Order of the gate hell knights

Rules Questions

Dark Archive

how do you determine a hell knights caster level for his summon monster ability from order of the gate?

Dark Archive

where did you find this ability ?
As far as I know , in the order of the gate you can find a lot of signifer (a prestige class that require the ability to cast 3rd level spells)
In this case, the caster level is the previous caracter's caster level +1 per level of signifer.

Hell Knights are in Inner Sea World Guide p278.

The only spell-like ability they have that has a stated caster level is Discern Lies. That lists total character level.

Normally, spell-like abilties are based either off of class level or off of total character levels. Unfortunately, that is all I can tell you. Perhaps you should ask James Jacobs as I think he had a hand in the creation of Hellknights. Even if he didnt, asking him is a good idea.

- Gauss

Greetings, fellow travellers.

As the Hellknight PrC is the class granting you this ability and nothing else is found RAW, I'd go with CL = # levels as Hellknight PrC.

The entry to the ability Pentamic Faith could serve as a precedence:

[...]treating his Hellknight levels as Cleric levels to determine what domain abilities he has access to.[...]

Also, DCs are expressed as DC = 10 + Hellknight's level + her CHA-modifier - another indication that CL == Hellknight level.


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