Favorite Beer?

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Scarab Sages

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The other day at the grocery store there was a rep from Karbach Brewing Co. giving out free samples of three of their beers:

Weisse Versa Wheat - I'm usually not into Wheat beers or Hefeweizens, but I liked this one. A decent 5.3%, with coriander and orange peel. That's probably why I liked it. Reminded me of a holiday beer I brewed years ago from a Brewer's Best kit.

Next was Weekend Warrior Pale Ale - not bad at 5.5%

Lastly was Sympathy for the Lager - 4.9%

So I picked up one of the mixed cases they had. It contained those three beers, plus a couple of the always enjoyable Hopadillo. I like that they sell it in cans.

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I'm not an IPA guy much but I had a Brew Free or Die IPA in a can over the weekend - that was pretty tasty.

And speaking of beer in supermarkets it never ceases to amaze me. Here in MN the entire state is dry on Sundays and only supermarkets are allowed to do liquor sales on Sunday. Even this is highly contested. Yet this is the same state where if I say the word "Vikings" out loud I'll have an instant mob. How can a state have such rabid football superfans and also hate selling beer on a Sunday?

Oh and I'll look for Laughing Lab this week.

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I wish I could buy beer in the grocery store on ANY day of the week!

That said, hit one of the downtown distributors this weekend and found a case of Fuller's ESB, a long-time favorite. Win!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Having lived in KC as long as I have, how is it I'd not tried Boulevard's Chocolate Ale until last night? The only chocolate beer I'd had that's better is a chocolate porter that Old Chicago had for their Winter minitour a few years back, which was great on its own, but stunning with a shot of Chambord in it.

I'm a big fan of almost all the Boulevard beers I've tried.

That said, the older I get, the more strongly I feel that "chocolate" and "beer" don't necessarily mix. When I order a pint, I don't want to think it should come in a cardboard box with a mini-straw taped to the side.

Mark Hoover wrote:

I'm not an IPA guy much but I had a Brew Free or Die IPA in a can over the weekend - that was pretty tasty.

And speaking of beer in supermarkets it never ceases to amaze me. Here in MN the entire state is dry on Sundays and only supermarkets are allowed to do liquor sales on Sunday. Even this is highly contested. Yet this is the same state where if I say the word "Vikings" out loud I'll have an instant mob. How can a state have such rabid football superfans and also hate selling beer on a Sunday?

Oh and I'll look for Laughing Lab this week.

Good man!

Kirth Gersen wrote:

I'm a big fan of almost all the Boulevard beers I've tried.

That said, the older I get, the more strongly I feel that "chocolate" and "beer" don't necessarily mix. When I order a pint, I don't want to think it should come in a cardboard box with a mini-straw taped to the side.


I am laughing out loud. "Cardboard box with a mini-straw..." fricking hilarious!

Incidentally all my wine says "Franzia" on it so I don't know what's so bad with paper packaging...

Scarab Sages

Misroi wrote:
Having lived in KC as long as I have, how is it I'd not tried Boulevard's Chocolate Ale until last night? The only chocolate beer I'd had that's better is a chocolate porter that Old Chicago had for their Winter minitour a few years back, which was great on its own, but stunning with a shot of Chambord in it.

Young's Double Chocolate Stout. That is all.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

Aberzombie wrote:
Misroi wrote:
Having lived in KC as long as I have, how is it I'd not tried Boulevard's Chocolate Ale until last night? The only chocolate beer I'd had that's better is a chocolate porter that Old Chicago had for their Winter minitour a few years back, which was great on its own, but stunning with a shot of Chambord in it.
Young's Double Chocolate Stout. That is all.

Haven't had that in awhile, but yes, that is good, good stuff. I bought a bunch of different chocolate stouts a few years ago in the hopes of doing a chocolate stout taste test with my friends but never got around to planning it.

I might have mentioned this before, but if you see it- avoid Shipyard (brewery out of Maine) Mint Chocolate Stout. They make good beers but that one just tasted like mouthwash.

Pacifico. And just about any Porter or Rye beer to be had.

Sovereign Court

Looking for a good milk stout probably have to make my own at this point.

Scarab Sages

Pan wrote:
......... probably have to make my own at this point.

I like the way you think, good sir. When the zombiepocalypse comes, I promise we shall eat you last.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I assume you've tried Left Hand's, Pan?

Misroi wrote:
I assume you've tried Left Hand's, Pan?


I don't care for milk stouts, but my friends who do love Left Hand's.

I don't think I've ever seen or had Pan. Left hand makes Good Juju, one of my all time favorite summer beers.


Sovereign Court

Ive had left hand but not the milk sout ill keep an eye out. Cheers.

I also like Left Hand. I'd actually recommend trying the nitro milk stout if you haven't already. But hey if you can make your own, even better. I've been meaning to get into home brewing myself.

Finally got to visit Founder's Brewing and got their Frangelic Mountain Brown and their Oak IPA which were both great. I liked the Frangelic better, but I ended up going with the Oak IPA because it's better for the summer.

On the subject of summer beers, it'd be a lot easier if there was a simple way of seeing what constitutes a summer beer, but I like Stiegl Naturtrub and Stiegl Radler. I like any of Founders' lighter IPAs (all day ipa and red rye ipa), Alpha King from Three Floyds(read it counts...somewhere) and I also liked Long Haul from Two Brothers, but I seem more or less alone in that.

Summer beers are traditionally light and refreshing with lower alcohol. But there is no defined definition of what or why a beer might be called a "summer beer".

I think of Corona as the typical/generic beer of summer since I don't know anyone who drinks it on a cold day. Just would seem weird.

Too much beer, not enough time...


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Muad'Dib wrote:
I think of Corona as the typical/generic beer of summer since I don't know anyone who drinks it on a cold day.

I wouldn't drink Corona on any day, cold or warm.

Kirth Gersen wrote:
Muad'Dib wrote:
I think of Corona as the typical/generic beer of summer since I don't know anyone who drinks it on a cold day.
I wouldn't drink Corona on any day, cold or warm.

I will not be spending my hard earned money on a Corona but if it's hot out and it's free then I'll drink the hell out of it.

I'm classy like that. :D


Sovereign Court

magnumCPA wrote:

I also like Left Hand. I'd actually recommend trying the nitro milk stout if you haven't already. But hey if you can make your own, even better. I've been meaning to get into home brewing myself.

Finally got to visit Founder's Brewing and got their Frangelic Mountain Brown and their Oak IPA which were both great. I liked the Frangelic better, but I ended up going with the Oak IPA because it's better for the summer.

On the subject of summer beers, it'd be a lot easier if there was a simple way of seeing what constitutes a summer beer, but I like Stiegl Naturtrub and Stiegl Radler. I like any of Founders' lighter IPAs (all day ipa and red rye ipa), Alpha King from Three Floyds(read it counts...somewhere) and I also liked Long Haul from Two Brothers, but I seem more or less alone in that.

I tried Nitro's milk stout and it wasnt up to snuff for me. Homebrewing is an excellent hobby and not very difficult to get into I highly reccomend it. I also agree about summer beers needing to be defined better. Every single "summer beer" ive been sold taste awful. If I never have another shandy again it will be too soon.

I have a feeling that many seasonal or limited edition beers are just beers that are not good enough to sell year round.

I think I've purchased 2 below from New Belgium the last two winters. The second time I purchased I completely forgot how much I hated that particular beer.


Pipeworks has some really good milk stouts as well, though that's about it for ones off the top of my head. Pipeworks in general is a brewery I really like and wished I could get more of.

And I sort of agree with summer beers having a problem with feeling very watered down. For example none of the beers I mentioned said anything about themselves being summer beers in most cases.

As for Corona, I'll drink it if nothing better is around and if it's summer, but not before squeezing in a few limes. But it's not great, and I'm not proud of it.

So far this summer I've been drinking Franziskaner Weiβbier -- I'm getting to like the wheat for the warmer months.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 32

Kirth Gersen wrote:
So far this summer I've been drinking Franziskaner Weiβbier -- I'm getting to like the wheat for the warmer months.

That is a top notch summer brew. Try Weihenstefaner Hefeweiss bier also.

Silver Crusade

Tonight this shall be consumed

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

At home, I have some Shipyard Summerale in a can. I'm enjoying it more than the Sam Adam's one. I also bought Shipyard Melonhead. Shipyard's pumpkin beer is called Pumpkinhead, so it uses a similiar image (Headless Horseman except with Melonhead, it's a watermelon). It's...interesting...one or two on a hot day. If watermelon isn't a fruit you enjoy, I would not recommend it.

At PaizoCon, I was drinking Fat Tire. Not sure which one- but I suspect it was their Amber Ale. Anyway, it was a good, easy to drink beer. They had a local one on tap, forgot what it was called- very cloudy and almost chewy. Fat Tire was smoother so I went with that.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I picked up a sampler pack of Left Hand beers for the weekend, mostly because I noticed it had three bottles of Black Jack porter in it. I'd had this beer at a gastropub a few weeks earlier, and was very pleased with its chocolate aroma and dark flavor. It also came with three Milk Stouts, which made it more appealing.

Sadly, the lighter the beer got, the less I liked it. Their Sawtooth Ale was a rather boring beer, and their 800-Pound Monkey IPA was terrible. (Full disclosure: I abhor IPAs. They're way too hoppy for my taste, so I was bound not to like that one.)

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Have any of you tried anything from this brewery? I had one tallboy one time, and it was the single best beer I have ever tasted in my life. I'm actually a bit hesitant to link their site on a public forum like this, but the brewery is apparently closed to the public, so, no harm, no foul.

Speaking seriously, I guess they're a small brewery that doesn't sell to distributors, but that junk was delicious! It's worth going to find it. :)

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

Hitdice wrote:

Have any of you tried anything from this brewery? I had one tallboy one time, and it was the single best beer I have ever tasted in my life. I'm actually a bit hesitant to link their site on a public forum like this, but the brewery is apparently closed to the public, so, no harm, no foul.

Speaking seriously, I guess they're a small brewery that doesn't sell to distributors, but that junk was delicious! It's worth going to find it. :)

I have not but I have relatives in Burlington that I never had a reason to visit until now.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Misroi wrote:
...... and their 800-Pound Monkey IPA was terrible. (Full disclosure: I abhor IPAs. They're way too hoppy for my taste, so I was bound not to like that one.)

But I love the name!

I'll have to look for that one. I'm a lover of IPAs.

Ok, so I'm really a lover of nearly all styles....

I disliked 800 Pound Monkey myself, but I would reccomend The Stranger even if it is rather basic.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

What's with monkeys and IPAs? Shipyard has a monkeyfist IPA that is pretty good. The monkeyfist refers to a type of knot (according to the radio commercial) but the label has a monkey on it.

Scarab Sages


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'Cause there's monkeys in India? 'Cause wines with animals on the label outsell wines without animals on the label, and everyone's hoping the same thing will work with beer? 'Cause if you pay your graphic design firm with all the beer they can drink, they always just end up doodling monkeys, regardless of what you requested?

Maybe the question is, "Why aren't there monkeys on more beers?"

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Mark Hoover wrote:
And speaking of beer in supermarkets it never ceases to amaze me. Here in MN the entire state is dry on Sundays and only supermarkets are allowed to do liquor sales on Sunday. Even this is highly contested. Yet this is the same state where if I say the word "Vikings" out loud I'll have an instant mob. How can a state have such rabid football superfans and also hate selling beer on a Sunday?

So many states have completely schizophrenic laws about booze.

Last summer, I was camping in Kentucky, and was very surprised when the local Piggly Wiggly didn't sell beer. When I asked, I was told that I was in a "moist" county: you can't buy alcohol in bottles. You can only buy alcohol by the drink, at a restaurant, for consumption on premises. ("You mean a bar?" "No, a restaurant. Bars are illegal here. You have to have table service, seat at least 30, and make less than 20% of your total sales revenue from alcohol.")

So, we went to a local Mexican restaurant, and they were selling craft beers at $2 a pint, and margaritas for $3 a glass! This was by far the cheapest booze I'd seen in years-- and we drank a bit more heavily than usual.

I asked the waitress why the booze was so cheap. She said that it was because the restaurant can't take in more than 20% of its total revenue from alcohol, they have to sell it really cheap relative to their food.

"But doesn't that make people drink more?"

She smiled and said, "Yep. Sure does."

"But since you can't buy booze and bring it home, doesn't that make it more likely people will drink and drive?"

"Yep. Sure does. That's what you get when people who don't drink make the alcohol laws!"

I'm going to try Starbuck's new spiced root beer. That totally counts.

Drinking Bateman's Black Pepper Beer at the moment. Odd. An acquaintance who worked in a steel mill in less health and safety conscious days used to drink several pints of beer with salt in of a lunchtime (to replace lost fluids), but beer with pepper in... Interesting, but probably just a one-off.

Sovereign Court

I thought the pepper beer was pretty terrible.

An interesting novelty for three or four sips, then I just wished I'd got a real pint.

I agree - novelty value only. Beer itself not that great. £1.20 (ish) at B&M Bargains or I probably wouldn't have bothered.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

Hitdice wrote:

'Cause there's monkeys in India? 'Cause wines with animals on the label outsell wines without animals on the label, and everyone's hoping the same thing will work with beer? 'Cause if you pay your graphic design firm with all the beer they can drink, they always just end up doodling monkeys, regardless of what you requested?

Maybe the question is, "Why aren't there monkeys on more beers?"

Good point. I'm actually very susceptible to buying beers with dragons on the label and if you're in a good store, it's surprising how many beers have dragons on the label.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 32

Hitdice wrote:

Have any of you tried anything from this brewery? I had one tallboy one time, and it was the single best beer I have ever tasted in my life. I'm actually a bit hesitant to link their site on a public forum like this, but the brewery is apparently closed to the public, so, no harm, no foul.

Speaking seriously, I guess they're a small brewery that doesn't sell to distributors, but that junk was delicious! It's worth going to find it. :)

I'm sure you mean Heady Topper. The #1 rated beer on Beer Advocate.

It is fantastic!

Sadly, I can't drink alcohol =\ But my mates were drinking Arrogant Bastard Ale last night and loving it.

devilfluff wrote:
Hitdice wrote:

Have any of you tried anything from this brewery? I had one tallboy one time, and it was the single best beer I have ever tasted in my life. I'm actually a bit hesitant to link their site on a public forum like this, but the brewery is apparently closed to the public, so, no harm, no foul.

Speaking seriously, I guess they're a small brewery that doesn't sell to distributors, but that junk was delicious! It's worth going to find it. :)

I'm sure you mean Heady Topper. The #1 rated beer on Beer Advocate.

It is fantastic!

I did mean Heady Topper!

The owner of my local packey (that's what we call the dedicated alcohol stores here in Rhode Island, 'cause they don't sell indecent libations, just, like, packages) gave me a can one time. I think he'd gone up to Vermont and loaded up the way-back of his station wagon or something.

However he came by them, he had enough to spare. I know he did, 'cause he slipped one into my bag and said, "Just drink it from the can, cold but not too cold. There's instructions on the back."

Sez I, "I'm not the sort sort of person who drinks beer from a can; that's plebeian!"

He was all, "Dude, just do it."

So I went home, and drank this purportedly magic beer straight from the can at cellar-if-not-room-temperature and it was the single best beer I've ever tasted in my life. I kept the can to look at while I drink other beers, but they all taste too salty now. Salty from the tears I weep into my mug remembering how good that fricken beer was!

So, after a night at Medieval Times drinking whisky, I pick up some Rebel IPA (Sam Adams) on the way home. It's a little too hoppy; seems that there is more hoppy flavor than beer flavor. Anyway- a little too far on my scale- I'm still going to enjoy it, as a hops fan, but I'd have liked it to be just a notch down. Enjoy!

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All IPAs are too hoppy. I think that they are historically made that way on purpose to survive the trip to India.

I am definitely one of the people who don't like IPAs.

Scarab Sages

Huzzah! More IPA for me!

The non-love is understandable. Heavy hopps taste isn't for everyone.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I find Arrogant Bastard a bit too hoppy as well. Mother's Three Blind Mice is about as hoppy as I care to drink - it's definitely there, but it doesn't taste like I'm drinking fermented PineSol.

On a completely unrelated note, I was pleased to discover that the Applebee's near my home recently updated its draught beers to include Stella Artois (in traditional stemware, no less!) alongside the usual Shock Top, Blue Moon, Bud Lite, etc. Such a pleasure to drink that stuff.

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