Lindisty |

Another awesome thing about my trip home - they still had Abita Strawberry Harvest Lager for sale! Woot! I can only find it during a few weeks timeframe here in Philly, so I usually pick up a case or 4. But down there in NOLA it's much more plentiful.
If you like the Abita Strawberry and you're willing to splurge a bit for a more expensive beer, you really should try Fruli. It has a much more natural strawberry flavor than the Abita. (I'll happily drink the Abita, but the Fruli-- especially on draft-- is a whole different experience.)
Personally, my favorite of the Abita beers I've tried is their Pecan Harvest, which I first had a few years back when some friends and I ran away to New Orleans for Thanksgiving. It's seasonal, and hard to get around here, but whenever it makes it this far north, I'm a happy, happy person.

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Yesterday, I tried something new (for me) - Red Stripe, a Jamaican Lager. Pretty decent beer and it came in a really cool bottle.
You're doing it wrong.
Red Stripe should be drunk at four in the morning, out of a can, at a drum n bass all-nighter, surrounded by people just coming down from their second lot of pills.
Out of a can, surrounded by old carribean men who are drinking rum and playing dominoes like thier lives depended on both. Bought from a barman who also charges you for his next glass of rum.
Those are your only options, sorry.

Kirth Gersen |

Out of a can, surrounded by old carribean men who are drinking rum and playing dominoes like thier lives depended on both. Bought from a barman who also charges you for his next glass of rum.
Done that, and thankfully departed the open-air shanty bar soon thereafter -- one of the domino players got knifed to death over the game later that night. Village life in the Caribbean is seldom as bucolic as people envision. But there were no cans there -- only bottles.

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Aberzombie wrote:Yesterday, I tried something new (for me) - Red Stripe, a Jamaican Lager. Pretty decent beer and it came in a really cool bottle.You're doing it wrong.
Red Stripe should be drunk at four in the morning, out of a can, at a drum n bass all-nighter, surrounded by people just coming down from their second lot of pills.
Out of a can, surrounded by old carribean men who are drinking rum and playing dominoes like thier lives depended on both. Bought from a barman who also charges you for his next glass of rum.
Those are your only options, sorry.
There's a wrong way to drink beer?
Crap! I actually shouldn't have said that. Now my overactive imagination is busy contemplating a multitude of wrong ways, each more horrific than the next.
AAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH.....Not strained through dirty underwear.....

Evil Lincoln |

Did I mention Ommegang?
Or Hennepin specifically?
Drove by Cooperstown today on my way back from Cape Cod. Gotta stop in for the tour one of these days.
My absolute favorite beer glass is my gold-rimmed Ommegang teardrop with the Lion-O insignia. In fact, I'm gonna pour a Saranac Kölsch into it right now! Good to be back in NY!

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GeraintElberion wrote:Out of a can, surrounded by old carribean men who are drinking rum and playing dominoes like thier lives depended on both. Bought from a barman who also charges you for his next glass of rum.Done that, and thankfully departed the open-air shanty bar soon thereafter -- one of the domino players got knifed to death over the game later that night. Village life in the Caribbean is seldom as bucolic as people envision. But there were no cans there -- only bottles.
And I'm not that naive. I've never been to the Carribean, that was a description of a place in Rugby, Warwickshire, UK.

Kirth Gersen |

Did I mention Ommegang? Drove by Cooperstown today on my way back from Cape Cod. Gotta stop in for the tour one of these days.
After I moved from NY to VA, I made a road trip up to Cooperstown with a buddy. We took the Ommegang tour (which seemed to have more to do with smurfs than it did with beer -- those crazy Belgians!) and loaded so many cases in his trunk to bring back I thought the rear axle would snap.
Ooh, and I miss Saranac. I miss Upstate New York. If there were enough work there to keep me busy, I'd go back in a minute. Even in a New York minute.

Haladir |

Well, as the adage goes, "There are three kinds of beer: good beer, free beer, and cheap beer. I don't drink cheap beer."
I do live in upstate New York, and I'll second Evil Lincoln's admiration of Omegang. It's widely available in my town.
There are so many good beers out there, that it's hard to say which is my favorite.
At the local ale house, my go-to is usually Bear Republic Racer 5 (an IPA). I have to pace myself with that one-- it's 7% alcohol!
More local, I'm partial to the Ithaca Beer Company's Pale Ale and Apricot Wheat.
However, Saranac Pale Ale is the beer I tend to buy by the case and almost always have several bottles in my beer fridge (which I keep at 50-deg F).

Lindisty |

Doesn't hurt that the Saranac 12 packs are usually the cheapest real beer at Wegman's.
Upstate shout out!
One of my very favorite summer beers, although they haven't distributed it this far south for a couple of years, is the Saranac Summer Shandy. We can get the Leinenkugel (sp?) Shandy, but that tastes like furniture polish. The Saranac Shandy is just lemony, beery deliciousness.

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This weekend I was reminded why Batemans is probably the best beer in the UK.
I also had Umbel Magna, which was surprisingly tasty, I'd enjoyed Umbel before but didn't really expect the same trick (toasted coriander seeds) to work in a porter: happily it did.

Lindisty |

Lindisty wrote:We can get the Leinenkugel (sp?) Shandy, but that tastes like furniture polish.Sssh! While I agree with you personally, Mrs Gersen thinks that swill is just the bee's knees, as it were. Thankfully, I think she's come to prefer Bad Orchard's ginger hard cider.
Do you mean the Angry Orchard ginger cider? That's very good too, although my current favorite cider is probably Crispin's Honey Crisp.
I also had a sour cherry wheat beer made by Flying Dog brewery over the weekend that was pretty amazing, as fruit beers go.
(Really, I drink things other than fruit beer, but the summer weather makes me want lighter, fruitier drinks. :) I'll talk about stouts in the wintertime.)

Kirth Gersen |

Yesterday I tried Alaskan Brewing Company's Alaskan Amber, which was excellent. Per their recommendation, I had it with an excellent salmon dinner I'd cooked, and it really tied the meal together.

tceidolon |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Favorite Beer(s)?
#1 Samuel Smith Oatmeal Stout (probably the finest beverage ever brewed)
#2 Stone Brewing Arrogant Bastard Ale (you are not worthy)
#3 Stone Brewing Smoked Porter
#4 Barley Creek Brewing Antler Brown Ale (currently available only at the brew pub in Tannersville Pa on tap or in 22 oz bottles by request - they will fill a quarter or half keg for you by request as well) They sadly stopped 6 pack production altogether on all their beers.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Favorite Beer(s)?
#1 Samuel Smith Oatmeal Stout (probably the finest beverage ever brewed)
#2 Stone Brewing Arrogant Bastard Ale (you are not worthy)
#3 Stone Brewing Smoked Porter
#4 Barley Creek Brewing Antler Brown Ale (currently available only at the brew pub in Tannersville Pa on tap or in 22 oz bottles by request - they will fill a quarter or half keg for you by request as well) They sadly stopped 6 pack production altogether on all their beers.
I've tried each of those top 3, and they are indeed awesome. I even homebrewed a clone of the oatmeal stout.
Your number 4 sounds intriguingly delicious.

aeglos |

I just bought a mixed six-pack of specialtys from a local nortern bavarian brewery: Schalppeseppel
2 Weizbier, ("white beer") top-fermented, yeasty wheat beer
2 Kellerbier (cellar beer) unfiltered but otherwise regular beer (barley, bottom-feremnted)
2 Landbier (country beer) copper colored smoky
all of them have one many awards in different countrys, they are in the fridge now, waiting to be tasted

aeglos |

and now I have talked so much about beer that i have opend one,
a "König Ludwig Weissbier" a pale yeasty wheat beer from the royal bavarian brewing house in Kalternberg
I got it as a free sample at the beverage store yesterday
it tastes quite good, light, yeasty fruity almost a bit like bananas (and no, I did not put banana juice in it, we germans stopped putting banana juice into wheat beers at the end of the 90s, really)

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Though I dont drink Alcohol I like the smell of Brandy so I learned how to brandy Grapes so I can make Brandied Grape Bread (You stick fresh grapes in a antibacterial see-thru tupperware and seal it tight and sit it on the dining table for a few weeks tumbled and dusted in a tablespoon of fine white sugar).