A Cool Index for Dragon Magazine Articles from waaaaay back to present.

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Hey Gamers...
I may be a little late in the game with this but I just had to throw it out there...

Here is a cool site that keeps an indexed archive of Dragon Magazine articles going way way back. If you are looking for that elusive article and just know the subject matter of that article-this is the ticket. Take a look and tell me whatcha think....

The site is called THOLOS
Here's the link:


dragondex is another good one (well, the only one I use, when I need to)

Cool, never saw that before. Thanks.

Liberty's Edge

Thanks for turning me on to this site. I've used the DragonDex extensively, but I don't like it much. It isn't very intuitive. For example, if I want to find the article on Lupins as Player Characters, I can't seem to find that in anything other than the master list of articles. With the site you've linked it was no problem. Character Topics, Races....

I didn't understand the (alpha) and (chron) at first, thinking they were the names of some monsters and lupins would be in the list, but I figured it out pretty quickly. When it finishes getting all the magazines indexed this will be AMAZING.

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