Pathfinder #2 NPC priests??

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

In the NPC priests of Desna under Krym's entry it says he has a norn-crafted relic. What is a norn??? I know you guys probably don't want to give the whole thing away so just a general description would be great.

According to wiki a Norn is one of the three desir that decide Fate at the foot of the world tree.

Other than that I know what a "Narn" is. ;-)

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Norns are creatures from the Great Beyond that are a part of the mythology of the Land of the Linnorm Kings, the nation just north of Varisia. They always travel in threes and are best know for their prophetic natures.

The nature of the world in the last century has changed, however. We now stand in the opening decades of the Age of Lost Omens, when the old prophecies no longer come true, and the future is truly unknown.

What role prophetic beings play in this new order remains to be seen, but the norns continue their scheming, continue meddling in the affairs of the North, continue to remain a mystery.


Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Thanks Erik. Ideas already flowing. Every lil bit helps.

Erik Mona wrote:

Norns are creatures from the Great Beyond that are a part of the mythology of the Land of the Linnorm Kings, the nation just north of Varisia. They always travel in threes and are best know for their prophetic natures.

The nature of the world in the last century has changed, however. We now stand in the opening decades of the Age of Lost Omens, when the old prophecies no longer come true, and the future is truly unknown.

What role prophetic beings play in this new order remains to be seen, but the norns continue their scheming, continue meddling in the affairs of the North, continue to remain a mystery.

Ok, did anyone else get chills down their spine when they read this? I'm dying to find out more. I'm half tempted to glean through the message boards and try and start throwing stuff into a wiki for personal use.

Oh and just a personal FYI, my game group loves the new Pathfinder campaign so much that instead of alternating to our other campaign for the next adventure, last night they voted to continue on to Pathfinder #2.

Goroxx wrote:

Ok, did anyone else get chills down their spine when they read this? I'm dying to find out more. I'm half tempted to glean through the message boards and try and start throwing stuff into a wiki for personal use.

Oh and just a personal FYI, my game group loves the new Pathfinder campaign so much that instead of alternating to our other campaign for the next adventure, last night they voted to continue on to Pathfinder #2.

I have a website with PM Wiki on it. I am considering do the same thing, since I can lock it from outsiders looking at it (and therefore protect Paizo's ability to sell the book).

I think my group is going to bvote the same thing.

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