Hitdice |

The beer/wine and liquor segregation always baffled me; here in RI we have Package Stores, or, in the common vernacular, "Packies," as in, "Hey, I'm running down to the packey for a sixer, you need anything?" Packies also sell mixers like ginger beer, all under one roof. Just a few years ago we over threw the blue laws so that Packies can stay open on sunday; what a time to be alive!

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Packeys, wow! That's some serious cultural confusion for a Briton.
My wife won't buy booze and baby things at the same time. She worries.

Hitdice |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Jeez, I hadn't even thought of that, GE, but I get it. Just don't ask me about the time the UK exchange student looked up halfway through a really hard algebra problem to exclaim, "I need a rubber!"
'Cause she was pretty hot, and all the dudes in class were like, "I got a rubber in my wallet right now!"
. . . I think this thread used to be about the sort beer we enjoy, but I'm not ashamed of myself. :P

John Benbo RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 |

I partcipated in a beer tasting at a coworker's house this past weekend. Sampled some interesting beers-
Rogue Voodoo Donut- a pretzel, chocolate, and raspberry beer- was actually not that bad.
Goller Rauchsbier- there were a few rauchbiers but this one was my favorite- a pleasant smokiness that was not overpowering.
Well's Banana Bread Stout- tasted like banana bread...

Kirth Gersen |

This post threatens to bring politics into our beloved beer thread, so I'll spoiler it. I just needed to vent!
For those not familiar with them, PA's liquor laws are phenomenally anti-choice. The state buys certain wines and liquors in bulk; those are the only ones legal for purchase in the state-run liquor stores, where the prices are jacked up by something like 48% (30% state markup + 18% Johnstown Flood Tax) before the 7% state sales tax is applied. Anything not on the state bulk purchase list cannot legally be ordered, shipped, or purchased.
As I've previously mentioned, beer & wine cannot be purchased in grocery stores, etc. Wine can only be purchased at the state liquor stores, and again, only the state bulk-purchase wines. Beer cannot be bought at liquor stores, only at beer distribution stores, and only by the case. You can buy a sixpack to go from a bar, but, seriously, who does that?

Simon Legrande |

Kirth, it's because you live in a Commonwealth! Remember that there is a non-Commonwealth State sandwiched between PA and VA. Keystones and Lovers be damned, MD is the world capital of CRABS!
....and we unquestionably have the coolest flag. Just saying.
Wait a minute now, even the Commonwealth of Massachusetts isn't that crazy. No liquor in grocery stores, but there's usually a liquor store right in the same lot. And I haven't noticed any kind of liquor restrictions anywhere around.
With the autumn upon us, I've been trying to find new brands of pumpkin spice beers. Something other than Shipyard and Sam Adams if anyone has any recommendations.

Kirth Gersen |

Kirth, it's because you live in a Commonwealth! Remember that there is a non-Commonwealth State sandwiched between PA and VA. Keystones and Lovers be damned, MD is the world capital of CRABS!
I've actually lived in all three of the states you mentioned -- PA, MD, and VA -- at various times.

Simon Legrande |

Simon Legrande wrote:Wait a minute now, even the Commonwealth of Massachusetts isn't that crazy.Don't tell the ATF, but last time I visited Boston, I bought a bottle of my favorite bourbon there and smuggled it back to PA in my luggage. So, no, Mass isn't anywhere near as crazy as PA.
Is is a protectionism of PA crafters thing, or a who gives the bigger bribe thing?

Kirth Gersen |

Is is a protectionism of PA crafters thing, or a who gives the bigger bribe thing?
Entirely the latter. My understanding is that the extra $$$ to buy liquor goes partly into the PA liquor monopoly's pockets, and partly to pay $25/hour to the mouth-breather dropouts who work in the state stores. The latter then tithe probably half that to their union, which then donates most of that money to re-elect the people who keep liquor under state control. It's a beautifully closed system.
Don't get me started on the roads here, either!

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Had a function at work last night, and they sprung for wine and beer during the event. Had a pair of Boulevard's KC Pils, which is their pilsner offering. I like it a lot more than their flagship Unfiltered Wheat. It's a very clean-tasting pilsner, and would go well with shellfish. Or another pilsner. Whatever.

Simon Legrande |

Simon Legrande wrote:Is is a protectionism of PA crafters thing, or a who gives the bigger bribe thing?Entirely the latter. My understanding is that the extra $$$ to buy liquor goes partly into the PA liquor monopoly's pockets, and partly to pay $25/hour to the mouth-breather dropouts who work in the state stores. The latter then tithe probably half that to their union, which then donates most of that money to re-elect the people who keep liquor under state control. It's a beautifully closed system.
Don't get me started on the roads here, either!
Anyway, back on topic: I would have to say my favorite is a cool Guiness with a shot of Bailey's and Jameson dropped in.

Kirth Gersen |

Yes! Back to beer! Speaking of Guinness, last night I had a pint of their Generous Holiday Ale, which is phenomenally good. Mrs Gersen was so impressed that she ordered me to go to the distributor after work and inquire if it can be ordered by the case.

Kirth Gersen |

You liked the generous holiday ale? I wasn't impressed. In fact I wish Guinness would stop messing around and just stick to making good old Guinness. Everyone of their special attempts has been a failure. IMO of course.
I've heard bad things about some of the others, and I personally intensely disliked the black lager, but Mrs Gersen and I both loved the GHA. Maybe it's better when poured from the pub draught can, rather than out of a bottle?

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Pan wrote:You liked the generous holiday ale? I wasn't impressed. In fact I wish Guinness would stop messing around and just stick to making good old Guinness. Everyone of their special attempts has been a failure. IMO of course.I've heard bad things about some of the others, and I personally intensely disliked the black lager, but Mrs Gersen and I both loved the GHA. Maybe it's better when poured from the pub draught can, rather than out of a bottle?
GHA wasn't bad I just didn't think too much of it. Though Back is awful I am glad we agree. Probably just a knee jerk reaction on my part to Guinness new line of non-Guinness beers. seems like they are trying hard to appeal to the American beer drinker too hard.

Limeylongears |

Pan wrote:You liked the generous holiday ale? I wasn't impressed. In fact I wish Guinness would stop messing around and just stick to making good old Guinness. Everyone of their special attempts has been a failure. IMO of course.I've heard bad things about some of the others, and I personally intensely disliked the black lager, but Mrs Gersen and I both loved the GHA. Maybe it's better when poured from the pub draught can, rather than out of a bottle?
Guinness Foreign Extra is superb.

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I stick to original with Guiness.
The best bet.
I know this may be blasphemy, but guiness has never really done it for me.
Nothing wrong with that. Guinness is just a good tasting, low calorie session beer. Nothing particularly great about Guinness just a consistent treat when I'm out for a pint.

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I love it with Bass Ale in a black and tan, or (even better) with Negra Modelo in what we called a "black and brown," or with champagne (a "black velvet").
Black and tan is a classic. I will have to try the Modelo/Dos Equis Negra sometime.
I will have to try it with a Negra Modelo, worse case scenario. I still have Negra Modelo. Champagne and me do not agree.
I agree champagne is god awful even the expensive stuff.

Limeylongears |

The only Black Velvet I've tried is the West Yorks version, which is Guinness and Cider. It was revolting, and I actually wanted Naylor's Velvet.

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The only Black Velvet I've tried is the West Yorks version, which is Guinness and Cider. It was revolting, and I actually wanted Naylor's Velvet.
Yeah a place around town does Guinness and cider they call it a snake bite I think. I've also heard it referred to as a black velvet. Never tried it because cider gives me mad heartburn and why mess with a good Guinness?

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Misroi wrote:Yep, that's a Snakebite. I love 'em - they're like a candy apple beer! I'm also a fan of Guinness/Blue Moon - chocolate oranges, anyone?Hmmmm, interesting. I like Guiness, I like Blue Moon, what could go wrong?
There a place close to home that has 3 dollar Guinness on Thursday which I love. The best part of the deal is they will pair it with anything they have on tap for the same 3 dollars cant beat that. The blue moon thing does sound interesting.

Kirth Gersen |

I've covered Black & Tan as the name for a drink in this thread before. I implore you not to continue its use: grossly insensitive and inappropriately light-hearted.
It is, however, the actual name for that drink.
I didn't make it up, and I'm for damn sure not in a minority in calling it that, in America.Only in Ireland is it called a "half-and-half," and, were I in Ireland right now, I'd be calling it that.

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Simon Legrande wrote:There a place close to home that has 3 dollar Guinness on Thursday which I love. The best part of the deal is they will pair it with anything they have on tap for the same 3 dollars cant beat that. The blue moon thing does sound interesting.Misroi wrote:Yep, that's a Snakebite. I love 'em - they're like a candy apple beer! I'm also a fan of Guinness/Blue Moon - chocolate oranges, anyone?Hmmmm, interesting. I like Guiness, I like Blue Moon, what could go wrong?
Had to look the name of it up, since I couldn't recall it and it was really bugging me, but the Guinness/Blue Moon blend is called an Eclipse.