A very merry Pathfinder Christmas!

Rise of the Runelords

Okay, so in my game I've decided when we play, it's always in real time.

Now, the last time we can play before Christmas is most likely to be this coming Friday (8th December), so I was going to make the date everyone's leaving Thistletop (we're playing Rise of the Runelords) to be the 24th Kuthona.

Anyway, what do you all feel would be an appropriate name for this festive event? I don't see Kuthonas Day as being a much celebrated thing really.

Also, I'm a little unsure on what events to include, seeing as the Swallowtail Festival was only a little while ago. However, I have created a Merchant Stall where there are 20 presents (decorated boxes) and for 400gp, each person can buy a box for themselves or a friend and some of the boxes have very very expensive items in (such as a Frost Brand sword, Mistmail, Celestial Armour), where as others have tindertwigs and empty vials.....This is a Black Market Dealer afterall. :p

Lots of drinking can be had and this may be a good time to make the whole town drunk in celebration.

Anyway, I was thinking of making a Corrupt Reindeer flying around with a sleigh full of presents. Riding this, could be some kind of undead guy with a beard, dressed in a Father Christmas outfit and the task for the heroes would be to save the towns presents.

I have a week to do this and am open to suggestions and builds for this encounter boss, but I wondered how I could lead up to this and how I could ultimately make the festive days fun!

There are 4 party members (including my GMPC)and they're all level 5 and just finishing Book 1 of Rise of the Runelords. :)

Thanks a lot!

There's also a badly beaten up Nualia on the prowl.

Alright guys,

I've created my *Little* event for my party around Christmas (which I've renamed to Abadamas for Abadar).

The event goes a little like this:

It's nearly Abadamas and rumours are stirring about town, stating that someone is invading peoples homes while they sleep, stealing all of their wrapped up presents and leaving them with only a few cookies and a glass of milk!

It's up to the party to solve this heinous act and put a stop to the parcel thief, but who is it and where did he/she come from?

That's for the party to discover....

This will be about a CR6 Encounter.

After following many clues and listening to what people have to say regarding what they've seen around town, the party will come to discover that an invisible portal has opened up somewhere around the cliffs of Sandpoint.

This portal is about 20 feet away from The Old Light and can only be reached by someone taking a running jump off the top of the ruined Watch Tower. The portal itself is 10 foot wide and 10 foot high, is completely invisible (even with a See Invisibility spell) and is 10 foot down from the top level of the Tower.

This portal leads to an alternate reality, where personalities and ideals are reversed and will be proof that Father Abadamas exists, or should I say...........ANTI-SANTA!!!

Riding a Sleigh pulled by 12 Reindeer (Elk), Anti-Santa flies around on his Sleigh and when threatened, throws Peppermint Bombs down on the citizens of Sandpoint!

This guy is an Alchemist who throws bombs and when they run out, wields a giant Candy Cane to put a swift end to the lives of his enemies.

When encountered, he'll act civil at first and try to convince the people of Sandpoint that he has nothing to do with the recent burglaries and is here to entertain, but he takes the first chance he gets to catch the party off guard, which is where the real terror begins!

If the party manage to chase him away, there's only one way to stop him and that's to follow him back through the portal he came from. This is also the only way to close the portal once and for all. The problem is, this can only be done by finding and shutting down the source of the problem from within the alternate dimension, but if the party succeeds, how can they ever make it back safely?

Please find the enemy stats below:

Anti-Santa (Advanced Template)

HP: 61 (1d8+2 Con, +2 Advanced x6 +6 Favoured Class: Alchemist)
AC: 26 (8 Armour, 4 Dex, 4 Advanced) - 28 (+2 with Mutagen)
Flat Footed: 18 - 20 (+2 with Mutagen)
Touch: 18 - 20 (+2 with Mutagen)


Str: 14 -> 16 -> 20 (24 with Mutagen)
Dex: 14 -> 18
Con: 13 -> 14 (Level 4) -> 18
Int: 16 -> 18 -> 23 (21 with Mutagen)
Wis: 11 -> 15
Cha: 7 -> 11

Fort: 9
Ref: 9
Will: 4

BAB: 4

CMB: 9
CMD: 27 (10+4+5+4+4)

Spells Per Day:

Level 1 - 5
Level 2 - 4

Bomb Damage: 3d6+Int

Mutagen: Lasts one hour (10 minutes per Alchemist level)


+2 to all attacks (included below)

Weapon: +1 Keen Falchion (+10, 2d4+7+2+1, 15-20x2, slashing) - Disguised like a Candy Cane.
With Mutagen (+12, 2d4+10+2+1, 15-20x2, slashing)

Thrown/Ranged Touch Attacks - Bombs (+8, 3d6+6+2, Splash Damage)
Targeted Bomb Admixture (+8, 3d6+12+2 against a single opponent)

Bombs: Those caught in the splash damage can attempt a Reflex save for half damage. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the alchemist's level + the alchemist's Intelligence modifier.

Discovery effects: Bombs now have a 10ft blast radius, making enemies take minimum damage (3+6+2) from the splash. If a creature is hit directly, they catch fire, taking 1d6 fire damage per round until extinguished. This requires a Reflex Save to stop it.

Immolation Bomb - Can be extinguished as a full round action with a DC19 Reflex Save. For 3 rounds, it deals 1d6+6+2 to an enemy. Enemies in proximity take an extra 7 damage each round.

Targeted Bomb Admixture - No Splash Damage, but 3d6+12+2 damage to one opponent hit.

Equipment: +2 Elven Chain - +8AC, +4 Max Dex, +1 Keen Falchion, 5 Vials of Poison (On injury: 3 Black Adder Venom DC11, 2 Large Scorpion Venom DC17)

Dual Talent: Give +2 to 2 scores of choice. Replaces Skilled and Level 1 Bonus Feat


Fast Drinker (Drink as Swift Action)
Fast-Talker (+1 Bluff and Class Skill)

Human Alchemist - Level 6


Deceitful (+2 Bluff and Disguise)
Mounted Combat
Martial Weapon Proficiency


Acrobatics: 10 (6 ranks, 4 Dex)
Bluff: 12 (6 ranks, 3 class, 1 trait, 2 feat)
Craft Poison: 15 (6 ranks, 3 class, 6 int)
Knowledge Arcana: 15 (6 ranks, 3 class, 6 int)
Perception: 11 (6 ranks, 3 class, 2 wis)
Ride: 10 (6 ranks, 4 dex)
Stealth: 10 (6 ranks, 4 dex)
Swim: 11 (6 ranks, 5 str)


Delayed Bomb
Explosive Bomb
Immolation Bomb

Extract Spells known:

Level 1: 2+6
2: 1
3: 1
4: 1
5: 1
6: 1

8 Level 1
3 Level 2

Spells Known:

Level 1

Bomber's Eye
Cure Light Wounds
Illusion of Calm
Targeted Bomb Admixture
Vocal Alteration

Level 2

Bull's Strength
False Life

Can brew/cast 6 level 1 Extracts and 5 level 2 in one day.

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