Warlock Invocations???


Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

This may seem like a REALLY stupid question, but here goes...
What exactly is the Progression for Invocations known by a Warlock? Table 1-1 in Complete Arcane seems to contradict itself and the actual description of a Warlock's Invocations is very vague.

From Table 1-1:
Level/Special/Invocations Known
1st/Invocation (Least)/1
6th/New Invocation (Least or Lesser)/4
11th/New Invocation (Least, Lesser or Greater)/7
16th/New Invocation (Least, Lesser, Greater or Dark)/10

To me, this looks like:
I know 1 Least Invocation at Lvl 1; 2 Least Invocations at lvl 2; 3 Least Invocations at lvl 4; and then 4 Invocations (either 4 Least, or 3 Least and 1 Lesser) at lvl 6.
Next progression goes: 5 at lvl 8 (5 Least or 3 Least, 2 Lesser); 6 at lvl 10 (6 Least or 3 Least 3 Lesser or combination, etc...); 7 at lvl 10 (7 Least or 3 Least 4 Lesser, or 3 Least 3 Lessre 1 Greater or combination etc...).
And so on... all the way up to knowing 12 different Invocations at 20th lvl.

From what I read in the Warlocks with Class Article @ WotC however, this seems wrong.
In the Warlock Weaknesses section under Limited Magical Choices Skip Williams states: The warlock begins play with his eldritch blast ability and a single invocation.
During his entire career, he can choose only three more invocations. He has a limited ability to change his repertoire, but for the most part, he is stuck with whatever spells he has chosen.

This now looks like I can only ever know 4 Invocations; 1 Least, 1 Lesser, 1 Greater and 1 Dark (or combination of lower lvl Invocations).

Which is correct? I am thinking of playing a Warlock in our new Campaign but am tearing my hair out as to which Invocations to choose and how many!!!

Cheers for the help O Wise Sages of D&D

EDIT: OK that whole table effect I had going there didn't translate too well into the actual post... fixed it up to look a bit more respectable. Should have Previewed it first =)

When the Warlock class table says New Invocation it means that you get to choose Invocations of the next grade. For instance when it says New Invocation (Least or Lesser) it means that at that point you can learn lesser invocations and least invocations instead of just Least. Beside the Special column on the class table there is another column, Invocations Known, that tells you how many you know.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Arctaris wrote:
When the Warlock class table says New Invocation it means that you get to choose Invocations of the next grade. For instance when it says New Invocation (Least or Lesser) it means that at that point you can learn lesser invocations and least invocations instead of just Least. Beside the Special column on the class table there is another column, Invocations Known, that tells you how many you know.

That's the way that I read it... that Article I read from WotC just screwed with what I was thinking.

Only knowing 4 Invocations would make them a little underpowered, even with the ability to cast their Eldritch Blast at will.

Yeah, Wizards'll do that to you. Warlock is a pretty good class. It seems fairly balanced and is fun to play.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Arctaris wrote:
Yeah, Wizards'll do that to you. Warlock is a pretty good class. It seems fairly balanced and is fun to play.

I agree.

I was originally going to play a Sorc, but then had a look at the Warlock (actually had a look, not just skimmed) and thought it might be a good fit with what I was trying to accomplish.
I would say that the ability to use their Invocations (including their Eldritch Blast which has been Errated to be an Invocation) at will any number of times per day is a little bit overpowered, but on the whole their generally smaller list of choices and known Invocations seems to mitigate this somewhat.

As an aside, have there been any additions to their Invocations list anywhere? I have looked in a few places but can't seem to find any. DMG2 would have been where I would have expected them, but no dice.

The Complete Mage has some new ones. Other than that I've not been able to find any official sources with new warlock invocations.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Arctaris wrote:
The Complete Mage has some new ones. Other than that I've not been able to find any official sources with new warlock invocations.

Thanks for that Arctaris.

Unfortunately I don't have Complete Mage =(
Only Adventurer, Arcane, Divine, Psionic & Warrior. I thought about getting Scoundrel, but money restrictions forced me to rethink that plan =(

Also, just to clarify something:
Any of the Invocations with a Duration of 24 hrs can pretty much be kept active permanently right? It ends and just gets put back up next round, correct?

Mage and Scoundrel are good books, probably the best of the Complete series.
As far as I know, yes. You can keep such an invocation permanently active. I may be wrong but I can't remember ever reading anything to the contrary.

You'll want to run it by your DM, but IMO, the warlock should be able to translate just about any spell into an Invocation so long as it fits one or more of the following:

* Battlefield control (wall spells, caustic mire, etc)
* Single target utility/defensive; should restrict to self only.
* Non-evocation/conjuration hostile spell

Basically, they get all the attack power they should ever need in the form of their eldritch blast, so the above spell types allow them some versatility so they're not the one trick ponies people proclaimed them to be early on. Any of these extras you add /may/ merit a little enhancement (like the wall of fire invocation destroying the body of anyone slain by its damage), if they seem a little weak for their invocation level, or they might be fine as they are. Strong multifunction spells like Dispel magic - or if you wanted to try a variant of Telekinesis - usually focus on a single aspect as an invocation.

Scarab Sages

Cityscape has a couple of invocations in it as well. I have been playing a warlock for about a year now and the Eldritch blast really isnt that overpowering.It may seem that way but it balances out.

Scarab Sages

Warlock is also good for prestige classes, as long as you meet the requirements. Anytime the PrC gets +1 level to existing spellcasting class it stacks with their level of Warlock to determine the power of the Eldrtich Blast and the number of invocations the Warlock gets. Acolyte of the Skin is particularly good, as you start off with a +2 bonus to DEX, which makes hitting with the Eldritch Blast a little easier.

In a campaign I'm in right now, I'm playing a Shade Warlock 5/Fighter 1. I'll take one or two more levels in Warlock before moving into the Thrall of Fraz-Urb'luu prestige class.

All in all, I think they are a fun class to play.

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