Dark Sun PbP #1 - The Fine Art of Reciprocity


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Pushing through the throngs going about the motions of beginning another Raaman day, the party navigates the narrow streets, arriving at last before an elevated bone scaffolding draped with leather hides. A split divides the lowest covering down the middle, with both halves peeled back and tied to their respective supports, revealing a corpse seated behind a rickety table.

Wasting no time with small talk, the dead woman gives your group the once-over before informing you, “No Halflings. Four people a room.” She then indicates a small box before her on the table, rattling the coins within for effect, before thumbing the ladder behind her. Done with you, she resumes staring off into space.

"There are no halflings in our group. We have a dog and his favorite bone."

"What the f...f...frack?"

"The thing wasn't referring to you, Aso. You're a dog with a very nasty bite, right?"

"No offense intended, Aso. But if we have to fight again without rest, then we'll surely lose."

Bigoted undead. Who knew?

It’s difficult to tell if her desiccated eyeballs roll, or if it’s just a result of her undead condition as she informs you, “No pets.,” before rattling the box a second time.

The dead woman begins to ogle the non-human members of the party suspiciously.

"I'm j...j...j...j...just f...f...f...f...frackin' sh...s...sh...sh...sh..."

Aso is getting angry and veins in his temple are bulging.


He unslings the club.


Which is the second time anyone has ever heard him say something without a stutter.

*Sigh* "That's telling him/her/it."

Everybody wanna tear apart the hotel; though that would really be roleplaying ala "stupid evil".

"Who p...p...p...puts a f...f...f...frackin' z...z...z...zombie at a d...d...desk?"

"Alright, who has the party funds so we can pay for the rooms?"

Aso has the coin from the coffer under the desk at the bath. How much is a room at this place?

Aso wrote:
"Who p...p...p...puts a f...f...f...frackin' z...z...z...zombie at a d...d...desk?"

Must be some kind of sadist.

Zuko wrote:
"Alright, who has the party funds so we can pay for the rooms?"

Oddly enough, I think the dog does.

Well, its not the Ritz. Negotiate the deal. That'll show him/her/it, where his/her/its bread is buttered on.

Aso wrote:
Aso has the coin from the coffer under the desk at the bath. How much is a room at this place?

A ceramic a day, but as there are a lot of you, probably more like 3, for multiple rooms.

Aso pays for 3 ceramics for everyone.

"K...k...k...keys? Which r...r...r...rooms."

“Short,” the thing snorts, though it’s more of a whistling rattle as any mucus must have dried up long ago. With wisps of long white hair clinging to a shriveled pate, for all you know she simply passed away behind the desk and forgot to stop working.

Eyeing the coins carefully as Aso drops them into the box, the dead woman rattles the box once more and says, “Cleaning deposit,” indicating Aso with a withered index finger.

Aso throws in another coin.

"I'll be c...c...c...collecting that t...t...t...tomorrow."

“Non-refundable,” she remarks, thumbing the ladder a second time.

"D...d...d...dumb zombie. Then it's not a f...f...frackin' d...d...d...deposit."

Aso drags his load up the ladder and looks for a room.

The hostel appears empty; likely, the previous evening’s guests have departed with the new day. Rooms are sparse, but habitable. The second floor contains of a trough urinal and a small washbasin, while the third, fourth, and fifth floors are communal bedrooms, with the only entrances to the rooms being a decidedly unsound ladder which runs the span of the complex.

"L...l...l...let's eat."

Male Human (Athasian mutant) Psion3/Wiz1

"Top Floor" Faindraic says as they climb the ladder. "That way we'll have no one just 'passing through' on us."

Male Mul Warrior 4 (SRD generic class)

I agree. Top floor is not a place for people to be unless they have a purpose. It also should give us some time to detect people coming up to see us if we post guards, which we should.

Male Human Level Adjustment +1 Rogue 1 Ranger 2 Sidewinder Monk 1

MalaKi climbs the ladder to the top floor and slumps down near the ladder. He appears to be lost in thought but in reality he is watching and listening for any uninvited guest.

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2

Radik's lip curls in disgust.

"I hate this place."

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"I like it."

Aso looks for a way to get onto the roof.

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"Schenker'll boost y'up there.

We need liquor. And whores.

Not dead ones."

Aso's eyes bulge and he gags upon hearing the last comment.

"Zuko, c...c...come on, b...b...b...barbecue!"

Aso scoots up onto the roof helped by Shenker.

"P...p...p...pass the m...m...m...meat."

Male Thri-kreen Monk 2 (ECL 6)

"This place no different from other softshell hive. Softshells poor builders, unlike kreen. No wonder their hives close-close together, otherwise they fall over." The kreen shakes his head - a human affectation he has picked up somewhere. "Good thing softshells copy kreen, otherwise no softshell live in hive anywhere. Now, time for ghost ritual. Pass meat, please."

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2
Skarsnikt wrote:
"This place no different from other softshell hive. Softshells poor builders, unlike kreen. No wonder their hives close-close together, otherwise they fall over." The kreen shakes his head - a human affectation he has picked up somewhere. "Good thing softshells copy kreen, otherwise no softshell live in hive anywhere. Now, time for ghost ritual. Pass meat, please."

"Just eat the little bastard."

This is the part where Zuko cooks him up for us.

Female Aarakoras race adjustment+2; ranger 4

I see no point to pay such evil and mindless undead for a perch; I will perch on the roof and watch over all of you; and check in with you; my vision and mobility should give us an advantage; though two sets of eyes are better than one; i also will be hidden; but should be within sight of you in case I a taken by surprize; does this sound ammeniable?

Cluck; chirp; glllllick!

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"Sure thing. I ain't eatin that guy though."

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2
Shenker wrote:
"Sure thing. I ain't eatin that guy though."

All I gotta say is "phuoc dat!"

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"I'm a vegimatarian!!!"

Shenker wrote:
"Sure thing. I ain't eatin that guy though."

"M...m...m...more fer us."

Aso wrote:
This is the part where Zuko cooks him up for us.

Summon last of spell reserves to fry the steak.

Zuko eats enough. "I need by rest to replenish my spell power."

"I l..l..love the s...s...s...smell of b...b...b...burnt halfling in the m...m...m...morning."

Aso wrote:
"I l..l..love the s...s...s...smell of b...b...b...burnt halfling in the m...m...m...morning."

"A templar saying goes like this: I love the smell of burnt heretics in the morning. It smells of salvation."

Male Thri-kreen Thri-kreen 2/ Ranger 2

Kirrish pokes and prods the bone scaffolding, examines the leather walls. He's clearly baffled.

"Declaration: At least one own such house dead already. Greatly get hot, easy...char with hot hot thing. This one liked Tik's. This one...regret loss, Tik and Tik's. And Gllurrsskkuu-skruk. Sad sad, gllurrsskkuu-skruk."

The sandy thri-kreen sits down someplace out of the way in a corner or something, with his "ward" (the talking gythka) and tries to get some rest.

"Ass ch...ch...cheek is the b...b...b...best."

<Sound of chewing>

It’ll be standing room only with everyone smashed into a single room.

MalaKi’s headwear compliments him on his ingenious disguise.

Aso wrote:
Aso looks for a way to get onto the roof.

Very doable. The front and rear walls are only hide, and can be untied and pushed aside, allowing you to clamber up onto the roof. Doing so offers a commanding view of the street, but carries some risk of falling.

Query (oh crap, now he’s got me doing it): Any idea on length of stay, and if you’ll all be staying?

Upon arrival, you find each room contains a fresh(ish) loaf of hard bread, and a pint of water in a clay jug. The tiny room quickly fills with the smell of cooking meat, while the combined heat and smoke quickly threaten to smother the occupants.

Aso makes a window in the hide wall.

Ok, so the zombie was right about the deposit.

Aso wrote:
Ok, so the zombie was right about the deposit.

I think the zombie was convinced simply having a halfing inside demanded a thorough scrub down.

Male Human Level Adjustment +1 Rogue 1 Ranger 2 Sidewinder Monk 1

MalaKi, in order to do his part in the ritual eating, takes a moment to slip up to the roof and grab a few pieces of Issiki. He looks for a couple choice pieces cooked medium to medium well. He also grabs the liver. MalaKi then returns to his place by the ladder before eating.

Male Thri-kreen Thri-kreen 2/ Ranger 2

Since this is probably Kirrish's first real stay in a human city, he's likely to stick with the people that look as if they fit in. So he'll be staying, even if things are closer than he would like.

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"Can we order takee outee or sumpin?"

Female Aarakoras race adjustment+2; ranger 4

From her perch on the roof; Kha-Chik used her excellent vision and hunting skills to collect some of the cities vermin; rats, snakes; buts; all a good meal. Do you want me to roll a survivial or can we just story it?

shesh this absolutey sucks; fifth try at trying to finish and save this post;

will hunt for hours while keeping watch from the roof; will scout the nearby roofs and streets; hiding and collecting bugs, vermin and those small creatures that eat bugs and vermin like small mammals and reptiles. Will create water with my spell in a jar or pot; drink my fill then share the rest; will skin the animals; and cast my purify on it; pray and sing to the gods for their shared bounty; so; hehe lot of clucking and chirping going on :) will prepare the skins for curing and tanning. Will keep watch as well.

spot 13, 8, 15 all at +12
survival for hunting since I want more than just for me; 11,9 14 add +8
hide; 10, 15, 10; at +12
will also repray for spells

this should keep me busy for several hours while the party and the parties items decide what to do next.

Kha-Chik-Chik-Ka wrote:
Do you want me to roll a survivial or can we just story it?...this should keep me busy for several hours while the party and the parties items decide what to do next.

Fine with either, Couldn't hurt to use the rolls you provided as even the city vermin can be dangerous. :)

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"Mmmmmm.....snakey wakes!!!"

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