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We Need the technologically advanced clonerace known as the OARD. We need An adventure Path of Manipulations and Conspiracies covering entire Settings...

yellowdingo wrote:
We Need the technologically advanced clonerace known as the OARD. We need An adventure Path of Manipulations and Conspiracies covering entire Settings...

Out of curiosity, have you sent any queries to the new Dungeon/Dragon about the Oard?

Love those guys. Absolutely love 'em. They've been a covert part of my game since the day I bought When Chaos Reigns for a buck at KB Toys maybe 15 years ago. It's not just a module - it's a campaign seed!

Shadow Lodge

Oard? Anyone care to enlighten me?

The Exchange

Lich-Loved wrote:
Oard? Anyone care to enlighten me?

Whats to Get? Time Travelling Infiltration Specialists looking to overthrow the worlds they visit and establish their own Empire on yours. With "Points of Light" they are the Civilization most likely to be inflitrating primitive villages and teaching the locals how to build clockwork-wound repeating crossbows, mine and smelt iron, improve agriculture, rely less on Magic and more on what the people build so they can turn that village into the City-State at the heart of the next Empire.

Shadow Lodge

ooooh nice! Thanks. I have never heard the term before. Where did it originate?

I am unsure if the oard name derives from something else or was made up. I also cannot tell you where the inspiration for the oard came from.

But I can tell you the oard are the inspiration for the Borg. It is clear the Star Trek writers who came up with the Borg had read CM6 Where Chaos Reigns. Not only do Borg resemble the oard, the plot for the Star Trek TNG movie about the Borg is strikingly similar to the plot for Where Chaos Reigns.

The main difference is that the oard don't assimilate you, they will just kill you and use holograms to assume your identity. They also have significant problems with magic, something the Borg did not have to worry about.

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