at double speed for a certain amount of time per day. One of his series of attack took Sir Ineptus from full to dead, again. We were both raised by our magical items and I was healed up quickly. The fight was going heavily against us until the captain got a luck punch on Ohlangru as he neglected to protect himself as he moved away and a might punch killed his form on this plane of existence, for now. The fight ended with Ulioth and the vrock being killed; we thought we had dropped Khalla but he recovered enough to flee and have another monster come in his place. I made sure Ulioth stayed dead with a powerful combo of attacks against his remains. With that being the only enemy left, we quickly reorganized. I head the line against it and replaced my spent life stone if this fight went ill. After receiving a series of attacks, it retreated back and tried to wall us off. It quickly realized it was no match for us all and retreated as well.

We quickly picked ourselves up, some of the treasure and retreated to make camp, away from this place for the night. We figured since we had the ability to completely heal up and they might not, returning the next day to finish them off and deal with I had a suspicion was a massive Savage Tide starting sphere. Once well rested, we move back to the temple surface and attempted to determine the status of the temple after our assault. Jade used her magic to look into the room to find it was dark. Not being able to see anything, she tried another spot in the room only to hear that we had been detected and shut down. We spelled up immediately and our plan was to teleport in for an ambush. I don’t know how this magic works, but it didn’t work this time, we were separated into two groups. Jade, the journalist and I only made it half way there, and the rest of the party was on target. Much to my enjoyment, we were right in the middle of a team of skinwalkers, their boss and two competent lackeys. I was not worried about this fight, I could take the skinwalkers all day, and with the Journalist realizing some new abilities, the fight was quick for the skin walkers. It rained holy power that severely hurt almost all of our foes in the corridor. I quickly hacked through them quicker than her spell could and then focused my attention on the lackeys. Their spells and abilities did kill Jade, but she was quickly recovered and retreated back while I stayed up and took them on. With the journalist providing some bonus damage and more importantly healing, finally took them out.

The other’s had their fun as well, the Captain went buffing and growing with Sir Ineptus. Torsin was disabled by several symbols of unholy powers and was unable to provide much help. This time, we managed to defeat all of the enemies; Khalla did not retreat this time and was slain. This creature did not go down quietly. His god, angered by his failure, or maybe our success; Khalla’s body died, but his vile spirit blew up and out of this dimension only for us to notice desire for wrath that is on par with the gods. We might have won the battle, but the war was still to come. We ransacked this place, taking the extravagant treasures it contained and returned home. For now, it is not my home, my wife, the Captain’s wife and Lavinia had all been stolen by Vanthas and his new group of followers. We quickly divided the wealth, put most the rest of our treasure into Jade’s merchant fencing system for a better return. I have purchased my supplies for our next voyage, hopefully everybody else will be ready tomorrow. I will wait three days for them, if they are not ready I will go alone and find her myself. I swear on my own soul, should I fail may it be permanently give to a Balor should I fail, that I will find her again and annihilate the ones responsible with my own hands. There is a long line for Vanthan’s head, but if I get my chance, I will not share my revenge against that vile creature, I must contain this rage for it is not of good moral, even against such an evil creature. Lucky for Vanthan, we don’t have more time. There is apparently a spell that can summon a Solar to fight for your cause; instead of dying at a swarm of their always good hands, he will have to suffer our brutal wrath.

Well lads and lasses, I hope you’re ready for the rousing tale that the Admiral has for you. Recent events have been very exciting.

After we beat up the welcoming committee we noticed a trail leading north to a secret entrance to the temple. Now this secret entrance lead us to a rolling boulder booby trap. The idea of rolling that boulder all the way down the passage and into any waiting opposition was just too much to pass up, even when I had to walk up there and kick it myself. We had two quick little fights and a quick snack on clams as we adventured on.

The third fight saw Sir Ineptus living up to his name in grand style. We were in a tunnel with the enemies in the room. Looking at the situation I was looking forward to bottlenecking them and making them fight us 1 on 1 or so. Unfortunately just as I was pondering this lovely opportunity Sir Ineptus comes bounding past to lay the hurt on one of the beasties. I love his enthusiasm but unfortunately it was only about three seconds later that we were trying to retrieve his corpse. Fortunately after that little screw up we were able to hold them in the mouth of the passage and kill all but one. True to form we ran right after his slimy, scaly rear end.

We didn’t manage to catch up to him, but we were pretty sure we had found the center of this evil pit. Not being complete idiots we called on several blessing of the gods we worshiped before walking in to put an end to this place. We were in for a brutal fight and to be honest the admiral doesn’t remember all that much of it, just my own part in it.

I called on the blessings of Kord as I step out into the room and immediately saw a big nasty two headed monstrosity that looked like he just had to be in charge of things. So I did what any good cleric of Kord would do and set an example by calling him out to dance. He and I went toe to toe. I’ll give him this he stood up and took it without backing down like some of the cowards in here. Unfortunately for him it only took me a few second to find both of his glass jaws and place him on the ground. The stupid little priest behind me was being a pain so after dispatching ugly turned around and cries “Shut yer yap” as I backhanded him. The pathetic little snot seemed too stunned to do anything afterwards.

It was about this time that I looked around and saw what had been going on while I was occupied. Da Fighter and Sir Ineptus were down, the ladies were looking scared and there was a familiar looking ape and cowardly demon looking in my direction. I was a little busy when monkey boy decided to come and play, so I just caved his skull in with one punch. Frankly I don’t know what happened while my back was to him, but he didn’t seem worth the effort.

Flyboy on the other hand was the only one this fight to really impress me. I downed a potion we had swiped earlier and flew up to slap him around. He responded with a truly massive barrage of flasks broke like a tidal wave. I though I was going to drown in the goo before he finished. I barely managed to stay upright long enough to tattoo Kord’s name on his forehead a few times and get back over to the Journalist for some healing.

Unfortunately while my back was turned the first plug ugly I had called out managed to heal back up to consciousness. I didn’t realize the sorry sack could get back up so quickly after I had downed him or I’d have made sure of him. Rest assured I won’t make that mistake twice. Realizing he had no chance of standing up to us, he switched places with a big nasty looking critter. Unfortunately for that critter we were now upright, it was alone and the Journalist was proving just how nice she is to have around by healing us up right quick.

After taking a sound beating the critter ran away. At this point we decided that while brave we were far from stupid, so Tightbutt and the Journalist grabbed hold of us and teleported us back to our rides. We went back to the lizard camp and rested. Considering how much stronger I felt in the morning I knew that Kord was pleased with us. He had granted me a few new tricks to try out and I couldn’t wait to use them.

We decided to attempt a little magical scouting first, which unfortunately got picked up on rather quickly. So we called on a few divine blessings before we grabbed hold of Tightbutt and the Journalist and had them magic us inside. I wasn’t that surprised to discover that they had set some traps for us, although only lady Tightbutt actually fell over. I was surprised to see that only half of us actually made it there, but I didn’t have time to wonder where the others got to.

I knew what I had to do if we were to have a chance. I calmly stepped out into the room, looked at the two headed freak and said “I got something for ya”. Then I called on Kord like I never have before, I gathered the pure divine energy he granted me in my hands. I pulled in more and more until they glowed I thought they would burn. Then I let him have it right between the eyes. I’ll tell ya one of those heads was not nearly as pretty afterwards.

At this point his other big squidy friends stepped up to come after us, but decided they didn’t want to be that close. I thought that was too bad for them as I simply hopped over what was left of the pool of goo from yesterday and laid the smack down on one of them. After dodging a few spear thrusts and tentacles I had had enough. I laid into this joker like he owed me money and I didn’t let up until both of his heads were a blood stain on my knuckles. At this point his friend from yesterday pops up behind me, but Sir Ineptus put him to rest in a few strokes of his blade. He may pick a bad time to run forward occationally, but I’m still glad to have him around in a fight. I think Kord’s proud of him despite his faults.

After finishing the fight a vision of the Demogorgon showed up to swear eternal revenge or something like that. I don’t know, I wasn’t paying much attention to him. We eventually caught up with the rest of our little band bruised and a bit battered as they were picking over some dead bodies. We of course looted the place thoroughly before we left. Unfortunately we came home to some very bad news.

Vanthas has made a mistake. I don’t hate often, but I hate well and thoroughly. Vanthas has taken my lady love, and HE….WILL…..PAY. Had he only taken Lavinia I would simply have tracked him down and stopped him. Now I will do more. I will destroy every vestige of his fleet. I will wipe clean the harbor they hide. If need be I will follow his soul in the abyss itself where I will rip it to shreads with my bear hands. Vanthas will end, and all who stand with him. I swear it on everything that I am, he will END.

"Boss! No, wait Boss! I got one of them, deader than a dodo! What? Well, yes he got back up, must be magic ... No! NO!"


Has just seen what happened to Olangru, looks up at Boss...


Vrocky Fireboa wrote:

Has just seen what happened to Olangru, looks up at Boss...


Olangru wrote:

"Boss! No, wait Boss! I got one of them, deader than a dodo! What? Well, yes he got back up, must be magic ... No! NO!"


Wow guess we wont be seeing them any time soon. They just died in their home plane.

Such is the price for such pathetic failure.

Awe, that's not fair. There was a waiting list to frag that monkey. He can't just skip the line and take him out like that. Oh well, it's not like he is the only fiend out there that I am waiting in line to destroy.

Captain Da Fighter of Kraken wrote:
Awe, that's not fair. There was a waiting list to frag that monkey. He can't just skip the line and take him out like that. Oh well, it's not like he is the only fiend out there that I am waiting in line to destroy.

Yeah, if my character was a more evil man then I would be tempted to raise him, once I get into that dimension, and then frag him again.

Yasha0006 wrote:
Such is the price for such pathetic failure.

Indeed it is ... indeed it is... echoing male voices

OOC: As of today it is offical. I am now working as a part time receptionist on the night shift from 5-10pm where most of the time I will be able to browse the internet or listen to music. I will be posting much more often and writing numerous journal entries. Here is hoping that something better will show itself soon. I will be in touch with changes and this Sunday's game will have a journal entry with it:) Thanks everyone for your understanding and enjoy your weekend and have a lovely Easter Sunday.

-Beth/Joselin the Journalist

holy crap...I typed up this really great long post and now it's gone and I dont have a saved copy....GRRRR!!!! I will try again tomorrow...tonight now I am too darn tired....soon....soon

The Journalist wrote:
holy crap...I typed up this really great long post and now it's gone and I dont have a saved copy....GRRRR!!!! I will try again tomorrow...tonight now I am too darn tired....soon....soon

You must learn padawan, to copy your post before attempting to submit it. I find 'preview' prior to submitting is an effective method of discerning whether or not your post will 'take'...

Either that, or write long posts upon Microsoft Word and carry out copy and paste operations....

Charles Evans 25 wrote:
Either that, or write long posts upon Microsoft Word and carry out copy and paste operations....

That's what I do.

Repetative and Repetative says the "New York Times"...LOL Thanks guys, I learned the lesson:)

The Journalist wrote:
Repetative and Repetative says the "New York Times"...LOL Thanks guys, I learned the lesson:)

Now that you have all this free time on your hands Joseline, how about posting those juicy journal entries you've been promising your fans for so long? :-P

Our most recent raid was on a safe house that we hoped to find some prisoners to interrogate for information regarding the Crimson Fleet's secret cove. The building was a small three story building between the remains of an alchemical lab and a heavy duty warehouse. Be subtle like we always are, we barged right in expecting a fight from the get go. The ground floor was dust covered and abandoned in apperance; I have heard of magical means to create this effect and considering the resources of our enemy, wouldn’t be surprised if this was the case, since this was apparently a popular safehouse. We quickly checked the few doors on the ground floor, Sir Ineptus found the back door only to find a dog pissing on the door before he opened it, and needless to say he had a bath later. I headed over to another door that I thought might lead to a basement, but didn’t have a chance to check before the journalist decided to take point and headed upstairs. She found the first wave of enemies, they were pathetic and died quickly; two of them ran upstairs and jumped out of the third story window only to get hacked by Torsin waiting outside, hovering with her long sword in hand. They escaped, for now. Now, you would thought that after one scare of taking point that the Journalist would have learned; I guess she didn’t write down that going first is a bad idea. She headed up to the third floor only to walk into an ambush. She came running downstairs as fast as she went up crackling everywhere with a powerful negative energy destroying her life force 12 negative levels on 5d4, much higher and it would have taken her life. That was the end of her usefulness for this fight. Realizing the potential trap awaiting above, and after several shouts from me to go through the ceiling to take out our enemies, the Captain did just that. With a spell of divine power, he grew to such a size that he burst through the ceiling and pulled one of the individuals from above down to his death. Not missing a beat, I took advantage of this opening can using the speed from my belt, crawled up to the second floor and destroyed two of them, the last thing the saw was a Knoll grow to monstrous size and a dwarf come crawling up his back and cut their head off. We killed all but one of these creatures, knocking the last one into unconsciousness and beyond. After some medical care, he woke up and decided it was best to tell us where their secret cove was. After getting all the usefulness we could out of him and since we could not let him go, we knocked him out and put him out of his miserable ways humanly as possible. It isn’t pleasant killing an unarmed creature like that, but awake and about, it would have been a great threat to let it live.

Having all of your life nearly drained out of you by 5 rays of black energy takes a lot out of you, so we rested till morning. In the mean time, we headed to the secret pirate cove and prepared to assault it in our normal fashion, fast and furiously devastating. On the now quite enormous buttercup, we made our way into the inlet where they hid; there was an illusion that after focusing we all saw past concealing this fortress. For the most part, it looked like a run down messy and diseased dock, but to one side was a tree, so old it absorbed several ships into its mass. It was in an impossible balance in the sky, like the tree house of the kraken or some other ship wrecking fiendish creature. On our approach, the journalist took a pot shot at one of the guard towers. A might comet fall collapsed the roof, taking the barely alive guards and threw them down 30 feet to their death from that nasty fall and debris. As we landed, we quickly worked out way to the nearest shack, behind door #1, we found several subordinate pirates, and the appetizer blasted them into a state of forgetfulness, at least as to who is friend and foe. As they attacked each other, we watched as each backstabbed the other. The journalist used one of her new granted spells to blast every single enemy within sight. Massive columns of fire fell from the sky, creating a massive “Y” of flames that ignited half of the piers, all of the occupied building and nearly destroying all of our enemies. Immediately after this, a monster that I have only heard bad things about appeared; an eye of the deep. It seemed to form out of the water, but only for a second, Sir Ineptus, failing to realize its nature released a full assault on this far too real illusionary beast, temporarily removing it from our way. After the lighting of the entire facility, nasty beast known as a death slaad and two green slaads; I expected more of a fight, remember my encounter with a blue slaad so long ago. They were quickly destroyed by buttercup, the Captain and I. Now, the only threat was that Eye of the Deep returning. As I attacked it, I realized its true nature, only being a projection, one that can attack mind you; I looked for the location of the true beast. I noticed a too convenient hole under one of the unexplored builds. I alerted the rest of our group to my findings which resulted in two spells and a huge griffon to start digging out this creature. We found this horrible beast and it sent out a flash of light that blinded several people. This is apparently this creature’s most powerful ability; that flash that it can rapidly use to completely blind and stun any in its path. This will take some serious tactics to defeat it, but I have faith that we can figure something out.

Juice entries? Huh, ok well tonight when I am back in my shlump of not doing ANYTHING at work, I shall do that:) I hope everyone brought popcorn:)

Journal Number 13

The Journalist is back...

So, we are back at it, only this time, it is war! We have found our missing companions, at least some of them, and now we are off to hunt down the morons who decided to cross us! The Admiral alone seems very put off by the entire ordeal and is more burned then the rest of us. I have not found my dear lord Gorath, which either means he was not with the rest or that, to my dearest prayer, was never apprehended. I don't quite know his abilities, but I only hope he is strong enough to fend off the fiends that we have come across.

As we venture forth, we find a very old and run down 3 story building that must be scoured from top to bottom, to be sure whatever scum lives within the walls is snuffed out. The Admiral quite literally busts himself into the front door which boosts my spirits to be a little bolder about finding our vermin friends. I follow suit quite quickly to everyone’s surprise, and to others disappointment. I feel as if I am much stronger then I used to be under the Admirals new spells that can last now throughout the entire day. (AC of 37)

As I get past the Admiral and Fighter who entered first, I find a door directly in front of me. The Admiral and the Fighter seem to be preoccupied by the other doors towards the back of the room which they find lead to no where. I find my door leads to some stairs that go up. Out of sure curiosity and some boldness of my own accord, I shout to the party "I'm going up" and proceed forward. I hope to find the fiends that took us on this crazy venture and abducted our loved ones. The second floor seems to hold nothing, so I continue to venture up the next flight of stairs, even more ambitiously then before. As I open the door, I am standing right face to face with the enemy. And there seemed to be about 6-8 of them. I couldn't get a very good look, for the moment I popped my head in the door, I find myself blasted by a range of spells that seemed to take away my class levels almost entirely!

I turn tail as soon as I can and run back down the stairs screaming at the top of my lungs, which I am hoping will at the very least warn the others of what is yet to befall them. I unfortunately had become near useless at that point, so didn't stop my running till I found myself at the bottom floor, where I knew all doors and crannies had been explored and found to have no one dangerous near by. I then go to pull out my nearly fully charged wand with the spell of "Restoration" on it and heal myself from the dreadful spell which befell me.

The visual of what happened up there, but from what I gather, the Admiral had grown to enormous size, as he likes to do, and slammed himself through the ceiling and hence grabbed one of the scumbag’s ankles to pull him down. The rest of the story was sort of shut out by the laughter of the party on the events of the evening.

Once the building was torn to the ground, we proceeded on to the next location, since we didn't find any evidence of our kidnapped loved ones. We stumble across a large warehouse of sorts, looking to be in even worse condition then the last three story building we leveled to the ground. Since we were traveling by air, some by the saddle of our beloved Buttercup, and some by the means of our "Fly" spell, we get a good overview of the battle that is yet to come.

As I am under my own "Fly" spell, I feel as if I needed to make up for my fumble in the last battle and hit the enemy before we even reach ground. I can see a nice little pile of prats all grouped together amidst the middle of the warehouse. I concentrate with all my might and cast "Comet Fall" on the lot of them. Successful as I am, I didn't anticipate leveling the floor beneath them, and thus dropping them all to their deaths. "Huh...guess things are looking up from here on out", I think to myself.

As we all land, we find the battle rages immediately from all sides. As soon as I got the chance, I shoot a "Fire Storm" on what amazingly hit each and every one of the scumbags in the area. Even though this spell didn't manage to drop them as the last spell did, but still dealt a ton of hurt. I stayed out of range of most attacks in this battle, for my own good I felt, not to mention staying useful to heal those who had no choice but to go face to face with the enemy. The battle raged on and on, until finally, we dropped everything in the area. However, it seems as if one of the enemies was only an illusion according to the Admiral and the Beguiler, and the hiding place of this illusionist had been discovered. I guess time will tell what we are truly facing here.

To be continued…

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