Rise of the Runelords by Cry Havoc! - Part One: Burnt Offerings


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Liberty's Edge

M Gnome Wiz3

Ebenezer would ready a weapon if it could do more than 1 damage. Even with just a dagger, he has to worry about encumbrance.

He's been so busy showing off he's nearly out of spells, so thank God for Pathfinder specialist wizards. Maybe he can still distract some enemies with colorful lights.

Ebenezer readies himself by quietly stepping behind Blackleaf.

Male Halfling Rogue/3


Well we are dealing with goblins. Their like smelly, ugly cats (yesh just insulted cats) they'll go after the first sparkly, shiney thing they find

Liberty's Edge

M Gnome Wiz3

Ebenezer prepares to cast an illusion of something sparkly and shiny on Talam's jacket. That way Talam can more conveniently take down large numbers of them with his hadoken without having to waste any move actions.

No not really :)

Liberty's Edge

M Gnome Wiz3

Looks like Zoo might be busy with some Pathfinder Society games. Whatever the reason, he's left his pbp games hanging for several weeks. Is there a usual timeout after which we either find a new GM or declare thread death? I've been enjoying this game so hopefully I'm jumping the gun, and the occasional unannounced break is normal on these boards.

Male Elf Ranger { Skirmisher} 1

I have enjoyed it myself, this is my oldest pbp . but these things happen sadly

Male Halfling Rogue/3

Yes they do, but atleast we had a good time

if zoo gives his approval I can take over for a while as DM

Liberty's Edge

M Gnome Wiz3

That sounds good to me.

Male Halfling Rogue/3

I'm good with that

Liberty's Edge

M Gnome Wiz3

Possibly Roine and Blackleaf have stopped checking this thread...

Thanks Mirni for offering to DM. If we can get players, I'm in.

Male Elf Ranger { Skirmisher} 1

eh sorry, yeah I had not check, was sick and got behind and figed it was dead. If it's not then yep I am in

After having my schedule at work get really tight, I am sorry but I cannot commit to running the game consistently enough to be worthwhile. Thanks for the time we did have though.

Male Elf Ranger { Skirmisher} 1

Totally understand, thinks for trying however. And everyone else thanks for the game, it has been fun

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