Griselame |

Don't really know where to put this message, so I guess this column will do.
I just wanted to wish to all of you, from CEO to milkman, the very best of Christmas and a happy new year 2008! I'm sure all your fellow customers will join me to wish you many many good things for this next era!
I wouldn't be what you call a hardcore customer, having just a few issues of Dungeon/Dragon in my collection and a few other stuff as well. But I'm more than impressed by the quality of your work, and above all, the tremendous relationship you try to establish , day after day, with your base of customers. It's so rare that you have earned my life long respect.
And finally, the thing that overwhelms me the most with you guys is that I feel that, while of course a serious business who wants to make money like all the others, you are also people with real LOVE for what they are doing. It's just an awesome pleasure to feel how much you like this job and this game, and how much you put efforts into it. Kudos again!
So guys, I really hope you have lots lots of fun with the holidays, and don't forget to drink responsibly on new year, because we pretty much need you to get ready to work on the 1st of Jan for some more awesomeness!!!

Kobold Catgirl |

Kobold Cleaver wrote:No good, I sucked out her power with an expensive artifact and she is still a little annoyed.~winces~ Ouch! Not good! I will make sure not to tell her where you are.
Don't worry, little white dragon. My phylactery is guarded by a supremely powerful individual who fell for my trap (similar to explosive runes, but more like enslaving runes. The power word, which only I can use, is qjhdf), thus enslaving himself to my will. I know his one weakness, which could be used to utterly destroy him and enslave me. It is in the following spoiler:
The other spoiler, to be read afterwords: