Legion of Super Heroes


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Heathansson wrote:

Will Farrell as Mon El

I'll work on it...

Sound Good, I'll check back later.

Liberty's Edge

We interupt your regular Omni-cast for this special Legion Update.

I don't know how many of you have been reading the curent Action comics arc with Superman being reunited with the Original LSH, but I got the last issue yesterday, and while it was great to see "my Legion" again, the last three pages are better!

Comming in August;

Superman & the Legion of Superheroes VS Superman-Prime and the Legion of Supervillains.....Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds
By Geoff Jones & George Perez

Oh and yes, that is XS in the background behind the Time Trapper isn't it? Hmmm and is that the main Oan Green Lantern battery shattered behind her?

We now return you to your regular Omni-cast programing; Can you find the Durlan?

Thanks Dark Lurker, that really is good news. I have been collecting the Action comics with the Legion but chose not to read them until I had the whole story, sounds like I got one issue left then. So I take it for anyone interested, it would be Action Comics #858-863 right, a six part story. Comming in August;

Any idea how many issues were looking at here:

Superman & the Legion of Superheroes VS Superman-Prime and the Legion of Supervillains.....Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds
By Geoff Jones & George Perez

Liberty's Edge

Didn't say and it is not up yet on the DC comics site for August.

If you are a true Legion fan, Follow this link!

Now this is sweet!!!

Sorry I've been away for so long, I'll have a recap of the latest Legion issue soon.

Freehold DM wrote:
Sorry I've been away for so long, I'll have a recap of the latest Legion issue soon.

Freehold, how long is the comic your reading? Post, Post, Post, Post, I want to know what happens in the next issue....are you are talking about issue #40 or 41? How about if I say Please Post? Oh, and don't forget the details PLEASE!

Liberty's Edge

I wish Lobo would attack the Legion.

Hell, by 3000, there oughtta be a planet Lobo, with 6 billion of his great-great-great grandbastiches.

That'd be fat. I'd drop 2 bucks or whatever th' hell comickal books cost now to read THAT mess.

I like the Goon. It's a good comickal book.

Ack; Attention all! Lighting Lass's suspicions are correct; those are not the heroes they appear; data retrival computer archive true imaging response detectors report them as non other than the villianous Bizarro, Reverse Flash, and Sinestero using some clever, yet substandard, holographic imaging device, beware they are atta....

Brainiac gets thumped by a giant yellow hammer from Sinestro's ring and gets shot out into space.

Bummer, with Brainiac out of the picture let's see, that leaves....

Cosmic Boy Unconscious.

Saturn Girl stunned, ok now she's back on her feet.

Light Lass arriving on the scene.

Star Boy incapactiated. Ok he stops laughing and joins the fight.

Bouncing Boy arrives by rolling down the hallway.

The mysterious Mr. Haig begins muttering strange words of some sort that have some kind of inner meaning that is actually relevant to the situation.

Dream Girl arrives on the scene, but the only thing she can think of is...well not appropriate for young comic book readers.

All against

The Fatal Five...
Emerald Empress

As well as...

Bizzaro Superman


Reverse Flash

With Brainiac 5 out of action, Saturn Girl takes command of the situation. She immediately mentally commands the upcoming intruders who are Bizzaro Superman, Sinestro, and Reverse Flash to attack the Fatal Five.

Meanwhile, Light Lass flies out of HG and gently starts lowering it to the ground.

Star Boy uses his gravitational increase power to send Validus screaming to the earth.

Dream Girl decides to activate her flight ring and go after Brainiac 5.

Working together like a well oiled machine, the Legionnaires take command of their perilous situation and turn the tide of battle to their advantage.

Brainiac's flight guidance systems fire short jets until he is once again stable; reading his various datalinks he sets a course to reenter the battle, while also accessing the communications grid to send a All Points Bulletin to JLA of this time to assist.

I think we are going to win!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

In order to make up for my grevious lack of LOSH updates, I've decided to post something I did at the DC Comics site ages ago. It was from a thread I started where we did our own takes on Legion of Super Heroes, and I don't *think* I've posted it here. Either way, here goes.

The Legion of Super Heroes is a government program created by the flagging United Planets originally as an ad campaign (or propaganda tool according to those who do not trust the UP)to get young people to join the intergalactic and interplanetary Science Police. However, they surprise themselves when the first few conscripts (the classic trio along with Chameleon Boy, Invisible Kid, and a few others) save R.J. Brande (ah, RJ- where is he in this latest incarnation?) from assassins. The Science Police take it from there, but they gain an enthusiastic patron in the young (yes, I want him young this time) gazillionare, who suggests they become a team like the JL of old- he is quite the fan, and has all sorts of gewgaws from that now mythic age. The proto-team smiles nicely and tells him they will think about it, but does not take him too seriously. Most of them aren’t keen on the “superhero” idea and would much rather leave law enforcement to the SP. The original trio finds the idea charming, however, and keeps in touch with him on it. He has the gift of gab and eventually talks these three into costumes (although SG talks him out of the skimpy outfit he designed for her into her original pink and white tights), his prototype flight rings, and the basic idea of the Legion of Super Heroes as we know it. This idea spreads amongst the members from the originals and is either accepted or rejected by individual members of the team with varying degrees of zeal.

The Legion’s rivals/allies are first and foremost the Legion of Substitute Heroes, a group of second and third stringers that aren’t necessarily weak per se as they are those unfortunates who were second and third choices from their planets to be delegates to the UP’s (the ad campaign has a strict one rep per planet policy). They do as much harm as good. They are more eager to involve themselves in acts of derring-do because unlike a vocal minority in the UP’s Legion, they actually DO want to be superheroes, and are unfortunately on Leland McCauley’s payroll (unlike many, I liked the idea behind the Workforce, especially with that evil Evolvo [-Lad]! He was creepy!)

The Science Police is another rival to the Legion, - friendlier to them than the current incarnation, although they do not kowtow to them as much as other versions. They view them as punk kids, saviors of the UP, weirdos, and all things in between, depending on the particular officer. Gigi, Erin, and other famous SPers become something akin to groupies/liasons, and Gim Allon becomes the SP representative to the Legion, despite the fact that he is from Earth.

Their enemies include….

Leland McCauley, who, as usual, seeks to supplant RJ Brande as the richest person in the galaxy. He is more intellectual though less refined and psychologically stable than previous incarnations, and it is rumored that he and Brande were once lovers in the past. His current lover and bodyguard is that reality’s Karate Kid.

The Dark Circle, a group of assassins and mercenaries who have been attempting to kill key figures in intergalactic politics to brew discontent and make a tidy profit. They have made attempts on RJ Brande’s life before, usually at Leland McCauley’s behest. They eventually incorporate more metahumans and superhumanly powerful aliens and make a go of becoming a Dark Legion.

The Fatal Five, which consists of the creepy Legion version of Mano, the Legionnaires(circa issue #2) version of Emerald Empress, the version of Persuader that is psionically bonded to his axe, a Tharok that is at war with himself(machine side versus human side), and Validus (who I do not know much about). Their primary motivations are lust for money and power.

The Khunds of this reality have more in common with the Battletech Crusader Clans of old more than the pseudo-Klingons they were in the 80’s. They refuse to bow to the will of the “soft” United Planets: they were born space-reavers, and will die as such.

Glorith, who schemed and murdered her way to rule her own planet, she also opposes the United Planets, but moreso through politics than force of arms. Her planet is a “neutral zone” – in reality a safe haven for those escaping UP justice, although she will not extend her personal guard to protect, aid or abet known militants should the SP come calling.

Mordru, a revolutionary who uses “magic” (in actuality theoretical mathematical formulae that he can force upon the universe through unknown means) to carve out a benevolent dictatorship on Xerox- the “Sorcerer’s World” pseudonym is forced upon it from without by the ignorant.

Earthgov loyalists, who distrust the UP and their pet Science Police and Legion.

Wow. It just occurred to me that I did not outline my lineup. Yeesh.

The Legion Of Super Heroes

1.Brainiac 5- Colu’s outcast boy genius, what makes him unpalatable to his people this time around is not his intellect, but his emotions: unlike most Coluans, he actually has them. He a mature, serious young man for the most part, but his inability to control his emotions gets him into trouble.

2.Chameleon Boy- Stranger in this incarnation as opposed to the current one because he uses his powers almost unconsciously. I think there was a previous version of him that did that, maybe in the Legionnaires reboot? Either way, he is a prankster along the lines of Morph from the Exiles. He really is not interested in being a hero or anything so pretentious, but his powers are so useful he finds himself pressed into the hypocritical role of scout and front line combatant.

3.Colossal Boy- Not an original member of the Legion, as they already have an earth representative, he joins under the auspices of the Science Police. He adds legitimacy to the Legion once they start taking the idea of heroics more seriously. He is torn between his devotion to the Science Police and his Earthgov political leanings.

4.Cosmic Boy- As one of the big three, Coz is mostly unchanged, save that he is more of a jock than previously shown. Personally, I loved his The Legion incarnation- he used his powers intelligently, like a former magno-ball pro would. He leads the Legion as best he can.

5. Element Lad- Well, he certainly isn’t gay and in love with anyone named Sean this time around. He is still sensitive and artistic, and would prefer to use his powers to create works of (occasionally toxic) art than to hurt anyone.

6. Invisible Kid- The boy genius of the Legion, he attaches himself to Brainiac and- when he isn’t studying him- helps him adjust to his emotions.

7. Lightning Lad- Personality wise, he is between his SW6 self (no jeers, please, he was the perfect example of responsibility of power) and his original self. He loves his powers, and uses them in more scientific ways than his previous incarnations.

8. Andromeda- Yes, I’m going for Laurel instead of Lar. I liked her when I was originally introduced to her in Legionnaires, not the weird white triangle version that was introduced later. She is the most ardent advocate of leaving law enforcement to the SP’s despite her considerable array of powers.

9. Phantom Girl- As she was originally packaged save for the gigantic “P”, she loves the idea of heroics mainly because she does not see herself being injured in the process, which would be hard considering her natural abilities.

10. Saturn Girl- I’ve made the biggest amount of changes to her, and I hope the old guard can forgive me. I want her to be a model. She is sold on the idea of the Legion as a propaganda tool and a stepping-stone in her career, but she is not as stupid or shallow as most people think- she genuinely believes in the UP, SP, and what they stand for, and in the idea of everyone working together towards a common goal. To that end, she becomes the cornerstone of Brande’s idea and of the big 3.

11. Shrinking Violet- Sweet Vi has few changes, except for the fact that she is a close combat expert. I know its cliché, but I love the idea of her as a 3rd dan black belt in judo. While she is ostensibly in Andromeda’s clique regarding heroics, she does enjoy having the opportunity to show off her hand to hand combat abilities- she even attempts to best Triplicate Girl at tri-jutsu.

12. Star Boy- He’s something of a bench player, but man, what a right arm!

13. Lone Wolf- Okay, this is where everyone is going to REALLY hate me- I see him as an android. An honest to goodness android. He still looks the same, but is very open about his artificial nature. The rivalry between him and Ultra Boy develops when Lone Wolf begins to follow him around like a little lost puppy and impersonate him- leading to an identity crisis (no pun intended!).

14.Ultra Boy- Emerald Dragon. That’s right, I want him as Emerald Dragon. I remember him having a pseudo-cool green and black outfit a while back- or was I thinking of someone else? Anyway, I want him in and bad-ass as all get out, serving in the Legion because he’s a pretty face who will definitely get people to enlist in the SP a la Elvis. He loves heroics because they give him the chance to engage in the rough, brutal violence that got him put in prison and Legion (due to an agreement with the parole board) in the first place.

15.Triplicate Girl- Lu is mostly unchanged, although her median personality is strongly attracted to Vi.


Cosmic Boy
Lightning Lad
Saturn Girl
Ultra Boy (Emerald Dragon)
Phantom Girl
Triplicate Girl (extrovert)
Brainiac 5 (when in the right mood)

Element Lad
Shrinking Violet
Colossal Boy (usually)
Triplicate Girl (introverted)

Legion of Substitute Heroes
1.Bouncing Boy- One of my favorite heroes, and as close to a leader as the Subs are going to get when Karate Kid isn’t around (see Leland McCauley). He is a master of tactics, although he occasionally needs someone to give him a shove in order to use his powers effectively.

2.Calamity King- Here as just plain old Calamity, he does his best to be a hard-case bad-boy, but is avoided by most other members of the team- he breaks Kid Quantum’s belt and a few of Computo’s drones simultaneously by accident.

3. Chlorophyll Kid- Something of a conservationist, his powers aren’t very useful on tech-heavy planets (like a good 70% of the planets in the UP).

4.Color Kid – Chlorophyll Kid’s partner-in-uselessness, he really comes into his own when he starts to alter levels of brightness instead of simply hues, and blinds a group of terrorists by turning the insides of their visors to arctic white.

5.Dream Girl- I loved her on the cover of Legionnaires, although I know that’s sacrilege to some. Anyway, her powers here work like they did originally (to my knowledge anyway)- she mumbles the truth only when she is fast asleep and people are close enough to hear. She usually remembers her dreams and is able to act on her precognition, but has been known to misinterpret dreams.

6. Lightning Lass- Or Live Wire or what have you- Garth’s twin sister both inspired by his example and in protest over Legion policies.

7. Inferno/Sun Boy- The Subs bad @$$, he makes it a point to flirt with Ayla in front of Garth, leading to the first-ever rumble between the Legion and the Subs.

8. Kid Psycho- The sub’s psionic, he is often the voice of reason booming through all of their heads because he lacks control over his telepathy.

9. Matter-Eater Lad- Another one of my favorites, he is Bouncing Boy’s go-to guy, and also their close-combat expert (again, when Karate Kid isn’t around).

10. Spider Girl- Pakka is here and more of a vamp than ever before, working with Dreamy to keep the men on something other than their toes.

11. Computo- A double agent, Computo actually works for Earthgov’s HomeSec Special Forces(see below)

12. Kid Quantum- Leland McCauley’s ace in the hole (all together now) when Karate Kid isn’t around, his belt was manufactured by McCauley Industries.

13. Infectious Lass- Just as shy as Vi or Lu’s left hand, but utterly incompetent when it comes to physical combat (not that it matters).

Earthgov’s HomeSec Team 6

1.Catspaw- I never liked the fact that this Pantha/Feral/Thornn hybrid wasn’t developed further, but never mind that. Here she is one of Earthgov’s many mercenary malcontents. She has a history with Colossal Boy.

2.Dragonmage- Another one of my underdeveloped favorites, he is the team’s fire support and powerhouse.

3 Gear- An infiltration specialist, Gear can control all parts of his mechanical body.

4. Evolvo Lad- The team leader and a frighteningly powerful telepath along with his computer like intelligence in his highly evolved form, he devolves to his ape-like form only in dire emergencies.

5. Ferro Lad- The team’s bruiser, Ferro here is stuck in his iron form.

Very interesting read Freehold DM. So if I understand you correctly you wrote what the Legion would have been like had you created it. The Legion has so many characters and enough versions where some individuals stand out amongst the others. I think some of your ideas would very much have done the same, and in ways could easily be better.

The book covers (front and back) are done for my Legion game. Its the equivalant of the Players Guide. It's entitled Legionnaires Commlink Rules. I'd post a picture of it but I have no idea how. I eventually plan on having a book for the game master as well, other supplements which I would like to create might include:

A comprehensive guide for villains
A book for the Science Police
A book for the United Planets (provides specific details of various UP worlds)
An equipment book good for all worlds
A guidebook for each re-boot of the Legion

Anyone else got some good suggestions for other supplements?

I'm really glad you liked what I wrote, it means a lot to me.

I vote for keeping everything in one document even if it does make your work a little long. What made the Legion RPG book good for me was that I didn't need to get multiple versions of the same book just to get another chapter or two of information.

Freehold DM wrote:

I vote for keeping everything in one document even if it does make your work a little long. What made the Legion RPG book good for me was that I didn't need to get multiple versions of the same book just to get another chapter or two of information.

Freehold DM, could you elaborate on the above statement please. What Legion RPG book are you speaking of and what did you mean by not needing multiple versions of the same book to get another chapter or two of information, you lost me here.

The plan for now is to break it up into several small booklets until the rules are well panned out, then see what I end up with and put it together into 1-2 books. I'll have to see how much non-PC information I come up with. We are talking about things that are more than 5 years or more away when it comes to some of the supplements I mentioned above. If I ever get around to doing re-boot versions I would make them separate books (or maybe one book for both versions). I'm kinda pulling out the best ideas from the re-boots and blending with the original version providing that information melds well, such as character development, perhaps some equipment, that sort of thing. Since the reboots are a different version of the original Legion I kinda view some of these changes as things that could have been in the original characters and just not as developed as shown in the comics themselves, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. Out and out contridictions such as origins for example, will result in defaulting to the original series. I'd say 95% of everything will still be original series.

Right now I would say the equivelant of the Players Guide will house what one normally expects to find....

Introduction and overview of the Legion spanning the 50+ years
Character creation
Areas of Expertise (skills)
Experience and Advancement
Legionnaire profiles so players can decide which Legionnaires they want to play in addition to the one they created
Legion Constitution
Maps of the Headquarters
Basic equipment, flight rings, space ships, telepathic ear plugs, etc.
Playing small pocket groups to form a bigger concept of the Legion as opposed to playing 1 superhero per player

Game Master Information would include
Details of various worlds, United Planets
Science Police
Plot development
Keeping timelines straight and in a comic book fashion

Anyone else have ideas to add?

Liberty's Edge

I collect Legion rings like General Grievous collects lightsabers.

Heathansson wrote:
I collect Legion rings like General Grievous collects lightsabers.

Cool, may I have one?

Did you see how fast supergirl got hers in the new series Heath? Dream Girl dies and Brainiac basically ripped it off her finger before she was even cold and gave it to supergirl.

Who's General Grievous? I'm assuming this means you have a lot of Legion flight rings right?

Ok; sent my first Email installment; check your gmail oh wonderous EileenProphetessOallgoodthingscomic :)

cold is such a relative term
mortals sheesh, I gave her a 42 femtosecond prayer datapacket and wanted to preserve her memory; I dont know any good guys who enjoy a decaying corpse; but, there you guys were; had to get thing moving; had to get that ring to supergirl before she got older and gravity took its toll.

additionally; I wanted to make a complete datascan of Dream Girl and the power output from the ring was interfering!

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
I collect Legion rings like General Grievous collects lightsabers.

Cool, may I have one?

Did you see how fast supergirl got hers in the new series Heath? Dream Girl dies and Brainiac basically ripped it off her finger before she was even cold and gave it to supergirl.

Who's General Grievous? I'm assuming this means you have a lot of Legion flight rings right?

Valegrim wrote:
Ok; sent my first Email installment; check your gmail oh wonderous EileenProphetessOallgoodthingscomic :)

Ah Hah! Great to hear from you, excellent timing as well, I'm off today and tommorrow. These should work very well for my needs. Now I just need to figure out how to transfer them. Will cut and paste work to go from one file to another or from the emails to a given imaging type program? Thank you so much, I really do appreciate it. Nice title you gave me by the way, you did wonders for my ego!

Valegrim wrote:

cold is such a relative term

mortals sheesh, I gave her a 42 femtosecond prayer datapacket and wanted to preserve her memory; I dont know any good guys who enjoy a decaying corpse; but, there you guys were; had to get thing moving; had to get that ring to supergirl before she got older and gravity took its toll.

additionally; I wanted to make a complete datascan of Dream Girl and the power output from the ring was interfering!

I don't know, I think you dumped dream girl and turned her into your own private little biology/spiritualology experiment. Then with Supergirl in the picture you decided blondes were more fun. We all know you two have a history with one another. Remember that android I mentioned a few weeks back, Uh, Huh, true story, got the comic right here to prove it. Then there is the Supergirl annual where she is cradling you in her arms as she flies you through the sky, and all the old mushy mush stuff from the 1960's adventure comics era. So did your Dream girl data scan consist of a centerfold? Supergirl might not like that you know. On the other hand, Dream Girl can see the future so maybe she isn't exactly worried. You do remember when she said that eventually you and her would get married don't you? Your jaw dropping to the floor was priceless. Kinda sucks being a comic book character doesn't it. We can get all this dirt on you!

Liberty's Edge

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
I collect Legion rings like General Grievous collects lightsabers.

Cool, may I have one?

Did you see how fast supergirl got hers in the new series Heath? Dream Girl dies and Brainiac basically ripped it off her finger before she was even cold and gave it to supergirl.

Who's General Grievous? I'm assuming this means you have a lot of Legion flight rings right?

He's the badguy cyborg in Revenge of the Sith.

He wups up on jedi left and right and keeps their lightsabers as trophies.
Kinda like me and those Legion pogues--hence the metaphor.

Heathansson wrote:

He's the badguy cyborg in Revenge of the Sith.

He wups up on jedi left and right and keeps their lightsabers as trophies.

Kinda like me and those Legion pogues--hence the metaphor.

Well I knew Star Wars was going to come up when I heard the name General Grievious. I had never heard of him but he sounded kinda Star Warseee. I did however know what a lightsaber is, and the topic of Star Wars has come up with us before. So I knew where you were going with this.

So do I get a flight ring or not? Maybe you should return them, they are very expensive to make and you really can't fully access it anyway unless your a Legionnaire.

I'll tell you what, I'll trade you my class ring for one of your flight rings? How's that sound?

Liberty's Edge

Nope. I want gold. Lotsa gold. Like an asteroid or something.

Heathansson wrote:

Nope. I want gold. Lotsa gold. Like an asteroid or something.

Maybe my class ring is made of gold! You haven't seen it so why say no right away?

Liberty's Edge

And maybe flying monkeys might fly out of my ear. ;)

Heathansson wrote:
And maybe flying monkeys might fly out of my ear. ;)

Ewwww....that's disgusting. You must have some pretty big ears for monkeys to fly out of. It would be kinda odd to have flying monkeys crawl out of your ears.

Ok so what do you want besides gold? Something I can actually offer?

Liberty's Edge


now now; treat those suspect comic as Tabloids; those comic writers and artists are as bad as paparattzzii. Look; we went out on a few dates; enjoyed some good times; solved some interesting equations and discussed a little recreative biology; I dont dream; what kind of future could Dream Girl and I have anyway; of course I will be with her in the future; tomorrow I have some experiments planned with her; tomorrow by definition is the future; the experiments are likely to go on for years as I collect data and run new simulations; Supergirl; well, she really is Super; super at so many many things; a plethora of things; she really is like myself; one of a kind; like myself, another ace in the deck of life where so many are just numbered cards.

hehe; will collect more stuff as I can; that room is a mess; do you want more of the small type cutouts that you can mount; I have vehicles and police; civilians; stuff like that.

as for you ego; well i think your tops :) and this is a fun thread.

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Valegrim wrote:
Ok; sent my first Email installment; check your gmail oh wonderous EileenProphetessOallgoodthingscomic :)
Ah Hah! Great to hear from you, excellent timing as well, I'm off today and tommorrow. These should work very well for my needs. Now I just need to figure out how to transfer them. Will cut and paste work to go from one file to another or from the emails to a given imaging type program? Thank you so much, I really do appreciate it. Nice title you gave me by the way, you did wonders for my ego!

Valegrim wrote:

hehe; will collect more stuff as I can; that room is a mess; do you want more of the small type cutouts that you can mount; I have vehicles and police; civilians; stuff like that.

as for you ego; well i think your tops :) and this is a fun thread.

Well lets see, what will serve best is probably the generic hero pics which I can color and draw faces/uniforms, etc. on. Don't know if you have more but if you do....Even generic regular people pics that I can do the art on would be great. I was going to scan pics from some of the higher quality comic pages I have to get "official" science police uniform type guys, but if you have others which might serve send them on over. As for little pics to use for say miniatures, the more generic the better (but futuristic). How about space ships, got any space ships on your side of the universe? Do you still have a list of skills from a space/future/super-hero game I could look at?

Oh, I also need some dilithium crystals for Heath.

Any idea how I can post my book covers here?

Just so you know, the information you have sent me is always greatly appreciated. Very kind of you!

Now as far as having a certain amount of discretion, I would hardly call my Legion comics tabloid material. I mean honestly, I saw the pictures and everything. Personally, I can why you would like either Dream Girl or Super Girl. One would be tons of fun, the other has the makings of a better girlfriend, though she isn't the greatest at commitments. I also forgot to mention the fling you had with Shadow Lass. I'm guessing she preferred the lights off, right? Wow, you sure get around.

I have looked for my space stuff; havnt found it yet; thought I knew right where it was; real irratating; have a few ships i drew hehe; will see what I have; think I have a pretty good clue what you might use; to bad I cant play; sounds like a awesome game you have cooking.

will work on it as i can; might even get home this week for more than a quick stop in and grab some cloths; sheesh; life is all go go go sometimes followed by a lot of sleep sleep sleep :)

Valegrim wrote:

I have looked for my space stuff; havnt found it yet; thought I knew right where it was; real irratating; have a few ships i drew hehe; will see what I have; think I have a pretty good clue what you might use; to bad I cant play; sounds like a awesome game you have cooking.

will work on it as i can; might even get home this week for more than a quick stop in and grab some cloths; sheesh; life is all go go go sometimes followed by a lot of sleep sleep sleep :)

Who says you can't play? Just pack the entire house up and move to Minnesota. Easily done right?

Finally have a few minutes to myself, so it's time for two, 2, TWO Legion recaps in ONE post! In issue #40, the Legion is still trying to get to the bottom of these strange xenomorphs appearing on UP planets and attempting to eat the inhabitants. Shadow Lass and Brainy dispatch one on her homeworld(well, actually SHE dispatches it[critical hit!], Brainy provides flavor commentary), and it once again teleports away before anyone can get a good look at it, although the Talokians do enjoy kicking the corpse before it disappears. Back at Legion HQ, Saturn Girl and her team return from their mission, although it takes more than a few legionnaires to keep Timber Wolf from ripping out SG's throat for tampering with his mind. Lightning Lad rolls a 20 on his diplomacy check(with an Intimidate check first to get everyone's attention with a lightning bolt) to defuse the situation, as he asks Timber Wolf what her punishment should be- in this universe, tampering with someone's mind is a galactic offense. TW threatens her, but settles for SG's apology and a promise to stay out of the minds of fellow Legionnaires unless it's an absolute emergency. SG agrees to this with her deepest apologies. LL then turns to Timber Wolf and says that if he ever makes a threat like that again, he will have to worry about everyone on this team and off of it beating the crap out of him. TW agrees to get some therapy. All are impressed by LL's leadership skills. Immediately afterwards, the HQ is swarmed with bureaucrats of all types for a wide variety of reasons, but mainly because of the "Stay Away- Space Plague!" sign Lightning Lad put up on the front door(which is another serious offense- apparently one must contact CDC immediately upon anything even resembling a hay fever epidemic). In the middle of this, Princess Projectra discovers that she is being sued.

In other news, everyone is trying to figure out what to do with this new, ridiculously powerful aliens. Everyone splits up to look for clues. Karate Kid and Triplicate Girl find nothing on their hunk of rock, and neither does Phantom Girl. Invisible Kid heads back to the planet where they first ran into these guys and has a brief interview with the parents of the girl who saved him, only to discover that she has escaped from prison on some kind of plea bargain. More on that later.

The issue ends with Princess Projectra trying to plead her case before a triumvirate, who explain that she now owes billions of dollars because she is the last surviving Orlandoan- and a princess to boot. There is a bit of a loophole that the planets that owed Orlando lots of money use to get off the hook while the planets that Orlando owes money still get their cases heard. Understandably upset, Projectra storms out into a crowd of adoring fans who make the mistake of actually making physical contact with her- and she apparently kills one of them...

Next issue starts with the chaos Projectra started in the last one. There are a group of aliens begging for their lives as Projectra gets ready to lay into them...only to be stopped by Saturn Girl, who uses a knowledge royalty and nobility check to calm down the irate near-queen. It turns out the victims were in no real danger, as they are members of a benevolent alien race that seem to have redundant internal organs and dont' really fear getting beaten up as long as they get an autograph out of it. At Timber Wolf's behest, the Princess obliges the peasants. Timber Wolf is abashed as he has to explain that to Saturn Girl that he called her instead of any other Legionnaires in the hopes that she'd break the law using methods similar to the ones he didn't want used on him to keep Princess Projectra out of jail. SG is amused, but lets him off the hook.

Back at HQ, Lightning Lad is up to his eyeballs in red tape. Chameleon Boy(in his first, stunning appearance in ages) attempts to make light of the situation by using his powers to fake a science police raid, one that Brainiac 5 sees right through. Cham says that the powers that be are going to be holding autopsy of one of these super-weird aliens in a few minutes, and it is quickly decided that Invisible Kid should go.

In another panel, it's discovered that the kid who helped the Legion balance their books in a previous issue is some kind of spy who is probably selling Legion information on the black market. He sells a bit of choice info to one client, and then sneaks back into HQ, stealing Star Boy's ring along the way.

Back with the main storyline, the team is divided in terms of how they feel about IK sneaking about the autopsy. Light Lass is completely against it, Chamelon Boy is a little upset that he didn't get to go, and both are voicing their opinions on this while Brainiac 5 gives IK directions on where he should be focusing. At first it seems everything is going just fine, but then Light Lass notices that there are a few guests overviewing the autopsy- the psuedo Legion of Substitute Heroes. The one called Spy notices Invisible Kid's presence(or lack thereof emotionally, as Brainiac 5 gives him direct orders to blank his mind, and Spy discovers him by searching passively for his presence), and Invisible Kid is knocked out and captured as a result- by the very girl he wanted to invite to join the Legion in last issue(although the one called Sludge helped by making him semi-visible).

Everyone is upset at Invisible Kid's capture, but none moreso than Light Lass who uses her powers to fling Ultra Boy into the wall. As a result of this, the Legion is put on permanent lockdown, and cannot leave the city or planet without the authorization of the UP president. this doesn't sit will with Ultra Boy, who shouts from the celing that one of these alien destroyers has shown up on Rimbor. Saturn Girl meets with her mother to attempt to get this restraint lifted.

Brainiac 5 analyzes what little data can be found from Invisible Kid's transmission and discovers that these creatures are actually robots. Killer Robots. Lightning Lad decides to sleep on this new information, but Saturn Girl interrupts his rest for a little..recreation. Work of course, comes calling, as both Invisible Kid's and Princess Projectra's recent problems end up all over the news. Both sigh at this as they realize their lives are about to get a lot worse, but just then the UP comes calling with a request for help on Rimbor, where the Legion of Substitute Heroes and the SP are up to their ankles in their own blood. Saturn Girl suggests leaving them on their own, but Ultra Boy shows up just then, and Saturn Girl is appointed team leader on their mission to Rimbor.

OOh, and almost forgot, the latest issue ends with a in-depth look at the Legion Flight Ring, it's capablities, customizations and secrets. Nothing new for Legion vets, but a wealth of information for those new to the series.

Lol; you have no idea how easy it would be to just leave all this garbage behind lol; any good breweries up there? Can you get a large soda up there or are the all small to not make the state feel inferior?

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Valegrim wrote:

I have looked for my space stuff; havnt found it yet; thought I knew right where it was; real irratating; have a few ships i drew hehe; will see what I have; think I have a pretty good clue what you might use; to bad I cant play; sounds like a awesome game you have cooking.

will work on it as i can; might even get home this week for more than a quick stop in and grab some cloths; sheesh; life is all go go go sometimes followed by a lot of sleep sleep sleep :)

Who says you can't play? Just pack the entire house up and move to Minnesota. Easily done right?

Valegrim wrote:
Lol; you have no idea how easy it would be to just leave all this garbage behind lol; any good breweries up there? Can you get a large soda up there or are the all small to not make the state feel inferior?

Any good breweries....I don't know! Bars are very popular with alot of people, I guess I'm just not one of them. If you mean actual breweries, well there was a big one in St. Paul that closed down a number of years ago. I think you can tour the place (not sure though). When I lived in St. Paul I use to go and get fresh water from the well system they had because it was so much better than the city water.

Can you get a large soda up here? Well I guess that depends upon your definition of large? They are marketed as large, but that doesn't mean much. What is your idea of a large soda? I'm kinda confused by the question.

The weather is terrible here. In the winter we have moderate to large snowfalls (lately it's been more moderate). Usually every winter we get a couple of blizzards. About 11 years ago I believe we had 8 blizzards in one winter. The flooding that spring was enormous. The temperature typically is around 0-20 degrees, with windchill I would say anywhere from 20 below to about 10 above. Seems like every winter we get a stretch of days where the windchill brings us to 30 below or worse. The coldest I recall was around 50 or 60 below zero.

The summers typically are in the lower 80's and often go into the 90's. Rarely do they hit over 100 degrees. With the high humidity we have here however, a temperature of 85 quickly feels like 95 or higher. Air conditioning a must.

And then we get these tornadoes...Ocaasionally, they erase parts of a town. Very minimal seismeic activity however.

I'm told by the time we reach the 30th century, most of these problems will go away. The Earth Government will be in charge of controlling all weather related issues, as seen in Superboy starring the Legion of Super-Heroes issue 210, Soljer's Private War. Not surprisingly we learn this information from Phantom Girl. By the way is there a reason Brainiac hasn't bothered to go look for Phantom Girl? I'm feeling kinda lost these days!

Where is that again?

Freehold DM wrote:
Where is that again?

Where's what again, the brewery? Minnesota? St. Paul? Issue 210? Phantom Girl? Me?

Liberty's Edge

All them Minnesota people...always on about the humidity.

When I'd come home from Minnesota to Florida at the end of summer, it felt like I was snorkeling to walk around in Florida. Florida's like a great big low-density gelatinous cube.


Dark Archive

Latest word from Dan 'I like to kill kids' Didio is that Prime (formerly Superboy Prime) will go to the 31st century and 'basically do his thing.'

'His thing' generally means blasting people in half with his 'heat vision,' ripping limbs off and punching people's heads off. I expect Legion of Three Worlds to be a bloodbath, 'cause Didio *loves* killing young heroes (the half-dozen Teen Titans he's had killed recently stand in mute testimony here).

Set wrote:

Latest word from Dan 'I like to kill kids' Didio is that Prime (formerly Superboy Prime) will go to the 31st century and 'basically do his thing.'

'His thing' generally means blasting people in half with his 'heat vision,' ripping limbs off and punching people's heads off. I expect Legion of Three Worlds to be a bloodbath, 'cause Didio *loves* killing young heroes (the half-dozen Teen Titans he's had killed recently stand in mute testimony here).

I have some serious concerns about this one. I hope they don't muck it up more than it already is. Sure hope they don't kill off my favorites within the original Legion. So who do you think is going to suffer and what do you think the eventual outcome will be regarding the three Legions? Will they turn it into one final Legion? Announce somehow that some variations never existed? Give us the Set take on this world shattering announcement? Your readers demand answers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heathansson wrote:

All them Minnesota people...always on about the humidity.

When I'd come home from Minnesota to Florida at the end of summer, it felt like I was snorkeling to walk around in Florida. Florida's like a great big low-density gelatinous cube.


Well at least you admit I'm a person. I'm guessing you left Minnesota because you coudn't handle the humidty and now your trying to save face by pretending Florida's worse. Maybe if you weren't lounging around on the college beaches so much you wouldn't break out in a sweat! By the way, I don't sweat, I glisten!

Liberty's Edge

Naah. My dad left cos he took a trip to Florida in February and kids were walking around in their shorts. It's so dry in Minnesota it gives me a nosebleed. I feel like I'm in a Georgia O'keefe painting.

Liberty's Edge

Now Texas is hot. July--9:00 at night--the wind is still 95 degrees.

Heathansson wrote:

Now Texas is hot. July--9:00 at night--the wind is still 95 degrees.

Ok, now lets hear you tell me that its colder with more snow in Florida and Texas. You see here in Minnesota we get the worst of both, down their you get there you get the....Oh my goodness we got an inch of snow, close the schools, call the Govenor, school emergency, in the summer it's Whew, it sure is a hot one today. Sure glad I'm not in Minnesota though, those people sure have it tough!

In fact I heard the weather was so mild down there that in the 30th century, when they get around to controlling the weather, they used Florida as their template about what global weather should be like.

Although I will say this, your beaches are a lot nicer, Ours are terrible. Can I come down to your beach for awhile?

Liberty's Edge

Why do I always end up arguing with people from Florida and Minnesota about the fact that it's hotter than hell, Florida, and Minnesota combined in Texas?

My friend came and visited Houston from Florida:
"Dude--it's HOT here."
"No, I mean.....it's hot. Oh my god it's hot."

It is damn cold there though.
I got on a plane in Tampa in February one year, 90 degrees.
I land in Minneapolis, 10 degrees. I walk out there, 10 minutes later every iota of heat jumps out of my body and dies a frozen death, and I'm like, "why do people live here?!?"
I probably shoulda worn long pants.

Heathansson wrote:


Why do I always end up arguing with people from Florida and Minnesota about the fact that it's hotter than hell, Florida, and Minnesota combined in Texas?

My friend came and visited Houston from Florida:
"Dude--it's HOT here."
"No, I mean.....it's hot. Oh my god it's hot."

It is damn cold there though.
I got on a plane in Tampa in February one year, 90 degrees.
I land in Minneapolis, 10 degrees. I walk out there, 10 minutes later every iota of heat jumps out of my body and dies a frozen death, and I'm like, "why do people live here?!?"
I probably shoulda worn long pants.

Well considering I have never been south of Iowa (of which I am very embarressed about) I really can't say much anyway. I just like to pick on you because your furry.

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