Favored Spawn of Kyuss Dragon #336 Clarification

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Scarab Sages

I'm planning on using the Favored spawn of Kyuss for an upcoming gaming session but I have one question about the template. What is the Reflex Save DC for the Infested Skin (Su)? It says an attacker that strikes a favored spawn with an unarmed strike, natural weapon, or light weapon must make a Reflex save or a Kyuss worm is transfered to the attackers body, however no DC for the save is given for the ability. Any clarification on the matter would be greatly appreciated!

Scarab Sages

John Tanzini wrote:
I'm planning on using the Favored spawn of Kyuss for an upcoming gaming session but I have one question about the template. What is the Reflex Save DC for the Infested Skin (Su)? It says an attacker that strikes a favored spawn with an unarmed strike, natural weapon, or light weapon must make a Reflex save or a Kyuss worm is transfered to the attackers body, however no DC for the save is given for the ability. Any clarification on the matter would be greatly appreciated!

I found it...same page...the paragraph above...ugh! =)

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